The Gaudi Framework  master (da3d77e1)
Gaudi::Utils::Histos Namespace Reference




class  HistoStrings
class  Table


typedef std::vector< std::stringLabels
 Typedef for a list of labels. More...
typedef std::pair< unsigned, std::stringBinLabel
 Typedef for a bin number and its associated label. More...
typedef std::vector< BinLabelBinLabels
 Typedef for a list of bin numbers and their associated label. More...


GAUDI_API std::string histoDump (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const std::size_t width=80, const std::size_t height=50, const bool errors=false)
 dump the text representation of the histogram More...
GAUDI_API std::string histoDump (const AIDA::IProfile1D *histo, const std::size_t width=80, const std::size_t height=50, const bool spread=true)
 dump the text representation of the 1D-profile More...
GAUDI_API std::string histoDump (const TProfile *histo, const std::size_t width=80, const std::size_t height=50)
 dump the text representation of the histogram More...
GAUDI_API std::string histoDump (const TH1 *histo, const std::size_t width=80, const std::size_t height=50, const bool errors=false)
 dump the text representation of the histogram More...
GAUDI_API bool setBinLabels (AIDA::IHistogram1D *hist, const Labels &labels)
 Set the Bin labels for a given 1D histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setBinLabels (AIDA::IHistogram1D *hist, const BinLabels &labels)
 Set the Bin labels for a given 1D histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setBinLabels (AIDA::IProfile1D *hist, const Labels &labels)
 Set the Bin labels for a given 1D profile histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setBinLabels (AIDA::IProfile1D *hist, const BinLabels &labels)
 Set the Bin labels for a given 1D profile histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setBinLabels (AIDA::IHistogram2D *hist, const Labels &xlabels, const Labels &ylabels)
 Set the Bin labels for a given 2D histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setBinLabels (AIDA::IHistogram2D *hist, const BinLabels &xlabels, const BinLabels &ylabels)
 Set the Bin labels for a given 2D histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setBinLabels (AIDA::IProfile2D *hist, const Labels &xlabels, const Labels &ylabels)
 Set the Bin labels for a given 2D profile histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setBinLabels (AIDA::IProfile2D *hist, const BinLabels &xlabels, const BinLabels &ylabels)
 Set the Bin labels for a given 2D profile histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setAxisLabels (AIDA::IHistogram1D *hist, const std::string &xAxis, const std::string &yAxis)
 Set the axis labels for the given 1D histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setAxisLabels (AIDA::IProfile1D *hist, const std::string &xAxis, const std::string &yAxis)
 Set the axis labels for the given 1D profile histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setAxisLabels (AIDA::IHistogram2D *hist, const std::string &xAxis, const std::string &yAxis)
 Set the axis labels for the given 2D histogram. More...
GAUDI_API bool setAxisLabels (AIDA::IProfile2D *hist, const std::string &xAxis, const std::string &yAxis)
 Set the axis labels for the given 2D profile histogram. More...
GAUDI_API std::string path (const AIDA::IBaseHistogram *aida)
 get the path in THS for AIDA histogram More...
GAUDI_API std::string format (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const std::string &fmt)
 Make the string representation of the histogram according to the specified format. More...
GAUDI_API std::string format (const AIDA::IProfile1D *histo, const std::string &fmt)
 Make the string representation of the profile histogram according to the specified format. More...
GAUDI_API std::string format (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const std::string &ID, const std::string &fmt1, const std::string &fmt2)
 format a full row in table, including ID, label, path or any other "extra" identifier in string form More...
GAUDI_API std::string format (const AIDA::IProfile1D *histo, const std::string &ID, const std::string &fmt1, const std::string &fmt2)
 format a full row in table, including ID, label, path or any other "extra" identifier in string form More...
template<class HISTO , class STREAM , class TERMINATOR >
STREAM & printList (HISTO first, HISTO last, const std::string &fmt, STREAM &stream, TERMINATOR term)
 print the simple sequence (list-like) of histograms as table More...
template<class LIST , class STREAM , class TERMINATOR >
STREAM & printList (const LIST &histos, const std::string &fmt, STREAM &stream, TERMINATOR term)
 print the simple container of histograms as table More...
template<class HISTO , class STREAM , class TERMINATOR >
STREAM & printMap (HISTO begin, HISTO end, const std::string &fmt1, const std::string &fmt2, STREAM &stream, TERMINATOR term)
 Print the "associative sequence" (e.g. More...
template<class MAP , class STREAM , class TERMINATOR >
STREAM & printMap (const MAP &histos, const std::string &fmt1, const std::string &fmt2, STREAM &stream, TERMINATOR term)
 Print the "associative sequence" (e.g. More...
GAUDI_API std::string format (const std::string &val1, const std::string &val2, const std::string &fmt)
 helper method to merge the headers for short format table More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const TH1D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const TH2D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const TH3D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const TProfile &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const TProfile2D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const AIDA::IHistogram1D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const AIDA::IHistogram2D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const AIDA::IHistogram3D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const AIDA::IProfile1D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const TH1F &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const TH2F &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const TH3F &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API std::ostreamtoXml (const AIDA::IProfile2D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
 stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH1D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH2D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH3D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TProfile &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TProfile2D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH1F &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH2F &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH3F &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH1D *&result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH2D *&result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TH3D *&result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TProfile *&result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (TProfile2D *&result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (AIDA::IHistogram1D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (AIDA::IHistogram2D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (AIDA::IHistogram3D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (AIDA::IProfile1D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml (AIDA::IProfile2D &result, std::string_view input)
 parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML More...

Detailed Description

Collection of useful utilities for manipulations with AIDA hisgograms

Vanya BELYAEV ibely.nosp@m.aev@.nosp@m.physi.nosp@m.cs.s.nosp@m.yr.ed.nosp@m.u

Typedef Documentation

◆ BinLabel

Typedef for a bin number and its associated label.

