The Gaudi Framework  master (37c0b60a)
PartitionSwitchAlg Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PartitionSwitchAlg:
Collaboration diagram for PartitionSwitchAlg:

Public Member Functions

STATUS initialize () override
 Initialize. More...
STATUS finalize () override
 Finalize. More...
STATUS execute () override
 Execute procedure. More...
STATUS create (CSTR nam, CSTR typ) override
 Create a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely. More...
STATUS create (CSTR nam, CSTR typ, IInterface *&pPartition) override
 Create a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely. More...
STATUS drop (CSTR nam) override
 Drop a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely. More...
STATUS drop (IInterface *pPartition) override
 Drop a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely. More...
STATUS activate (CSTR nam) override
 Activate a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely. More...
STATUS activate (IInterface *pPartition) override
 Activate a partition object. More...
STATUS get (CSTR nam, IInterface *&pPartition) const override
 Access a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely. More...
STATUS activePartition (std::string &nam, IInterface *&pPartition) const override
 Access the active partition object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from extends< Algorithm, IPartitionControl >
void * i_cast (const InterfaceID &tid) const override
 Implementation of IInterface::i_cast. More...
StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &ti, void **pp) override
 Implementation of IInterface::queryInterface. More...
std::vector< std::stringgetInterfaceNames () const override
 Implementation of IInterface::getInterfaceNames. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gaudi::details::LegacyAlgorithmAdapter
 LegacyAlgorithmAdapter (std::string name, ISvcLocator *svcloc, std::string version=PACKAGE_VERSION)
const EventContextgetContext () const
bool isExecuted () const
 Has this algorithm been executed since the last reset? More...
void setExecuted (bool state) const
 Set the executed flag to the specified state. More...
bool filterPassed () const
 Did this algorithm pass or fail its filter criterion for the last event? More...
void setFilterPassed (bool state) const
 Set the filter passed flag to the specified state. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gaudi::Algorithm
 Algorithm (std::string name, ISvcLocator *svcloc, std::string version=PACKAGE_VERSION)
 Constructor. More...
StatusCode sysStart () override
 Reinitialization method invoked by the framework. More...
StatusCode sysInitialize () override
 Initialization method invoked by the framework. More...
StatusCode sysReinitialize () override
 Reinitialization method invoked by the framework. More...
StatusCode sysRestart () override
 Restart method invoked by the framework. More...
StatusCode sysExecute (const EventContext &ctx) override
 The actions to be performed by the algorithm on an event. More...
StatusCode sysStop () override
 System stop. More...
StatusCode sysFinalize () override
 System finalization. More...
const std::stringname () const override
 The identifying name of the algorithm object. More...
const Gaudi::StringKeynameKey () const override
const std::stringtype () const override
 The type of the algorithm object. More...
void setType (std::string type) override
const std::stringversion () const override
unsigned int index () const override
StatusCode configure () override
 Dummy implementation of IStateful::configure() method. More...
StatusCode terminate () override
 Dummy implementation of IStateful::terminate() method. More...
StatusCode initialize () override
 the default (empty) implementation of IStateful::initialize() method More...
StatusCode start () override
 the default (empty) implementation of IStateful::start() method More...
StatusCode stop () override
 the default (empty) implementation of IStateful::stop() method More...
StatusCode finalize () override
 the default (empty) implementation of IStateful::finalize() method More...
StatusCode reinitialize () override
 the default (empty) implementation of IStateful::reinitialize() method More...
StatusCode restart () override
 the default (empty) implementation of IStateful::restart() method More...
Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState () const override
 returns the current state of the algorithm More...
Gaudi::StateMachine::State targetFSMState () const override
 returns the state the algorithm will be in after the ongoing transition More...
bool isEnabled () const override
 Is this algorithm enabled or disabled? More...
bool isSequence () const override
 Are we a Sequence? More...
unsigned int errorCount () const
 Get the number of failures of the algorithm. More...
template<class T >
StatusCode service (std::string_view name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=true) const
 Access a service by name, creating it if it doesn't already exist. More...
template<class T >
StatusCode service (std::string_view svcType, std::string_view svcName, T *&psvc) const
 Access a service by name and type, creating it if it doesn't already exist. More...
SmartIF< IServiceservice (std::string_view name, const bool createIf=true, const bool quiet=false) const
 Return a pointer to the service identified by name (or "type/name") More...
template<class T >
SmartIF< T > service (std::string_view name, bool createIf=true, bool quiet=false) const
SmartIF< IAuditorSvc > & auditorSvc () const
 The standard auditor service.May not be invoked before sysInitialize() has been invoked. More...
SmartIF< IChronoStatSvc > & chronoSvc () const
 The standard Chrono & Stat service, Return a pointer to the service if present. More...
SmartIF< IDataProviderSvc > & detSvc () const
 The standard detector data service. More...
SmartIF< IConversionSvc > & detCnvSvc () const
 The standard detector data persistency conversion service. More...
SmartIF< IDataProviderSvc > & eventSvc () const
 The standard event data service. More...
SmartIF< IDataProviderSvc > & evtSvc () const
 shortcut for method eventSvc More...
SmartIF< IConversionSvc > & eventCnvSvc () const
 The standard event data persistency conversion service. More...
SmartIF< IHistogramSvc > & histoSvc () const
 The standard histogram service. More...
SmartIF< INTupleSvc > & ntupleSvc () const
 The standard N tuple service. More...
SmartIF< IRndmGenSvc > & randSvc () const
 The standard RandomGen service, Return a pointer to the service if present. More...
SmartIF< IToolSvc > & toolSvc () const
 The standard ToolSvc service, Return a pointer to the service if present. More...
