►NAIDA | GaudiKernel |
►CAnnotation | Implementation of the AIDA IAnnotation interface class |
CAnnotationItem | Internal private annotation item class |
►Nbug_34121 | |
CMyAlgorithm | |
CTool | |
►Nconcurrency | |
CActiveLineageScout | |
CAlgorithmNode | |
CCompareNodes | |
CConditionalLineageFinder | |
CConditionNode | |
CControlFlowNode | |
CDataNode | |
CDataReadyPromoter | |
CDecisionNode | |
CDecisionUpdater | |
CIGraphVisitor | |
CIPrecedenceRulesGraph | |
CNodePropertiesValidator | |
CPrecedenceRulesGraph | |
CProductionAmbiguityFinder | |
CRankerByCummulativeOutDegree | |
CRankerByDataRealmEccentricity | |
CRankerByEccentricity | |
CRankerByProductConsumption | |
CRankerByTiming | |
CRunSimulator | |
CSubSlotScout | |
CSupervisor | |
CTarjanSCCFinder | |
►NConfigurableUser | |
CExampleApplication | |
CExampleCommon | |
CExampleIO | |
►NConfiguration | |
CGaudi_Test_MySuperAlg | |
CGaudiExamplesCommonConf | |
CGaudiTestSuiteCommonConf | |
►NContainers | Containers namespace |
►Carray | |
Cdecrement | |
Cfind | |
Chashmap | |
Ckey_traits | Key traits class |
CKeyedObjectManager | KeyedObjectManager Class to manage keyed objects |
Cmap | |
Ctraits | Container traits class |
Cvector | |
►NControlFlow | |
C_TestAlgorithm | |
C_TestVisitor | |
CAndNode | |
CControlFlowBool | |
CControlFlowLeaf | |
CControlFlowNode | (c) Copyright 1998-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations # # This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence, # copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE" |
CDotVisitor | |
Cignore | |
CInvertNode | |
Cline | |
COrderedNode | |
COrNode | |
Cpar | |
Cseq | |
►Ncpluginsvc | |
CFactory | |
CProperty | |
CRegistry | |
►NDataSvcHelpers | |
CRegistryEntry | |
►Ndetails | |
Carg_helper | |
Carg_helper< Ret(T::*)(Arg) const > | |
CGenericDataStoreAgent | |
CPayload_helper | |
CPayload_helper< Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, Gaudi::NamedRange_< T >, U > | |
CPayload_helper< Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, Gaudi::Range_< T >, U > | |
CPayload_helper< Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, std::optional< Gaudi::NamedRange_< T > >, U > | |
Creverse_wrapper | |
►Nfixtures | |
CAlwaysTrueDefaultDict | |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< EventContext > | |
Cformatter< Gaudi::Histograming::Sink::detail::IntWithFixedWidth > | Fmt dedicated formatter for IntWithFixedWidth |
Cformatter< Gaudi::Property< T, V, H > > | Definitions to allow use of Gaudi::Property<T> with fmtlib |
Cformatter< json_fmt_arg > | Fmt formatter function for json class able to handle 2 types of formats : {} : in this case the type entry of json is used to deduce what to print, looking into the registry {:name|fmt} : in this case, the entry 'name' of the json will be printed in given format |
Cformatter< StatEntity > | |
►NGaudi | This file provides a Grammar for the type Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis It allows to use that type from python with a format liks : ( nbins, min, max, title ) where title can be ommited |
►NAccumulators | |
►Ndetails | |
►NMsgCounter | |
CHandler | |
CCounterArrayInternal | Internal class implementing an array of counters |
CFormatCounterDefault | Default formating for counter names, only calling fmt::format on the text given at construction and passing the histo index as argument |
CFormatHistDefault | Default formating for histogram names and title, only calling fmt::format on the text given at construction and passing the histo index as argument |
CHistogramArrayInternal | Internal class implementing an "array" of histograms |
CAccumulatorSet | AccumulatorSet is an Accumulator that holds a set of Accumulators templated by same Arithmetic and Atomicity and increase them altogether |
CAdder | An Adder ValueHandler operator(a, b) means a += b |
CAdder< Arithmetic, atomicity::full > | Adder specialization in the case of atomicity full |
CAdder< Arithmetic, atomicity::none > | Adder specialization in the case of atomicity none |
CAveragingAccumulatorBase | AveragingAccumulatorBase |
CAveragingCounter | A counter aiming at computing sum and average |
CAxis | Definition of a default type of Histogram Axis It contains number of bins, min and max value plus a title and defines the basic type of Axis (non log) It may also contain labels for the bins |
CBaseValueHandler | Base type for all functors used as ValuesHandler |
CBaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, atomicity::full > | BaseValueHandler specialization in the case of atomicity full |
CBaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, atomicity::none > | BaseValueHandler specialization in the case of atomicity none |
►CBinomialAccumulator | BinomialAccumulator |
Cbinomial_t | |
CBinomialCounter | A counter dealing with binomial data |
CBuffer | Buffer is a non atomic Accumulator which, when it goes out-of-scope, updates the underlying thread-safe Accumulator for all previous updates in one go |
CBufferableCounter | An empty ancester of all counters that provides a buffer method that returns a buffer on itself Also registers the counter to its owner, with default type "counter" Due to this registration, move semantic is disabled |
CConstant | A functor always returning the value N |
Cconstruct_empty_t | Constant used to disambiguate construction of an empty Accumulator versus the copy constructor |
CCountAccumulator | CountAccumulator |
CCounter | A basic integral counter; |
CCounterArray | Generic class implementing an array of counters The only addition to a raw array is the constructor that allows to build names of the counters automatically from the index of the counter in the array There are 2 possibilities : |
CCustomAxis | |
CExtractWeight | A functor to extract weight, take a pair (valueTuple, weight) as input |
CExtremum | An Extremum ValueHandler, to be reused for Minimum and Maximum operator(a, b) means if (Compare(b,a)) a = b In case of full atomicity, compare_exchange_weak is used |
CExtremum< Arithmetic, atomicity::full, Compare, Initial > | Extremum specialization in the case of atomicity full |
CExtremum< Arithmetic, atomicity::none, Compare, Initial > | Extremum specialization in the case of atomicity none |
CFalseAccumulator | FalseAccumulator |
CFalseTo1 | Helper functor for the FalseAccumulator |
CGenericAccumulator | Generic Accumulator, templated by |
CHistogramArray | Generic class implementing an array of histograms The only addition to a raw array is the constructor that allows to build names and titles for the histograms automatically from the index of the histogram in the array There are 2 possibilities : |
CHistogramArray< Histo, N, std::integer_sequence< unsigned int, ND... > > | |
CHistogramingAccumulatorInternal | Internal Accumulator class dealing with Histograming |
CHistogramingCounterBase | A base counter dealing with Histograms |
CHistogramingCounterBase< ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, Accumulator, std::tuple< AxisTypes... > > | |
CHistogramWrapperInternal | A Wrapper of a static Histogram base class using Properties to define title and axis |
CHistogramWrapperInternal< HistogramType, std::integer_sequence< unsigned int, ND... > > | |
