The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <algorithm>
2 /*
3 * Gaudi namespace declaration
4 */
5 namespace Gaudi
6 {
17  class RootTool : virtual public RootDataConnection::Tool
18  {
19  public:
21  RootTool( RootDataConnection* con ) { c = con; }
23  TBranch* getBranch( boost::string_ref section, boost::string_ref branch_name ) override
24  {
25  std::string n = branch_name.to_string() + ".";
26  for ( int i = 0, m = n.length() - 1; i < m; ++i )
27  if ( !isalnum( n[i] ) ) n[i] = '_';
28  TTree* t = c->getSection( section );
29  TBranch* b = t ? t->GetBranch( n.c_str() ) : nullptr;
30  if ( !b ) b = t ? t->GetBranch( branch_name.to_string().c_str() ) : nullptr;
31  if ( b ) b->SetAutoDelete( kFALSE );
32  return b;
33  }
35  int loadRefs( boost::string_ref section, boost::string_ref cnt, unsigned long entry, RootObjectRefs& refs ) override
36  {
37  TBranch* b = getBranch( section, cnt.to_string() + "#R" );
38  RootObjectRefs* prefs = &refs;
39  if ( b ) {
40  b->SetAddress( &prefs );
41  int nb = b->GetEntry( entry );
42  if ( nb >= 1 ) {
43  const MergeSections& ms = c->mergeSections();
44  if ( !ms.empty() ) {
45  MsgStream& msg = msgSvc();
46  msgSvc() << MSG::VERBOSE;
47  pair<const RootRef*, const ContainerSection*> ls = c->getMergeSection( cnt, entry );
48  if ( ls.first ) {
49  if ( ls.first->dbase >= 0 ) {
50  // Now patch the references and links 'en block' to be efficient
51  // First the leafs from the TES
52  if ( msg.isActive() ) {
53  msg << "Refs: LS [" << entry << "] -> " << ls.first->dbase << "," << ls.first->container << ","
54  << ls.first->link << "," << ls.first->entry << endmsg;
55  }
56  for ( size_t j = 0, n = refs.refs.size(); j < n; ++j ) {
57  RootRef& r = refs.refs[j];
58  if ( r.entry >= 0 && r.dbase >= 0 ) {
59  int db = r.dbase + ls.first->dbase;
60  if ( c->getDb( db ) == c->fid() ) {
61  if ( r.dbase ) r.dbase += ls.first->dbase;
62  if ( r.container ) r.container += ls.first->container;
63  if ( ) += ls.first->link;
64  const string& rc = c->getCont( r.container );
65  auto k = ms.find( rc );
66  if ( k != ms.end() ) {
67  const auto& cs = ( *k ).second;
68  r.entry = ( ls.first->entry >= 0 && ls.first->entry < (int)cs.size() )
69  ? cs[ls.first->entry].start + r.entry
70  : -1;
71  if ( msg.isActive() ) {
72  msg << "Add link [" << r.entry << "," << ls.first->entry << "," << ls.first->container << ","
73  << r.container << "," << r.entry << "] to -> " << rc << endmsg;
74  }
75  } else {
76  msg << MSG::WARNING << c->fid() << " [" << c->getDb( db ) << "] Evt:" << entry
77  << " Invalid link to " << rc << endmsg;
78  msg << MSG::VERBOSE;
79  }
80  }
81  }
82  }
84  std::for_each( std::begin( refs.links ), std::end( refs.links ),
85  [&]( int& i ) { i += ls.first->link; } );
86  }
87  return nb;
88  }
89  return -1;
90  }
91  return nb;
92  }
93  }
94  return -1;
95  }
97  void addParam( ParamMap& c, char* p )
98  {
99  char* q = strchr( p, '=' );
100  if ( q ) {
101  *q = 0;
102  c.emplace_back( p, ++q );
103  }
104  }
106  void addEntry( StringVec& c, char* val ) { c.push_back( val ); }
108  template <class C, class F>
109  StatusCode readBranch( TTree* t, const char* nam, C& v, F pmf )
110  {
111  char text[2048];
112  TBranch* b = t->GetBranch( nam );
113  if ( b ) {
114  TLeaf* l = b->GetLeaf( nam );
115  if ( l ) {
117  b->SetAddress( text );
118  msgSvc() << MSG::VERBOSE;
119  for ( Long64_t i = 0, n = b->GetEntries(); i < n; ++i ) {
120  if ( b->GetEntry( i ) > 0 ) {
121  char* p = (char*)l->GetValuePointer();
122  msgSvc() << "Add Value[" << b->GetName() << "]:" << p << endmsg;
123  ( this->*pmf )( v, p );
124  } else {
125  sc = RootDataConnection::Status::ROOT_READ_ERROR;
126  }
127  }
128  return sc;
129  }
130  }
131  msgSvc() << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to read '" << nam << "' table." << endmsg;
132  return RootDataConnection::Status::ROOT_READ_ERROR;
133  }
135  bool get( const string& dsc, pair<string, ContainerSection>& e )
136  {
137  if ( dsc != "[END-OF-SECTION]" ) {
138  size_t id1 = dsc.find( "[CNT=" );
139  size_t id2 = dsc.find( "[START=" );
140  size_t id3 = dsc.find( "[LEN=" );
141  if ( id1 != string::npos && id2 != string::npos && id3 != string::npos ) {
142  string cnt = dsc.substr( id1 + 5, id2 - 1 - 5 );
143  int section_start = std::stoi( dsc.substr( id2 + 7, id3 - id2 - 8 ) );
144  int section_length = std::stoi( dsc.substr( id3 + 5, dsc.find( "]", id3 + 5 ) - id3 - 5 ) );
145  e.first = cnt;
146  e.second = ContainerSection( section_start, section_length );
147  return true;
148  }
149  }
150  e.first.clear();
151  e.second = ContainerSection( -1, -1 );
152  return false;
153  }
156  {
157  LinkSections& ls = linkSections();
159  pair<string, ContainerSection> e;
160  MsgStream& msg = msgSvc();
161  RootRef r;
162  int cnt = 0;
163  ls.clear();
164  ms.clear();
165  msg << MSG::VERBOSE;
