► build-gcc62 | |
► CMakeFiles | |
► 3.11.0 | |
► CompilerIdC | |
CMakeCCompilerId.c | |
► CompilerIdCXX | |
CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp | |
feature_tests.c | |
feature_tests.cxx | |
► Gaudi | |
GaudiVersion.h | |
► GaudiAlg | |
► GaudiAlg_test_public_headers | |
► GaudiAlg | |
Consumer.h.cpp | |
EventCounter.h.cpp | |
Fill.h.cpp | |
FilterPredicate.h.cpp | |
FunctionalDetails.h.cpp | |
FunctionalUtilities.h.cpp | |
GaudiAlg.h.cpp | |
GaudiAlgorithm.h.cpp | |
GaudiCommon.h.cpp | |
GaudiCommonImp.h.cpp | |
GaudiHistoAlg.h.cpp | |
GaudiHistoID.h.cpp | |
GaudiHistos.h.cpp | |
GaudiHistoTool.h.cpp | |
GaudiSequencer.h.cpp | |
GaudiTool.h.cpp | |
GaudiTupleAlg.h.cpp | |
GaudiTuples.h.cpp | |
GaudiTupleTool.h.cpp | |
GetAlg.h.cpp | |
GetAlgs.h.cpp | |
GetData.h.cpp | |
HbookName.h.cpp | |
HistoID.h.cpp | |
IErrorTool.h.cpp | |
IGenericTool.h.cpp | |
IHistoTool.h.cpp | |
ISequencerTimerTool.h.cpp | |
ITupleTool.h.cpp | |
ListTransformer.h.cpp | |
Maps.h.cpp | |
MergingTransformer.h.cpp | |
Prescaler.h.cpp | |
Print.h.cpp | |
Producer.h.cpp | |
ScalarTransformer.h.cpp | |
Sequencer.h.cpp | |
SplittingTransformer.h.cpp | |
Transformer.h.cpp | |
Tuple.h.cpp | |
TupleDetail.h.cpp | |
TupleID.h.cpp | |
TupleObj.h.cpp | |
TuplePut.h.cpp | |
Tuples.h.cpp | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiAlg | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiAlgConf.py | |
GaudiAlgVersion.h | |
► GaudiAud | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiAud | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiAudConf.py | |
GaudiAudVersion.h | |
► GaudiCommonSvc | |
► GaudiCommonSvc_test_public_headers | |
► GaudiCommonSvc | |
Annotation.h.cpp | |
Axis.h.cpp | |
Generic1D.h.cpp | |
Generic2D.h.cpp | |
Generic3D.h.cpp | |
H1D.h.cpp | |
H2D.h.cpp | |
H3D.h.cpp | |
HistogramSvc.h.cpp | |
HistogramUtility.h.cpp | |
P1D.h.cpp | |
P2D.h.cpp | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiCommonSvc | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiCommonSvcConf.py | |
GaudiCommonSvcVersion.h | |
► GaudiCoreSvc | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiCoreSvc | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiCoreSvcConf.py | |
GaudiCoreSvcVersion.h | |
► GaudiGSL | |
► GaudiGSL_test_public_headers | |
► GaudiGSL | |
GaudiGSL.h.cpp | |
GslError.h.cpp | |
GslErrorHandlers.h.cpp | |
IEqSolver.h.cpp | |
IFuncMinimum.h.cpp | |
IGslErrorHandler.h.cpp | |
IGslSvc.h.cpp | |
► GaudiMath | |
Adapters.h.cpp | |
Constant.h.cpp | |
FunAdapters.h.cpp | |
GaudiMath.h.cpp | |
GSLFunAdapters.h.cpp | |
IndefiniteIntegral.h.cpp | |
Integral.h.cpp | |
Integration.h.cpp | |
Interpolation.h.cpp | |
NumericalDefiniteIntegral.h.cpp | |
NumericalDerivative.h.cpp | |
NumericalIndefiniteIntegral.h.cpp | |
Splines.h.cpp | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiGSL | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiGSLConf.py | |
GaudiGSLMathDict.cpp | |
GaudiGSLVersion.h | |
► GaudiHive | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiHive | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiHiveConf.py | |
► src | |
► bin | |
binVersion.h | |
GaudiHiveVersion.h | |
► GaudiKernel | |
► GaudiKernel_test_public_headers | |
► GaudiKernel | |
AlgFactory.h.cpp | |
Algorithm.h.cpp | |
AlgorithmHistory.h.cpp | |
AlgTool.h.cpp | |
AlgToolHistory.h.cpp | |
Allocator.h.cpp | |
AllocatorPool.h.cpp | |
AnyDataHandle.h.cpp | |
AnyDataWrapper.h.cpp | |
apply.h.cpp | |
AppReturnCode.h.cpp | |
AttribStringParser.h.cpp | |
AudFactory.h.cpp | |
Auditor.h.cpp | |
boost_allocator.h.cpp | |
BoostArrayAsProperty.h.cpp | |
Bootstrap.h.cpp | |
CArrayAsProperty.h.cpp | |
Chrono.h.cpp | |
ChronoEntity.h.cpp | |
ClassID.h.cpp | |
CnvFactory.h.cpp | |
CommonMessaging.h.cpp | |
ComponentManager.h.cpp | |
compose.h.cpp | |
ConcurrencyFlags.h.cpp | |
ContainedObject.h.cpp | |
ContainerFactoryDefs.h.cpp | |
ContextSpecificPtr.h.cpp | |
ConversionSvc.h.cpp | |
Converter.h.cpp | |
Coord3DTypes.h.cpp | |
Counters.h.cpp | |
DataHandle.h.cpp | |
DataHandleHolderBase.h.cpp | |
DataHandleHolderVisitor.h.cpp | |
DataHistory.h.cpp | |
DataIncident.h.cpp | |
DataObject.h.cpp | |
DataObjectHandle.h.cpp | |
DataObjectHandleBase.h.cpp | |
DataObjectHandleProperty.h.cpp | |
DataObjID.h.cpp | |
DataObjIDProperty.h.cpp | |
DataSelectionAgent.h.cpp | |
DataStoreItem.h.cpp | |
DataStreamTool.h.cpp | |
DataSvc.h.cpp | |
DataTypeInfo.h.cpp | |
Debugger.h.cpp | |
DeclareFactoryEntries.h.cpp | |
detected.h.cpp | |
DirSearchPath.h.cpp | |
Environment.h.cpp | |
EventContext.h.cpp | |
EventContextHash.h.cpp | |
EventIDBase.h.cpp | |
EventIDRange.h.cpp | |
EventSelectorDataStream.h.cpp | |
extend_interfaces.h.cpp | |
extends.h.cpp | |
FileIncident.h.cpp | |
finally.h.cpp | |
FindByMassRange.h.cpp | |
GaudiException.h.cpp | |
GaudiHandle.h.cpp | |
GenericAddress.h.cpp | |
GenericMatrixTypes.h.cpp | |
GenericVectorTypes.h.cpp | |
GrammarsV2.h.cpp | |
Guards.h.cpp | |
Hash.h.cpp | |
HashMap.h.cpp | |
HistoDef.h.cpp | |
HistogramBase.h.cpp | |
HistoProperty.h.cpp | |
HistoryObj.h.cpp | |
IAccelerator.h.cpp | |
IAddressCreator.h.cpp | |
IAIDATupleSvc.h.cpp | |
IAlgContextSvc.h.cpp | |
IAlgExecStateSvc.h.cpp | |
IAlgManager.h.cpp | |
IAlgorithm.h.cpp | |
IAlgResourcePool.h.cpp | |
IAlgTask.h.cpp | |
