The Gaudi Framework  master (da3d77e1)
GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > Class Template Reference

#include </builds/gaudi/Gaudi/GaudiKernel/include/GaudiKernel/VectorMap.h>

Inheritance diagram for GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >:
Collaboration diagram for GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >:


struct  _compare_type

Public Types

typedef KEY key_type
 the actual type of key More...
typedef VALUE mapped_type
 the actual type of value More...
typedef KEYCOMPARE key_compare
 comparison of keys More...
typedef std::pair< key_type, mapped_typevalue_type
 the actual storage item More...
typedef ALLOCATOR allocator_type
 allocator (could be useful for optimizations) More...
typedef ALLOCATOR::value_type const & reference
 the types to conform STL More...
typedef ALLOCATOR::value_type const & const_reference
 the types to conform STL More...
typedef ALLOCATOR::size_type size_type
 the types to conform STL More...
typedef ALLOCATOR::difference_type difference_type
 the types to conform STL More...
typedef std::vector< value_type, allocator_type_vector
 the actual storage container (no export) More...
typedef _vector::const_iterator iterator
 visible const_iterator (exported) More...
typedef _vector::const_iterator const_iterator
 visible const_iterator (exported) More...
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iteratorreverse_iterator
 visible reverse const_iterator (exported) More...
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iteratorconst_reverse_iterator
 visible reverse const_iterator (exported) More...
typedef std::pair< iterator, iteratoriterators
 visible iterator pait More...
typedef std::pair< iterator, bool > result_type
 visible iterator pait More...
typedef _compare_type compare_type
 the actual comparison criteria for valye_type objects More...

Public Member Functions

iterator begin () const
 "begin" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!) More...
iterator end () const
 "end" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!) More...
reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 "rbegin" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!) More...
reverse_iterator rend () const
 "rend" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!) More...
void erase (iterator pos)
 erase the element using the iterator More...
size_type erase (const key_type &key)
 erase the element using the key More...
size_type erase (iterator first, iterator last)
 erase the sequence of elements using the iterators More...
template<class TYPE >
size_type erase (TYPE first, TYPE last)
 erase the sequence of elements using the sequence of keys More...
result_type insert (const key_type &key, const mapped_type &mapped)
 insert the (key,value) pair into the container More...
result_type insert (const value_type &value)
 insert the (key,value) pair into the container More...
result_type insert (iterator pos, const value_type &value)
 insert the element with some guess about its new position With the right guess the method could be more efficient More...
result_type insert (iterator pos, const key_type &key, const mapped_type &mapped)
 insert the (key,value) pair into the container With the right guess the method could be more efficient More...
template<class PAIRS >
void insert (PAIRS first, PAIRS last)
 insert the sequence of elements into the container More...
template<class KEYS , class VALUES >
void insert (KEYS kf, KEYS kl, VALUES vf)
 insert into the container the elements from 2 "parallel" sequences More...
iterator find (const key_type &key) const
 find the element by key More...
size_type count (const key_type &key) const
 count number of elements with the certain key More...
iterator lower_bound (const key_type &key) const
iterator upper_bound (const key_type &key) const
iterators equal_range (const key_type &key) const
bool empty () const
 empty container ? More...
size_type size () const
 number of elements More...
size_type max_size () const
 maximal allowed size More...
void clear ()
 clear the container More...
void reserve (size_type num)
 reserve the space in the container for at least 'num' elements More...
void swap (VectorMap &other)
 swap function, which 'swaps' the content of two containers More...
bool operator== (const VectorMap &other) const
 comparison criteria for containers More...
bool operator< (const VectorMap &other) const
 comparison criteria for containers More...
bool update (const key_type &key, const mapped_type &mapped)
 forced insertion of the key/mapped pair The method acts like "insert" but it DOES overwrite the existing mapped value. More...
bool update (const value_type &val)
 forced insertion of the key/mapped pair The method acts like "insert" but it DOES overwrite the mapped value. More...
const mapped_typeoperator() (const key_type &key) const
 access to element by key (const version) there is no container increment for missing keys More...
const mapped_typeoperator[] (const key_type &key) const
 access to element by key (const version) there is no container increment for missing keys More...
const mapped_typeat (const key_type &key) const
 checked access to elements by key throw std::out_of_range exception for non-existing keys More...
 VectorMap (const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 default constructor from the the allocator More...
template<class INPUT >
 VectorMap (INPUT first, INPUT last, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 templated constructor from "convertible" sequence More...
 VectorMap (std::initializer_list< value_type > first, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 tconstructor from initializer list More...
const compare_typecompare () const
 get the comparison criteria itself More...
const key_comparecompare_key () const
 get the comparison criteria for keys More...
VectorMapmerge (const VectorMap &right)
 merge two maps More...
template<class K1 , class K2 , class K3 , class K4 >
VectorMapmerge (const VectorMap< K1, K2, K3, K4 > &right)
 merge two maps More...
const key_typekey_at (const size_t index) const
 useful method for python decoration: More...
const mapped_typevalue_at (const size_t index) const
 useful method for python decoration: More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gaudi::Utils::MapBase
virtual ~MapBase ()
 virtual destructor More...