Definition at line 35 of file HistoLabels.h.

◆ BinLabels

Typedef for a list of bin numbers and their associated label.

Definition at line 37 of file HistoLabels.h.

◆ Labels

Typedef for a list of labels.

Definition at line 33 of file HistoLabels.h.

Function Documentation

◆ format() [1/5]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::format ( const AIDA::IHistogram1D *  histo,
const std::string fmt 

Make the string representation of the histogram according to the specified format.

The method could be used to access/print various quantities

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo = ... ;
// print title in a free format:
std::cout << format ( histo , "%2%" ) << std::endl ;
// print the path in HTS in a free format:
std::cout << format ( histo , " path in HTS: %1% " ) << std::endl ;
// print the formatted nEntries/Overflow/Underflow:
format ( histo , " #nEntries/Overflow/Underflow=%3%/%4%/%5%" )
<< std::endl ;
// print the formatted Mean+-ErrorMean:
format ( histo , " Mean+-Error=(%8%+-%9%)" )
<< std::endl ;
// print the skewness and kurtosis:
format ( histo , " Skewness/Kurtosis=%12%/%14% " )
<< std::endl ;
historeference to the histogram
fmtthe printout format
Vanya BELYAEV ibely.nosp@m.aev@.nosp@m.physi.nosp@m.cs.s.nosp@m.yr.ed.nosp@m.u

Definition at line 233 of file HistoTableFormat.cpp.

233  {
234  if ( !histo ) { return "<NULL>"; }
235  using namespace Gaudi::Utils;
236  using namespace boost::io;
237  boost::format _fmt( fmt );
238  // allow various number of arguments
239  _fmt.exceptions( all_error_bits ^ ( too_many_args_bit | too_few_args_bit ) );
241  _fmt % ( "\"" + path( histo ) + "\"" ) // 1) histogram path
242  % ( "\"" + _title( histo ) + "\"" ) // 2) title
243  % histo->allEntries() // 3) # entries
244  % histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::UNDERFLOW_BIN ) // 4) # underflow
245  % histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::OVERFLOW_BIN ) // 5) # overflow
246  % HistoStats::nEff( histo ) // 6) equivalent entries
247  % histo->sumBinHeights() // 7) integral
248  % HistoStats::mean( histo ) // 8) mean value
249  % HistoStats::meanErr( histo ) // 9) error in mean
250  % HistoStats::rms( histo ) // 10) rms
251  % HistoStats::rmsErr( histo ) // 11) error in rms
252  % HistoStats::skewness( histo ) // 12) skewness
253  % HistoStats::skewnessErr( histo ) // 13) error in skewness
254  % HistoStats::kurtosis( histo ) // 14) kurtosis
255  % HistoStats::kurtosisErr( histo ) // 15) error in kurtosis
256  //
257  % histo->sumAllBinHeights() // 16) full integral (in and out range)
258  % HistoStats::sumAllBinHeightErr( histo ) // 17) error on 16
259  % HistoStats::sumBinHeightErr( histo ) // 18) error on 7
260  //
261  % ( 100 * HistoStats::underflowEntriesFrac( histo ) ) // 19) fraction of underflow entries
262  % ( 100 * HistoStats::underflowEntriesFracErr( histo ) ) // 20) error on 19
263  % ( 100 * HistoStats::overflowEntriesFrac( histo ) ) // 21) fraction of overflow entries
264  % ( 100 * HistoStats::overflowEntriesFracErr( histo ) ) // 22) error on 21
265  //
266  % HistoStats::underflowIntegralFrac( histo ) // 23) fraction of underflow integral
267  % HistoStats::underflowIntegralFracErr( histo ) // 24) error on 23
268  % HistoStats::overflowIntegralFrac( histo ) // 25) fraction of overflow intergal
269  % HistoStats::overflowIntegralFracErr( histo ) // 26) error on 25
270  ;
272  return _fmt.str();
273 }

◆ format() [2/5]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::format ( const AIDA::IHistogram1D *  histo,
const std::string ID,
const std::string fmt1,
const std::string fmt2 

format a full row in table, including ID, label, path or any other "extra" identifier in string form

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos
const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo = ... ;
// define short format
const std::string fmt1 = " |%1$-30.30s %|33t| %2" ;
// define format for the histogram
const std::string fmt2 = ... ;
info () <<
format ( "My Histo" , histo , fmt1 , fmt2 )
<< endmsg ;
histopointer to the histogram
IDhistorgam ID, title, label or other extra information
fmt1"short" format used for the table
fmt2format used for the histogram printout
formatted row
Vanya BELYAEV ibely.nosp@m.aev@.nosp@m.physi.nosp@m.cs.s.nosp@m.yr.ed.nosp@m.u

Definition at line 325 of file HistoTableFormat.cpp.

326  {
327  using namespace boost::io;
328  boost::format _fmt( fmt1 );
329  // allow various number of arguments
330  _fmt.exceptions( all_error_bits ^ ( too_many_args_bit | too_few_args_bit ) );
331  //
332  _fmt % ID // format ID
333  % format( histo, fmt2 ); // format the histogram
334  //
335  return _fmt.str();
336 }

◆ format() [3/5]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::format ( const AIDA::IProfile1D *  histo,
const std::string fmt 

Make the string representation of the profile histogram according to the specified format.

The method could be used to access/print various quantities

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo = ... ;
// print title in a free format:
std::cout << format ( histo , "%2%" ) << std::endl ;
// print the path in HTS in a free format:
std::cout << format ( histo , " path in HTS: %1% " ) << std::endl ;
historeference to the histogram
fmtthe printout format
Vanya BELYAEV ibely.nosp@m.aev@.nosp@m.physi.nosp@m.cs.s.nosp@m.yr.ed.nosp@m.u

Definition at line 279 of file HistoTableFormat.cpp.