IAlgTool.h.cpp | |
IAppMgrUI.h.cpp | |
IAuditor.h.cpp | |
IAuditorSvc.h.cpp | |
IChronoStatSvc.h.cpp | |
IChronoSvc.h.cpp | |
IClassIDSvc.h.cpp | |
IClassInfo.h.cpp | |
IClassManager.h.cpp | |
IComponentManager.h.cpp | |
ICondSvc.h.cpp | |
IConversionSvc.h.cpp | |
IConverter.h.cpp | |
ICounterSummarySvc.h.cpp | |
IDataHandleHolder.h.cpp | |
IDataManagerSvc.h.cpp | |
IDataProviderSvc.h.cpp | |
IDataSelector.h.cpp | |
IDataSourceMgr.h.cpp | |
IDataStoreAgent.h.cpp | |
IDataStoreLeaves.h.cpp | |
IDataStreamTool.h.cpp | |
IDetDataSvc.h.cpp | |
IDODAlgMapper.h.cpp | |
IDODNodeMapper.h.cpp | |
IEventProcessor.h.cpp | |
IEventTimeDecoder.h.cpp | |
IEvtSelector.h.cpp | |
IExceptionSvc.h.cpp | |
IFileAccess.h.cpp | |
IFileMgr.h.cpp | |
IHistogramSvc.h.cpp | |
IHistorySvc.h.cpp | |
IHiveWhiteBoard.h.cpp | |
IIncidentListener.h.cpp | |
IIncidentSvc.h.cpp | |
IInspectable.h.cpp | |
IInspector.h.cpp | |
IInterface.h.cpp | |
IIoComponent.h.cpp | |
IIoComponentMgr.h.cpp | |
IJobOptionsSvc.h.cpp | |
IMagneticFieldSvc.h.cpp | |
IMessageSvc.h.cpp | |
IMetaDataSvc.h.cpp | |
IMonitorSvc.h.cpp | |
implements.h.cpp | |
INamedInterface.h.cpp | |
Incident.h.cpp | |
INTuple.h.cpp | |
INTupleSvc.h.cpp | |
invoke.h.cpp | |
IOpaqueAddress.h.cpp | |
IParticlePropertySvc.h.cpp | |
IPartitionControl.h.cpp | |
IPartPropSvc.h.cpp | |
IPersistencySvc.h.cpp | |
IProperty.h.cpp | |
IPublishSvc.h.cpp | |
IRegistry.h.cpp | |
IRndmEngine.h.cpp | |
IRndmGen.h.cpp | |
IRndmGenSvc.h.cpp | |
IRunable.h.cpp | |
IScheduler.h.cpp | |
ISelectStatement.h.cpp | |
ISerialize.h.cpp | |
IService.h.cpp | |
IStagerSvc.h.cpp | |
IStateful.h.cpp | |
IStatSvc.h.cpp | |
IStatusCodeSvc.h.cpp | |
ISvcLocator.h.cpp | |
ISvcManager.h.cpp | |
ITHistSvc.h.cpp | |
IThreadInitTool.h.cpp | |
IThreadPoolSvc.h.cpp | |
ITimelineSvc.h.cpp | |
IToolSvc.h.cpp | |
IUpdateable.h.cpp | |
IUpdateManagerSvc.h.cpp | |
IValidity.h.cpp | |
IVersHistoryObj.h.cpp | |
JobHistory.h.cpp | |
Kernel.h.cpp | |
KeyedContainer.h.cpp | |
KeyedObject.h.cpp | |
KeyedObjectManager.h.cpp | |
KeyedTraits.h.cpp | |
LinkManager.h.cpp | |
ListItem.h.cpp | |
LoadFactoryEntries.h.cpp | |
LockedChrono.h.cpp | |
LockedHandle.h.cpp | |
Map.h.cpp | |
MapBase.h.cpp | |
Memory.h.cpp | |
Message.h.cpp | |
MinimalEventLoopMgr.h.cpp | |
ModuleIncident.h.cpp | |
ModuleInfo.h.cpp | |
MsgStream.h.cpp | |
NamedRange.h.cpp | |
NTuple.h.cpp | |
NTupleImplementation.h.cpp | |
NTupleItems.h.cpp | |
ObjectContainerBase.h.cpp | |
ObjectFactory.h.cpp | |
ObjectList.h.cpp | |
ObjectVector.h.cpp | |
Parsers.h.cpp | |
ParsersFactory.h.cpp | |
ParticleProperty.h.cpp | |
PathResolver.h.cpp | |
PhysicalConstants.h.cpp | |
Plane3DTypes.h.cpp | |
Point3DTypes.h.cpp | |
Point4DTypes.h.cpp | |
Property.h.cpp | |
PropertyFwd.h.cpp | |
PropertyHolder.h.cpp | |
PropertyList.h.cpp | |
PropertyMgr.h.cpp | |
PropertyTypeTraits.h.cpp | |
PropertyVerifier.h.cpp | |
Range.h.cpp | |
RefTable.h.cpp | |
RegistryEntry.h.cpp | |
reverse.h.cpp | |
RndmGenerators.h.cpp | |
Selector.h.cpp | |
SelectStatement.h.cpp | |
SerializeSTL.h.cpp | |
SerializeSTLFwd.h.cpp | |
SerialTaskQueue.h.cpp | |
Service.h.cpp | |
ServiceHandle.h.cpp | |
ServiceHistory.h.cpp | |
ServiceLocatorHelper.h.cpp | |
SharedObjectsContainer.h.cpp | |
Sleep.h.cpp | |
SmartDataLocator.h.cpp | |
SmartDataObjectPtr.h.cpp | |
SmartDataPtr.h.cpp | |
SmartDataStorePtr.h.cpp | |
SmartIF.h.cpp | |
SmartRef.h.cpp | |
SmartRefBase.h.cpp | |
SmartRefVector.h.cpp | |
Stat.h.cpp | |
StateMachine.h.cpp | |
StatEntity.h.cpp | |
StatusCode.h.cpp | |
StdArrayAsProperty.h.cpp | |
strcasecmp.h.cpp | |
StreamBuffer.h.cpp | |
StringKey.h.cpp | |
SvcFactory.h.cpp | |
SVectorAsProperty.h.cpp | |
swab.h.cpp | |
SymmetricMatrixTypes.h.cpp | |
System.h.cpp | |
SystemBase.h.cpp | |
SystemOfUnits.h.cpp | |
TaggedBool.h.cpp | |
ThreadLocalContext.h.cpp | |
Time.h.cpp | |
time_r.h.cpp | |
Timing.h.cpp | |
ToolFactory.h.cpp | |
ToolHandle.h.cpp | |
ToStream.h.cpp | |
Transform3DTypes.h.cpp | |
Transform4DTypes.h.cpp | |
TsDataSvc.h.cpp | |
TypeNameString.h.cpp | |
UpdateManagerException.h.cpp | |
Vector3DTypes.h.cpp | |
Vector4DTypes.h.cpp | |
VectorMap.h.cpp | |
VectorsAsProperty.h.cpp | |
WatchdogThread.h.cpp | |
xtoa.h.cpp | |
► src | |
► Util | |
UtilVersion.h | |
GaudiKernelDict.cpp | |
GaudiKernelVersion.h | |
► GaudiMonitor | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiMonitor | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiMonitorConf.py | |
GaudiMonitorVersion.h | |
► GaudiMP | |
► GaudiMP_test_public_headers | |
► GaudiMP | |
PyROOTPickle.h.cpp | |
TESSerializer.h.cpp | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiMP | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiMPConf.py | |
GaudiMPDict.cpp | |
GaudiMPVersion.h | |
► GaudiPartProp | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiPartProp | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiPartPropConf.py | |
GaudiPartPropVersion.h | |
► GaudiPluginService | |
► GaudiPluginService_test_public_headers | |
► Gaudi | |
► Details | |
PluginServiceCommon.h.cpp | |
PluginServiceDetailsV1.h.cpp | |
PluginServiceDetailsV2.h.cpp | |
PluginService.h.cpp | |
PluginServiceV1.h.cpp | |
PluginServiceV2.h.cpp | |
GaudiPluginServiceVersion.h | |
► GaudiPolicy | |
GaudiPolicyVersion.h | |