SmartIF< IExceptionSvc > & exceptionSvc () const
 Get the exception Service. More...
SmartIF< IAlgContextSvc > & contextSvc () const
 get Algorithm Context Service More...
SmartIF< ITimelineSvc > & timelineSvc () const
SmartIF< ISvcLocator > & serviceLocator () const override
 The standard service locator. More...
SmartIF< ISvcLocator > & svcLoc () const
 shortcut for method serviceLocator More...
SmartIF< IHiveWhiteBoard > & whiteboard () const
SmartIF< IAlgExecStateSvc > & algExecStateSvc () const
bool registerContext () const
 register for Algorithm Context Service? More...
template<class T >
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBasedeclareProperty (const std::string &name, ToolHandle< T > &hndl, const std::string &doc="none")
template<class T >
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBasedeclareProperty (const std::string &name, ToolHandleArray< T > &hndlArr, const std::string &doc="none")
SmartIF< IMonitorSvc > & monitorSvc () const
 Access the monitor service. More...
template<class T >
void declareInfo (const std::string &name, const T &var, const std::string &desc) const
 Declare monitoring information. More...
void declareInfo (const std::string &name, const std::string &format, const void *var, int size, const std::string &desc) const
 Declare monitoring information (special case) More...
void acceptDHVisitor (IDataHandleVisitor *) const override
void registerTool (IAlgTool *tool) const
void deregisterTool (IAlgTool *tool) const
template<class T >
StatusCode declareTool (ToolHandle< T > &handle, bool createIf=true)
template<class T >
StatusCode declareTool (ToolHandle< T > &handle, const std::string &toolTypeAndName, bool createIf=true)
template<class T >
void addToolsArray (ToolHandleArray< T > &hndlArr)
const std::vector< IAlgTool * > & tools () const
bool isAsynchronous () const
void setAsynchronous (bool value)
unsigned int cardinality () const override
 Return the cardinality. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & neededResources () const override
AlgExecStateexecState (const EventContext &ctx) const override
 reference to AlgExecState of Alg More...
std::ostreamtoControlFlowExpression (std::ostream &os) const override
 Produce string represention of the control flow expression. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DataHandleHolderBase< PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > > > >
std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > inputHandles () const override
std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > outputHandles () const override
virtual const DataObjIDCollextraInputDeps () const override
virtual const DataObjIDCollextraOutputDeps () const override
void declare (Gaudi::DataHandle &handle) override
void renounce (Gaudi::DataHandle &handle) override
bool renounceInput (const DataObjID &id) override
const DataObjIDCollinputDataObjs () const override
const DataObjIDColloutputDataObjs () const override
void addDependency (const DataObjID &id, const Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode &mode) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from extends< PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > > >, IDataHandleHolder >
void * i_cast (const InterfaceID &tid) const override
 Implementation of IInterface::i_cast. More...
StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &ti, void **pp) override
 Implementation of IInterface::queryInterface. More...
std::vector< std::stringgetInterfaceNames () const override
 Implementation of IInterface::getInterfaceNames. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > > >
 PropertyHolder ()=default
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBasedeclareProperty (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &prop)
 Declare a property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBasedeclareProperty (const std::string &name, TYPE &value, const std::string &doc="none")
 Helper to wrap a regular data member and use it as a regular property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBasedeclareProperty (const std::string &name, Gaudi::Property< TYPE, VERIFIER, HANDLERS > &prop, const std::string &doc="none")
 Declare a PropertyBase instance setting name and documentation. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBasedeclareRemoteProperty (const std::string &name, IProperty *rsvc, const std::string &rname="")
 Declare a remote property. More...
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &p) override
 set the property from another property with a different name More...
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &s) override
 set the property from the formatted string More...
StatusCode setProperty (const Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &p)
 Set the property from a property. More...
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &p)=0
 Set the property from a property with a different name. More...
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &s)=0
 Set the property by string. More...
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const char *v)
 Special case for string literals. More...
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &v)
 Special case for std::string. More...
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const TYPE &value)
 set the property form the value More...
StatusCode setPropertyRepr (const std::string &n, const std::string &r) override
 set the property from name and value string representation More...
StatusCode getProperty (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase *p) const override
 get the property More...
const Gaudi::Details::PropertyBasegetProperty (std::string_view name) const override
 get the property by name More...
StatusCode getProperty (std::string_view n, std::string &v) const override
 convert the property to the string More...
const std::vector< Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * > & getProperties () const override
 get all properties More...
bool hasProperty (std::string_view name) const override
 Return true if we have a property with the given name. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBaseproperty (std::string_view name) const
 \fixme property and bindPropertiesTo should be protected More...
void bindPropertiesTo (Gaudi::Interfaces::IOptionsSvc &optsSvc)
 PropertyHolder (const PropertyHolder &)=delete
PropertyHolderoperator= (const PropertyHolder &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > >
MSG::Level msgLevel () const
 get the cached level (originally extracted from the embedded MsgStream) More...
bool msgLevel (MSG::Level lvl) const
 get the output level from the embedded MsgStream More...