CHistoInputType | Small class used as InputType for regular Histograms basically a tuple of the given values, specialized in case of a single entry so that the syntax is more natural |
CHistoInputType< std::tuple< Elements... >, NIndex > | |
CIdentity | An Identity functor |
CIntegralAccumulator | IntegralAccumulator |
CMaxAccumulator | MaxAccumulator |
CMinAccumulator | MinAccumulator |
CMsgCounter | |
CPrintableCounter | An empty ancester of all counters that knows how to print themselves |
CRootHistogramingAccumulator | Class implementing a root histogram accumulator |
CRootHistogramingAccumulator< Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant< unsigned int, 1 >, AxisTupleType > | |
CRootHistogramingAccumulator< Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant< unsigned int, 2 >, AxisTupleType > | |
CRootHistogramingAccumulator< Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant< unsigned int, 3 >, AxisTupleType > | |
►CRootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal | Internal Accumulator class dealing with RootHistograming |
CProxy | Small procyclass allowing operator[] to work as expected on the RootHistogram that is to return something having an operator+= updating the histogram properly |
CRootHistogramingCounterBase | Extension of the standard Gaudi histogram to provide similar functionnality as ROOT |
CRootHistogramingCounterBase< 1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType > | |
CRootHistogramingCounterBase< 2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType > | |
CRootHistogramingCounterBase< 3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType > | |
CSigmaAccumulatorBase | SigmaAccumulatorBase |
CSigmaCounter | A counter aiming at computing average and sum2 / variance / standard deviation |
CSigmaNAccumulator | |
CSigmaNAccumulator< Arithmetic, Atomicity, 1 > | Specialization for ND=1 to allow for better syntax |
►CSigmasValueHandler | |
COutputTypeTS | |
CSquare | A Square functor |
CSquareAccumulator | SquareAccumulator |
CStatCounter | A counter aiming at computing average and sum2 / variance / standard deviation |
CSumAccumulator | SumAccumulator |
CTrueAccumulator | TrueAccumulator |
CTrueTo1 | Helper functor for the TrueAccumulator |
CWeightedAdder | An Adder ValueHandler, taking weight into account and computing a count plus the sum of the weights In case of full atomicity, fetch_add or compare_exchange_weak are used for each element, that is we do not have full atomicity accross the two elements |
CWeightedCountAccumulator | WeightedCountAccumulator |
CWeightedHistoInputType | Small class used as InputType for weighted Histograms only a pair of the InnerType and the weight |
CWeightedProduct | A Product functor, take a pair (value, weight) as input |
CWeightedProfileTransform | An inputTransform for WeightedProfile histograms, keeping weight and replacing value by 1 |
CWeightedSquare | A WeightedSquare functor, take a pair (value, weight) as input |
CWeightedSquareAccumulator | WeightedSquareAccumulator |
CWeightedSumAccumulator | WeightedSumAccumulator |
►NAllocator | |
►CArena | Custom allocator holding a pointer to a generic memory resource |
Crebind | |
►NArena | |
CMonotonic | A fast memory arena that does not track deallocations |
►NConcurrency | |
CConcurrencyFlags | |
►NConfUser | |
CGaudiPersistency | |
►Ncpp17 | |
►Ndetails | |
Cdetector | Implementation of the detection idiom (negative case) |
Cdetector< Default, std::void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | Implementation of the detection idiom (positive case) |
►NCUDA | |
CDeviceArray | |
CDeviceArrayGlobalTag_t | |
CStream | |
►Ncxx | |
CSynchronizedValue | |
►NDecays | |
►NCC | |
CCmpCC | |
►NNodes | |
C_Node | |
CAnd | |
CAny | |
CBaryon | |
CCC | |
CCharged | |
►CCTau | |
CKnownPids | |
CEll | |
CEllMinus | |
CEllPlus | |
CHadron | |
CHasQuark | |
CHeavy | |
CInvalid | |
CJSpin | |
CLepton | |
CLight | |
CLongLived_ | |
CLSpin | |
CMass | |
CMeson | |
CNegative | |
CNegID | |
CNeutral | |
CNot | |
CNu | |
CNucleus | |
COr | |
CPid | |
CPosID | |
CPositive | |
CShortLived_ | |
CSSpin | |
CStable | |
CStableCharged | |
CSymbol | |
►CDecay | |
CItem | |
CiNode | |
CNode | |
CNodeList | |
CSymbols | |
►Ndetails | |
CBranchWrapper | Encapsulates a branch within a ROOT TTree, managing the data and interaction with the TTree |
Ccontainer | Helper structure to get container type |
CLegacyAlgorithmAdapter | |
Coverloaded_t | |
►NDetails | |
►NProperty | |
CBoundedVerifier | |
CDefaultStringConverter | |
CDefaultStringConverter< TYPE, std::enable_if_t< std::is_default_constructible_v< TYPE > > > | |
CDefaultStringConverterImpl | |
CNoHandler | |
CNullVerifier | |
CReadHandler | |
CReadUpdateHandler | |
CStringConverter | |
CStringConverter< DataObjIDColl > | |
CStringConverter< DataObjIDVector > | |
CSwapCall | Helper to disable a while triggering it, to avoid infinite recursion |
CUpdateHandler | |
Cis_gaudi_property | |
Cis_gaudi_property< Gaudi::Property< TYPE, VERIFIER, HANDLERS > > | |
CPropertyBase | PropertyBase base class allowing PropertyBase* collections to be "homogeneous" |
CPropertyId | Helper to record a property identifier as a sequence of SharedString instances |
CSharedString | Std::string wrapper for static strings where identical values actually share the memory |
CWeakPropertyRef | Optional reference to a property that can be used to refer to a sting or to the string representation of a property instance value |
►NExample | |
►NTinyExperiment | |
CCheckerAlg | Comparison of Reconstructed Tracks and MCTracks |
CDigitizationAlg | Digitization algorithm returning a set of hits from MCHits, basically adding noise |
CGeneratorAlg | Generator algorithm returning a set of random tracks |
CHit | Most simple Hit ever : in 2D space, and thus fully defined by x and y |
CIRandomGenSvc | |
CMCHit | Most simple MC Hit ever : in 2D space, and thus fully defined by x and y |
CMCTrack | Most simple MC Track ever : in 2D space, starting from the origin and thus fully defined by an angle theta |
CRandomGenSvc | |
CSimulationAlg | Simulation algorithm creating MC Hits from a set of tracks |
CTrack | Most simple Track ever : in 2D space, starting from the origin and thus fully defined by an angle theta |
CTrackingAlg | Tracking algorithm building tracks from hits using a simplified Hough transform |
►NExamples | |
CCollision | |
CCounter | |
CEvent | |
CEvtCollectionSelector | |
CFloatTool | |
CGaudiObjectHandler | |
CMyTrack | |
CMyVertex | |
CTHDataConsumer | |
►NFunctional | |
►Ndetails | |
►Ndetails2 | |
Cget_from_handle | |
Cis_gaudi_range | |
Cis_gaudi_range< Gaudi::NamedRange_< T, IT > > | |
Cis_gaudi_range< Gaudi::Range_< T, IT > > | |
Cis_gaudi_range< std::optional< Gaudi::NamedRange_< T, IT > > > | |
CConsumer | |
CConsumer< void(const In &...), Traits_, false > | |
CConsumer< void(const In &...), Traits_, true > | |
CDataHandleMixin | |
CDataHandleMixin< std::tuple< Out... >, std::tuple< In... >, Traits_ > | |
CDataHandleMixin< std::tuple< Out... >, std::tuple<>, Traits_ > | |
CDataHandleMixin< std::tuple< void >, std::tuple<>, Traits_ > | |
CDataHandleMixin< std::tuple<>, std::tuple< In... >, Traits_ > | |
CDataHandleMixin< std::tuple<>, std::tuple<>, Traits_ > | |
Cderef_t | |
Cfilter_evtcontext_t | |
Cfilter_evtcontext_t< EventContext, In... > | |
CFilterPredicate | |