► GaudiProfiling | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiProfiling | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiGoogleProfilingConf.py | |
GaudiIntelProfilingConf.py | |
GaudiJemallocConf.py | |
GaudiProfilingConf.py | |
GaudiValgrindProfilingConf.py | |
IntelProfilerConf.py | |
GaudiProfilingVersion.h | |
► GaudiPython | |
► GaudiPython_test_public_headers | |
► GaudiPython | |
AlgDecorators.h.cpp | |
Algorithm.h.cpp | |
CallbackStreamBuf.h.cpp | |
GaudiPython.h.cpp | |
Helpers.h.cpp | |
HistoDecorator.h.cpp | |
Interface.h.cpp | |
Printer.h.cpp | |
TupleDecorator.h.cpp | |
Vector.h.cpp | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiPython | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiPythonConf.py | |
GaudiPythonDict.cpp | |
GaudiPythonVersion.h | |
► GaudiRelease | |
GaudiReleaseVersion.h | |
► GaudiSvc | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiSvc | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiSvcConf.py | |
GaudiSvcVersion.h | |
► GaudiUtils | |
► GaudiUtils_test_public_headers | |
► GaudiUtils | |
Aida2ROOT.h.cpp | |
Histo2String.h.cpp | |
HistoDump.h.cpp | |
HistoLabels.h.cpp | |
HistoParsers.h.cpp | |
HistoStats.h.cpp | |
HistoStrings.h.cpp | |
HistoTableFormat.h.cpp | |
HistoXML.h.cpp | |
IFileCatalog.h.cpp | |
IFileCatalogMgr.h.cpp | |
IIODataManager.h.cpp | |
ISignalMonitor.h.cpp | |
QuasiRandom.h.cpp | |
RegEx.h.cpp | |
► genConf | |
► GaudiUtils | |
__init__.py | |
GaudiUtilsConf.py | |
GaudiUtilsVersion.h | |
► include | |
► PartPropSvc | |
► genConf | |
► PartPropSvc | |
__init__.py | |
PartPropSvcConf.py | |
PartPropSvcVersion.h | |
► python | |
► Gaudi | |
__init__.py | |
► GaudiHive | |
__init__.py | |
► GaudiMP | |
__init__.py | |
► GaudiPolicy | |
__init__.py | |
► GaudiProfiling | |
__init__.py | |
► GaudiPython | |
__init__.py | |
► GaudiSvc | |
__init__.py | |
► GaudiTesting | |
__init__.py | |
► RootCnv | |
► genConf | |
► RootCnv | |
__init__.py | |
RootCnvConf.py | |
► RootCnv_test_public_headers | |
► RootCnv | |
PoolClasses.h.cpp | |
RootAddress.h.cpp | |
RootCnvSvc.h.cpp | |
RootConverter.h.cpp | |
RootDatabaseCnv.h.cpp | |
RootDataConnection.h.cpp | |
RootDirectoryCnv.h.cpp | |
RootEvtSelector.h.cpp | |
RootNTupleCnv.h.cpp | |
RootPerfMonSvc.h.cpp | |
RootRefs.h.cpp | |
RootStatCnv.h.cpp | |
SysProcStat.h.cpp | |
RootCnvDict.cpp | |
RootCnvVersion.h | |
► RootHistCnv | |
► genConf | |
► RootHistCnv | |
__init__.py | |
RootHistCnvConf.py | |
RootHistCnvVersion.h | |
► Gaudi | |
► python | |
► Gaudi | |
__init__.py | |
CommonGaudiConfigurables.py | |
Configuration.py | |
Main.py | |
Configurables.py | |
► scripts | |
gaudirun.py | |
► src | |
main.cpp | |
► GaudiAlg | |
► GaudiAlg | |
Consumer.h | |
EventCounter.h | |
Fill.h | |
FilterPredicate.h | |
FunctionalDetails.h | |
FunctionalUtilities.h | |
GaudiAlg.h | |
GaudiAlgorithm.h | Header file for class GaudiAlgorithm |
GaudiCommon.h | |
GaudiCommonImp.h | The implementation of inline/templated methods for class GaudiCommon |
GaudiHistoAlg.h | |
GaudiHistoID.h | |
GaudiHistos.h | |
GaudiHistos.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_1DFixedBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_1DProfFixedBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_1DProfVariableBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_1DVariableBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_2DFixedBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_2DProfFixedBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_2DProfVariableBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_2DVariableBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_3DFixedBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistos_3DVariableBinning.icpp | |
GaudiHistoTool.h | Header file for class : GaudiHistoTool |
GaudiSequencer.h | |
GaudiTool.h | Header file for class GaudiAlgorithm |
GaudiTupleAlg.h | |
GaudiTuples.h | |
GaudiTuples.icpp | |
GaudiTupleTool.h | |
GetAlg.h | |
GetAlgs.h | |
GetData.h | |
HbookName.h | Few useful function to construct names of Hbook histograms and directories functions are imported from Tools/LoKi and Calo/CaloUtils packages |
HistoID.h | |
IErrorTool.h | |
IGenericTool.h | |
IHistoTool.h | |
ISequencerTimerTool.h | |
ITupleTool.h | |
ListTransformer.h | |
Maps.h | |
MergingTransformer.h | |
Prescaler.h | |
Print.h | Collection of useful utilities to print certain objects (currently used for implementation in class GaudiAlgorithm, GaudiTool, GaudiHistoAlg, GaudiHistoTool, GaudiTupleAlg, GaudiTupleTool |
Producer.h | |
ScalarTransformer.h | |
Sequencer.h | |
SplittingTransformer.h | |
Transformer.h | |
Tuple.h | Header file for class : Tuple |
TupleDetail.h | Collection of few 'technical' methods for instantiation of tuples |
TupleID.h | |
TupleObj.h | Header file for class TupleObj |
TuplePut.h | Implementation file for Tuple::TupleObj::put method |
Tuples.h | |
► src | |
► components | |
ErrorTool.cpp | Implementation file for class : ErrorTool |
ErrorTool.h | |
EventNodeKiller.cpp | |
EventNodeKiller.h | |
GaudiAlg_entries.cpp | |
HistoTool.cpp | Implementation file for class : HistoTool |
HistoTool.h | Header file for class : HistoTool |
SequencerTimerTool.cpp | |
SequencerTimerTool.h | |
TimerForSequencer.cpp | |
TimerForSequencer.h | |