Private Types

using STATUS = StatusCode
using CSTR = const std::string &

Private Member Functions

StatusCode log_ (StatusCode sc, const std::string &msg) const
template<typename... FArgs, typename... Args>
StatusCode fwd_ (StatusCode(IPartitionControl::*fun)(FArgs...), Args &&... args)
template<typename... FArgs, typename... Args>
StatusCode fwd_ (StatusCode(IPartitionControl::*fun)(FArgs...) const, Args &&... args) const

Private Attributes

Gaudi::Property< std::stringm_partName { this, "Partition", "", "option to set the requested partition name" }
Gaudi::Property< std::stringm_toolType
IPartitionControlm_actor = nullptr
 reference to Partition Controller More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from extends< Algorithm, IPartitionControl >
using base_class = extends
 Typedef to this class. More...
using extend_interfaces_base = extend_interfaces< Interfaces... >
 Typedef to the base of this class. More...
- Public Types inherited from Gaudi::Algorithm
typedef Gaudi::PluginService::Factory< IAlgorithm *(const std::string &, ISvcLocator *)> Factory
- Public Types inherited from extends< PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > > >, IDataHandleHolder >
using base_class = extends
 Typedef to this class. More...
using extend_interfaces_base = extend_interfaces< Interfaces... >
 Typedef to the base of this class. More...
- Public Types inherited from PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > > >
using PropertyHolderImpl = PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > > >
 Typedef used to refer to this class from derived classes, as in. More...
- Public Types inherited from CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > >
using base_class = CommonMessaging
- Public Types inherited from extend_interfaces< Interfaces... >
using ext_iids = typename Gaudi::interface_list_cat< typename Interfaces::ext_iids... >::type
 take union of the ext_iids of all Interfaces... More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Gaudi::Algorithm
friend AlgorithmManager
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gaudi::details::LegacyAlgorithmAdapter
bool isReEntrant () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gaudi::Algorithm
std::vector< IAlgTool * > & tools ()
bool isInitialized () const override
 Has the Algorithm already been initialized? More...
bool isFinalized () const override
 Has the Algorithm already been finalized? More...
void setIndex (const unsigned int &idx) override
 set instantiation index of Alg More...
bool isReEntrant () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DataHandleHolderBase< PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > > > >
void initDataHandleHolder ()
 initializes all handles - called by the sysInitialize method of any descendant of this More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > >
MSG::Level setUpMessaging () const
 Set up local caches. More...
MSG::Level resetMessaging ()
 Reinitialize internal states. More...
void updateMsgStreamOutputLevel (int level)
 Update the output level of the cached MsgStream. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Gaudi::Algorithm
std::unique_ptr< IDataHandleVisitorm_updateDataHandles
 Hook for for derived classes to provide a custom visitor for data handles. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from DataHandleHolderBase< PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > > > >
DataObjIDColl m_inputDataObjs
DataObjIDColl m_outputDataObjs