Protected Types

typedef _vector::iterator _iterator
 the regular iterator (no export) More...

Protected Member Functions

template<class TYPE1 , class TYPE2 >
bool compare (const TYPE1 &obj1, const TYPE2 &obj2) const
 compare the objects using the comaprison criteria More...
_iterator lower_bound (const key_type &key)
 'lower-bound' - non-const version More...
_iterator iter (iterator p)
 the conversion from 'const' to 'non-const' iterator More...
iterator iter (_iterator p)
 the conversion from 'non-const' to 'const' iterator More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gaudi::Utils::MapBase
void throw_out_of_range_exception () const
 throw std::out_of_range exception More...

Private Attributes

_vector m_vct
 the underlying sorted vector of (key,mapped) pairs More...


bool operator> (const VectorMap &left, const VectorMap &right)
bool operator!= (const VectorMap &left, const VectorMap &right)
bool operator>= (const VectorMap &left, const VectorMap &right)
bool operator<= (const VectorMap &left, const VectorMap &right)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const VectorMap &)
 printout to ostream - not implemented More...

Detailed Description

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
class GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >

A bit modified version of 'Loki::AssocVector' associative vector from Loki library by Andrei Alexandrescu

The number of "non-const" operations is reduced, e.g. all non-const iterators are not exported, therefore it is almost impossible e.g. externally re-sort the underlying sorted container.

The nominal CPU performance:

Container insertion: O(N) Container look-up: O(log(N)) (a'la std::map, but a bit faster)

It could be used as a "light" and good alternative for std::map associative container, in the case of relatively rare insertion and frequent look-up.

Due to helper base class Gaudi::Utils::MapBase, this class is "python-friendly", and one can perform all python manipulaitons in intuitive way:

>>> m = ... ## get the map
>>> print m ## print the map a'la python class dict
>>> for key in m : print key, m[key] ## iteration over the map
>>> for key,value in m.iteritems() : print key, value
>>> keys = m.keys() ## get the list of keys
>>> values = m.values () ## get the list of values
>> items = m.items () ## get the list of items
>>> if 'one' in m ## check the presence of the key in map
>>> v = m.get(key', None) ## return m[key] for existing key, else None
>>> del m[key] ## erase the key form the map
>>> value m[key] ## unchecked access through the key
>>> m.update( key, value ) ## update/insert key/value pair
The syntax can be drastically simplified, if one redefines the setitem attribute:
>>> type(m).__setitem__ = Gaudi.Utils.MapBase.__setitem__
>>> m[key] = value ## much more intuitive semantics for key insertion

In a similar way __getitem__ and __delitem__ methods can be redefind

To avoid the unnesessary expansion of dictionaries it is highly recommended to exclude from dictionary the following methods:

  • lower_bound
  • upper_bound
  • equal_range
  • insert
See also

Definition at line 112 of file VectorMap.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ _iterator

