The Gaudi Framework  master (da3d77e1)
SmartRef< TYPE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SmartRef< TYPE >, including all inherited members.

_setEnvironment(const DataObject *pObj, const ContainedObject *pContd) constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
_setEnvironment(const DataObject *pObj, const ContainedObject *pContd)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
data()SmartRef< TYPE >inline
data() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
entry_type typedefSmartRef< TYPE >
hintID() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
INVALID enum valueSmartRef< TYPE >
linkID() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
m_baseSmartRef< TYPE >private
m_targetSmartRef< TYPE >mutableprivate
operator bool() constSmartRef< TYPE >inlineexplicit
operator const TYPE *() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator TYPE *()SmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator!=(const SmartRef< TYPE > &c) constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator!=(const SmartRef< TYPE > &ref, std::nullptr_t)SmartRef< TYPE >friend
operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const SmartRef< TYPE > &ref)SmartRef< TYPE >friend
operator()(ContainedObject *pObj)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator()(const ContainedObject *pObj) constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator()(DataObject *pObj)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator()(const DataObject *pObj) constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator*()SmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator*() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator->()SmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator->() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator<<(StreamBuffer &_s, const SmartRef< TYPE > &ptr)SmartRef< TYPE >friend
operator=(const SmartRef< TYPE > &c)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator=(const TYPE *pObject)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator==(const SmartRef< TYPE > &c) constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
operator==(const SmartRef< TYPE > &ref, std::nullptr_t)SmartRef< TYPE >friend
operator==(std::nullptr_t, const SmartRef< TYPE > &ref)SmartRef< TYPE >friend
operator>>(StreamBuffer &_s, SmartRef< TYPE > &ptr)SmartRef< TYPE >friend
path() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
readRef(StreamBuffer &s)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
set(DataObject *pObj, long hint_id, long link_id)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
shouldFollowLink(const DataObject *) constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
shouldFollowLink(const ContainedObject *) constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
SmartRef(const TYPE *pObject=nullptr)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
SmartRef(const SmartRef &copy)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
SmartRef(long hint, long link, const TYPE *obj=nullptr)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
SmartRef(const ContainedObject *pObj, long hint, long link, const TYPE *obj=nullptr)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
SmartRef(const DataObject *pObj, long hint, long link, const TYPE *obj=nullptr)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
SmartRef(const DataObject *pObj, long hint, const TYPE *obj=nullptr)SmartRef< TYPE >inline
SmartRefArray< TYPE > classSmartRef< TYPE >friend
SmartRefList< TYPE > classSmartRef< TYPE >friend
SmartRefMap< TYPE > classSmartRef< TYPE >friend
target() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
target()SmartRef< TYPE >inline
type() constSmartRef< TYPE >inline
VALID enum valueSmartRef< TYPE >
writeRef(StreamBuffer &s) constSmartRef< TYPE >inline