279  {
280  if ( !histo ) { return "<NULL>"; }
281  using namespace Gaudi::Utils;
282  using namespace boost::io;
283  boost::format _fmt( fmt );
284  // allow various number of arguments
285  _fmt.exceptions( all_error_bits ^ ( too_many_args_bit | too_few_args_bit ) );
287  _fmt % ( "\"" + path( histo ) + "\"" ) // 1) histogram path
288  % ( "\"" + _title( histo ) + "\"" ) // 2) title
289  % histo->allEntries() // 3) # entries
290  % histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::UNDERFLOW_BIN ) // 4) # underflow
291  % histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::OVERFLOW_BIN ) // 5) # overflow
292  % HistoStats::nEff( histo ) // 6) equivalent entries
293  % histo->sumBinHeights() // 7) integral
294  % HistoStats::mean( histo ) // 8) mean value
295  % HistoStats::meanErr( histo ) // 9) error in mean
296  % HistoStats::rms( histo ) // 10) rms
297  % HistoStats::rmsErr( histo ) // 11) error in rms
298  % HistoStats::skewness( histo ) // 12) skewness
299  % HistoStats::skewnessErr( histo ) // 13) error in skewness
300  % HistoStats::kurtosis( histo ) // 14) kurtosis
301  % HistoStats::kurtosisErr( histo ) // 15) error in kurtosis
302  //
303  % histo->sumAllBinHeights() // 16) full integral (in and out range)
304  % HistoStats::sumAllBinHeightErr( histo ) // 17) error on 16
305  % HistoStats::sumBinHeightErr( histo ) // 18) error on 7
306  //
307  % ( 100 * HistoStats::underflowEntriesFrac( histo ) ) // 19) fraction of underflow entries
308  % ( 100 * HistoStats::underflowEntriesFracErr( histo ) ) // 20) error on 19
309  % ( 100 * HistoStats::overflowEntriesFrac( histo ) ) // 21) fraction of overflow entries
310  % ( 100 * HistoStats::overflowEntriesFracErr( histo ) ) // 22) error on 21
311  //
312  % HistoStats::underflowIntegralFrac( histo ) // 23) fraction of underflow integral
313  % HistoStats::underflowIntegralFracErr( histo ) // 24) error on 23
314  % HistoStats::overflowIntegralFrac( histo ) // 25) fraction of overflow intergal
315  % HistoStats::overflowIntegralFracErr( histo ) // 26) error on 25
316  ;
318  return _fmt.str();
319 }

◆ format() [4/5]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::format ( const AIDA::IProfile1D *  histo,
const std::string ID,
const std::string fmt1,
const std::string fmt2 

format a full row in table, including ID, label, path or any other "extra" identifier in string form

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos
const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo = ... ;
// define short format
const std::string fmt1 = " |%1$-30.30s %|33t| %2" ;
// define format for the histogram
const std::string fmt2 = ... ;
info () <<
format ( "My Histo" , histo , fmt1 , fmt2 )
<< endmsg ;
histopointer to the histogram
IDhistorgam ID, title, label or other extra information
fmt1"short" format used for the table
fmt2format used for the histogram printout
formatted row
Vanya BELYAEV ibely.nosp@m.aev@.nosp@m.physi.nosp@m.cs.s.nosp@m.yr.ed.nosp@m.u

Definition at line 342 of file HistoTableFormat.cpp.

343  {
344  using namespace boost::io;
345  boost::format _fmt( fmt1 );
346  // allow various number of arguments
347  _fmt.exceptions( all_error_bits ^ ( too_many_args_bit | too_few_args_bit ) );
348  //
349  _fmt % ID // format ID
350  % format( histo, fmt2 ); // format the histogram
351  //
352  return _fmt.str();
353 }

◆ format() [5/5]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::format ( const std::string val1,
const std::string val2,
const std::string fmt 

helper method to merge the headers for short format table

Vanya BELYAEV ibely.nosp@m.aev@.nosp@m.physi.nosp@m.cs.s.nosp@m.yr.ed.nosp@m.u

Definition at line 357 of file HistoTableFormat.cpp.

357  {
358  using namespace boost::io;
359  boost::format _fmt( fmt );
360  // allow various number of arguments
361  _fmt.exceptions( all_error_bits ^ ( too_many_args_bit | too_few_args_bit ) );
362  //
363  _fmt % val1 // format ID
364  % val2; // format the histogram
365  //
366  return _fmt.str();
367 }

◆ fromXml() [1/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( AIDA::IHistogram1D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 431 of file HistoXML.cpp.

431  {
432  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &result );
433  return root ? fromXml( *root, input ) : StatusCode::FAILURE; // RETURN
434 }

◆ fromXml() [2/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( AIDA::IHistogram2D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 442 of file HistoXML.cpp.

442  {
443  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &result );
444  return root ? fromXml( *root, input ) : StatusCode::FAILURE; // RETURN
445 }

◆ fromXml() [3/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( AIDA::IHistogram3D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 453 of file HistoXML.cpp.

453  {
454  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &result );
455  return root ? fromXml( *root, input ) : StatusCode::FAILURE; // RETURN
456 }

◆ fromXml() [4/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( AIDA::IProfile1D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 464 of file HistoXML.cpp.

464  {
465  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &result );
466  return root ? fromXml( *root, input ) : StatusCode::FAILURE; // RETURN
467 }

◆ fromXml() [5/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( AIDA::IProfile2D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 475 of file HistoXML.cpp.

475  {
476  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &result );
477  return root ? fromXml( *root, input ) : StatusCode::FAILURE; // RETURN
478 }

◆ fromXml() [6/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH1D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 199 of file HistoXML.cpp.

199  {
200  //
201  result.Reset(); // RESET old histogram
202  //
204  auto histo = _Xml<TH1D>( input );
205  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
206  //
207  histo->Copy( result );
208  //
209  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
210 }

◆ fromXml() [7/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH1D *&  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 345 of file HistoXML.cpp.