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef _vector::iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::_iterator

the regular iterator (no export)

Definition at line 145 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ _vector

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef std::vector<value_type, allocator_type> GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::_vector

the actual storage container (no export)

Definition at line 140 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ allocator_type

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef ALLOCATOR GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::allocator_type

allocator (could be useful for optimizations)

Definition at line 127 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ compare_type

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef _compare_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::compare_type

the actual comparison criteria for valye_type objects

Definition at line 189 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ const_iterator

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef _vector::const_iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::const_iterator

visible const_iterator (exported)

Definition at line 152 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ const_reference

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef ALLOCATOR::value_type const& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::const_reference

the types to conform STL

Definition at line 131 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ const_reverse_iterator

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::const_reverse_iterator

visible reverse const_iterator (exported)

Definition at line 156 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ difference_type

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef ALLOCATOR::difference_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::difference_type

the types to conform STL

Definition at line 135 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ iterator

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef _vector::const_iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::iterator

visible const_iterator (exported)

Definition at line 150 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ iterators

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef std::pair<iterator, iterator> GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::iterators

visible iterator pait

Definition at line 158 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ key_compare

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef KEYCOMPARE GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::key_compare

comparison of keys

Definition at line 120 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ key_type

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef KEY GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::key_type

the actual type of key

Definition at line 116 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ mapped_type

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef VALUE GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::mapped_type

the actual type of value

Definition at line 118 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ reference

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef ALLOCATOR::value_type const& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::reference

the types to conform STL

Definition at line 129 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ result_type

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef std::pair<iterator, bool> GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::result_type

visible iterator pait

Definition at line 160 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ reverse_iterator

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::reverse_iterator

visible reverse const_iterator (exported)

Definition at line 154 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ size_type

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef ALLOCATOR::size_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::size_type

the types to conform STL

Definition at line 133 of file VectorMap.h.

◆ value_type

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
typedef std::pair<key_type, mapped_type> GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::value_type

the actual storage item

Definition at line 122 of file VectorMap.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VectorMap() [1/3]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::VectorMap ( const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type())

default constructor from the the allocator

cmpcomparison criteria for the key
allocallocator to be used

Definition at line 669 of file VectorMap.h.

669 : m_vct( alloc ) {}

◆ VectorMap() [2/3]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
template<class INPUT >
GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::VectorMap ( INPUT  first,
INPUT  last,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

templated constructor from "convertible" sequence

first'begin'-iterator for the convertible sequence
last'end'-iterator for the convertible sequence
cmpcomparison criteria for the key
allocallocator to be used

Definition at line 678 of file VectorMap.h.

678  : m_vct( first, last, alloc ) {
679  std::sort( m_vct.begin(), m_vct.end(), compare() );
680  }

◆ VectorMap() [3/3]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::VectorMap ( std::initializer_list< value_type first,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

tconstructor from initializer list

cmpcomparison criteria for the key
allocallocator to be used

Definition at line 687 of file VectorMap.h.

688  : m_vct( first, alloc ) {
689  std::sort( m_vct.begin(), m_vct.end(), compare() );
690  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ at()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
const mapped_type& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::at ( const key_type key) const

checked access to elements by key throw std::out_of_range exception for non-existing keys

// OK:
K key = ... ;
std::cout << " Value: " << << std::end ; // it is OK!
std::out_of_rangefor non-existing keys
keykey value
mapped value

Definition at line 655 of file VectorMap.h.

655  {
656  iterator res = find( key );
657  if ( end() == res ) this->throw_out_of_range_exception();
658  return res->second; // cppcheck-suppress derefInvalidIteratorRedundantCheck; the above throws
659  }

◆ begin()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::begin ( ) const

"begin" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!)

Definition at line 196 of file VectorMap.h.

196 { return m_vct.begin(); }

◆ clear()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
void GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::clear ( )

clear the container

Definition at line 476 of file VectorMap.h.