CFilterPredicate< bool(const In &...), Traits_, false > | |
CFilterPredicate< bool(const In &...), Traits_, true > | |
Cinsert_t | |
Cinvoke_optionally_t | |
Cis_void_fun | |
Cis_void_fun< void(Args...)> | |
CMergingTransformer | |
CMergingTransformer< Out(const vector_of_const_< In > &), Traits_, true > | |
CMergingTransformer< Out(const vector_of_const_< Ins > &...), Traits_, false > | |
CProducer | |
CProducer< Out(), Traits_, legacy > | |
CProducer< std::tuple< Out... >(), Traits_, legacy > | |
CSplittingMergingTransformer | |
CSplittingMergingTransformer< vector_of_< Out >(const vector_of_const_< In > &), Traits_, false > | |
CSplittingTransformer | |
CSplittingTransformer< vector_of_< Out >(const In &...), Traits_, false > | |
CSplittingTransformer< vector_of_< Out >(const In &...), Traits_, true > | |
CToolBinder | |
CToolBinder< Gaudi::Interface::Bind::Box< IFace >(Args const &...), Traits > | |
►Cvector_of_const_ | |
Citerator | |
►NTraits | |
CBaseClass_t | |
CInputHandle_t | |
COutputHandle_t | |
Cuse_ | |
►CWriteOpaqueFor | |
COpaqueView | |
CwriteViewFor | |
CFilterDecisionErrorCategory | |
CMergingMultiTransformer | |
CMergingMultiTransformer< std::tuple< Outs... >(vector_of_const_< Ins > const &...), Traits_ > | |
CMergingMultiTransformerFilter | |
CMergingMultiTransformerFilter< std::tuple< Outs... >(vector_of_const_< In > const &), Traits_ > | |
CMultiScalarTransformer | |
CMultiScalarTransformer< ScalarOp, std::tuple< Out... >(const In &...), Traits_ > | |
CScalarTransformer | |
CScalarTransformer< ScalarOp, Out(const In &...), Traits_ > | |
►NGuards | |
CAuditorGuard | |
CExceptionGuard | |
►NHistograming | |
►NSink | |
►Ndetail | |
CIntWithFixedWidth | Helper struct to print integers with fixed width |
►Ndetails | |
CAxis | Small helper struct representing the Axis of an Histogram |
CBinAvValue | |
CProfileWrapper | Helper Wrapper around TProfileX to be able to fill it |
CTraitsBase | Common base for Traits dealing with Histogram conversions to Root Provides generic implementation for creating the histogram and filling meta data The filling (method fill) is not implemented |
CArthTypeAccessor | |
CBase | |
CBinAccessor | |
CRoot | |
CTraits | Templated Traits dealing with Root Histogram filling for standard histograms |
CTraits< false, RootHisto, N > | Specialization of Traits dealing with non profile Root Histograms |
CTraits< true, RootHisto, N > | Specialization of Traits dealing with profile Root Histograms |
►NHive | |
CContextSpecificData | Implementation of a context specific storage accessible as a sort of smart reference class |
CContextSpecificPtr | Simple implementation of a smart pointer with different values for different event contexts (slots) |
CFetchDataFromFile | |
CFetchLeavesFromFile | |
►NInterface | |
►NBind | |
CAlgToolStub | |
CBox | |
CIBinder | |
CStub | |
►NInterfaces | |
CIFileSvc | Interface for a component that manages file access within Gaudi applications |
CIOptionsSvc | Interface for a component that manages application configuration options |
CIParticlePropertySvc | |
CIQueueingEventProcessor | Extend IEventProcessor for asynchronous scheduling of events via queue-like interface |
►NMain | |
►CBootstrapHelper | |
CAppMgr | |
CProperty | |
CStatusCode | |
Cgaudimain | |
►Nmeta | |
►Ndetail | |
Cappend1 | |
Cappend1< interface_list< Is... >, I > | |
CappendN | |
CappendN< interface_list< I, Is... >, List > | |
CappendN< interface_list<>, State > | |
Cinherit_from | |
Cid_ | |
►NMonitoring | |
►Ndetails | |
Chas_mergeAndReset_method | |
Chas_mergeAndReset_method< Arg, std::void_t< decltype(mergeAndReset(std::declval< Arg & >(), std::declval< Arg & >()))> > | |
Chas_reset_method | |
Chas_reset_method< Arg, std::void_t< decltype(reset(std::declval< Arg & >()))> > | |
►CBaseSink | Base class for all Sinks registering to the Monitoring Hub Should be extended by actual Sinks |
CEntityOrder | List of entities we are dealing with |
►CHub | Central entity in a Gaudi application that manages monitoring objects (i.e |
CEntity | Wrapper class for arbitrary monitoring objects |
CSink | Interface reporting services must implement |
CJSONSink | |
CMessageSvcSink | Sink dedicated to printing messages to the MessageSvc |
►NNTuple | |
CGenericWriter | A Gaudi algorithm for writing data of any type from N locations in the event store to a TTree. This class allows users to write data from various locations within the event store into a ROOT TTree structure dynamically creating branches leveraging ROOT's dynamic typing and I/O capabilities to support a range of data types |
CWriter | Base template for NTuple::Writer. Actual specializations of this template provide the functionality |
CWriter< std::tuple< OUTPUTs... >(const INPUTs &...), Traits_ > | |
CWriterMixin | Base template for NTuple::WriterMixin. Actual specializations of this template provide the functionality |
CWriterMixin< std::tuple< OUTPUTs... >(const INPUTs &...)> | |
►NParsers | |
►CAxisGrammar | |
CStoreMaxValueOp | |
CStoreMinValueOp | |
CStoreNbinsOp | |
CStoreTitleOp | |
CBoolGrammar | |
CCatalog | |
CCharGrammar | |
►CDataObjIDGrammar | |
COperations | |
CEdgeGrammar | |
CFileGrammar | |
CGrammar_ | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis< Arithmetic >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, MyCustomType, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T1, T2 >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< T1 >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T1, T2 >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, std::list< InnerT, AllocatorT >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, std::map< KeyT, ValueT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, std::pair< KeyT, ValueT >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, std::set< InnerT, CompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, std::tuple< Args... >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, std::unordered_map< KeyT, ValueT, HashT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, std::unordered_set< InnerT, HashT, CompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, std::vector< InnerT, AllocatorT >, Skipper > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > > | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > > | |
CH1Grammar | |
CH2Grammar | |
CH3Grammar | |
►CHisto1DGrammar | |
COperations | |
CIdentifierGrammar | |
CIncludedFiles | |
CInputData | Helper class to enable ADL for parsers |
CIntGrammar | |
►CKeyValueGrammar | |
Cfirst | |
Csecond | |
►CMapGrammar | |
COperations | |
Ctag_key | |
Ctag_mapped | |
CMessages | |
CNode | |
►CNodeOperations | |
Cvalue | |
►CPairGrammar | |
Cfirst | |
Csecond | |
►CPnt3DGrammar | |
COperations | |
►CPnt4DGrammar | |
COperations | |
CPosition | |
CPositionalPropertyValueException | |
CPragmaOptions | |
►CProperty | |
CLessThen | |
CPropertyName | |
CPropertyValue | |
CPropertyValueException | |
CRealGrammar | |
CSetGrammar | |
CSkipperGrammar | |
CStringGrammar | |
Ctuple_get_first_type | |
Ctuple_get_first_type< std::tuple< T, Ts... > > | |
Ctuple_remove_first_type | |
Ctuple_remove_first_type< std::tuple< T, Ts... > > | |
CTupleGrammar | |
►CTupleInnerGrammar | |
COperations | |
►CTupleInnerGrammar< Iterator, TupleT, 1, Skipper > | |
COperations | |
CUnits | |
CUnitsGrammar | |