345  {
346  if ( result ) { return fromXml( *result, input ); }
347  //
348  auto histo = _Xml<TH1D>( input );
349  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
350  //
351  result = histo.release(); // ASSIGN
352  //
353  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
354 }

◆ fromXml() [8/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH1F &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 254 of file HistoXML.cpp.

254  {
255  //
256  result.Reset(); // RESET old histogram
257  //
258  auto histo = _Xml<TH1F>( input );
259  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
260  //
261  histo->Copy( result );
262  //
263  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
264 }

◆ fromXml() [9/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH2D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 218 of file HistoXML.cpp.

218  {
219  //
220  result.Reset(); // RESET old histogram
221  //
222  auto histo = _Xml<TH2D>( input );
223  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
224  //
225  histo->Copy( result );
226  //
227  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
228 }

◆ fromXml() [10/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH2D *&  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 362 of file HistoXML.cpp.

362  {
363  if ( result ) { return fromXml( *result, input ); }
364  //
365  auto histo = _Xml<TH2D>( input );
366  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
367  //
368  result = histo.release(); // ASSIGN
369  //
370  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
371 }

◆ fromXml() [11/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH2F &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 272 of file HistoXML.cpp.

272  {
273  //
274  result.Reset(); // RESET old histogram
275  //
276  auto histo = _Xml<TH2F>( input );
277  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
278  //
279  histo->Copy( result );
280  //
281  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
282 }

◆ fromXml() [12/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH3D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 236 of file HistoXML.cpp.

236  {
237  //
238  result.Reset(); // RESET old histogram
239  //
240  auto histo = _Xml<TH3D>( input );
241  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
242  //
243  histo->Copy( result );
244  //
245  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
246 }

◆ fromXml() [13/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH3D *&  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 379 of file HistoXML.cpp.

379  {
380  if ( result ) { return fromXml( *result, input ); }
381  //
382  auto histo = _Xml<TH3D>( input );
383  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
384  //
385  result = histo.release(); // ASSIGN
386  //
387  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
388 }

◆ fromXml() [14/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TH3F &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 290 of file HistoXML.cpp.

290  {
291  //
292  result.Reset(); // RESET old histogram
293  //
294  auto histo = _Xml<TH3F>( input );
295  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
296  //
297  histo->Copy( result );
298  //
299  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
300 }

◆ fromXml() [15/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TProfile &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 308 of file HistoXML.cpp.

308  {
309  //
310  result.Reset(); // RESET old histogram
311  //
312  auto histo = _Xml<TProfile>( input );
313  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
314  //
315  histo->Copy( result );
316  //
317  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
318 }

◆ fromXml() [16/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TProfile *&  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 397 of file HistoXML.cpp.

397  {
398  if ( result ) { return fromXml( *result, input ); }
399  //
400  auto histo = _Xml<TProfile>( input );
401  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
402  //
403  result = histo.release(); // ASSIGN
404  //
405  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
406 }

◆ fromXml() [17/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TProfile2D &  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 326 of file HistoXML.cpp.

326  {
327  //
328  result.Reset(); // RESET old histogram
329  //
330  auto histo = _Xml<TProfile2D>( input );
331  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
332  //
333  histo->Copy( result );
334  //
335  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
336 }

◆ fromXml() [18/18]

StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TProfile2D *&  result,
std::string_view  input 

parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML

See also
result(OUTPUT) the parsed histogram
input(INPUT) the input XML string
status code

Definition at line 414 of file HistoXML.cpp.

414  {
415  if ( result ) { return fromXml( *result, input ); }
416  //
417  auto histo = _Xml<TProfile2D>( input );
418  if ( !histo ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
419  //
420  result = histo.release(); // ASSIGN
421  //
422  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
423 }

◆ histoDump() [1/4]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::histoDump ( const AIDA::IHistogram1D *  histo,
const std::size_t  width = 80,
const std::size_t  height = 50,
const bool  errors = false 

dump the text representation of the histogram

histo(INPUT) the histogram
width(INPUT) the maximal column width
height(INPUT) the proposed column height
erorrs(INPUT) print/plot errors
string representation of the histogram

Definition at line 565 of file HistoDump.cpp.

566  {
568  stream << std::endl;
569  if ( !histo ) { return stream.str(); } // RETURN
570  Histo hist;
571  StatusCode sc = _getHisto( histo, hist );
572  if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return stream.str(); } // RETURN
574  stream << fmt::format( R"( Histo TES : "{}"
575  Histo Title : "{}"
577  Mean : {:11.5g} +- {:<10.4g}
578  Rms : {:11.5g} +- {:<10.4g}
579  Skewness : {:11.5g} +- {:<10.4g}
580  Kurtosis : {:11.5g} +- {:<10.4g}
582  Entries :
583  | All | In Range | Underflow | Overflow | #Equivalent | Integral | Total |
584  | {:^9} | {:^9} | {:^9} | {:^9} | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} |
586 )",
587  path( histo ), histo->title(), //
592  histo->allEntries(), histo->entries(), histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::UNDERFLOW_BIN ),
593  histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::OVERFLOW_BIN ), histo->equivalentBinEntries(),
594  histo->sumBinHeights(), histo->sumAllBinHeights() );
596  const AIDA::IAnnotation& a = histo->annotation();
597  if ( a.size() ) {
598  stream << " Annotation\n";
599  for ( int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i ) {
600  stream << fmt::format( " | {:<25.25s} : {:<45.45s} |\n", a.key( i ), a.value( i ) );
601  }
602  stream << '\n';
603  }
605  return dumpText( hist, width, height, errors, stream ).str();
606 }

◆ histoDump() [2/4]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::histoDump ( const AIDA::IProfile1D *  histo,
const std::size_t  width = 80,
const std::size_t  height = 50,
const bool  spread = true 

dump the text representation of the 1D-profile

histo(INPUT) the histogram
width(INPUT) the maximal column width
height(INPUT) the proposed column height
spread(INPUT) print/plto spread vs rms
string representation of the histogram

Definition at line 616 of file HistoDump.cpp.