TimingAuditor.cpp | |
TupleTool.cpp | Implementation file for class : TupleTool |
TupleTool.h | |
► lib | |
EventCounter.cpp | |
Fill.cpp | Implementation file for function form namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos |
GaudiAlgorithm.cpp | Implementation file for the class GaudiAlgorithm |
GaudiCommon.icpp | |
GaudiHistoAlg.cpp | Implementation file for class : GaudiHistoAlg |
GaudiHistoID.cpp | |
GaudiHistoTool.cpp | Implementation file for class : GaudiHistoTool |
GaudiSequencer.cpp | |
GaudiTool.cpp | Implementation file for class GaudiTool |
GaudiTupleAlg.cpp | |
GaudiTupleTool.cpp | |
GetAlg.cpp | Implementation file for class Gaudi::Utils::AlgSelector and functions Gaudi::Utils::getAlgorithm |
GetAlgs.cpp | Implementation file for the functions from the file GaudiKernel/GetAlgs.h |
Prescaler.cpp | |
Print.cpp | Implementation file for functions for namespace GaudiAlg::Print |
Sequencer.cpp | |
Tuple.cpp | |
TupleObj.cpp | Implementation file for class Tuples::TupleObj |
► GaudiAud | |
► src | |
AlgContextAuditor.cpp | Implementation file for class AlgContexAuditor |
AlgContextAuditor.h | |
AlgErrorAuditor.cpp | |
AlgErrorAuditor.h | |
ChronoAuditor.cpp | |
ChronoAuditor.h | |
CommonAuditor.cpp | |
CommonAuditor.h | |
MemoryAuditor.cpp | |
MemoryAuditor.h | |
MemStatAuditor.cpp | |
MemStatAuditor.h | |
NameAuditor.cpp | |
NameAuditor.h | |
ProcStats.cpp | |
ProcStats.h | |
► GaudiCommonSvc | |
► GaudiCommonSvc | |
Annotation.h | |
Axis.h | |
Generic1D.h | |
Generic2D.h | |
Generic3D.h | |
H1D.h | |
H2D.h | |
H3D.h | |
HistogramSvc.h | |
HistogramUtility.h | |
P1D.h | |
P2D.h | |
► src | |
► DataSvc | |
EvtDataSvc.cpp | |
EvtDataSvc.h | |
FileRecordDataSvc.cpp | |
MultiStoreSvc.cpp | |
PartitionSwitchAlg.cpp | |
PartitionSwitchTool.cpp | |
RecordDataSvc.cpp | |
RecordDataSvc.h | |
RunRecordDataSvc.cpp | |
StoreExplorerAlg.cpp | |
StoreSnifferAlg.cpp | |
► HistogramPersistencySvc | |
HistogramPersistencySvc.cpp | |
HistogramPersistencySvc.h | |
► HistogramSvc | |
AIDA_visibility_hack.cpp | |
Factory.cpp | |
GaudiPI.h | |
H1D.cpp | |
H2D.cpp | |
H3D.cpp | |
HistogramSvc.cpp | |
P1D.cpp | |
P2D.cpp | |
► PersistencySvc | |
DataSvcFileEntriesTool.cpp | |
DetPersistencySvc.cpp | |
DetPersistencySvc.h | |
EvtCollectionStream.cpp | |
EvtCollectionStream.h | |
EvtPersistencySvc.cpp | |
EvtPersistencySvc.h | |
InputCopyStream.cpp | |
InputCopyStream.h | |
OutputStream.cpp | |
OutputStream.h | |
OutputStreamAgent.cpp | |
OutputStreamAgent.h | |
PersistencySvc.cpp | |
PersistencySvc.h | |
RecordStream.cpp | |
RecordStream.h | |
RunRecordStream.cpp | |
RunRecordStream.h | |
SequentialOutputStream.cpp | |
SequentialOutputStream.h | |
TagCollectionStream.cpp | |
TagCollectionStream.h | |
AlgContextSvc.cpp | Implementation firl for class AlgContextSvc |
AlgContextSvc.h | |
AuditorSvc.cpp | |
AuditorSvc.h | |
ChronoStatSvc.cpp | Local |
ChronoStatSvc.h | |
StatusCodeSvc.cpp | |
StatusCodeSvc.h | |
► GaudiCoreSvc | |
► src | |
► AlgExecStateSvc | |
AlgExecStateSvc.cpp | |
AlgExecStateSvc.h | |
► ApplicationMgr | |
AlgorithmManager.cpp | |
AlgorithmManager.h | |
ApplicationMgr.cpp | |
ApplicationMgr.h | |
AppMgrRunable.cpp | |
AppMgrRunable.h | |
DLLClassManager.cpp | |
DLLClassManager.h | |
EventLoopMgr.cpp | |
EventLoopMgr.h | |
HistogramAgent.h | |
MinimalEventLoopMgr.cpp | |
ServiceManager.cpp | |
ServiceManager.h | |
ToolSvc.cpp | |
ToolSvc.h | |
► EventSelector | |
DataStreamToolFactory.cpp | |
EventCollectionSelector.cpp | |
EventCollectionSelector.h | |
EventIterator.h | |
EventSelector.cpp | |
EventSelector.h | |
► IncidentSvc | |
DataOnDemandSvc.cpp | |
DataOnDemandSvc.h | |
DODBasicMapper.cpp | |
DODBasicMapper.h | |
IncidentProcAlg.cpp | |
IncidentProcAlg.h | |
IncidentSvc.cpp | |
IncidentSvc.h | |
► JobOptionsSvc | |
Analyzer.cpp | |
Analyzer.h | |
Catalog.cpp | |
Catalog.h | |
Grammar.h | |
IncludedFiles.cpp | |
IncludedFiles.h | |
iter_pos.hpp | |
Iterator.h | |
JobOptionsSvc.cpp | |
JobOptionsSvc.h | |
Message.cpp | |
Messages.h | |
Node.cpp | |
Node.h | |
Parser.cpp | |
Parser.h | |
Position.cpp | |
Position.h | |
PragmaOptions.h | |
Property.cpp | |
Property.h | |
PropertyName.cpp | |
PropertyName.h | |
PropertyValue.cpp | |
PropertyValue.h | |
PythonConfig.cpp | |
PythonConfig.h | |
SvcCatalog.cpp | |
SvcCatalog.h | |
Units.cpp | |
Units.h | |
Utils.cpp | |
Utils.h | |
► MessageSvc | |
InertMessageSvc.cpp | |
InertMessageSvc.h | |
MessageSvc.cpp | |
MessageSvc.h | |
TBBMessageSvc.cpp | |
TBBMessageSvc.h | |
► GaudiGSL | |
► GaudiGSL | |
GaudiGSL.h | |
GslError.h | |
GslErrorHandlers.h | |
IEqSolver.h | |
IFuncMinimum.h | |
IGslErrorHandler.h | |
IGslSvc.h | |
► GaudiMath | |
Adapters.h | |
Constant.h | |
FunAdapters.h | |
GaudiMath.h | |
GSLFunAdapters.h | |
IndefiniteIntegral.h | |
Integral.h | |
Integration.h | |
Interpolation.h | |
NumericalDefiniteIntegral.h | |
NumericalDerivative.h | |
NumericalIndefiniteIntegral.h | |
Splines.h | |
► src | |
► Components | |
EqSolver.cpp | Implementation file for class : EqSolver |
EqSolver.h | |
FuncMinimum.cpp | Implementation file for class : FuncMinimum |
FuncMinimum.h | |
GslErrorCount.cpp | Implementation file for class GslErrorCount |
GslErrorCount.h | |
GslErrorException.cpp | Implementation file for class GslErrorException |