476 { m_vct.clear(); }

◆ compare() [1/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
const compare_type& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::compare ( ) const

get the comparison criteria itself

Definition at line 697 of file VectorMap.h.

697  {
698  static const compare_type s_cmp = compare_type();
699  return s_cmp;
700  }

◆ compare() [2/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
template<class TYPE1 , class TYPE2 >
bool GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::compare ( const TYPE1 &  obj1,
const TYPE2 &  obj2 
) const

compare the objects using the comaprison criteria

objthe first object
objthe second object
result of (obj1,obj2) comparison

Definition at line 755 of file VectorMap.h.

755  {
756  return compare()( obj1, obj2 );
757  }

◆ compare_key()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
const key_compare& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::compare_key ( ) const

get the comparison criteria for keys

Definition at line 702 of file VectorMap.h.

702 { return compare(); }

◆ count()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
size_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::count ( const key_type key) const

count number of elements with the certain key

K key = ... ;
std::cout << " # of elements for the key: " << m.count(key) << std::end ;
keykey to be searched
number of elements with the given key (0 or 1)

Definition at line 461 of file VectorMap.h.

461 { return end() == find( key ) ? 0 : 1; }

◆ empty()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::empty ( ) const

empty container ?

Definition at line 470 of file VectorMap.h.

470 { return m_vct.empty(); }

◆ end()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::end ( ) const

"end" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!)

Definition at line 198 of file VectorMap.h.

198 { return m_vct.end(); }

◆ equal_range()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
iterators GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::equal_range ( const key_type key) const

Definition at line 465 of file VectorMap.h.

465 { return std::equal_range( begin(), end(), key, compare() ); }

◆ erase() [1/4]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
size_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::erase ( const key_type key)

erase the element using the key

K key = ... ;
std::cout << " # of erased elements "
<< m.erase ( key ) << std::endl ;
keykey for the element to be erased
number of erased elements (0 or 1)

Definition at line 227 of file VectorMap.h.

227  {
228  iterator pos = find( key );
229  if ( end() == pos ) { return 0; }
230  erase( pos );
231  return 1;
232  }

◆ erase() [2/4]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
size_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::erase ( iterator  first,
iterator  last 

erase the sequence of elements using the iterators

firstbegin iterator of sub-sequence to be erased
endend iterator of the sub_sequence to be erased
number of erased elements

Definition at line 239 of file VectorMap.h.

239  {
240  m_vct.erase( iter( first ), iter( last ) );
241  return last - first;
242  }

◆ erase() [3/4]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
void GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::erase ( iterator  pos)

erase the element using the iterator

posposition of the element to be erased

Definition at line 209 of file VectorMap.h.

209 { m_vct.erase( iter( pos ) ); }

◆ erase() [4/4]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
template<class TYPE >
size_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::erase ( TYPE  first,
TYPE  last 

erase the sequence of elements using the sequence of keys

// some sequence of keys, to be removed
KEYS keys = ... ;
<< " # keys to be removed: " << keys.size()
<< " # keys removed: " << m.erase( keys.begin() , keys.end() )
<< std::endl ;
firstbegin-iterator for the sequence of keys
lastend-iterator for the sequence of keys
number of erased elements

Definition at line 265 of file VectorMap.h.

265  {
266  size_type res = 0;
267  for ( ; first != last; ++first ) { res += erase( *first ); }
268  return res;
269  }

◆ find()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::find ( const key_type key) const

find the element by key

Map m = ... ;
K key = ...;
// Is key in the container?
Map::iterator ifound = m.find( key ) ;
if ( m.end() != ifound )
std::cout << "The value is : " << ifound->second << std::endl ;
keykey to be searched
iterator to the element position in the container

Definition at line 440 of file VectorMap.h.

440  {
441  iterator res = lower_bound( key );
442  if ( end() != res && compare( key, res->first ) ) { res = end(); }
443  return res;
444  }

◆ insert() [1/6]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
result_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( const key_type key,
const mapped_type mapped 

insert the (key,value) pair into the container

there is no replacement for the existing key!

