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The Gaudi Framework
master (da3d77e1)
After many years of experience with Gaudi Python based configuration, and with the time window of the CERN LHC Second Long Shutdown (LS2), it's time to review the implementation of the Python and C++ code we used as backbone for Python based configuration.
What is required from a new implementation is:
Properties exist in two domains (C++ and Python) which should interoperate exchanging informations.
The following points describe the main steps of a property lifetime:
) scans the component class looking from properties and generates files with details about each property of each component class foundFor the exchange of information to work, these operations must be correctly defined for a property:
For improved usability, there is no need that the internal storage of the Python value matches the string representation to be passed to C++ for parsing. Take for example the case of a string property meant to hold type/name of a Gaudi Service
(or AlgTool
) instance; we can easily envisage the internal storage to be the instance of the Configurable class matching the requests Service
type, but the Python property to be assigned from a type/name string or from the configurable instance (we can extend the type checking to ensure that the interface implemented by the service matches the requirements from C++), and only when converting to string during the export to C++ it is mapped to the correct type/name string.
Implementing the semantics in terms of
allow for creation of very powerful and easy to use interfaces to user options.
Another aspect to consider is how users access and instantiate the Python facade classes.
C++ components come from different libraries in different subdirectories of all projects, and it's often difficult to a component name to the library containing it.
To simplify user life we can use a database of components that records the component fully qualified name, the type of component and its properties (with their types and semantics).
For a more Pythonic access to the facade classes, the C++ namespaces can be mapped to Python modules, via fake modules that hide the lookup in the database and create the class objects on demand. Of course, helper functions to get a facade class via the fully qualified C++ name can be provided too.
The database can be extended to record all kind of information we want to access from Python. For example, we record the list of interfaces implemented by the components, so that they can be used in the type checking of property values.
A typical use case for the configuration of a Gaudi application is to start from a predefined configuration and change some parameters (for examples the verbosity level, or the number of events to process).
Instances of facade classes are, by default, not participating in the configuration of the application, and to enamble them they must be given a name, which is required by Gaudi framework to instantiate the corresponding C++ classes. Once a name is used by an instance, it cannot be used by another, but there must be a way to get the instance with a given name (it is also useful to allow automatic creation of a new instance if the name is not used yet, similar to the behaviour of Python's dict.get
Retrieving either a named instance is a way of overriding its settings. Another way would be to keep unnamed instances in shared Python modules, to be then given a name to enter the actual final configuration.
Means to merge unnamed or named instances can be also provided.
To be noted that some property semantics may required an instance to have a name, for example to add an algorithm to the list of executed algorithms.