The Gaudi Framework  master (da3d77e1)
Todo List
Class Gaudi::Arena::Monotonic< Alignment, UpstreamAllocator >

Efficiently support stateful upstream allocators, probably by putting an instance of the upstream allocator in a boost::compressed_pair.

Use the given UpstreamAllocator to serve dynamic allocations required by boost::container::small_vector.

Member Gaudi::XYZTPoint
use Point4D from MathCore
File ToStream.h
ToStream.h : reimplement in terms of functors, to allow easier specializations
Member Gaudi::Utils::toString (const TYPE &obj)
need to be compared with boost::lexical_cast
Member ChronoEntity::format (const double total, const double minimal, const double mean, const double rms, const double maximal, const unsigned long number) const
: cache the format
Member DetDataSvc::setupDetectorDescription ()
: remove references to obsolete package XMLDDDBROOT
Member DetDataSvc::updateObject (DataObject *toUpdate) override
update also its ancestors in the data store if necessary