Detailed Description

Small algorithm which switches the partition of a configurable multi-service. The algorithm can be part of a sequence, which allows for e.g. buffer tampering.

: M.Frank
: 1.0

Definition at line 34 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

Member Typedef Documentation


using PartitionSwitchAlg::CSTR = const std::string&

Definition at line 37 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.


Definition at line 36 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ activate() [1/2]

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::activate ( CSTR  nam)

Activate a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.

Definition at line 123 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

123  {
124  auto sc = fwd_<CSTR>( &IPartitionControl::activate, nam );
125  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : log_( sc, "Cannot activate partition: " + nam );
126  }

◆ activate() [2/2]

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::activate ( IInterface pPartition)

Activate a partition object.

Definition at line 128 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

128  {
129  auto sc = fwd_<IInterface*>( &IPartitionControl::activate, pPartition );
130  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : log_( sc, "Cannot activate partition by Interface." );
131  }

◆ activePartition()

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::activePartition ( std::string nam,
IInterface *&  pPartition 
) const

Access the active partition object.

Definition at line 138 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

138  {
139  auto sc = fwd_<std::string&, IInterface*&>( &IPartitionControl::activePartition, nam, pPartition );
140  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : log_( sc, "Cannot determine active partition." );
141  }

◆ create() [1/2]

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::create ( CSTR  nam,
CSTR  typ 

Create a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.

Definition at line 103 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

103  {
104  auto sc = fwd_<CSTR, CSTR>( &IPartitionControl::create, nam, typ );
105  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : log_( sc, "Cannot create partition: " + nam + " of type " + typ );
106  }

◆ create() [2/2]

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::create ( CSTR  nam,
CSTR  typ,
IInterface *&  pPartition 

Create a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.

Definition at line 108 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

108  {
109  auto sc = fwd_<CSTR, CSTR, IInterface*&>( &IPartitionControl::create, nam, typ, pPartition );
110  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : log_( sc, "Cannot create partition: " + nam + " of type " + typ );
111  }

◆ drop() [1/2]

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::drop ( CSTR  nam)

Drop a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.

Definition at line 113 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

113  {
114  auto sc = fwd_<CSTR>( &IPartitionControl::drop, nam );
115  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : log_( sc, "Cannot drop partition: " + nam );
116  }

◆ drop() [2/2]

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::drop ( IInterface pPartition)

Drop a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.

Definition at line 118 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

118  {
119  auto sc = fwd_<IInterface*>( &IPartitionControl::drop, pPartition );
120  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : log_( sc, "Cannot drop partition by Interface." );
121  }

◆ execute()

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::execute ( )

Execute procedure.

Implements Algorithm.