It is STL-compliant behavior for associative containers.

K key = ... ;
V val1 = ... ;
V val2 = ... ;
<< " Before insert: " << m[key] // should be: V()
<< std::end ;
// insert the value into the map:
const bool inserted1 = m.insert( key , val1 ).second ;
<< " 1st insert: "
<< Gaudi::Utils::toString( inserted1 ) // should be: "True"
<< " value: " << m[key] // should be: val1
<< std::endl ;
// try to re-insert another value with the same key:
const bool inserted2 = m.insert( key , val2 ).second ;
<< " 2nd insert: "
<< Gaudi::Utils::toString( inserted2 ) // should be: "False"
<< " value: " << m[key] // should be: val1
<< std::endl ;
keykey value to be inserted
mappedvalue to be associated with the key
position of the inserted elements with the flag which allows to distinguish the actual insertion

Definition at line 312 of file VectorMap.h.

312 { return insert( value_type( key, mapped ) ); }

◆ insert() [2/6]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
result_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( const value_type value)

insert the (key,value) pair into the container

there is no replacement for the existing element!

It is STL-compliant behavior for associative containers.

K key = ... ;
V val1 = ... ;
V val2 = ... ;
<< " Before insert: " << m[key] // should be: V()
<< std::end ;
// insert the value into the map:
const bool inserted1 = m.insert ( std::make_pair( key , val1 ) ).second ;
<< " 1st insert: "
<< Gaudi::Utils::toString( inserted1 ) // should be: "True"
<< " value: " << m[key] // should be: val1
<< std::endl ;
// try to re-insert another value with the same key:
const bool inserted2 = m.insert ( std::make_pair( key , val2 ) ).second ;
<< " 2nd insert: "
<< Gaudi::Utils::toString( inserted2 ) // should be: "False"
<< " value: " << m[key] // should be: val1
<< std::endl ;
valuevalue to be inserted
position of the inserted elements with the flag which allows to distinguish the actual insertion

Definition at line 354 of file VectorMap.h.

354  {
355  bool found = true;
356  _iterator result = lower_bound( value.first );
357  if ( end() == result || compare( value.first, result->first ) ) {
358  result = m_vct.insert( result, value );
359  found = false;
360  }
361  return result_type( iter( result ), !found );
362  }

◆ insert() [3/6]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
result_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( iterator  pos,
const key_type key,
const mapped_type mapped 

insert the (key,value) pair into the container With the right guess the method could be more efficient

there is no replacement for the existing element!
posthe guess about position where to insert the element
keykey value to be inserted
mappedvalue to be associated with the key
position of the inserted elements with the flag which indicated the actual insertion

Definition at line 389 of file VectorMap.h.

389  {
390  return insert( pos, value_type( key, mapped ) );
391  }

◆ insert() [4/6]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
result_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( iterator  pos,
const value_type value 

insert the element with some guess about its new position With the right guess the method could be more efficient

there is no replacement for the existing element!
posthe guess about position where to insert the element
valuevalue to be inserted
position of the inserted elements with the flag which indicated the actual insertion

Definition at line 372 of file VectorMap.h.

372  {
373  if ( pos != end() && compare( *pos, value ) &&
374  ( pos == end() - 1 || ( !compare( value, *( pos + 1 ) ) && compare( *( pos + 1 ), value ) ) ) ) {
375  return result_type( m_vct.insert( iter( pos ), value ), true );
376  }
377  return insert( value );
378  }

◆ insert() [5/6]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
template<class KEYS , class VALUES >
void GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( KEYS  kf,
KEYS  kl,

insert into the container the elements from 2 "parallel" sequences

there is no replacement for the existing element!
kfthe begin iterator of the sequence of keys
klthe end iterator of the sequence of keys
vfthe begin iterator of the sequence of values

Definition at line 411 of file VectorMap.h.

