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The Gaudi Framework
master (da3d77e1)
This is the complete list of members for IAIDATupleSvc, including all inherited members.
addPreLoadItem(const DataStoreItem &item)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
addPreLoadItem(std::string itemPath) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
addRef()=0 | IInterface | pure virtual |
book(const std::string &fullPath, const std::string &title, const std::string &columns)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
createDirectory(const std::string &parentDir, const std::string &subDir)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
createPath(const std::string &newPath)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
DeclareInterfaceID(IAIDATupleSvc, 3, 0) | IAIDATupleSvc | |
IDataProviderSvc::DeclareInterfaceID(IDataProviderSvc, 4, 0) | IDataProviderSvc | |
ext_iids typedef | IInterface | |
findObject(const std::string &fullPath, AIDA::ITuple *&tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
findObject(IRegistry *pDirectory, const std::string &path, AIDA::ITuple *&tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
findObject(const std::string &parentPath, const std::string &objPath, AIDA::ITuple *&tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
findObject(DataObject *parentObj, const std::string &objPath, AIDA::ITuple *&tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
findObject(IRegistry *pDirectory, std::string_view path, DataObject *&pObject)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | |
findObject(std::string_view fullPath, DataObject *&pObject)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | |
findObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
findObject(std::string_view parentPath, int item, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
findObject(DataObject *parentObj, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
findObject(DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::findObject(IRegistry *pDirectory, std::string_view path, DataObject *&pObject)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
IDataProviderSvc::findObject(std::string_view fullPath, DataObject *&pObject)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
IDataProviderSvc::findObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::findObject(std::string_view parentPath, int item, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::findObject(DataObject *parentObj, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::findObject(DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
getInterfaceNames() const =0 | IInterface | pure virtual |
i_cast(const InterfaceID &) const =0 | IInterface | pure virtual |
iid typedef | IInterface | |
interfaceID() | IInterface | inlinestatic |
itemToPath(int item) | IDataProviderSvc | inlineprivatestatic |
linkObject(IRegistry *from, std::string_view objPath, DataObject *toObj)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
linkObject(std::string_view fromPath, std::string_view objPath, DataObject *toObj) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
linkObject(DataObject *fromObj, std::string_view objPath, DataObject *toObj) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
linkObject(std::string_view fullPath, DataObject *toObj)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
myTest()=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
preLoad()=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
queryInterface(const InterfaceID &ti, void **pp)=0 | IInterface | pure virtual |
refCount() const =0 | IInterface | pure virtual |
registerObject(const std::string &dirPath, const std::string &objPath, AIDA::ITuple *tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
registerObject(DataObject *pParent, const std::string &objPath, AIDA::ITuple *tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
registerObject(std::string_view fullPath, DataObject *pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
registerObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *pObject)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | |
registerObject(std::string_view parentPath, int item, DataObject *pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
registerObject(DataObject *parentObj, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *pObject)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | |
registerObject(DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::registerObject(std::string_view fullPath, DataObject *pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::registerObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *pObject)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
IDataProviderSvc::registerObject(std::string_view parentPath, int item, DataObject *pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::registerObject(DataObject *parentObj, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *pObject)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
IDataProviderSvc::registerObject(DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
release()=0 | IInterface | pure virtual |
removePreLoadItem(const DataStoreItem &item)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
removePreLoadItem(std::string itemPath) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
resetPreLoad()=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
retrieveObject(const std::string &fullPath, AIDA::ITuple *&tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
retrieveObject(const std::string &parentPath, const std::string &objPath, AIDA::ITuple *&tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
retrieveObject(DataObject *parentObj, const std::string &objPath, AIDA::ITuple *&tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
retrieveObject(IRegistry *pDirectory, std::string_view path, DataObject *&pObject)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | |
retrieveObject(std::string_view fullPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
retrieveObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
retrieveObject(std::string_view parentPath, int item, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
retrieveObject(DataObject *parentObj, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
retrieveObject(DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *&pObject) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::retrieveObject(IRegistry *pDirectory, std::string_view path, DataObject *&pObject)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
IDataProviderSvc::retrieveObject(std::string_view fullPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::retrieveObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::retrieveObject(std::string_view parentPath, int item, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::retrieveObject(DataObject *parentObj, std::string_view objectPath, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::retrieveObject(DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *&pObject) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
SEPARATOR enum value | IDataProviderSvc | |
setCriteria(AIDA::ITuple *&tObj, const std::string &criteria)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
Status enum name | IDataProviderSvc | |
unlinkObject(IRegistry *from, std::string_view objPath)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
unlinkObject(std::string_view fromPath, std::string_view objPath) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
unlinkObject(DataObject *fromObj, std::string_view objPath)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
unlinkObject(std::string_view fullPath)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
unregisterObject(AIDA::ITuple *tObj)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
unregisterObject(AIDA::ITuple *tObj, const std::string &objectPath)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | pure virtual |
unregisterObject(std::string_view fullPath)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | |
unregisterObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view objPath) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
unregisterObject(std::string_view parentPath, int item) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
unregisterObject(DataObject *pObject)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | |
unregisterObject(DataObject *pParent, std::string_view objPath)=0 | IAIDATupleSvc | |
unregisterObject(DataObject *pParent, int item) | IAIDATupleSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::unregisterObject(std::string_view fullPath)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
IDataProviderSvc::unregisterObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view objPath) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::unregisterObject(std::string_view parentPath, int item) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
IDataProviderSvc::unregisterObject(DataObject *pObject)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
IDataProviderSvc::unregisterObject(DataObject *pParent, std::string_view objPath)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
IDataProviderSvc::unregisterObject(DataObject *pParent, int item) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
updateObject(IRegistry *pDirectory)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
updateObject(std::string_view fullPath) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
updateObject(DataObject *toUpdate)=0 | IDataProviderSvc | pure virtual |
updateObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view updatePath) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
updateObject(DataObject *pParent, std::string_view updatePath) | IDataProviderSvc | inline |
~IInterface()=default | IInterface | virtual |