Definition at line 77 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

77  {
78  if ( m_actor ) {
80  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) { error() << "Cannot activate partition \"" << m_partName << "\"!" << endmsg; }
81  return sc;
82  }
83  error() << "The partition control tool \"" << name() << "." << m_toolType << "\" cannot be accessed!" << endmsg;
84  return STATUS::FAILURE;
85  }

◆ finalize()

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::finalize ( )


Definition at line 69 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

69  {
71  if ( tool ) toolSvc()->releaseTool( tool ).ignore();
72  m_actor = nullptr;
73  return extends::finalize();
74  }

◆ fwd_() [1/2]

template<typename... FArgs, typename... Args>
StatusCode PartitionSwitchAlg::fwd_ ( StatusCode(IPartitionControl::*)(FArgs...) const  fun,
Args &&...  args 
) const

Definition at line 97 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

97  {
98  return m_actor ? ( m_actor->*fun )( std::forward<Args>( args )... ) : IInterface::Status::NO_INTERFACE;
99  }

◆ fwd_() [2/2]

template<typename... FArgs, typename... Args>
StatusCode PartitionSwitchAlg::fwd_ ( StatusCode(IPartitionControl::*)(FArgs...)  fun,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 93 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

93  {
94  return m_actor ? ( m_actor->*fun )( std::forward<Args>( args )... ) : IInterface::Status::NO_INTERFACE;
95  }

◆ get()

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::get ( CSTR  nam,
IInterface *&  pPartition 
) const

Access a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.

Definition at line 133 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

133  {
134  auto sc = fwd_<CSTR, IInterface*&>( &IPartitionControl::get, nam, pPartition );
135  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : log_( sc, "Cannot get partition " + nam );
136  }

◆ initialize()

STATUS PartitionSwitchAlg::initialize ( )


Release old tool

Now check if the partition is present. If not: try to create it

Definition at line 51 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

51  {
53  STATUS sc = toolSvc()->retrieveTool( m_toolType, m_actor, this );
54  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
55  error() << "Unable to load PartitionSwitchTool " << m_toolType << endmsg;
56  return sc;
57  }
59  if ( tool )
60  if ( sc = toolSvc()->releaseTool( tool ); !sc ) return sc;
62  IInterface* partititon = nullptr;
63  sc = m_actor->get( m_partName, partititon );
64  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) { error() << "Cannot access partition \"" << m_partName << "\"" << endmsg; }
65  return sc;
66  }

◆ log_()

StatusCode PartitionSwitchAlg::log_ ( StatusCode  sc,
const std::string msg 
) const

Definition at line 88 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

88  {
89  error() << msg << " Status=" << sc.getCode() << endmsg;
90  return sc;
91  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_actor

IPartitionControl* PartitionSwitchAlg::m_actor = nullptr

reference to Partition Controller

Definition at line 45 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

◆ m_partName

Gaudi::Property<std::string> PartitionSwitchAlg::m_partName { this, "Partition", "", "option to set the requested partition name" }

Definition at line 40 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

◆ m_toolType

Gaudi::Property<std::string> PartitionSwitchAlg::m_toolType
Initial value:
{ this, "Tool", "PartitionSwitchTool",
"option to set the tool manipulating the multi-service name" }

Definition at line 41 of file PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
StatusCode STATUS
Definition: PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp:36
IPartitionControl * m_actor
reference to Partition Controller
Definition: PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp:45
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_toolType
Definition: PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp:41
SmartIF< IToolSvc > & toolSvc() const
The standard ToolSvc service, Return a pointer to the service if present.
Definition: Algorithm.cpp:564
const std::string & name() const override
The identifying name of the algorithm object.
Definition: Algorithm.cpp:526
Requested interface is not available.
virtual StatusCode create(const std::string &name, const std::string &type)=0
Create a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_partName
Definition: PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp:40
virtual StatusCode drop(const std::string &name)=0
Drop a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.
Definition: IConverter.h:25
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:202
virtual StatusCode get(const std::string &name, IInterface *&pPartition) const =0
Access a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.
virtual StatusCode activePartition(std::string &name, IInterface *&pPartition) const =0
Access the active partition object.
StatusCode log_(StatusCode sc, const std::string &msg) const
Definition: PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp:88
Definition: IInterface.h:239
code_t getCode() const
Retrieve value.
Definition: StatusCode.h:136
constexpr static const auto FAILURE
Definition: StatusCode.h:101
virtual StatusCode activate(const std::string &name)=0
Activate a partition object. The name identifies the partition uniquely.