411  {
412  for ( ; kf != kl; ++kf, ++vf ) { insert( *kf, *vf ); }
413  }

◆ insert() [6/6]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
template<class PAIRS >
void GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( PAIRS  first,
PAIRS  last 

insert the sequence of elements into the container

there is no replacement for the existing element!
firstthe begin iterator of the sequence
lastthe end iterator of the sequence

Definition at line 399 of file VectorMap.h.

399  {
400  for ( ; first != last; ++first ) { insert( *first ); }
401  }

◆ iter() [1/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::iter ( _iterator  p)

the conversion from 'non-const' to 'const' iterator

Definition at line 772 of file VectorMap.h.

772  {
773  auto result = begin();
774  std::advance( result, std::distance( m_vct.begin(), p ) );
775  return result;
776  }

◆ iter() [2/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
_iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::iter ( iterator  p)

the conversion from 'const' to 'non-const' iterator

Definition at line 765 of file VectorMap.h.

765  {
766  auto result = m_vct.begin();
767  std::advance( result, std::distance( begin(), p ) );
768  return result;
769  }

◆ key_at()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
const key_type& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::key_at ( const size_t  index) const

useful method for python decoration:

index(INPUT) the index
the key at given index
std::out_of_rangefor invalid index

Definition at line 727 of file VectorMap.h.

727  {
728  if ( index >= size() ) { this->throw_out_of_range_exception(); }
729  auto it = this->begin();
730  std::advance( it, index );
731  return it->first;
732  }

◆ lower_bound() [1/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
_iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::lower_bound ( const key_type key)

'lower-bound' - non-const version

Definition at line 760 of file VectorMap.h.

760  {
761  return std::lower_bound( m_vct.begin(), m_vct.end(), key, compare() );
762  }

◆ lower_bound() [2/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::lower_bound ( const key_type key) const

Definition at line 463 of file VectorMap.h.

463 { return std::lower_bound( begin(), end(), key, compare() ); }

◆ max_size()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
size_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::max_size ( ) const

maximal allowed size

Definition at line 474 of file VectorMap.h.

474 { return m_vct.max_size(); }

◆ merge() [1/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
VectorMap& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::merge ( const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  right)

merge two maps

Definition at line 709 of file VectorMap.h.

709  {
710  for ( const auto& i : right ) { update( i.first, i.second ); }
711  return *this;
712  }

◆ merge() [2/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
template<class K1 , class K2 , class K3 , class K4 >
VectorMap& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::merge ( const VectorMap< K1, K2, K3, K4 > &  right)

merge two maps

Definition at line 715 of file VectorMap.h.

715  {
716  for ( const auto& i : right ) { update( i.first, i.second ); }
717  return *this;
718  }

◆ operator()()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
const mapped_type& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::operator() ( const key_type key) const

access to element by key (const version) there is no container increment for missing keys

The behavior different from std::map, it is similar to GaudiUtils::Map

The method is added on request from ATLAS (see Savannah report #21395 and #21394) For typical usage of this class in LHCb context as "ExtraInfo" field I would like to recommend to AVOID this method

// OK:
K key = ... ;
std::cout << " Value: " << m(key) << std::end ; // it is OK!
V value = ... ;
m(key) = value ; // ERROR!
See also
keykey value
mapped value for existing key and the default value for non-existing key

Definition at line 599 of file VectorMap.h.

599  {
600  static const mapped_type s_default = mapped_type();
601  iterator res = find( key );
602  if ( end() == res ) { return s_default; }
603  return res->second;
604  }

◆ operator<()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::operator< ( const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  other) const

comparison criteria for containers

Definition at line 488 of file VectorMap.h.

488 { return m_vct < other.m_vct; }

◆ operator==()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::operator== ( const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  other) const

comparison criteria for containers

Definition at line 486 of file VectorMap.h.

486 { return m_vct == other.m_vct; }

◆ operator[]()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
const mapped_type& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::operator[] ( const key_type key) const

access to element by key (const version) there is no container increment for missing keys

The behavior different from std::map, it is similar to GaudiUtils::Map

The method is added on request from ATLAS (see Savannah report #21395 and #21394) For typical usage of this class in LHCb context as "ExtraInfo" field I would like to recommend to AVOID this method

// OK:
K key = ... ;
std::cout << " Value: " << m[key] << std::end ; // it is OK!
V value = ... ;
m[key] = value ; // ERROR!
See also
keykey value
mapped value

Definition at line 636 of file VectorMap.h.