GslErrorException.h | |
GslErrorPrint.cpp | Implementation file for class GslErrorPrint |
GslErrorPrint.h | |
GslSvc.cpp | Implementation file for class : GslSvc |
GslSvc.h | |
► Lib | |
Adapter.cpp | |
Adapters.cpp | |
Constant.cpp | Implementation file for class GSL_Constant |
GaudiGSL.cpp | Implementation file for class : GaudiGSL |
GslErrorHandlers.cpp | Implementation file for functionns form GslErrorHandlers namespace |
GSLFunAdapters.cpp | Implemenation file for classes from namespace Genfun::GaudiMathImplementation |
Helpers.cpp | |
Helpers.h | |
Integral.cpp | |
Interpolation.cpp | |
NumericalDefiniteIntegral.cpp | |
NumericalDerivative.cpp | Implementation file for class NumericalDerivative |
NumericalIndefiniteIntegral.cpp | Implementation of class NumericalIndefiniteIntegral |
Splines.cpp | Implementation file for class GSLSplines |
► Tests | |
2DoubleFuncTest.cpp | Test file for the class Adapter2DoubleFunction |
3DoubleFuncTest.cpp | Test file for the class Adapter3DoubleFunction |
DerivativeTest.cpp | Test file for the class NumericalDerivative |
ExceptionsTest.cpp | Test file for the class NumericalDerivative |
GSLAdaptersTest.cpp | Test file for GSLFunAdapters |
Integral1Test.cpp | Test file for the class NumericalDefiniteIntregral and Integral |
IntegralInTest.cpp | Test file for the class NumericalIndefiniteIntregral |
InterpTest.cpp | Test file for the interpolations |
PFuncTest.cpp | Test file for the class AdapterPFunction |
SimpleFuncTest.cpp | Test file for the class SimpleFunction |
► GaudiHive | |
► GaudiHive | |
HiveSlimEventLoopMgr.h | |
HiveTestAlgorithm.h | |
► options | |
AtlasMCRecoFullPrecedenceDump.py | |
AtlasMCRecoScenario.py | |
AutoLoadUnmetDataInputs.py | |
AvalancheSchedulerErrorTest.py | |
AvalancheSchedulerSimpleTest.py | |
BasicViewTest.py | |
BrunelScenarioAvalancheScheduler.py | |
BugCFHEP114.py | |
CFinViewTest.py | |
CFplusViewBug.py | |
ControlFlowBranching+CrossBranchDataFlow.py | |
detectSimpleStall.py | |
graphanalysis.py | |
jsonFromLHCbLog.py | |
ReadAndWriteWhiteBoard.py | |
ReadWhiteBoard.py | |
SequentialAlgSequencerTest.py | |
SingleBlockingTaskAvalancheScheduler.py | |
testWhiteBoard.py | |
ViewIsolationTest.py | |
ViewThenViewTest.py | |
WriteWhiteBoard.py | |
► profiling | |
brunelWrapper.py | |
makePlots.py | |
plotBacklogPyRoot.py | |
plotClonesPyRoot.py | |
plotSpeedup.py | |
plotSpeedupsPyRoot.py | |
prepareBenchmark.py | |
► python | |
► GaudiHive | |
__init__.py | |
precedence.py | |
► scripts | |
hivetimeline.py | |
► src | |
► bin | |
concurrentRun.cpp | |
makeThesis.cpp | |
AlgoExecutionTask.cpp | |
AlgoExecutionTask.h | |
AlgResourcePool.cpp | |
AlgResourcePool.h | |
AlgsExecutionStates.cpp | |
AlgsExecutionStates.h | |
AvalancheSchedulerSvc.cpp | |
AvalancheSchedulerSvc.h | |
ContextEventCounter.cpp | |
ContextEventCounter.h | |
CPUCruncher.cpp | |
CPUCruncher.h | |
EventSlot.h | |
FetchDataFromFile.cpp | |
HistogramAgent.h | |
HiveNumbers.cpp | |
HiveNumbers.h | |
HiveReadAlgorithm.cpp | |
HiveSlimEventLoopMgr.cpp | |
HiveTestAlgorithm.cpp | |
HiveWhiteBoard.cpp | |
HLTEventLoopMgr.cpp | |
HLTEventLoopMgr.h | |
IGraphVisitor.h | |
IOBoundAlgSchedulerSvc.cpp | |
IOBoundAlgSchedulerSvc.h | |
IOBoundAlgTask.cpp | |
IOBoundAlgTask.h | |
IPrecedenceSvc.h | |
PrecedenceRulesGraph.cpp | |
PrecedenceRulesGraph.h | |
PrecedenceSvc.cpp | |
PrecedenceSvc.h | |
PRGraphVisitors.cpp | |
PRGraphVisitors.h | |
RetCodeGuard.h | |
ThreadInitTask.cpp | |
ThreadInitTask.h | |
ThreadPoolSvc.cpp | |
ThreadPoolSvc.h | |
TimelineSvc.cpp | |
TimelineSvc.h | |
ViewTester.cpp | |
ViewTester.h | |
► GaudiKernel | |
► GaudiKernel | |
AlgFactory.h | |
Algorithm.h | |
AlgorithmHistory.h | |
AlgTool.h | |
AlgToolHistory.h | |
Allocator.h | Allocator The file is copied form Geant4 project |
AllocatorPool.h | Allocator pool |
AnyDataHandle.h | |
AnyDataWrapper.h | |
apply.h | |
AppReturnCode.h | |
AttribStringParser.h | |
AudFactory.h | |
Auditor.h | |
boost_allocator.h | |
BoostArrayAsProperty.h | Collection of utilities, which allows to use class boost::array as property for Gaudi-components |
Bootstrap.h | |
CArrayAsProperty.h | |
Chrono.h | |
ChronoEntity.h | |
ClassID.h | |
CnvFactory.h | |
CommonMessaging.h | |
ComponentManager.h | |
compose.h | |
ConcurrencyFlags.h | |
ContainedObject.h | |
ContainerFactoryDefs.h | |
ContextSpecificPtr.h | |
ConversionSvc.h | |
Converter.h | |
Coord3DTypes.h | 3D coordinate typedefs |
Counters.h | |
DataHandle.h | |
DataHandleHolderBase.h | |
DataHandleHolderVisitor.h | |
DataHistory.h | |
DataIncident.h | |
DataObject.h | |
DataObjectHandle.h | |
DataObjectHandleBase.h | |
DataObjectHandleProperty.h | |
DataObjID.h | |
DataObjIDProperty.h | |
DataSelectionAgent.h | |
DataStoreItem.h | |
DataStreamTool.h | |
DataSvc.h | |
DataTypeInfo.h | |
Debugger.h | |
DeclareFactoryEntries.h | |
detected.h | |
DirSearchPath.h | Search for files in a list of directories |
DllMain.icpp | |
Environment.h | |
EventContext.h | |
EventContextHash.h | |
EventIDBase.h | This class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a time stamp |
EventIDRange.h |
EventSelectorDataStream.h | |
extend_interfaces.h | |
extends.h | |
FileIncident.h | This file contains the class definition for the FileIncident class |