CVectorGrammar | |
►NPluginService | See Gaudi::PluginService |
►NDetails | |
Csource_location | |
►Nv1 | |
►NDetails | |
CFactory | Class providing default factory functions |
CLogger | Simple logging class, just to provide a default implementation |
►CRegistry | In-memory database of the loaded factories |
CFactoryInfo | |
CException | |
CFactory | Class wrapping the signature for a factory with any number of arguments |
►Nv2 | |
CDeclareFactory | Helper to declare the factory implementation for a user defined type T |
CFactory< R(Args...)> | Class wrapping the signature for a factory with any number of arguments |
►Ntagged_bool_ns | |
Ctagged_bool | |
►NTests | |
►NHistograms | |
►NAxesLabels | |
CHistWithLabelsAlg | |
►NCustomAxis | |
CEnumAxisAlg | |
►NDirectories | |
CHistoGroupsAlg | |
CHistoGroupsTool | |
►NMultiDimLayout | |
CTestAlg | |
►NTestSuite | |
►NConditions | |
►Ndetails | |
CConditionsStore | Example class to implement an actual backend for Gaudi::TestSuite::Conditions::ConditionAccessorHolder |
►CConditionAccessorHolder | Example of a ConditionAccessorHolder implementation |
CConditionAccessor | Class wrapping the communication between condition users and conditions backend |
CCondSvc | Implementation of ICondSvc used for testing Allows declaration of one or more algorithms or data objects as belonging to the "conditions realm" The scheduler will then treat them differently |
CUserAlg | Example of a simple algorithm using conditions via the ConditionAccessorHolder pattern |
►NFileSvc | |
CHistogramWriterAlg | |
CNTupleWriterAlg | |
►NMultiInput | |
CDumpAddress | Write the content of the RootAddress of a data object |
CReadAlg | Simple algorithm used to read data from two files |
CWriteAlg | Simple algorithm used to produce dummy data in the transient store |
►NNTuple | |
CCounterDataProducer | |
CFloatDataProducer | |
CIntVectorDataProducer | |
CMyStruct | |
CNTupleWriter_V | |
CStrDataProducer | |
CStructDataProducer | |
►NTestObjectVersion | |
CCreateObject | |
CUseObject | |
CBoostArrayProperties | |
CCollision | |
CContextConsumer | |
CContextIntConsumer | |
CContextTransformer | |
►CCounter | |
CGaudiHistoAlgorithm | Example of algorithm using histograms accumulators |
CGaudiRootHistoAlgorithm | Example of algorithm using root histograms accumulators |
CHistoTimingAlg | Simple timing of counter based histograms filling |
CCountingConsumer | |
CCountSelectedTracks | |
CCustomPropertiesAlg | |
CEvent | |
CEventCounter | |
CEventually | |
CEvtCollectionSelector | |
CExtendedProperties2 | |
CFloatDataConsumer | |
CFloatTool | |
CFoo | |
CFrExpTransformer | |
CFSMCallbackTestAlgo | Example of usage of callbacks, when using CallbackHolder |
CGaudiObjectHandler | |
CHistoProps | |
CIMyTool | |
CIntDataConsumer | |
CIntDataProducer | |
CIntFloatToFloatData | |
CIntIntToFloatFloatData | |
CIntToFloatData | |
CIntVectorsMerger | |
CIntVectorsMergingConsumer | |
CIntVectorsToInts | Transform a vector of vector of int to a vector of int, where the output vector of in is scattered into the TES |
CIntVectorsToIntVector | Concatenates a list of input vectors into a single output vector |
CKeyedDataProducer | |
CLdExpTransformer | |
►CMyConsumerTool | |
CBoundInstance | |
CMyData | |
CMyExampleTool | |
CMyTrack | |
CMyVertex | |
COpaqueProducer | |
COptFrExpTransformer | |
COptionalSRangesMerger | |
COptLdExpTransformer | |
CPartPropAlg | Algorithm to test the particle property service |
CPrescaler | |
CQueueingApplication | |
CQueueingEventLoopMgr | |
CRangeProducer | |
CReadHandleAlg | |
CS | |
CSDataProducer | |
CSelectTracks | |
CShrdPtrConsumer | |
CShrdPtrProducer | |
CSRangesToIntVector | |
CStringKeyEx | |
CTestAlg | Simple algorithm useful as base class for tests |
CTHDataConsumer | |
CTHDataProducer | |
CTHDataProducer2 | |
CToolConsumer | |
CTwoDMerger | Concatenates a list of input vectors into a single output vector |
CVectorDataProducer | |
CVectorDoubleProducer | |
CVoidConsumer | |
CWriteHandleAlg | |
►NTimers | |
►CGenericTimer | A generic timer based on std::chrono and Gaudi::Accumulators |
CScopeTimer | A scoped timer that starts/stops on con/de-struction |
►NTr | |
CPID | |
►NUtils | |
►NHistos | |
CHistoStrings | |
CTable | |
►NRegEx | RegeEx: nemspace to hold gaudi regular expression checking |
CmatchList | |
CAida2ROOT | |
CAlgContext | |
►CAttribStringParser | Parse attribute strings allowing iteration over the various attributes |
CAttrib | Simple class to wrap tag/value pairs |
CIterator | Iterator to loop over the tag/value pairs in the attribute string |
CHistoStats | |
CLockedChrono | |
CMapBase | |
CPeriodicAction | Helper to periodically run asynchronous tasks |
CSignalMonitorSvc | Implementation of Gaudi::ISignalMonitor |
CStopSignalHandler | Service that stop the processing if a signal is received |
CTuplePrinter | |
CTuplePrinter< Tuple, 1 > | |
CTypeNameString | Helper class to parse a string of format "type/name" |
C_ConfigurablesModule | |
CAlgorithm | Base class from which all concrete algorithm classes should be derived |
CApplication | Gaudi application entry point |
CAsynchronousAlgorithm | Base class for asynchronous algorithms |
CAxis | An IAxis represents a binned histogram axis |
CBootSvcLocator | |
Cc_opt_t | |
CContainerSection | |
CDataHandle | |
CEventWatchdogAlg | Add to the transient store a tracker that detects events that are taking too long |
CFSMCallbackHolder | Helper class to implement the IFSMCallbackHolder interface |
CfullMatch_t | |
CGeneric1D | |
CGeneric2D | |
CGeneric3D | |
CHisto1DDef | |
CHistogram1D | |
CHistogram2D | |
CHistogram3D | |
CHistogramBase | |
CIDataConnection | |
CIFileCatalog | |
CIFileCatalogMgr | |
CIFSMCallbackHolder | Interface defining a CallBack registration functionality based on the State Machine of Gaudi |
CIIODataManager | |
Cinterface_list | |
Cinterface_list_append | |
Cinterface_list_append< interface_list< Is... >, I > | |
Cinterface_list_cat | |
Cinterface_list_cat< interface_list< I... > > | |
Cinterface_list_cat< interface_list< I1... >, interface_list< I2... > > | |
Cinterface_list_cat< interface_list< I1... >, interface_list< I2... >, Others... > | |
CInterfaceId | Class to handle automatically the versioning of the interfaces when they are inheriting from other interfaces |
►CIODataManager | |
CEntry | |
CISignalMonitor | Interface for the service that monitors the occurrences of system signals |
CmajorMatch_t | |
CMetaDataSvc | |
CMultiFileCatalog | |
CNamedRange_ | |
CParticleID | |
►CParticleProperty | |
CCompare | |
CParticlePropertySvc | |
CPoolTool | |
CProfile1D | |
CProfile2D | |
CProperty | Implementation of property with value of concrete type |
CRange_ | |
CRangeBase_ | |
CRootAddress | |
CRootCnvSvc | |
CRootConnectionSetup | |
CRootConverter | |
CRootDatabaseCnv | |
►CRootDatabaseMerger | |
Cuuid_data | |
►CRootDataConnection | |
CContainerSection | |
CTool | |
CRootDirectoryCnv | |
CRootEventExtractor | |
CRootEvtSelector | |
CRootEvtSelectorContext | |
CRootNTupleCnv | |
CRootNTupleDescriptor | |
CRootObjectRefs | |
CRootPerfMonSvc | |
CRootRef | |
CRootStatCnv | |
CRootTool | |
CSequence | |
CSequencer | A Sequencer is essentially a list of Algorithms and is responsible for their management |
CStringKey | |
CSysProcStat | |
CTime | |
CTimeSpan | |
CXMLFileCatalog | |