636 { return ( *this )( key ); }

◆ rbegin()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
reverse_iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::rbegin ( ) const

"rbegin" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!)

Definition at line 200 of file VectorMap.h.

200 { return m_vct.rbegin(); }

◆ rend()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
reverse_iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::rend ( ) const

"rend" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!)

Definition at line 202 of file VectorMap.h.

202 { return m_vct.rend(); }

◆ reserve()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
void GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::reserve ( size_type  num)

reserve the space in the container for at least 'num' elements

Definition at line 478 of file VectorMap.h.

478 { m_vct.reserve( num ); }

◆ size()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
size_type GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::size ( ) const

number of elements

Definition at line 472 of file VectorMap.h.

472 { return m_vct.size(); }

◆ swap()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
void GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::swap ( VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  other)

swap function, which 'swaps' the content of two containers

Definition at line 481 of file VectorMap.h.

481 { std::swap( m_vct, other.m_vct ); }

◆ update() [1/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::update ( const key_type key,
const mapped_type mapped 

forced insertion of the key/mapped pair The method acts like "insert" but it DOES overwrite the existing mapped value.

There is no STL analogue

The method is added on request from ATLAS (see Savannah report #21395 and #21394)

K key = ... ;
V val1 = ... ;
V val2 = ... ;
std::cout << "Value " << m[key] << std::endl ; // should be: V()
m.update ( key , val1 ) ;
std::cout << "Value " << m[key] << std::endl ; // should be: val1
m.update ( key , val2 ) ;
std::cout << "Value " << m[key] << std::endl ; // should be: val2
keykey value
mappedmapped value
true if the existing value has been replaced

Definition at line 526 of file VectorMap.h.

526  {
527  _iterator result = lower_bound( key );
528  if ( end() == result || compare( key, result->first ) ) {
529  result = m_vct.insert( result, value_type( key, mapped ) );
530  return false;
531  } else {
532  result->second = mapped;
533  }
534  //
535  return true;
536  }

◆ update() [2/2]

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::update ( const value_type val)

forced insertion of the key/mapped pair The method acts like "insert" but it DOES overwrite the mapped value.

There is no STL analogue

The method is added on request from ATLAS (see Savannah report #21395 and #21394)

K key = ... ;
V val1 = ... ;
V val2 = ... ;
std::cout << "Value " << m[key] << std::endl ; // should be: V()
m.update ( std::make_pair ( key , val1 ) ) ;
std::cout << "Value " << m[key] << std::endl ; // should be: val1
m.update ( std::make_pair ( key , val2 ) ) ;
std::cout << "Value " << m[key] << std::endl ; // should be: val2
vala pair of (key,value)
true if the existing value has been replaced

Definition at line 566 of file VectorMap.h.

566 { return update( val.first, val.second ); }

◆ upper_bound()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
iterator GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::upper_bound ( const key_type key) const

Definition at line 464 of file VectorMap.h.

464 { return std::upper_bound( begin(), end(), key, compare() ); }

◆ value_at()

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
const mapped_type& GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::value_at ( const size_t  index) const

useful method for python decoration:

index(INPUT) the index
the value at given index
std::out_of_rangefor invalid index

Definition at line 738 of file VectorMap.h.

738  {
739  if ( index >= size() ) { this->throw_out_of_range_exception(); }
740  auto it = this->begin();
741  std::advance( it, index );
742  return it->second;
743  }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator!=

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool operator!= ( const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  left,
const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  right 

Definition at line 493 of file VectorMap.h.

493 { return !( left == right ); }

◆ operator<<

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream str,

printout to ostream - not implemented

Definition at line 704 of file VectorMap.h.