617  {
619  stream << std::endl;
620  if ( !histo ) { return stream.str(); } // RETURN
621  Histo hist;
622  StatusCode sc = _getHisto( histo, hist, spread );
623  if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return stream.str(); } // RETURN
625  stream << fmt::format( R"( Histo TES : "{}"
626  Histo Title : "{}"
628  Mean : {:11.5g}
629  Rms : {:11.5g}
631  Entries :
632  | All | In Range | Underflow | Overflow | Integral | Total |
633  | {:^9} | {:^9} | {:^9} | {:^9} | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} |
635 )",
636  path( histo ), histo->title(), //
637  histo->mean(), histo->rms(), histo->allEntries(), histo->entries(),
638  histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::UNDERFLOW_BIN ),
639  histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::OVERFLOW_BIN ), histo->sumBinHeights(),
640  histo->sumAllBinHeights() );
642  const AIDA::IAnnotation& a = histo->annotation();
643  if ( a.size() ) {
644  stream << " Annotation\n";
645  for ( int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i ) {
646  stream << fmt::format( " | {:<25.25s} : {:<45.45s} |\n", a.key( i ), a.value( i ) );
647  }
648  stream << std::endl;
649  }
651  return dumpText( hist, width, height, true, stream ).str();
652 }

◆ histoDump() [3/4]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::histoDump ( const TH1 *  histo,
const std::size_t  width = 80,
const std::size_t  height = 50,
const bool  errors = false 

dump the text representation of the histogram

histo(INPUT) the histogram
width(INPUT) the maximal column width
height(INPUT) the propsoed coulmn height
erorrs(INPUT) print/plot errors
string representation of the histogram

Definition at line 662 of file HistoDump.cpp.

663  {
664  const TProfile* profile = dynamic_cast<const TProfile*>( histo );
665  if ( profile ) { return histoDump( profile, width, height ); }
666  //
668  stream << std::endl;
669  if ( !histo ) { return stream.str(); } // RETURN
670  Histo hist;
671  StatusCode sc = _getHisto( histo, hist );
672  if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return stream.str(); } // RETURN
674  stream << fmt::format( R"( Histo Name : "{}"
675  Histo Title : "{}"
677  Mean : {:11.5g} +- {:<10.4g}
678  Rms : {:11.5g} +- {:<10.4g}
679  Skewness : {:11.5g}
680  Kurtosis : {:11.5g}
682  Entries :
683  | All | Underflow | Overflow | #Equivalent | Integral |
684  | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} |
686 )",
687  histo->GetName(), histo->GetTitle(), //
688  histo->GetMean(), histo->GetMeanError(), histo->GetRMS(), histo->GetRMSError(),
689  histo->GetSkewness(), histo->GetKurtosis(), histo->GetEntries(), histo->GetBinContent( 0 ),
690  histo->GetBinContent( histo->GetNbinsX() + 1 ), histo->GetEffectiveEntries(),
691  histo->Integral() );
693  return dumpText( hist, width, height, errors, stream ).str();
694 }

◆ histoDump() [4/4]

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::histoDump ( const TProfile *  histo,
const std::size_t  width = 80,
const std::size_t  height = 50 

dump the text representation of the histogram

histo(INPUT) the histogram
width(INPUT) the maximal column width
height(INPUT) the propsoed coulmn height
erorrs(INPUT) print/plot errors
string representation of the histogram

Definition at line 704 of file HistoDump.cpp.

705  {
707  stream << std::endl;
708  if ( !histo ) { return stream.str(); } // RETURN
709  Histo hist;
710  StatusCode sc = _getHisto( histo, hist, true );
711  if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return stream.str(); } // RETURN
713  stream << fmt::format( R"( Profile Name : "{}"
714  Profile Title : "{}"
716  Mean : {:11.5g}
717  Rms : {:11.5g}
719  Entries :
720  | All | Underflow | Overflow | Integral |
721  | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} | {:^11.5g} |
723 )",
724  histo->GetName(), histo->GetTitle(), //
725  histo->GetMean(), histo->GetRMS(), histo->GetSkewness(), histo->GetKurtosis(),
726  histo->GetEntries(), histo->GetBinContent( 0 ), histo->GetBinContent( histo->GetNbinsX() + 1 ),
727  histo->Integral() );
729  return dumpText( hist, width, height, true, stream ).str();
730 }

◆ path()

std::string Gaudi::Utils::Histos::path ( const AIDA::IBaseHistogram *  aida)

get the path in THS for AIDA histogram

Vanya BELYAEV ibely.nosp@m.aev@.nosp@m.physi.nosp@m.cs.s.nosp@m.yr.ed.nosp@m.u

Definition at line 218 of file HistoTableFormat.cpp.

218  {
219  if ( !aida ) { return ""; } // RETURN
220  const auto object = dynamic_cast<const DataObject*>( aida );
221  if ( !object ) { return ""; } // RETURN
222  const auto registry = object->registry();
223  if ( !registry ) { return ""; } // RETURN
224  const auto _path = registry->identifier();
225  const auto n = _path.find( "/stat/" );
226  return ( 0 == n ? std::string( _path, 6 ) : _path ); // RETURN
227 }

◆ printList() [1/2]

template<class LIST , class STREAM , class TERMINATOR >
STREAM& Gaudi::Utils::Histos::printList ( const LIST &  histos,
const std::string fmt,
STREAM &  stream,

print the simple container of histograms as table

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
SEQUENCE histos = ... ;
// print a table with three columns: path, title and #entries
( histos ,
" | %1$|-40.40s | %2$-30.30s | %3$=7d | " ,
'\n' ) ;
histosthe sequence of histograms
streamthe stream to be used for printout
termthe terminmator for the stream
fmtthe format to be used

Definition at line 316 of file HistoTableFormat.h.