►NGaudi | |
►NFunctional | |
►Ndetails | |
CMultiTransformer | |
CMultiTransformer< std::tuple< Out... >(const In &...), Traits_, false > | |
CMultiTransformer< std::tuple< Out... >(const In &...), Traits_, true > | |
CMultiTransformerFilter | |
CMultiTransformerFilter< std::tuple< Out... >(const In &...), Traits_, false > | |
CMultiTransformerFilter< std::tuple< Out... >(const In &...), Traits_, true > | |
CTransformer | |
CTransformer< Out(const In &...), Traits_, false > | |
CTransformer< Out(const In &...), Traits_, true > | |
►NGaudiConfig2 | |
►N_configurables | |
CConfigurable | |
CConfigurableMeta | |
CProperty | |
►N_db | |
CConfDB2 | |
CConfigurablesDB | |
►Nsemantics | |
C_DictHelper | |
C_ListHelper | |
C_SetHelper | |
CBoolSemantics | |
CComponentSemantics | |
CDefaultSemantics | |
CFloatSemantics | |
CIntSemantics | |
CMappingSemantics | |
COrderedSetSemantics | |
CPropertySemantics | |
CSequenceSemantics | |
CSetSemantics | |
CStringSemantics | |
►NGaudiDict | |
CKeyedContainerDict | |
CKeyedObjectDict | |
►NGaudiEx | |
CQotdAlg | |
►NGaudiExamples | |
CLoggingAuditor | |
CTimingAlg | |
►NGaudiKernel | |
►NConfigurable | |
►CConfigurable | |
CDefaultName | |
CConfigurableAlgorithm | |
CConfigurableAlgTool | |
CConfigurableAuditor | |
CConfigurableGeneric | |
CConfigurableService | |
CConfigurableUser | |
CCreateSequencesVisitor | |
CDummyDescriptor | |
CError | |
CPropertyReference | |
CSuperAlgorithm | |
►NConfigurableDb | |
C_CfgDb | |
C_Singleton | |
►NConfigurableMeta | |
CConfigurableMeta | |
►NDataHandle | |
CDataHandle | |
►NGaudiHandles | |
CGaudiHandle | |
CGaudiHandleArray | |
CPrivateToolHandle | |
CPrivateToolHandleArray | |
CPublicToolHandle | |
CPublicToolHandleArray | |
CServiceHandle | |
CServiceHandleArray | |
►NProcessJobOptions | |
C_TempSysPath | |
CConsoleHandler | |
CJobOptsParser | |
CLogFilter | |
CLogFormatter | |
CParserError | |
►NPropertyProxy | |
CDataHandlePropertyProxy | |
CGaudiHandleArrayPropertyProxy | |
CGaudiHandlePropertyProxy | |
CGaudiHandlePropertyProxyBase | |
CPropertyProxy | |
►NGaudiMP | A class to serialize/deserialize TES objects to and from a TBufferFile Author: P |
►NFdsRegistry | |
CFdsDict | |
►NGMPBase | |
CCollectHistograms | |
CCoord | |
CEventCommunicator | |
CGMPComponent | |
CMiniWriter | |
CReader | |
CSubworker | |
CTESSerializer | |
CWorker | |
CWriter | |
►NIoRegistry | |
CIoRegistry | |
►NParallel | |
CSshSession | |
CStatistics | |
CTask | |
CWorkManager | |
►NpTools | |
CFileRecordsAgent | |
CHistoAgent | |
CLumiFSR | |
CPackedCaloHypo | |
CSyncer | |
CSyncMini | |
CPyROOTPickle | |
CTESSerializer | |
►NGaudiPartProp | |
►NService | |
CiParticlePropertySvc | |
►NGaudiPython | Namespace for all classes interfacing Gaudi to Python |
►NBindings | |
CAppMgr | |
CCallbackStreamBuf | |
CiAlgorithm | |
CiAlgTool | |
CiDataSvc | |
CiEventSelector | |
CiHistogramSvc | |
CInterface | |
CInterfaceCast | |
CiNTupleSvc | |
CiProperty | |
CiService | |
CiToolSvc | |
CPropertyEntry | |
CPyAlgorithm | |
►NPersistency | |
CFileDescription | |
CPersistencyError | |
CPersistencyHelper | |
CRootPersistency | |
CUnknownPersistency | |
C_identity | |
►CCallbackStreamBuf | |
CPyObject_t | |
CHelper | |
CInterface | |
CInterface< IInterface > | |
CPrinter | |
CPrinter< ContainedObject > | |
CPrinter< DataObject > | |
CPyAlgorithm | |
►NGaudiRoot | |
CIOHandler | |
CRefAccessor | |
►Ngaudirun | |
CArgProcessor | |
CFakeModule | |
►NGaudiSvc | |
►NGaudiTesting | |
►NBaseTest | |
CBaseTest | |
CBasicOutputValidator | |
CBlockSkipper | |
CFilePreprocessor | |
CFilePreprocessorSequence | |
CJSONOutputValidator | |
CLineSkipper | |
CLineSorter | |
CReferenceFileValidator | |
CRegexpReplacer | |
CResult | |
CSortGroupOfLines | |
►NFixtureResult | |
CExceededStreamError | |
CFixtureResult | |
CProcessTimeoutError | |
►NGaudiExeTest | |
CGaudiExeTest | |
►NJIRA | |
CGAUDI_1185 | Special service to expose GAUDI-1185 |
►Npreprocessors | |
CBlockSkipper | |
CFilePreprocessor | |
CFilePreprocessorSequence | |
CLineSkipper | |
CLineSorter | |
CRegexpReplacer | |
CSortGroupOfLines | |
►NQMTTest | |
CQMTTest | |
►NSubprocessBaseTest | |
CSubprocessBaseTest | |
►Nutils | |
CCodeWrapper | |
CCustomIncidentAlg | |
CDestructorCheckAlg | |
CEvenEventsFilter | |
CFailingSvc | Special service that issue a failure in one of the transitions (for testing) |
CGaudiEnv | |
CGetDataObjectAlg | Simple algorithm that retrieves objects from the transient store |
CITestTool | |
CListTools | Simple algorithm that creates dummy objects in the transient store |
COddEventsFilter | |
CPrintMemoryUsage | Simple algorithm that prints the memory usage every N events (property "Frequency") |
CPutDataObjectAlg | Simple algorithm that creates dummy objects in the transient store |
CSignallingAlg | Simple algorithm that raise a signal after N events |
CSleepyAlg | |
CStopLoopAlg | |
CSvcWithTool | Special service that issue a failure in one of the transitions (for testing) |
CTestAlg | |
►CTestTool | |
CLogger | |
►NGaudiTestSuite | |
CCounterSvcAlg | |
CGaudiPPS | Small algorithm using Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc |
CLoggingAuditor | |
CStatSvcAlg | |
CTimingAlg | |
►NGaudiUtils | |
►Ndetails | |
CIdentityOutputter | |
►CAllocator | |
Crebind | |
►CAllocatorPool | |
CPoolChunk | |
CPoolLink | |
CGenericHash | Generic hash implementation (for easy migration to the new Hash class) |
CHash | |
CHash< const Gaudi::ParticleID & > | |
CHash< const Gaudi::ParticleID > | |
CHash< const T & > | Remove extra qualifiers: |
CHash< const T * > | Remove extra qualifiers: |
CHash< const T > | Remove extra qualifiers: |
CHash< const T(&)[N]> | Generic specialization for arrays |
CHash< Gaudi::ParticleID & > | |
CHash< Gaudi::ParticleID > | |
CHash< T & > | Remove extra qualifiers: |
CHash< T * > | Partial specialization for pointers |
CHash< T(&)[N]> | Generic specialization for arrays |
CHashMap | |
CMap | |
►CVectorMap | |
C_compare_type | |
►NGenerateGaudiOpts | |
CXmlDictObject | |
►NGoogle | |
CAuditorBase | |
CCPUProfiler | |
CHeapChecker | |
CHeapProfiler | |
►NHepPDT | |
CTestUnknownID | |
►NHepRndm | |
CBaseEngine | |
CEngine | |
CGenerator | |
CGenerator< Rndm::DefinedPdf > | |
►NHiveRndm | |
CHiveNumbers | |
►Nhivetimeline | |
CData | |
►NIo | |
CFileAttr | |
CFileHdlr | |
CIoFlags | |
►NmakePlots | |
CTimingInfo | |
►Nnlohmann | |
Cadl_serializer< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > > | |
►NNTuple | NTuple name space |
C_Accessor | Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple entry |
C_Array | Abstract class describing a column-array in a N tuple |
C_ArrayImp | Concrete class discribing a column-array in a N tuple |
C_Data | Abstract class describing basic data in an Ntuple |
C_DataImp | Concrete class discribing basic data items in an N tuple |
C_Item | Abstract class describing a column in a N tuple |
C_ItemImp | Concrete class discribing a column in a N tuple |
C_Matrix | Abstract class describing a matrix column in a N tuple |
C_MatrixImp | Concrete class discribing a matrix column in a N tuple |
CArray | Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item |
CArray< IOpaqueAddress * > | |
CColumnWiseTuple | |
CDataItem | |
CDirectory | Small class representing an N tuple directory in the transient store |
