13 Script that fetches all the logfiles from disk and reads the timings.
14 Parameters can be changed according to the working points considered.
15 Some parameters of the plots are hardcoded.
20 n_algos_in_flight_l = [1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 16, 20, 22]
21 n_evts_in_flight_l = [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15]
30 line_style_l = [1] * 6 + [2] * 6
31 cloneFlag_l = [
33 To be filled with files on disk of the form
34 timing_measurement_BrunelScenario_n150_eif2_aif20_nthreads24_cFalse_dqFalse.log
36 filename_scheleton = (
37 "timing_measurement_BrunelScenario_n150_eif%s_aif%s_nthreads24_c%s_dqFalse.log"
41 def getRuntime(n_algos_in_flight, n_evts_in_flight, cloneFlag):
42 filename = filename_scheleton % (n_evts_in_flight, n_algos_in_flight, cloneFlag)
45 for line
in open(filename,
54 o Key = [n_algos_in_flight, n_evts_in_flight, cloneFlag]
61 for n_algos_in_flight
in n_algos_in_flight_l:
62 for n_evts_in_flight
in n_evts_in_flight_l:
63 for cloneFlag
in cloneFlag_l:
64 rt =
getRuntime(n_algos_in_flight, n_evts_in_flight, cloneFlag)
65 runtimes[n_algos_in_flight, n_evts_in_flight, cloneFlag] = rt
71 for key, rt
in runtimes.items():
72 this_n_algos_in_flight, this_n_evts_in_flight, this_cloneFlag = key
73 if this_n_evts_in_flight == n_evts_in_flight
and this_cloneFlag == cloneFlag:
74 points.append((this_n_algos_in_flight, rt))
80 graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(points))
81 graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(
"Maximum # in flight algos")
82 graph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 23)
83 graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
"Runtime [s]")
84 graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.45)
85 graph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.1, 275)
86 graph.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(12, 5, 1)
88 graph.SetLineColor(colour)
89 graph.SetMarkerColor(colour)
90 graph.SetLineStyle(style)
91 graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite)
95 graph.SetPoint(point_n, x, y)
101 title =
"Brunel 150 events"
104 clone_string =
105 title +=
" (Cloning)"
106 plotname =
"runtime%s.pdf" % clone_string
108 canvas = ROOT.TCanvas(plotname,
"plot", 500, 400)
114 for colour, n_evts_in_flight, line_style
in zip(
115 colour_l, n_evts_in_flight_l, line_style_l
117 print(n_evts_in_flight)
119 n_evts_in_flight, cloneFlag, runtimes, colour, line_style
125 graph.SetTitle(title)
130 legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.499, 0.45, 0.9, 0.9,
"# Parallel Events")
131 legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
132 legend.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite)
134 for graph, n
in zip(graphs, n_evts_in_flight_l):
135 legend.AddEntry(graph,
"%s" % n)
139 l = ROOT.TLatex(0.13, 0.16,
"#font[12]{#scale[.8]{24 Threads}}")
143 input(
"Press enter to save...")
144 canvas.Print(plotname)