316  {
317  return printList( histos.begin(), histos.end(), fmt, stream, term );
318  }

◆ printList() [2/2]

template<class HISTO , class STREAM , class TERMINATOR >
STREAM& Gaudi::Utils::Histos::printList ( HISTO  first,
HISTO  last,
const std::string fmt,
STREAM &  stream,

print the simple sequence (list-like) of histograms as table

SEQUENCE histos = ... ;
// print a table with three colums path, title and #entries
( histos.begin () ,
histos.end () ,
" | %1$|-40.40s | %2$-30.30s | %3$=7d | " ,
'\n' ) ;
firstbegin-iterator for the sequence
lastend-iterator for the sequence
streamthe stream to be used for printout
termthe terminmator for the stream
fmtthe format to be used

Definition at line 287 of file HistoTableFormat.h.

287  {
288  for ( ; first != last; ++first ) { stream << format( *first, fmt ) << term; } // print table rows
289  return stream; // RETURN
290  }

◆ printMap() [1/2]

template<class MAP , class STREAM , class TERMINATOR >
STREAM& Gaudi::Utils::Histos::printMap ( const MAP &  histos,
const std::string fmt1,
const std::string fmt2,
STREAM &  stream,

Print the "associative sequence" (e.g.

part of std:map) of histograms as table:

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
( m ,
"| %1$-10.10s | %2% " , // short format
Gaudi::Utils::Histos::Formats::histoFormatOnly ,
always() ,
endmsg ) ;

Print only mean and rms:

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
( m ,
"| %1$-10.10s | %2% " , // short format
" %8$10.5g+-%10$-10.5g|", // mean+-rms
always() ,
endmsg ) ;
begin'begin'-iterator for the mapping sequence
end'end'-iterator for the mapping sequence
fmt1'short' format for the table printout
fmt3format for the printout of the histogram
streamthe stream for printout
termstream terminator

Definition at line 419 of file HistoTableFormat.h.

420  {
421  return printMap( histos.begin(), histos.end(), fmt1, fmt2, stream, term );
422  }

◆ printMap() [2/2]

template<class HISTO , class STREAM , class TERMINATOR >
STREAM& Gaudi::Utils::Histos::printMap ( HISTO  begin,
HISTO  end,
const std::string fmt1,
const std::string fmt2,
STREAM &  stream,

Print the "associative sequence" (e.g.

part of std:map) of histograms as table:

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
( m.begin () ,
m.end () ,
"| %1$-10.10s | %2% " , // short format
Gaudi::Utils::Histos::Formats::histoFormatOnly ,
always() ,
endmsg ) ;

Print only mean and rms:

using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
( m.begin () ,
m.end () ,
"| %1$-10.10s | %2% " , // short format
" %8$10.5g+-%10$-10.5g|", // mean+-rms
always() ,
endmsg ) ;
begin'begin'-iterator for the mapping sequence
end'end'-iterator for the mapping sequence
fmt1'short' format for the table printout
fmt3format for the printout of the histogram
streamthe stream for printout
termstream terminator

Definition at line 365 of file HistoTableFormat.h.

366  {
367  for ( ; begin != end; ++begin ) {
368  stream << format( begin->second, // the histogram
369  begin->first, // the key
370  fmt1, fmt2 )
371  << term;
372  }
373  return stream;
374  }

◆ setAxisLabels() [1/4]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setAxisLabels ( AIDA::IHistogram1D *  hist,
const std::string xAxis,
const std::string yAxis 

Set the axis labels for the given 1D histogram.

histPointer to the histogram
xAxisLabel for the x axis
yAxisLabel for the y axis
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 139 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

139  {
140  return setAxisLabels_<TH1D>( hist, xAxis, yAxis );
141  }

◆ setAxisLabels() [2/4]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setAxisLabels ( AIDA::IHistogram2D *  hist,
const std::string xAxis,
const std::string yAxis 

Set the axis labels for the given 2D histogram.

histPointer to the histogram
xAxisLabel for the x axis
yAxisLabel for the y axis
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 147 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

147  {
148  return setAxisLabels_<TH2D>( hist, xAxis, yAxis );
149  }

◆ setAxisLabels() [3/4]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setAxisLabels ( AIDA::IProfile1D *  hist,
const std::string xAxis,
const std::string yAxis 

Set the axis labels for the given 1D profile histogram.

histPointer to the histogram
xAxisLabel for the x axis
yAxisLabel for the y axis
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 143 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

143  {
144  return setAxisLabels_<TProfile>( hist, xAxis, yAxis );
145  }

◆ setAxisLabels() [4/4]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setAxisLabels ( AIDA::IProfile2D *  hist,
const std::string xAxis,
const std::string yAxis 

Set the axis labels for the given 2D profile histogram.

histPointer to the histogram
xAxisLabel for the x axis
yAxisLabel for the y axis
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 151 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

151  {
152  return setAxisLabels_<TProfile2D>( hist, xAxis, yAxis );
153  }

◆ setBinLabels() [1/8]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setBinLabels ( AIDA::IHistogram1D *  hist,
const BinLabels labels 

Set the Bin labels for a given 1D histogram.

Each entry in 'labels' gives the bin number and its associated label

histPointer to the histogram
labelsThe list of labels
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 89 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

89  {
90  return setBinLabels_<TH1D>( hist, labels );
91  }

◆ setBinLabels() [2/8]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setBinLabels ( AIDA::IHistogram1D *  hist,
const Labels labels 

Set the Bin labels for a given 1D histogram.