finally.h | |
FindByMassRange.h | |
GaudiException.h | |
GaudiHandle.h | |
GenericAddress.h | |
GenericMatrixTypes.h | Generic matrix typedefs |
GenericVectorTypes.h | General vectors |
GrammarsV2.h | |
Guards.h | |
Hash.h | |
HashMap.h | |
HistoDef.h | |
HistogramBase.h | |
HistoProperty.h | |
HistoryObj.h | |
IAccelerator.h | |
IAddressCreator.h | |
IAIDATupleSvc.h | |
IAlgContextSvc.h | |
IAlgExecStateSvc.h | |
IAlgManager.h | |
IAlgorithm.h | |
IAlgResourcePool.h | |
IAlgTask.h | |
IAlgTool.h | |
IAppMgrUI.h | |
IAuditor.h | |
IAuditorSvc.h | |
IChronoStatSvc.h | |
IChronoSvc.h | |
IClassIDSvc.h | |
IClassInfo.h | |
IClassManager.h | |
IComponentManager.h | |
ICondSvc.h | |
IConversionSvc.h | |
IConverter.h | |
ICounterSummarySvc.h | |
IDataHandleHolder.h | |
IDataManagerSvc.h | |
IDataProviderSvc.h | |
IDataSelector.h | |
IDataSourceMgr.h | |
IDataStoreAgent.h | |
IDataStoreLeaves.h | |
IDataStreamTool.h | |
IDetDataSvc.h | |
IDODAlgMapper.h | |
IDODNodeMapper.h | |
IEventProcessor.h | |
IEventTimeDecoder.h | |
IEvtSelector.h | |
IExceptionSvc.h | |
IFileAccess.h | |
IFileMgr.h | |
IHistogramSvc.h | |
IHistorySvc.h | |
IHiveWhiteBoard.h | |
IIncidentListener.h | |
IIncidentSvc.h | |
IInspectable.h | |
IInspector.h | |
IInterface.h | |
IIoComponent.h | |
IIoComponentMgr.h | |
IJobOptionsSvc.h | |
IMagneticFieldSvc.h | |
IMessageSvc.h | |
IMetaDataSvc.h | |
IMonitorSvc.h | |
implements.h | |
INamedInterface.h | |
Incident.h | |
INTuple.h | |
INTupleSvc.h | |
invoke.h | |
IOpaqueAddress.h | |
IParticlePropertySvc.h | |
IPartitionControl.h | |
IPartPropSvc.h | |
IPersistencySvc.h | |
IProperty.h | |
IPublishSvc.h | |
IRegistry.h | |
IRndmEngine.h | |
IRndmGen.h | |
IRndmGenSvc.h | |
IRunable.h | |
IScheduler.h | |
ISelectStatement.h | |
ISerialize.h | |
IService.h | |
IStagerSvc.h | |
IStateful.h | |
IStatSvc.h | |
IStatusCodeSvc.h | |
ISvcLocator.h | |
ISvcManager.h | |
ITHistSvc.h | |
IThreadInitTool.h | |
IThreadPoolSvc.h | |
ITimelineSvc.h | |
IToolSvc.h | |
IUpdateable.h | |
IUpdateManagerSvc.h | |
IValidity.h | |
IVersHistoryObj.h | |
JobHistory.h | |
Kernel.h | |
KeyedContainer.h | |
KeyedObject.h | |
KeyedObjectManager.h | |
KeyedTraits.h | |
LinkManager.h | |
ListItem.h | |
LoadFactoryEntries.h | |
LockedChrono.h | |
LockedHandle.h | |
Map.h | |
MapBase.h | |
Memory.h | |
Message.h | |
MinimalEventLoopMgr.h | |
ModuleIncident.h | |
ModuleInfo.h | |
MsgStream.h | |
NamedRange.h | This file has been imported from LoKi project "C++ ToolKit for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis" |
NTuple.h | |
NTupleImplementation.h | |
NTupleItems.h | |
ObjectContainerBase.h | |
ObjectFactory.h | |
ObjectList.h | |
ObjectVector.h | |
Parsers.h | The declaration of major parsing functions used e.g for (re)implementation of new extended properties see class Property These function also could be used in a different, much wider contex |
ParsersFactory.h | |
ParticleProperty.h | |
PathResolver.h | |
PhysicalConstants.h | |
Plane3DTypes.h | 3D plane typedefs |
Point3DTypes.h | 3D point typedefs |
Point4DTypes.h | 4D point typedefs |
Property.h | |
PropertyFwd.h | |
PropertyHolder.h | |
PropertyList.h | |
PropertyMgr.h | |
PropertyTypeTraits.h | |
PropertyVerifier.h | |
Range.h | This file has been imported from LoKi project "C++ ToolKit for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis" |
RefTable.h | |
RegistryEntry.h | |
reverse.h | |
RndmGenerators.h | |
Selector.h | |
SelectStatement.h | |
SerializeSTL.h | Provide serialization function (output only) for some common STL classes (vectors, lists, pairs, maps) plus GaudiUtils::Map and GaudiUtils::HashMap |
SerializeSTLFwd.h | |
SerialTaskQueue.h | |
Service.h | |
ServiceHandle.h | |
ServiceHistory.h | |
ServiceLocatorHelper.h | |
SharedObjectsContainer.h | |
Sleep.h | |
SmartDataLocator.h | |
SmartDataObjectPtr.h | |
SmartDataPtr.h | |
SmartDataStorePtr.h | |
SmartIF.h | |
SmartRef.h | |
SmartRefBase.h | |
SmartRefVector.h | |
Stat.h | |
StateMachine.h | |
StatEntity.h | |
StatusCode.h | |
StdArrayAsProperty.h | Collection of utilities, which allows to use class std::array as property for Gaudi-components |
strcasecmp.h | |
StreamBuffer.h | |
StringKey.h | |
SvcFactory.h | |
SVectorAsProperty.h | Declaration of parsing functions for generic vectors to allow their usage as properties for Gaudi components |
swab.h | |
SymmetricMatrixTypes.h | Symmetric Matrix typedefs |
System.h | |
SystemBase.h | |
SystemOfUnits.h | |
TaggedBool.h | |
ThreadLocalContext.h | |
Time.h | |
Time.icpp | |
time_r.h | |
Timing.h | |
ToolFactory.h | |
ToolHandle.h | |
ToStream.h | Implementation of various functions for streaming |
Transform3DTypes.h | 3D transformation typedefs |
Transform4DTypes.h | 4D transformation typedefs |
TsDataSvc.h | |
TypeNameString.h | |
UpdateManagerException.h | |
Vector3DTypes.h | 3D vector typedefs |
Vector4DTypes.h | 4 vector typedefs |
VectorMap.h | |
VectorsAsProperty.h | Declaration of parsing functions for various ROOT::Math objects to allow their usage as properties for Gaudi components |
WatchdogThread.h | |
xtoa.h | |
► python | |
► GaudiConfig | |
__init__.py | |
ControlFlow.py | |
► GaudiKernel | |
__init__.py | |
Configurable.py | |
ConfigurableDb.py | |
ConfigurableMeta.py | |
Constants.py | |