CFile | Small class representing an N tuple file in the transient store |
CItem | Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item |
CItem< bool > | Specialization acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item |
CMatrix | Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item |
CMatrix< IOpaqueAddress * > | |
CRange | Class defining a range |
CRange< bool > | |
CRowWiseTuple | |
CSelector | NTuple Selector class |
CTuple | Abstract base class which allows the user to interact with the actual N tuple implementation |
CTupleImp | |
►NPluginServiceTest | Test file used to check if the new Plugin Service is able to handle the strings used in the old one |
CCustomFactoryAlgorithm | |
CMyAlg | |
CMyTemplatedAlg | |
►Npool | |
CGuid | |
CToken | |
►Nprecedence | |
CAlgoProps | |
CAlgoTraceProps | |
CAllPass | |
CCFDecision | |
CCondDataProps | |
CCruncherSequence | |
CDataProps | |
CDecisionHubProps | |
CDecisionNegation | |
CDuration | |
CEndTime | |
CEntityState | |
CGroupExit | |
CGroupLogic | |
CGroupMode | |
COperations | |
CRealTimeValue | |
CRndBiasedBooleanValue | |
CStartTime | |
CUniformBooleanValue | |
CUniformTimeValue | |
CVertexName | |
►Nranges | |
►NRndm | |
CBinomial | Parameters for the Binomial distributed random number generation |
CBit | Parameters for the bit value generation: returns values 0 and 1 |
CBreitWigner | Parameters for the BreitWigner distributed random number generation |
CBreitWignerCutOff | Parameters for the BreitWigner distributed random number generation with cut off; |
CChi2 | Parameters for the Chi2 distributed random number generation |
CDefinedPdf | Generate a random number Generator following generally distributed random values, given a user-defined probability distribution function |
CExponential | Parameters for the Gauss random number generation |
CFlat | Parameters for the flat random number generation within boundaries [minimum, maximum] |
CGamma | Parameters for the Gamma distributed random number generation |
CGauss | Parameters for the Gauss random number generation |
CGaussianTail | Parameters for the Gaussian tail number generation |
CGenerator | |
CLandau | Parameters for the Landau distributed random number generation |
CNumbers | Random number accessor This small class encapsulates the use of the random number generator |
CPoisson | Parameters for the Poisson distributed random number generation with a given mean |
CStudentT | Parameters for the StudentT distributed random number generation |
►NROOT | |
►NMath | |
CCartesian3D | |
CDisplacementVector3D | |
CPositionVector3D | |
►NRootHistCnv | |
CDirectoryCnv | |
CPersSvc | |
CRConverter | |
CRCWNTupleCnv | |
CRDirectoryCnv | |
CRFileCnv | |
►CRHistogramCnv | |
CTTH | |
CRNTupleCnv | |
CRootCompressionSettings | |
CRootObjAddress | |
CRRWNTupleCnv | |
►NSmartRefVectorImpl | |
CSmartRefVectorPythonizer | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
►Nchrono | |
Chash< Gaudi::Details::PropertyId > | |
Chash< Gaudi::StringKey > | Specialization of hash function used in C++11 collections like std::unordered_map |
►NSuperAlgDynamicGraph | |
CMySuperAlg | Job options file |
►NSystem | Note: OS specific details for environment resolution |
CIO_COUNTERS | Process I/O Counters NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessIoCounters |
CKERNEL_USER_TIMES | Process/Thread System and User Time NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessTimes NtQueryInformationThread using ThreadTimes |
CPathResolver | |
CPOOLED_USAGE_AND_LIMITS | Process Pooled Quota Usage and Limits NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits |
►CProcessDescriptor | |
CProcessHandle | |
CProcessTime | Simple class to hold the time information of a process |
CQUOTA_LIMITS | Process Quotas NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessQuotaLimits NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessPooledQuotaLimits NtSetInformationProcess using ProcessQuotaLimits |
CVM_COUNTERS | Process Virtual Memory Counters NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessVmCounters |
►NTest | |
CViewTester | |
►Nupdate_version | |
CFields | |
CFileUpdater | |
CReplacementRule | |
CAbortEventAlg | |
CAIDATupleAlgorithmRead | |
CAIDATupleAlgorithmWrite | |
CAlgContextAuditor | |
CAlgContextSvc | |
CAlgExecState | |
CAlgExecStateSvc | A service that keeps track of the execution state of Algorithm |
CAlgorithm | Alias for backward compatibility |
CAlgorithmHistory | |
►CAlgorithmManager | |
CAlgorithmItem | |
CAlgResourcePool | |
CAlgsExecutionStates | |
CAlgTask | |
►CAlgTimingAuditor | |
Cstats_t | |
CAlgTool | |
CAlgToolHistory | |
CAnyDataGetAlgorithm | |
CAnyDataPutAlgorithm | |
CAnyDataWithViewWrapper | |
CAnyDataWrapper | |
►CAnyDataWrapperBase | |
CPtr | |
CApplicationMgr | |
CAppMgrRunable | Class definition of AppMgrRunable |
CAuditor | |
CAuditorSvc | |
CAuditorTestAlg | |
►CAvalancheSchedulerSvc | |
CAlgQueueSort | Comparison operator to sort the queues |
CTaskSpec | Struct to hold entries in the alg queues |
Cbackwards_compatibility_hack_time_timespan | |
CBaseObjectMemberFunction | |
CBasePtrSetter | |
CBaseToolHandle | |
CCallgrindProfile | |
CCause | |
Ccgaudi_factory_t | |
Ccgaudi_pluginsvc_t | |
Ccgaudi_property_t | |
CChrono | |
CChronoAuditor | |
CChronoEntity | |
CChronoStatSvc | |
CCLibSymbolInfo | |
CCollectionCloneAlg | |
CColorMgs | Algorithm to test the color setting options of MsgService |
CColorMsgAlg | |
CCommonAuditor | Base class with common functionalities shared by few auditor implementations |
CCommonMessaging | |
CCommonMessagingBase | |
CCompareFirstOfPointerPair_t | |
CComponentManager | |
CConcurrencyFlags | |
CconfigGenerator | |
CConst_int_t | |
CConst_uint_t | |
CContainedObject | |
CContextEventCounter | |
CContextEventCounterData | |
CContextEventCounterPtr | |
CContextIncident | |
►CConversionSvc | |
CWorkerEntry | |
CConverter | |
CConverterID | |
CCopyInputStream | |
CCounterAlg | Simple algorithm illustrating the usage of different "counters" |
CCPUCruncher | |
CCPUCrunchSvc | |
CCpuHungryAlg | Algorithm which consume a lot of CPU |
CDataCreator | |
CDataHandleFinder | |
CDataHandleHolderBase | |
CDataHandleProperty | DataHandleProperty.h GaudiKernel/DataHandleProperty.h |
►CDataHistory | |
CDataHistoryOrder | |
CDataIncident | |
CDataObject | |
CDataObjectHandle | DataObjectHandle.h GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandle.h |
CDataObjectHandle< AnyDataWithViewWrapper< View, Owned > > | Specialization for AnyDataWithViewWrapper |
CDataObjectHandle< AnyDataWrapper< T > > | Specialization for AnyDataWrapper |
CDataObjectHandle< Gaudi::NamedRange_< T > > | Specialization for NamedRange_ |
CDataObjectHandle< Gaudi::Range_< T > > | Specialization for Range_ |
CDataObjectHandle< std::optional< Gaudi::NamedRange_< T > > > | Specialization for optional<NamedRange_> |
CDataObjectHandleBase | DataObjectHandleBase GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandleBase.h |
CDataObjectReadHandle | |
CDataObjectWriteHandle | |
CDataObjID | |
CDataObjID_Hasher | |
►CDataOnDemandSvc | |
CLeaf | |
CNode | |
CProtection | |
CDataStoreItem | |
CDataStreamTool | |
CDataSvc | |
CDataSvcFileEntriesTool | Tool to scan a transient store branch that collects all the objects that belong to the same source (file) |
