The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # File: Gaudi/
2 # Author: Pere Mato (
4 """
5  This module would scan all known Gaudi configurable modules for
6  'Configurable' classes and fill __all__ such that it can be imported
7  by any module requiring it.
8 """
10 from GaudiKernel.Configurable import Configurable
11 from GaudiKernel.ConfigurableMeta import ConfigurableMeta
12 __all__ = []
14 packages = ['GaudiCoreSvc', 'GaudiCommonSvc', 'GaudiSvc', 'GaudiAlg',
15  'GaudiAud', 'GaudiPoolDb', 'RootHistCnv', 'GaudiUtils',
16  'RootCnv']
18 # --Loop open all listed packages and populate __all__ with the names and
19 # the local scope with the Configurable classes
20 for package in packages:
21  try:
22  mod = __import__('%s.%sConf' % (package, package),
23  globals(), locals(), ['%sConf' % package])
24  for nam in dir(mod):
25  cls = getattr(mod, nam)
26  if type(cls) is ConfigurableMeta and issubclass(cls, Configurable):
27  globals()[nam] = cls
28  __all__.append(nam)
29  except ImportError:
30  # ignore the configurables from missing packages.
31  pass
33 # --Fix some of the name idiosyncrasies in Gaudi
34 aliases = {
35  'EventDataSvc': 'EvtDataSvc',
36  'DetectorDataSvc': 'DetDataSvc',
37  'HistogramDataSvc': 'HistogramSvc',
38  'HbookHistSvc': 'HbookCnv__PersSvc',
39  'RootHistSvc': 'RootHistCnv__PersSvc',
40  'EventPersistencySvc': 'EvtPersistencySvc',
41  'DetectorPersistencySvc': 'DetPersistencySvc',
42  'HistogramPersistencySvc': 'HistogramPersistencySvc',
43  'FileRecordPersistencySvc': 'PersistencySvc',
45  'FileCatalog': 'Gaudi__MultiFileCatalog',
46  'IODataManager': 'Gaudi__IODataManager',
48  'RootCnvSvc': 'Gaudi__RootCnvSvc',
49  'RootEvtSelector': 'Gaudi__RootEvtSelector',
50 }
52 _gbl = globals() # optimization
53 # This would be nicer with dict comprehension (
54 # but it is available only in Python 2.7
55 aliases = dict([(new, _gbl[old])
56  for new, old in aliases.items()
57  if old in _gbl]) # do the aliasing only if the original is available
58 # change the default name
59 for new in aliases:
60  aliases[new].DefaultedName = new
61 # update globals and __all__
62 _gbl.update(aliases)
63 __all__.extend(aliases)
64 # remove temporaries
65 del _gbl, new