DataObjectHandleBase.py | |
GaudiHandles.py | |
PhysicalConstants.py | |
ProcessJobOptions.py | |
PropertyProxy.py | |
Proxy.py | |
RootMap.py | |
SystemOfUnits.py | |
► scripts | |
gaudiComponentHelp.py | |
genconfuser.py | |
make_patch.py | |
root_map_dump.py | |
► src | |
► contrib | |
instrset.h | |
instrset_detect.cpp | |
► Lib | |
► Platform | |
SystemLinux.cpp | |
SystemLinux.h | |
SystemMacOS.h | |
SystemWin32.cpp | |
SystemWin32.h | |
AlgContext.cpp | Implementation file for class Gaudi::Utils::AlgContext |
Algorithm.cpp | |
AlgorithmHistory.cpp | |
AlgTool.cpp | |
AlgToolHistory.cpp | |
AllocatorPool.cpp | Implementation file for the class GaudiUtils::AllocatorPool.h This file is copied form Geant4 project |
Auditor.cpp | |
Bootstrap.cpp | |
ChronoEntity.cpp | Implementation file for class ChronoEntity |
ComponentManager.cpp | |
ConcurrencyFlags.cpp | |
ContainedObject.cpp | |
ConversionSvc.cpp | |
Converter.cpp | |
DataHandle.cpp | |
DataHandleHolderVisitor.cpp | |
DataHistory.cpp | |
DataObject.cpp | |
DataObjectHandleBase.cpp | |
DataObjectHandleProperty.cpp | |
DataObjID.cpp | |
DataStreamTool.cpp | |
DataSvc.cpp | |
DataTypeInfo.cpp | |
Debugger.cpp | |
Dictionary.cpp | |
DirSearchPath.cpp | |
Environment.cpp | |
EventIDBase.cpp | |
EventIDRange.cpp | |
EventSelectorDataStream.cpp | |
GaudiException.cpp | |
GaudiHandle.cpp | |
GaudiMain.cpp | |
Guards.cpp | Implementation file for class Gaudi::Guards::ExceptionGuard and class Gaudi::Guards::AuditorGuard |
HistoDef.cpp | The implementation file for class Gaudi::Histo1DDef and related functions |
HistoryObj.cpp | |
IChronoStatSvc.cpp | Implementation file for interfaces IChronoSvc & IChronoStatSvc |
IConversionSvc.cpp | |
IDataProviderSvc.cpp | |
IInterface.cpp | |
Incident.cpp | |
IPartitionControl.cpp | |
ITimelineSvc.cpp | |
JobHistory.cpp | |
KeyedObjectManager.cpp | |
LinkManager.cpp | |
MapBase.cpp | Implementation file for class Gaudi::Utils::MapBase |
Memory.cpp | |
Message.cpp | |
MinimalEventLoopMgr.cpp | |
ModuleInfo.cpp | |
MsgStream.cpp | |
NTupleImplementation.cpp | |
NTupleItems.cpp | |
ParsersCollections.cpp | |
ParsersHistograms.cpp | |
ParsersStandardList1.cpp | |
ParsersStandardList2.cpp | |
ParsersStandardList3.cpp | |
ParsersStandardList4.cpp | |
ParsersStandardListCommon.h | |
ParsersStandardMisc1.cpp | |
ParsersStandardMisc2.cpp | |
ParsersStandardMisc3.cpp | |
ParsersStandardMisc4.cpp | |
ParsersStandardMisc5.cpp | |
ParsersStandardMiscCommon.h | |
ParsersStandardSingle.cpp | |
ParsersVct.cpp | |
PathResolver.cpp | |
PrintAlgsSequences.cpp | |
ProcessDescriptor.cpp | |
ProcessDescriptor.h | |
Property.cpp | |
PropertyMgr.cpp | |
Range.cpp | This file has been imported from LoKi project "C++ ToolKit for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis" |
RegistryEntry.cpp | |
RndmGenerators.cpp | |
RndmTypeInfos.cpp | |
Selector.cpp | |
SerialTaskQueue.cpp | |
Service.cpp | |
ServiceHistory.cpp | |
ServiceLocatorHelper.cpp | |
Sleep.cpp | |
SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp | |
SmartRefBase.cpp | |
Stat.cpp | Implementation file for class Stat |
StateMachine.cpp | |
StatusCode.cpp | |
StringKey.cpp | Implementation file for class Gaudi::StringKey |
System.cpp | |
ThreadLocalContext.cpp | |
Time.cpp | |
Timing.cpp | |
TsDataSvc.cpp | |
VirtualDestructors.cpp | This file is used to provide virtual destructors for abstract interfaces |
WatchdogThread.cpp | |
Win32PsApi.h | |
xtoa.cpp | |
► Util | |
genconf.cpp | |
genwindef.cpp | |
instructionsetLevel.cpp | |
LibSymbolInfo.cpp | |
LibSymbolInfo.h | |
► GaudiMonitor | |
► src | |
ExceptionSvc.cpp | |
ExceptionSvc.h | |
HistorySvc.cpp | |
HistorySvc.h | |
► GaudiMP | |
► GaudiMP | |
PyROOTPickle.h | Port pickling functionality while awaiting newer release |
TESSerializer.h | |
► python | |
► GaudiMP | |
__init__.py | |
FdsRegistry.py | |
GMPBase.py | |
IoRegistry.py | |
Parallel.py | |
pTools.py | |
► scripts | |
compareOutputFiles.py | |
compareRootHistos.py | |
► src | |
► component | |
IoComponentMgr.cpp | |
IoComponentMgr.h | |
RecordOutputStream.cpp | |
RecordOutputStream.h | |
ReplayOutputStream.cpp | |
ReplayOutputStream.h | |
► Lib | |
PyROOTPickle.cpp | Port pickling functionality while awaiting newer release |
TESSerializer.cpp | |
► GaudiPartProp | |
► src | |
ParticlePropertySvc.cpp | Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients to create instances of this service |
ParticlePropertySvc.h | |
► GaudiPluginService | |
► Gaudi | |
► Details | |
PluginServiceCommon.h | |
PluginServiceDetailsV1.h | |
PluginServiceDetailsV2.h | |
PluginService.h | |
PluginServiceV1.h | |
PluginServiceV2.h | |
► python | |
► GaudiPluginService | |
__init__.py | |
cpluginsvc.py | |
► src | |
capi_pluginservice.cpp | |
capi_pluginservice.h | |
listcomponents.cpp | |
PluginServiceV1.cpp | |
PluginServiceV2.cpp | |
► GaudiPolicy | |
► python | |
► GaudiTesting | |
__init__.py | |
BaseTest.py | |
QMTTest.py | |
Run.py | |
► qmtest_classes | |
GaudiTest.py | |
► scripts | |
createProjVersHeader.py | |
ZipPythonDir.py | |
► GaudiProfiling | |
► GaudiProfiling | |
PfmCodeAnalyser.h | |
► python | |
► GaudiProfiling | |
__init__.py | |
GenerateGaudiOpts.py | |
► src | |
► app | |
pfm_gen_analysis.cpp | |
► component | |
► google | |