704 { return str; }

◆ operator<=

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool operator<= ( const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  left,
const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  right 

Definition at line 495 of file VectorMap.h.

495 { return !( right < left ); }

◆ operator>

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool operator> ( const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  left,
const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  right 

Definition at line 492 of file VectorMap.h.

492 { return right < left; }

◆ operator>=

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
bool operator>= ( const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  left,
const VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR > &  right 

Definition at line 494 of file VectorMap.h.

494 { return !( left < right ); }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_vct

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class KEYCOMPARE = std::less<const KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = std::allocator<std::pair<KEY, VALUE>>>
_vector GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::m_vct

the underlying sorted vector of (key,mapped) pairs

Definition at line 781 of file VectorMap.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
ALLOCATOR::size_type size_type
the types to conform STL
Definition: VectorMap.h:133
std::pair< iterator, bool > result_type
visible iterator pait
Definition: VectorMap.h:160
T reserve(T... args)
T size(T... args)
_vector m_vct
the underlying sorted vector of (key,mapped) pairs
Definition: VectorMap.h:781
decorate the vector of properties
Definition: VectorMap.h:112
T distance(T... args)
bool update(const key_type &key, const mapped_type &mapped)
forced insertion of the key/mapped pair The method acts like "insert" but it DOES overwrite the exist...
Definition: VectorMap.h:526
Definition: Property.h:650
struct GAUDI_API map
Parametrisation class for map-like implementation.
Definition: KeyedObjectManager.h:35
T sort(T... args)
iterator begin() const
"begin" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!)
Definition: VectorMap.h:196
_iterator iter(iterator p)
the conversion from 'const' to 'non-const' iterator
Definition: VectorMap.h:765
T clear(T... args)
_compare_type compare_type
the actual comparison criteria for valye_type objects
Definition: VectorMap.h:189
VALUE mapped_type
the actual type of value
Definition: VectorMap.h:118
iterator lower_bound(const key_type &key) const
Definition: VectorMap.h:463
constexpr double m
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:108
std::pair< key_type, mapped_type > value_type
the actual storage item
Definition: VectorMap.h:122
iterator end() const
"end" iterator for sequential access (const-only version!)
Definition: VectorMap.h:198
T erase(T... args)
size_type size() const
number of elements
Definition: VectorMap.h:472
T max_size(T... args)
T upper_bound(T... args)
This file provides a Grammar for the type Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis It allows to use that type from p...
T advance(T... args)
T rend(T... args)
T swap(T... args)
std::string toString(const TYPE &obj)
the generic implementation of the type conversion to the string
Definition: ToStream.h:357
T equal_range(T... args)
T lower_bound(T... args)
const compare_type & compare() const
get the comparison criteria itself
Definition: VectorMap.h:697
T endl(T... args)
T left(T... args)
_vector::iterator _iterator
the regular iterator (no export)
Definition: VectorMap.h:145
T begin(T... args)
T insert(T... args)
Definition: MapBase.h:52
map_type::iterator iterator
Definition: Map.h:107
result_type insert(const key_type &key, const mapped_type &mapped)
insert the (key,value) pair into the container
Definition: VectorMap.h:312
T empty(T... args)
void throw_out_of_range_exception() const
throw std::out_of_range exception
Definition: MapBase.cpp:38
T make_pair(T... args)
T end(T... args)
_vector::const_iterator iterator
visible const_iterator (exported)
Definition: VectorMap.h:150
iterator find(const key_type &key) const
find the element by key
Definition: VectorMap.h:440
KeyedObjectManager< map > Map
Forward declaration of specialized std::map-like object manager.
Definition: KeyedObjectManager.h:105
T rbegin(T... args)
size_t index(const Gaudi::ParticleProperty *property, const Gaudi::Interfaces::IParticlePropertySvc *service)
helper utility for mapping of Gaudi::ParticleProperty object into non-negative integral sequential id...
Definition: IParticlePropertySvc.cpp:39
void erase(iterator pos)
erase the element using the iterator
Definition: VectorMap.h:209