The Gaudi Framework  master (da3d77e1)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NContainersContainers namespace
 NGaudiThis file provides a Grammar for the type Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis It allows to use that type from python with a format liks : ( nbins, min, max, title ) where title can be ommited
 NGaudiMPA class to serialize/deserialize TES objects to and from a TBufferFile Author: P
 NGaudiPythonNamespace for all classes interfacing Gaudi to Python
 NNTupleNTuple name space
 NPluginServiceTestTest file used to check if the new Plugin Service is able to handle the strings used in the old one
 NstdSTL namespace
 NSystemNote: OS specific details for environment resolution
 CAlgExecStateSvcA service that keeps track of the execution state of Algorithm
 CAlgorithmAlias for backward compatibility
 CAppMgrRunableClass definition of AppMgrRunable
 CColorMgsAlgorithm to test the color setting options of MsgService
 CCommonAuditorBase class with common functionalities shared by few auditor implementations
 CCounterAlgSimple algorithm illustrating the usage of different "counters"
 CCpuHungryAlgAlgorithm which consume a lot of CPU
 CDataHandlePropertyDataHandleProperty.h GaudiKernel/DataHandleProperty.h
 CDataObjectHandleDataObjectHandle.h GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandle.h
 CDataObjectHandle< AnyDataWithViewWrapper< View, Owned > >Specialization for AnyDataWithViewWrapper
 CDataObjectHandle< AnyDataWrapper< T > >Specialization for AnyDataWrapper
 CDataObjectHandle< Gaudi::NamedRange_< T > >Specialization for NamedRange_
 CDataObjectHandle< Gaudi::Range_< T > >Specialization for Range_
 CDataObjectHandle< std::optional< Gaudi::NamedRange_< T > > >Specialization for optional<NamedRange_>
 CDataObjectHandleBaseDataObjectHandleBase GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandleBase.h
 CDataSvcFileEntriesToolTool to scan a transient store branch that collects all the objects that belong to the same source (file)
 CDirSearchPathSearch for files in a list of directories
 CEventCollectionSelectorDefinition of class EventCollectionSelector
 CEventIDBaseThis class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a time stamp
 CEventIDRangeEvent ID Range object. Holds two EventIDBases (start and stop)
 CEventLoopMgrClass definition of EventLoopMgr
 CEventSelectorDefinition of class EventSelector
 CEventSelectorDataStreamDefinition of class EventSelectorDataStream
 CEventSlotClass representing an event slot
 CEvtCollectionStreamA small to stream Data I/O
 CEvtCollectionWriteUser example objects: EvtCollectionWrite
 CEvtPersistencySvcEvtPersistencySvc class implementation definition
 CEvtSelectorContextDefinition of class EventIterator
 Cextend_interfacesBase class to be used to extend an interface
 CextendsBase class used to extend a class implementing other interfaces
 CFileIncidentThis class is the FileIncident
 CFileMgrTestAlgorithm to test the FileMgr
 CGaudiHandleArrayT is the concrete handle type, e.g
 CGaudiHandleArrayBaseBase class of array's of various gaudihandles
 CHistogramPersistencySvcHistogramPersistencySvc class implementation definition
 CIAlgExecStateSvcAbstract interface for a service that manages the Algorithm execution states
 CIClassIDSvcInterface to the CLID database
 CIDataStoreLeavesInterface for a tool or service that returns a list of leaves (paths) in a transient store
 CIDODAlgMapperInterface of tools used by the DataOnDemandSvc to choose the algorithm to be run to produce the data at a path
 CIDODNodeMapperInterface of tools used by the DataOnDemandSvc to choose the type of node to be created at a path
 CimplementsBase class used to implement the interfaces
 CIncidentSvcDefault implementation of the IIncidentSvc interface
 CInputCopyStreamExtension of OutputStream to copy the content of the main input file
 CIntelProfileAlgorithm to enable/disable the profiling by Intel at given events
 CIPrecedenceSvcAbstract interface for a service that manages tasks' precedence
 CIThreadInitToolAbstract interface for AlgTools to do thread local initialization
 CIThreadPoolSvcAbstract interface for a service that manages a thread pool
 CIWrongToolInterface (not implemented) to test attempts to retrieval of wrong interface
 CKeyedContainerTemplate class KeyedContainer, KeyedContainer.h
 CKeyedObjectDefinition of the templated KeyedObject class
 CMemoryAuditorMonitors the memory use of each algorithm
 CModuleIncidentBase class for Module-related incident
 CModuleLoadedIncidentFired when a module (DLL) is loaded
 CMonotonicArenaShorthand for Gaudi::Allocator::Arena with Gaudi::Arena::Monotonic resource
 CNameAuditorPrints the name of each algorithm before entering the algorithm and after leaving it
 COutputStreamA small to stream Data I/O
 CPerfProfileAlgorithm to enable/disable profiling with Linux perf at given events
 CPersistencySvcPersistencySvc class implementation definition
 CPrecedenceSvcA service to resolve the task execution precedence
 CPropertyHolderHelper class to implement the IProperty interface
 CPropertyWithHandlersHelper class to simplify the migration old properties deriving directly from PropertyBase
 CPublicToolHandleHelper class to construct ToolHandle instances for public tools via the auto registering constructor
 CPublicToolHandleArrayHelper class to construct ToolHandle instances for public tools via the auto registering constructor
 CReEntAlgAlgorithm to test reentrant Algorithms
 CRenounceToolInputsVisitorHelper class to be used in conjunction with the recursive tool visitor to renounce certain inputs
 CRetCodeGuardHelper class to set the application return code in case of early exit (e.g
 CRndmEngineRandom Generator engine definition
 CRndmGenRandom Generator definition
 CRndmGenSvcRandom Generator service definition
 CSelectStatementClass of a selection statement
 CServiceLocatorHelperHelper to share the implementation of service() among the various kernel base classes
 CSmartDataLocatorA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
 CSmartDataPtrA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
 CSmartDataStorePtrA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
 CSmartRefKernel objects: SmartRef
 CSmartRefBaseUser example objects: SmartRefBase
 CSmartRefVectorKernel objects: SmartRefVector
 CStatEntityBackward compatible StatEntity class
 CTagCollectionSvcGaudi tag collection service definition
 CThreadInitTaskSpecial TBB task used by ThreadPoolSvc to wrap execution of IThreadInitTools
 CThreadPoolSvcA service which initializes a TBB thread pool
 CToolHandle< Gaudi::Interface::Bind::IBinder< IFace > >
 CToolHandleInfoGeneral info and helper functions for toolhandles and arrays