CDataTypeInfo | |
CDetDataSvc | |
CDetPersistencySvc | |
CDHH | |
CDHHVisitor | |
►CDirSearchPath | Search for files in a list of directories |
CeqPath | |
CDLLClassManager | |
CDODBasicMapper | |
CEList | |
CEventCollectionContext | |
►CEventCollectionSelector | Definition of class EventCollectionSelector |
CMyContextType | |
CEventContext | |
CEventContextHash | |
CEventIDBase | This class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a time stamp |
CEventIDRange | Event ID Range object. Holds two EventIDBases (start and stop) |
CEventIterator | |
CEventLoopMgr | Class definition of EventLoopMgr |
CEventSelector | Definition of class EventSelector |
CEventSelectorDataStream | Definition of class EventSelectorDataStream |
CEventSlot | Class representing an event slot |
CEvtCollectionStream | A small to stream Data I/O |
CEvtCollectionWrite | User example objects: EvtCollectionWrite |
CEvtDataSvc | |
CEvtPersistencySvc | EvtPersistencySvc class implementation definition |
CEvtSelectorContext | Definition of class EventIterator |
CEvtStoreSvc | |
CExceptionSvc | |
Cextend_interfaces | Base class to be used to extend an interface |
►CExtendedProperties | |
CHashFunction | |
Cextends | Base class used to extend a class implementing other interfaces |
CFiberManager | |
CFileIncident | This class is the FileIncident |
►CFileInfo | |
CCacheItem | |
CCacheItemComparator | |
CFileMgr | |
CFileMgrTest | Algorithm to test the FileMgr |
CFileReadTool | |
CFileRecordDataSvc | |
CFileSvc | |
Cfinal_action | |
CGaudi | |
CGaudiDll | |
CGaudiException | |
CGaudiHandle | |
CGaudiHandleArray | T is the concrete handle type, e.g |
CGaudiHandleArrayBase | Base class of array's of various gaudihandles |
CGaudiHandleArrayProperty | |
CGaudiHandleBase | |
CGaudiHandleInfo | |
CGaudiHandleProperty | |
CGenericAddress | |
CGetIntView | |
CGetStringView | |
CGlobalDirectoryRestore | |
CGPUCruncher | |
CHelloWorld | |
CHistoAlgorithm | |
CHistogramAgent | |
CHistogramPersistencySvc | HistogramPersistencySvc class implementation definition |
►CHistogramSvc | |
CHelper | |
CHistory | |
CHistoryObj | |
CHistorySvc | |
►CHiveDataBrokerSvc | |
CAlgEntry | |
CHiveReadAlgorithm | |
CHiveSlimEventLoopMgr | |
CHiveTestAlgorithm | |
CHiveWhiteBoard | |
CIAddressCreator | |
CIAIDATupleSvc | |
CIAlgContextSvc | |
CIAlgExecStateSvc | Abstract interface for a service that manages the Algorithm execution states |
CIAlgManager | |
CIAlgorithm | |
CIAlgResourcePool | |
CIAlgTool | |
CIAppMgrUI | |
CIAuditor | |
CIAuditorSvc | |
Cibs_param_t | |
Cibsfetchctl_t | |
Cibsopctl_t | |
Cibsopdata2_t | |
Cibsopdata3_t | |
Cibsopdata_t | |
CIChronoStatSvc | |
CIChronoSvc | |
CIClassIDSvc | Interface to the CLID database |
CIClassInfo | |
CIClassManager | |
CIComponentManager | |
CICondSvc | |
CIConversionSvc | |
CIConverter | |
CICounterSummarySvc | |
CICPUCrunchSvc | |
CIDataBroker | |
CIDataHandleHolder | |
CIDataHandleVisitor | |
CIDataManagerSvc | |
CIDataProviderSvc | |
CIDataSourceMgr | |
CIDataStoreAgent | |
CIDataStoreLeaves | Interface for a tool or service that returns a list of leaves (paths) in a transient store |
CIDataStreamTool | |
CIDetDataSvc | |
CIDODAlgMapper | Interface of tools used by the DataOnDemandSvc to choose the algorithm to be run to produce the data at a path |
CIDODNodeMapper | Interface of tools used by the DataOnDemandSvc to choose the type of node to be created at a path |
CIEventProcessor | |
CIEventTimeDecoder | |
►CIEvtSelector | |
CContext | |
CIExceptionSvc | |
CIFileAccess | |
CIFileMgr | |
►CIgHookTrace | |
CCounter | Nearly dummy object type to identify a counter |
CCounterValue | Value for a counter chained from a trace |
CIgHookTraceAlloc | |
CIHistogramSvc | |
CIHistorySvc | |
CIHiveWhiteBoard | |
CIInactiveMessageCounter | |
CIIncidentAsyncTestSvc | |
CIIncidentListener | |
►CIIncidentSvc | |
CListener | Listener properties |
CIInspectable | |
►CIInspector | |
C_TT | |
C_V | |
CIValue | |
CTag | |
CIInterface | |
CIIoComponent | |
►CIIoComponentMgr | |
CIoMode | |
CIMagneticFieldSvc | |
CIMessageSvc | |
CIMetaDataSvc | |
CIMonitorSvc | |
Cimplements | Base class used to implement the interfaces |
CIMyOtherTool | |
CIMyTool | |
CINamedInterface | |
CIncident | |
CIncidentAsyncTestAlg | |
CIncidentAsyncTestSvc | |
CIncidentListenerTest | |
CIncidentListenerTestAlg | |
CIncidentProcAlg | |
CIncidentRegistryTestListener | |
CIncidentSvc | Default implementation of the IIncidentSvc interface |
CInertMessageSvc | |
CInputCopyStream | Extension of OutputStream to copy the content of the main input file |
CIntelProfile | Algorithm to enable/disable the profiling by Intel at given events |
►CIntelProfilerAuditor | |
Cstack_entity | |
CInterfaceID | |
CINTuple | |
CINTupleItem | |
CINTupleSvc | |
►CIoComponentMgr | |
CIoComponentEntry | |
CIOpaqueAddress | |
CIPartitionControl | |
CIPartPropSvc | |
CIPersistencySvc | |
CIPrecedenceSvc | Abstract interface for a service that manages tasks' precedence |
CIProperty | |
CIPublishSvc | |
CIRegistry | |
CIRndmEngine | |
►CIRndmGen | |
CParam | |
CIRndmGenSvc | |
CIRunable | |
Cis2ff_merger | |
Cis2ff_merger_filter | |
Cis_StatusCode_enum | |
►CIScheduler | |
COccupancySnapshot | Sample occupancy at fixed interval (ms) Negative value to deactivate, 0 to snapshot every change Each sample, apply the callback function to the result |
CISelectStatement | |
CISerialize | |
CIService | |
CIStagerSvc | |
CIStateful | |
CIStatSvc | |
CISvcLocator | |
CISvcManager | |
CITestTool | |
CITHistSvc | |
CIThreadInitTool | Abstract interface for AlgTools to do thread local initialization |
CIThreadPoolSvc | Abstract interface for a service that manages a thread pool |
►CITimelineSvc | |
CTimelineRecorder | RAII helper to record timeline events |
►CIToolSvc | |
CObserver | Allow call-backs when a tool is a created or retrieved |
CIUpdateable | |
CIUpdateableIF | |
CIUpdateableInterface | |
►CIUpdateManagerSvc | |
CPtrSetter | |
CIValidity | |
CIVersHistoryObj | |
CIWrongTool | Interface (not implemented) to test attempts to retrieval of wrong interface |
CJemallocProfile | |
CJemallocProfileSvc | |
CJobHistory | |
CJobOptionsSvc | |
►CKeyedContainer | Template class KeyedContainer, KeyedContainer.h |
C_InsertRelease | Internal functor for insertion of objects |
C_RemoveRelease | Internal functor for insertion of objects |
CKeyedObject | Definition of the templated KeyedObject class |
►CLinkManager | |
CLink | Embedded class defining a symbolic link Note: No explicit copy constructor; implicit compiler generated one is just fine |
CSentinel | |
Clinux_proc | |
►CLockedHandle | |
CConstGuard | |
CGuard | |
CLoggingAuditor | |
CLoopAlg | |
CMapAlg | |
CMemoryAuditor | Monitors the memory use of each algorithm |
CMemStatAuditor | |
CMessage | |
►CMessageSvc | |
CMsgAry | Private helper class to keep the count of messages of a type (MSG::LEVEL) |
►CMinimalEventLoopMgr | |
CAbortEventListener | |
CModuleIncident | Base class for Module-related incident |
CModuleLoadedIncident | Fired when a module (DLL) is loaded |
CMonotonicArena | Shorthand for Gaudi::Allocator::Arena with Gaudi::Arena::Monotonic resource |
CMsgStream | |
►CMultiStoreSvc | |
CtagROOT | Root type (address or object) |
CMyAlgorithm | |
CMyClass1 | |
CMyClass1A | |
CMyDataAlgorithm | |
CMyObject | |
