15 #pragma clang diagnostic push 16 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wkeyword-macro" 18 #define class class GAUDI_API 20 #pragma clang diagnostic pop 22 #include "AIDA/IAxis.h" 23 #include "AIDA/IHistogram1D.h" 38 #include "boost/format.hpp" 52 const std::string s_histoFormatStat =
"| %2$-45.45s | %3$=7d |%8$11.5g | %10$-11.5g|%12$11.5g |%14$11.5g |";
55 const std::string s_histoFormatStatOnly =
"| %3$=7d |%8$11.5g | %10$-11.5g|%12$11.5g |%14$11.5g |";
59 "| %3$=7d |%8$9.3g+-%9$-9.3g|%10$9.3g+-%11$-9.3g|%12$9.3g+-%13$-9.3g|%14$9.3g+-%15$-9.3g|";
64 const std::string s_histoFormatShapeOnly =
"|%8$11.5g |%10$11.5g |%12$11.5g |%14$11.5g |%19$11.5g/%21$-11.5g|";
70 const std::string s_histoFormatShape =
"|%8$9.3g+-%9$-9.3g|%10$9.3g+-%11$-9.3g|%12$9.3g+-%13$-9.3g|%14$9.3g+-%15$-9." 71 "3g|%19$9.3g+-%20$-9.3g|%21$9.3g+-%22$-9.3g|";
75 " %2$-45.45s mean/sigma/skew/kurtosis = %8$10.4g/%10$10.4g/%12$10.4g/%14$10.4g";
78 const std::string s_histoFormatLineOnly =
" mean/sigma/skew/kurtosis = %8$10.4g/%10$10.4g/%12$10.4g/%14$10.4g";
81 const std::string s_histoFormatOld =
" %2$-45.45s Ents/All=%7$5s/%3$5s<X>/sX=%8$.5g/%10$-.5g";
84 const std::string s_histoFormatPathTitle =
"| %1$-45.45s | %2$-45.45s | ";
87 const std::string s_histoFormatFull =
"| %1$-45.45s | %2$-45.45s | %3$=7d |%4$5d/%5$-5d|%6$9.3g | " 88 "%7$-9.3g|%8$9.3g+-%9$-9.3g|%10$9.3g+-%11$-9.3g|%12$9.3g+-%13$-9.3g|%14$9.3g+-%" 91 const std::string s_histoFormatFullStat =
"| %3$=7d |%4$5d/%5$-5d|%6$9.3g | " 92 "%7$-9.3g|%8$9.3g+-%9$-9.3g|%10$9.3g+-%11$-9.3g|%12$9.3g+-%13$-9.3g|%14$9." 99 "| Title | # | Mean | RMS | Skewness | Kurtosis |";
102 const std::string s_histoFormatStatOnlyHeader =
"| # | Mean | RMS | Skewness | Kurtosis |";
106 "| # | Mean+-Error | RMS+-Error | Skewness+-Error | Kurtosis+-Error |";
110 "| Mean | RMS | Skewness | Kurtosis | Underflow%/Overflow% |";
113 const std::string s_histoFormatShapeHeader =
"| Mean | RMS | Skewness | " 114 "Kurtosis | Underflow [%] | Overflow [%] |";
117 const std::string s_histoFormatLineTitleHeader =
" Title ";
120 const std::string s_histoFormatLineOnlyHeader =
127 "| Path in Histogram Data Store | Title | ";
130 const std::string s_histoFormatFullHeader =
"| Path in Histogram Data Store | Title | " 131 "# |Udflw/Ovflw| nEff | Sum | Mean+-Error | " 132 "RMS+-Error | Skewness+-Error | Kurtosis+-Error |";
135 const std::string s_histoFormatFullStatHeader =
"| # |Udflw/Ovflw| nEff | Sum | Mean+-Error | " 136 " RMS+-Error | Skewness+-Error | Kurtosis+-Error |";
146 return s_histoFormatOld;
148 return s_histoFormatFull;
150 return s_histoFormatFullStat;
152 return s_histoFormatStat;
154 return s_histoFormatStatOnly;
156 return s_histoFormatStat1;
158 return s_histoFormatShapeOnly;
160 return s_histoFormatShape;
162 return s_histoFormatLineTitle;
164 return s_histoFormatLineOnly;
166 return s_histoFormatPathTitle;
171 return s_histoFormatStat;
180 return s_histoFormatOldHeader;
182 return s_histoFormatFullHeader;
184 return s_histoFormatFullStatHeader;
186 return s_histoFormatStatHeader;
188 return s_histoFormatStat1Header;
190 return s_histoFormatStatOnlyHeader;
192 return s_histoFormatShapeOnlyHeader;
194 return s_histoFormatShapeHeader;
196 return s_histoFormatLineTitleHeader;
198 return s_histoFormatLineOnlyHeader;
200 return s_histoFormatPathTitleHeader;
204 return s_histoFormatStatHeader;
219 if ( 0 == registry ) {
223 std::string::size_type
n = _path.