GoogleAuditor.cpp | |
► intel | |
IntelProfile.cpp | |
IntelProfile.h | |
IntelProfilerAuditor.cpp | |
► jemalloc | |
JemallocProfile.cpp | |
JemallocProfile.h | |
JemallocProfileSvc.cpp | |
JemallocProfileSvc.h | |
► perfmon | |
perfmon.h | |
perfmon_dfl_smpl.h | |
perfmon_i386.h | |
perfmon_pebs_core_smpl.h | |
perfmon_pebs_p4_smpl.h | |
perfmon_pebs_smpl.h | |
perfmon_v2.h | |
perfmon_x86_64.h | |
pfmlib.h | |
pfmlib_amd64.h | |
pfmlib_comp.h | |
pfmlib_comp_i386.h | |
pfmlib_comp_x86_64.h | |
pfmlib_core.h | |
pfmlib_coreduo.h | |
pfmlib_gen_ia32.h | |
pfmlib_i386_p6.h | |
pfmlib_intel_atom.h | |
pfmlib_intel_nhm.h | |
pfmlib_os.h | |
pfmlib_os_i386.h | |
pfmlib_os_x86_64.h | |
pfmlib_pentium4.h | |
► valgrind | |
CallgrindProfile.cpp | |
CallgrindProfile.h | |
local_callgrind.h | |
local_valgrind.h | |
IgHook_IgHookTrace.cpp | |
IgHook_IgHookTrace.h | |
PerfMonAuditor.cpp | |
► python | |
CPUFamily.cpp | Python module to be able to check the processor family (Core/Nehalem) |
► GaudiPython | |
► GaudiPython | |
AlgDecorators.h | Collection of "decorators" for python algorithms |
Algorithm.h | |
CallbackStreamBuf.h | |
GaudiPython.h | |
Helpers.h | |
HistoDecorator.h | |
Interface.h | |
Printer.h | |
TupleDecorator.h | |
Vector.h | |
► python | |
► GaudiPython | |
__init__.py | |
Bindings.py | |
GaudiAlgs.py | |
GaudiHandles.py | |
HistoUtils.py | |
Persistency.py | |
Pythonizations.py | |
TupleUtils.py | |
GaudiAlgs.py | |
gaudimodule.py | |
HistoUtils.py | |
TupleUtils.py | |
► src | |
► Lib | |
AlgDecorators.cpp | Implementation file for "Decorators" |
Algorithm.cpp | |
CallbackStreamBuf.cpp | |
Helpers.cpp | |
HistoDecorator.cpp | Implementation file for class GaudiPython::HistoDecorator |
TupleDecorator.cpp | Implementation file for class GaudiPython::TupleDecorator |
► Services | |
PythonScriptingSvc.cpp | |
PythonScriptingSvc.h | |
► GaudiRelease | |
prepare_gaudi_release.py | |
svn_tag_release.py | |
► GaudiSvc | |
► python | |
► GaudiSvc | |
__init__.py | |
ExtraModules.py | |
► src | |
► DetectorDataSvc | |
DetDataSvc.cpp | |
DetDataSvc.h | |
► FileMgr | |
FileMgr.cpp | |
FileMgr.h | |
POSIXFileHandler.cpp | |
POSIXFileHandler.h | |
RootFileHandler.cpp | |
RootFileHandler.h | |
► MetaDataSvc | |
MetaDataSvc.cpp | |
MetaDataSvc.h | |
► NTupleSvc | |
CollectionCloneAlg.cpp | |
NTupleSvc.cpp | |
NTupleSvc.h | |
TagCollectionSvc.cpp | |
TagCollectionSvc.h | |
► RndmGenSvc | |
HepRndmBaseEngine.h | |
HepRndmEngine.h | |
HepRndmEngines.cpp | |
HepRndmGenerator.h | |
HepRndmGenerators.cpp | |
RndmEngine.cpp | |
RndmEngine.h | |
RndmGen.cpp | |
RndmGen.h | |
RndmGenSvc.cpp | |
RndmGenSvc.h | |
► THistSvc | |
THistSvc.cpp | |
THistSvc.h | |
THistSvc.icc | |
► GaudiUtils | |
► GaudiUtils | |
Aida2ROOT.h | |
Histo2String.h | |
HistoDump.h | |
HistoLabels.h | |
HistoParsers.h | |
HistoStats.h | |
HistoStrings.h | |
HistoTableFormat.h | |
HistoXML.h | |
IFileCatalog.h | |
IFileCatalogMgr.h | |
IIODataManager.h | |
ISignalMonitor.h | |
QuasiRandom.h | |
RegEx.h | |
► src | |
► component | |
createGuidAsString.cpp | |
createGuidAsString.h | |
FileReadTool.cpp | |
FileReadTool.h | |
IODataManager.cpp | |
IODataManager.h | |
MultiFileCatalog.cpp | |
MultiFileCatalog.h | |
SignalMonitorSvc.cpp | |
StalledEventMonitor.cpp | |
StalledEventMonitor.h | |
VFSSvc.cpp | |
VFSSvc.h | |
XMLCatalogTest.cpp | |
XMLFileCatalog.cpp | |
XMLFileCatalog.h | |
► Lib | |
Aida2ROOT.cpp | Implementation file for class Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT |
H1.h | |
Histo2String.cpp | Implementation file for utilities Histo -> string |
HistoDump.cpp | |
HistoLabels.cpp | |
HistoParsers.cpp | |
HistoStats.cpp | Implementation file for class Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats |
HistoStrings.cpp | Implementation file for utilities Histo -> string |
HistoTableFormat.cpp | Implementation file for class Gaudi::Utils::HistoTableFormat |
HistoXML.cpp | Implementation file for histogram –> XML conversion functions |
QuasiRandom.cpp | |
► include | |
► PartPropSvc | |
► share | |
PartPropSvc.py | |
► src | |
PartPropSvc.cpp | |
PartPropSvc.h | |
► RootCnv | |
► components | |
Components.cpp | |
► merge | |
extractEvt.cpp | |
merge.cpp | |
► RootCnv | |
PoolClasses.h | |
RootAddress.h | |
RootCnvSvc.h | |
RootConverter.h | |
RootDatabaseCnv.h | |
RootDataConnection.h | |
RootDirectoryCnv.h | |
RootEvtSelector.h | |
RootNTupleCnv.h | |
RootPerfMonSvc.h | |
RootRefs.h | |
RootStatCnv.h | |
SysProcStat.h | |
► scripts | |
IOTest.py | |
► src | |
PoolTool.h | |
RootCnvSvc.cpp | |
RootDatabaseCnv.cpp | |
RootDataConnection.cpp | |
RootDirectoryCnv.cpp | |
RootEvtSelector.cpp | |
RootIOHandler.cpp | |
RootNTupleCnv.cpp | |
RootPerfMonSvc.cpp | |
RootStatCnv.cpp | |
RootTool.h | |
RootUtils.h | |
SysProcStat.cpp | |
► RootHistCnv | |
► src | |
DirectoryCnv.cpp | |
DirectoryCnv.h | |
PersSvc.cpp | |
PersSvc.h | |
RConverter.cpp | |
RConverter.h | |
RCWNTupleCnv.cpp | |
RCWNTupleCnv.h | |
RDirectoryCnv.cpp | |
RDirectoryCnv.h | |
RFileCnv.cpp | |
RFileCnv.h | |
RHistogramCnv.cpp | |
RHistogramCnv.h | |
RNTupleCnv.cpp | |
RNTupleCnv.h | |
RootCompressionSettings.cpp | |
RootCompressionSettings.h | |
RootDirFcn.cpp | |
RootDirFcn.h | |
RootObjAddress.h | |
RRWNTupleCnv.cpp | |
RRWNTupleCnv.h | |