CMyTack | |
CMyTack | |
CMyTool | |
CNameAuditor | Prints the name of each algorithm before entering the algorithm and after leaving it |
CNamedRange | |
CNTupleAlgorithm | |
CNTupleItems | |
►CNTupleSvc | |
CConnection | |
CObjectContainerBase | |
CObjectList | |
CObjectMemberFunction | |
CObjectVector | |
COutputStream | A small to stream Data I/O |
CParentAlg | |
CPartitionSwitchAlg | |
CPartitionSwitchTool | |
CPartPropExa | |
CPartPropSvc | |
Cpentium4_cccr_value_t | Pentium4_cccr_value_t |
Cpentium4_escr_value_t | |
CPerfMonAuditor | |
CPerfProfile | Algorithm to enable/disable profiling with Linux perf at given events |
►CPersistencySvc | PersistencySvc class implementation definition |
CServiceEntry | |
Cpfarg_ctx_t | |
Cpfarg_load_t | |
Cpfarg_msg_t | |
Cpfarg_ovfl_msg_t | |
Cpfarg_pmc_t | |
Cpfarg_pmd_attr_t | |
Cpfarg_pmd_t | |
Cpfarg_pmr_t | |
Cpfarg_set_desc_t | |
Cpfarg_set_info_t | |
Cpfarg_setdesc_t | |
Cpfarg_setinfo_t | |
Cpfarg_sinfo_t | |
Cpfarg_start_t | |
Cpfm_amd64_ctr_reg_t | |
Cpfm_amd64_sel_reg_t | |
Cpfm_core_sel_reg_t | |
Cpfm_coreduo_counter_t | |
Cpfm_coreduo_sel_reg_t | |
Cpfm_dfl_smpl_arg_t | |
Cpfm_dfl_smpl_entry_t | |
Cpfm_dfl_smpl_hdr_t | |
Cpfm_ds_area_core_t | |
Cpfm_ds_area_p4_t | |
Cpfm_gen_ia32_sel_reg_t | |
Cpfm_i386_p6_ctr_reg_t | |
Cpfm_i386_p6_sel_reg_t | |
Cpfm_intel_atom_sel_reg_t | |
Cpfm_nhm_sel_reg_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_core_smpl_arg_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_core_smpl_entry_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_core_smpl_hdr_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_nhm_smpl_entry_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_p4_smpl_arg_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_p4_smpl_entry_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_p4_smpl_hdr_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_smpl_arg_t | |
Cpfm_pebs_smpl_hdr_t | |
Cpfmlib_amd64_counter_t | |
Cpfmlib_amd64_input_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_amd64_output_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_core_counter_t | |
Cpfmlib_core_input_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_core_output_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_core_pebs_t | |
Cpfmlib_coreduo_input_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_event_t | |
Cpfmlib_gen_ia32_counter_t | |
Cpfmlib_gen_ia32_input_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_gen_ia32_output_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_i386_p6_counter_t | |
Cpfmlib_i386_p6_input_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_i386_p6_output_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_input_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_intel_atom_counter_t | |
Cpfmlib_intel_atom_input_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_nhm_counter_t | |
Cpfmlib_nhm_input_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_nhm_lbr_t | |
Cpfmlib_nhm_pebs_t | |
Cpfmlib_options_t | |
Cpfmlib_output_param_t | |
Cpfmlib_reg_t | |
Cpfmlib_regmask_t | |
CPipeReader | |
CPoolDbLinkManager | |
CPoolDbTokenWrap | |
CPOOLIOTestDict__Instantiations | |
CPOSIXFileHandler | |
CPrecedenceSvc | A service to resolve the task execution precedence |
CprocInfo | |
►CProcStats | |
Cunique_fd | |
CProduceIntView | |
CProduceStringView | |
CPropertyAlg | |
►CPropertyHolder | Helper class to implement the IProperty interface |
CRemProperty | |
CPropertyProxy | |
CPropertyWithHandlers | Helper class to simplify the migration old properties deriving directly from PropertyBase |
CPublicToolHandle | Helper class to construct ToolHandle instances for public tools via the auto registering constructor |
CPublicToolHandleArray | Helper class to construct ToolHandle instances for public tools via the auto registering constructor |
CPythonAdaptor | |
CPythonConfig | |
CPythonHelper | |
CPythonScriptingSvc | |
CQotdAlg | |
CRandomNumberAlg | |
CReadAlg | |
CReadHandleAlg | |
CReadTES | |
CRecordDataSvc | |
CRecordOutputStream | |
CRecordStream | |
CReEntAlg | Algorithm to test reentrant Algorithms |
►CRenounceToolInputsVisitor | Helper class to be used in conjunction with the recursive tool visitor to renounce certain inputs |
CILogger | Helper class interface to optionally log renounce operations |
CLogger | |
CNoLogger | A do-nothing helper class which implements the logger interface |
►CReplayOutputStream | |
COutStreamAdder | Helper class to fill the internal map of OutputStreams |
CRetCodeGuard | Helper class to set the application return code in case of early exit (e.g |
CRichToolTest | |
CRndmEngine | Random Generator engine definition |
CRndmGen | Random Generator definition |
CRndmGenSvc | Random Generator service definition |
CRootConnectionSet | |
CRootFileHandler | |
CRunRecordDataSvc | |
CRunRecordStream | |
CS_module | |
CSelectStatement | Class of a selection statement |
CSequentialOutputStream | |
CService | |
CServiceA | |
CServiceB | |
CServiceHandle | |
CServiceHandleArray | |
CServiceHistory | |
CServiceLocatorHelper | Helper to share the implementation of service() among the various kernel base classes |
►CServiceManager | |
CServiceItem | |
CSharedObjectsContainer | |
CSmartDataLocator | A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores |
►CSmartDataObjectPtr | |
CObjectFinder | Helper class to configure smart pointer functionality |
CObjectLoader | Helper class to configure smart pointer functionality |
CSmartDataPtr | A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores |
CSmartDataStorePtr | A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores |
CSmartIF | |
CSmartRef | Kernel objects: SmartRef |
CSmartRefArray | |
CSmartRefBase | User example objects: SmartRefBase |
CSmartRefList | |
CSmartRefMap | |
CSmartRefVector | Kernel objects: SmartRefVector |
CStat | |
CStatEntity | Backward compatible StatEntity class |
►CStatusCode | |
CCategory | |
CStopperAlg | |
CStoreExplorerAlg | |
►CStoreSnifferAlg | |
CLeafInfo | |
►CStreamBuffer | |
CContainedLink | Definition of the contained link set |
CDataIO | A small base class to handle generic data streaming |
CIdentifiedLink | Definition of the contained link set |
CIstream | Reader for standard input streams |
COstream | Writer for standard output streams |
CSubAlg | |
CTagCollectionStream | |
CTagCollectionSvc | Gaudi tag collection service definition |
CTemplateAlg | |
CTemplatedAlg | |
CTestTool | |
CTestToolAlg | |
CTestToolAlgFailure | |
CTestToolFailing | |
CTHistRead | |
►CTHistSvc | |
CGlobalDirectoryRestore | Helper class that manages ROOts global directory and file |
CTHistID | Helper struct that bundles the histogram ID with a mutex, TFile and TObject* |
CTHistWrite | |
CThreadInitTask | Special TBB task used by ThreadPoolSvc to wrap execution of IThreadInitTools |
CThreadPoolSvc | A service which initializes a TBB thread pool |
CTimeException | |
CTimelineEvent | |
CTimelineSvc | |
CToolHandle | |
CToolHandle< Gaudi::Interface::Bind::IBinder< IFace > > | |
CToolHandleArray | |
CToolHandleInfo | General info and helper functions for toolhandles and arrays |
►CToolSvc | |
CToolList | Common Tools |
CTsDataSvc | |
CUCharDbArray | |
CUpdateManagerException | |
CVFSSvc | |
CViewTester | |
CWidget | |
CWriteAlg | |
CWriteHandleAlg | |