"/stat/" );
240 using namespace boost::io;
243 _fmt.exceptions( all_error_bits ^ ( too_many_args_bit | too_few_args_bit ) );
245 _fmt % (
"\"" +
path( histo ) +
"\"" )
246 % (
"\"" + histo->title() +
"\"" )
247 % histo->allEntries()
248 % histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::UNDERFLOW_BIN )
249 % histo->binEntries( AIDA::IAxis::OVERFLOW_BIN )
250 % histo->equivalentBinEntries()
251 % histo->sumBinHeights()
261 % histo->sumAllBinHeights()
285 using namespace boost::io;
288 _fmt.exceptions( all_error_bits ^ ( too_many_args_bit | too_few_args_bit ) );
300 using namespace boost::io;
303 _fmt.exceptions( all_error_bits ^ ( too_many_args_bit | too_few_args_bit ) );
helper namespace to collect useful definitions, types, constants and functions, related to manipulati...
static double underflowIntegralFracErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the error on fraction of underflow integral
static double overflowIntegralFracErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the error on fraction of overflow intergal
GAUDI_API std::string format(const char *,...)
MsgStream format utility "a la sprintf(...)".
static double underflowEntriesFrac(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the fraction of underflow entries (useful for shape comparison)
std::string m_header
the table header
static double rmsErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get an error in the rms value
Table(const int ID=0)
constructor from enum
Small wrapper class for easy manipulation with generic counters and IStatSvc interface.
static double underflowIntegralFrac(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the fraction of underflow integral (useful for shape comparison)
GAUDI_API std::string format(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const std::string &fmt)
Make the string representation of the historgam according to the specified format.
static double meanErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get an error in the mean value
static double overflowIntegralFrac(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the fraction of overflow intergal (useful for shape comparison)
const std::string & header() const
the table header
virtual const id_type & identifier() const =0
Full identifier (or key)
const std::string & format() const
the format
static double overflowEntriesFrac(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the fraction of overflow entries (useful for shape comparison)
The IRegistry represents the entry door to the environment any data object residing in a transient da...
std::string m_footer
the table footer
static double sumBinHeightErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get an error in the sum bin height ("in-range integral")
static double overflowEntriesFracErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
error on fraction of overflow entries (useful for shape comparison)
GAUDI_API std::string path(const AIDA::IBaseHistogram *aida)
get the path in THS for AIDA histogram
static double sumAllBinHeightErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get an error in the sum of all bin height ("integral")
static double kurtosisErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the error in kurtosis for the histogram
static double skewnessErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the error in skewness for the histogram
static double underflowEntriesFracErr(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
the error on fraction of underflow entries (useful for shape comparison)
static double kurtosis(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the kurtosis for the histogram
A DataObject is the base class of any identifiable object on any data store.
Helper functions to set/get the application return code.
std::string m_format
the defautl format
static double skewness(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
get the skewness for the histogram
std::string toString(const AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo) const
make the string representation according to the default format
const std::string & footer() const
the table footer