The labels will be applied in the order they appear in the list, starting at the first bin. If the list of labels is too short, the later bins will be missing a label. If the list is too long, only the first N will be used, where N is the number of bins in the histogram

histPointer to the histogram
labelsThe list of labels
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 97 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

97 { return setBinLabels_( hist, labels ); }

◆ setBinLabels() [3/8]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setBinLabels ( AIDA::IHistogram2D *  hist,
const BinLabels xlabels,
const BinLabels ylabels 

Set the Bin labels for a given 2D histogram.

Each entry in 'labels' lists gives the bin number and its associated label

histPointer to the histogram
xlabelsThe list of x bin numbers and the associated label
ylabelsThe list of y bin numbers and the associated label
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 114 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

114  {
115  TH2D* h2d = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( hist );
116  return ( h2d && setBinLabels_( h2d->GetXaxis(), xlabels ) && setBinLabels_( h2d->GetYaxis(), ylabels ) );
117  }

◆ setBinLabels() [4/8]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setBinLabels ( AIDA::IHistogram2D *  hist,
const Labels xlabels,
const Labels ylabels 

Set the Bin labels for a given 2D histogram.

The labels will be applied in the order they appear in the lists, starting at the first bin. If the list of labels is too short, the later bins will be missing a label. If the list is too long, only the first N will be used, where N is the number of bins in the histogram

histPointer to the histogram
xlabelsThe list of x labels
ylabelsThe list of y labels
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 101 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

101  {
102  if ( !hist ) return false;
103  TH2D* h2d = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( hist );
104  if ( !h2d ) return false;
105  BinLabels lx;
106  lx.reserve( xlabels.size() );
107  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < xlabels.size(); ++i ) { lx.emplace_back( i, xlabels[i] ); }
108  BinLabels ly;
109  ly.reserve( ylabels.size() );
110  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ylabels.size(); ++i ) { ly.emplace_back( i, ylabels[i] ); }
111  return ( setBinLabels_( h2d->GetXaxis(), lx ) && setBinLabels_( h2d->GetYaxis(), ly ) );
112  }

◆ setBinLabels() [5/8]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setBinLabels ( AIDA::IProfile1D *  hist,
const BinLabels labels 

Set the Bin labels for a given 1D profile histogram.

Each entry in 'labels' gives the bin number and its associated label

histPointer to the histogram
labelsThe list of bin numbers and the associated label
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 93 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

93  {
94  return setBinLabels_<TProfile>( hist, labels );
95  }

◆ setBinLabels() [6/8]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setBinLabels ( AIDA::IProfile1D *  hist,
const Labels labels 

Set the Bin labels for a given 1D profile histogram.

The labels will be applied in the order they appear in the list, starting at the first bin. If the list of labels is too short, the later bins will be missing a label. If the list is too long, only the first N will be used, where N is the number of bins in the histogram

histPointer to the histogram
labelsThe list of labels
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 99 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

99 { return setBinLabels_( hist, labels ); }

◆ setBinLabels() [7/8]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setBinLabels ( AIDA::IProfile2D *  hist,
const BinLabels xlabels,
const BinLabels ylabels 

Set the Bin labels for a given 2D profile histogram.

Each entry in 'labels' lists gives the bin number and its associated label

histPointer to the histogram
xlabelsThe list of x bin numbers and the associated label
ylabelsThe list of y bin numbers and the associated label
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 132 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

132  {
133  TProfile2D* h2d = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( hist );
134  return ( h2d && setBinLabels_( h2d->GetXaxis(), xlabels ) && setBinLabels_( h2d->GetYaxis(), ylabels ) );
135  }

◆ setBinLabels() [8/8]

bool Gaudi::Utils::Histos::setBinLabels ( AIDA::IProfile2D *  hist,
const Labels xlabels,
const Labels ylabels 

Set the Bin labels for a given 2D profile histogram.

The labels will be applied in the order they appear in the lists, starting at the first bin. If the list of labels is too short, the later bins will be missing a label. If the list is too long, only the first N will be used, where N is the number of bins in the histogram

histPointer to the histogram
xlabelsThe list of x labels
ylabelsThe list of y labels
Boolean indicating if the labels were successfully applied or not
Return values
TRUELabels were applied OK
FALSELabels were NOT applied

Definition at line 119 of file HistoLabels.cpp.

119  {
120  if ( !hist ) return false;
121  TProfile2D* h2d = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( hist );
122  if ( !h2d ) return false;
123  BinLabels lx;
124  lx.reserve( xlabels.size() );
125  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < xlabels.size(); ++i ) { lx.emplace_back( i, xlabels[i] ); }
126  BinLabels ly;
127  ly.reserve( ylabels.size() );
128  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ylabels.size(); ++i ) { ly.emplace_back( i, ylabels[i] ); }
129  return ( setBinLabels_( h2d->GetXaxis(), lx ) && setBinLabels_( h2d->GetYaxis(), ly ) );
130  }

◆ toXml() [1/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const AIDA::IHistogram1D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML

histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 148 of file HistoXML.cpp.

148  {
149  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &histo );
150  return root ? toXml( *root, stream ) : stream;
151 }

◆ toXml() [2/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const AIDA::IHistogram2D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML

histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 158 of file HistoXML.cpp.

158  {
159  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &histo );
160  return root ? toXml( *root, stream ) : stream;
161 }

◆ toXml() [3/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const AIDA::IHistogram3D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML

histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 168 of file HistoXML.cpp.

168  {
169  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &histo );
170  return root ? toXml( *root, stream ) : stream;
171 }

◆ toXml() [4/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const AIDA::IProfile1D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML

histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 178 of file HistoXML.cpp.

178  {
179  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &histo );
180  return root ? toXml( *root, stream ) : stream;
181 }

◆ toXml() [5/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const AIDA::IProfile2D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the AIDA histogram into the output stream as XML

histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 188 of file HistoXML.cpp.

188  {
189  auto root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root( &histo );
190  return root ? toXml( *root, stream ) : stream;
191 }

◆ toXml() [6/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const TH1D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML

See also
histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 76 of file HistoXML.cpp.

76  {
77  return stream << TBufferXML::ConvertToXML( &histo );
78 }

◆ toXml() [7/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const TH1F &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML

See also
histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 103 of file HistoXML.cpp.

103  {
104  return stream << TBufferXML::ConvertToXML( &histo );
105 }

◆ toXml() [8/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const TH2D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML

See also
histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 85 of file HistoXML.cpp.

85  {
86  return stream << TBufferXML::ConvertToXML( &histo );
87 }

◆ toXml() [9/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const TH2F &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML

See also
histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 112 of file HistoXML.cpp.

112  {
113  return stream << TBufferXML::ConvertToXML( &histo );
114 }

◆ toXml() [10/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const TH3D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML

See also
histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 94 of file HistoXML.cpp.

94  {
95  return stream << TBufferXML::ConvertToXML( &histo );
96 }

◆ toXml() [11/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const TH3F &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML

See also
histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 121 of file HistoXML.cpp.

121  {
122  return stream << TBufferXML::ConvertToXML( &histo );
123 }

◆ toXml() [12/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const TProfile &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML

See also
histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 130 of file HistoXML.cpp.

130  {
131  return stream << TBufferXML::ConvertToXML( &histo );
132 }

◆ toXml() [13/13]

std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toXml ( const TProfile2D &  histo,
std::ostream stream 

stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML

See also
histo(INPUT) the histogram to be streamed
stream(OUTPUT) the stream

Definition at line 139 of file HistoXML.cpp.

139  {
140  return stream << TBufferXML::ConvertToXML( &histo );
141 }
STREAM & printList(const LIST &histos, const std::string &fmt, STREAM &stream, TERMINATOR term)
print the simple container of histograms as table
Definition: HistoTableFormat.h:316
STL class.
def registry()
static double nEff(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the effective entries (just for completeness)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:620
static double rmsErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get an error in the rms value
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:652
GAUDI_API std::string histoDump(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const std::size_t width=80, const std::size_t height=50, const bool errors=false)
dump the text representation of the histogram
Definition: HistoDump.cpp:565
STREAM & printMap(HISTO begin, HISTO end, const std::string &fmt1, const std::string &fmt2, STREAM &stream, TERMINATOR term)
Print the "associative sequence" (e.g.
Definition: HistoTableFormat.h:365
Definition: Property.h:650
static TH1D * aida2root(AIDA::IHistogram1D *aida)
get the underlying pointer for 1D-histogram
Definition: Aida2ROOT.cpp:66
static double kurtosisErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the error in kurtosis for the histogram
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:612
static double underflowEntriesFracErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the error on fraction of underflow entries (useful for shape comparison)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:742
static double meanErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get an error in the mean value
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:636
AttribStringParser::Iterator begin(const AttribStringParser &parser)
Definition: AttribStringParser.h:136
Definition: StatusCode.h:65
constexpr double m
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:108
std::vector< BinLabel > BinLabels
Typedef for a list of bin numbers and their associated label.
Definition: HistoLabels.h:37
GAUDI_API std::string format(const std::string &val1, const std::string &val2, const std::string &fmt)
helper method to merge the headers for short format table
Definition: HistoTableFormat.cpp:357
GAUDI_API std::string format(const char *,...)
MsgStream format utility "a la sprintf(...)".
Definition: MsgStream.cpp:119
static double overflowEntriesFrac(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the fraction of overflow entries (useful for shape comparison)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:682
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:202
STL class.
static double overflowIntegralFracErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the error on fraction of overflow intergal
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:754
static double underflowIntegralFrac(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the fraction of underflow integral (useful for shape comparison)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:718
STL class.
bool isFailure() const
Definition: StatusCode.h:129
static double overflowEntriesFracErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
error on fraction of overflow entries (useful for shape comparison)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:730
STREAM & printMap(const MAP &histos, const std::string &fmt1, const std::string &fmt2, STREAM &stream, TERMINATOR term)
Print the "associative sequence" (e.g.
Definition: HistoTableFormat.h:419
STREAM & printList(HISTO first, HISTO last, const std::string &fmt, STREAM &stream, TERMINATOR term)
print the simple sequence (list-like) of histograms as table
Definition: HistoTableFormat.h:287
constexpr static const auto SUCCESS
Definition: StatusCode.h:100
T endl(T... args)
static double mean(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the mean value for the histogram (just for completeness)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:628
GAUDI_API StatusCode fromXml(TH1D &result, std::string_view input)
parse the histogram from standard ROOT XML
Definition: HistoXML.cpp:199
Definition: DataObject.h:36
static double rms(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the rms value for the histogram (just for completeness)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:644
static double kurtosis(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the kurtosis for the histogram
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:604
static double sumBinHeightErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get an error in the sum bin height ("in-range integral")
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:660
static double sumAllBinHeightErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get an error in the sum of all bin height ("integral")
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:670
constexpr static const auto FAILURE
Definition: StatusCode.h:101
static double skewnessErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the error in skewness for the histogram
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:596
Definition: HistoDump.h:27
static double overflowIntegralFrac(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the fraction of overflow intergal (useful for shape comparison)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:706
static double skewness(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the skewness for the histogram
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:588
GAUDI_API std::string format(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const std::string &fmt)
Make the string representation of the histogram according to the specified format.
Definition: HistoTableFormat.cpp:233
static double underflowIntegralFracErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the error on fraction of underflow integral
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:766
GAUDI_API std::ostream & toXml(const TH1D &histo, std::ostream &stream)
stream the ROOT histogram into output stream as XML
Definition: HistoXML.cpp:76
static double underflowEntriesFrac(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the fraction of underflow entries (useful for shape comparison)
Definition: HistoStats.cpp:694