166  r.dbase = r.container = = r.clid = r.svc = r.entry = 0;
167  for ( const auto& i : tmp ) {
168  if ( get( i, e ) ) {
169  msg << "Added Merge Section:" << e.first << endmsg;
170  ms[e.first].push_back( e.second );
171  if ( e.first == "Links" )
172 = e.second.start;
173  else if ( e.first == "Containers" )
174  r.container = e.second.start;
175  else if ( e.first == "Databases" )
176  r.dbase = e.second.start;
177  else if ( e.first == "Params" )
178  r.svc = e.second.start;
179  } else if ( i == "[END-OF-SECTION]" ) {
180  r.entry = cnt;
181  if ( msg.isActive() ) {
182  msg << "Link Section [" << r.entry << "," << ls.size() << "] -> D:" << r.dbase << " C:" << r.container
183  << " L:" << << " P:" << r.svc << endmsg;
184  }
185  ls.push_back( r );
186  cnt++;
187  }
188  }
189  }
191  StatusCode readRefs() override
192  {
193  TTree* t = (TTree*)c->file()->Get( "Sections" );
194  StatusCode sc( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
195  StringVec tmp;
196  if ( t && !( sc = readBranch( t, "Sections", tmp, &RootTool::addEntry ) ).isSuccess() )
197  return sc;
198  else if ( refs() ) {
199  analyzeMergeMap( tmp );
200  if ( !( sc = readBranch( refs(), "Databases", dbs(), &RootTool::addEntry ) ).isSuccess() ) return sc;
201  if ( !( sc = readBranch( refs(), "Containers", conts(), &RootTool::addEntry ) ).isSuccess() ) return sc;
202  if ( !( sc = readBranch( refs(), "Links", links(), &RootTool::addEntry ) ).isSuccess() ) return sc;
203  if ( !( sc = readBranch( refs(), "Params", params(), &RootTool::addParam ) ).isSuccess() ) return sc;
204  return sc;
205  }
206  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
207  }
209  string getEntry( const string& c ) { return c; }
211  string getParam( const pair<string, string>& p ) { return p.first + "=" + p.second; }
213  template <class C, class F>
214  StatusCode saveBranch( const char* nam, C& v, F pmf )
215  {
216  Long64_t i, n;
217  string val, typ = nam;
219  TDirectory::TContext ctxt( c->file() );
220  TBranch* b = refs()->GetBranch( nam );
221  if ( !b ) b = refs()->Branch( nam, 0, ( typ + "/C" ).c_str() );
222  if ( b ) {
223  for ( i = b->GetEntries(), n = Long64_t( v.size() ); i < n; ++i ) {
224  val = ( this->*pmf )( v[size_t( i )] );
225  b->SetAddress( (char*)val.c_str() );
226  msgSvc() << MSG::VERBOSE << "Save Value[" << b->GetName() << "]:" << val << endmsg;
227  if ( b->Fill() < 0 ) sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
228  }
229  return sc;
230  }
231  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
232  }
234  StatusCode saveRefs() override
235  {
236  if ( refs() ) {
237  if ( !saveBranch( "Databases", dbs(), &RootTool::getEntry ).isSuccess() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
238  if ( !saveBranch( "Containers", conts(), &RootTool::getEntry ).isSuccess() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
239  if ( !saveBranch( "Links", links(), &RootTool::getEntry ).isSuccess() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
240  if ( !saveBranch( "Params", params(), &RootTool::getParam ).isSuccess() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
241  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
242  }
243  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
244  }
245  };
246 }
constexpr static const auto FAILURE
Definition: StatusCode.h:88
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
Definition: MsgStream.h:24
const MergeSections & mergeSections() const
Access merged data section inventory.
StatusCode readRefs() override
Read reference tables.
Definition: RootTool.h:191
T empty(T...args)
const std::string & fid() const
Access file id.
TFile * file() const
Direct access to TFile structure.
const std::string & getDb(int which) const
Access database/file name from saved index.
bool isActive() const
Accessor: is MsgStream active.
Definition: MsgStream.h:116
T end(T...args)
std::vector< RootRef > refs
The references corresponding to the next layer of items in the data store.
Definition: RootRefs.h:64
string getEntry(const string &c)
Helper function to convert string vectors to branch entries.
Definition: RootTool.h:209
TBranch * getBranch(boost::string_ref section, boost::string_ref branch_name) override
Access data branch by name: Get existing branch in read only mode.
Definition: RootTool.h:23
Persistent reference object containing all leafs and links corresponding to a Gaudi DataObject...
Definition: RootRefs.h:60
STL class.
int dbase
Data members to define object location in the persistent world.
Definition: RootRefs.h:33
MergeSections & mergeSections() const
Persistent reference object.
Definition: RootRefs.h:31
T push_back(T...args)
void analyzeMergeMap(StringVec &tmp)
Build merge sections from the Sections table entries.
Definition: RootTool.h:155
Definition: RootTool.h:17
StatusCode saveRefs() override
Save/update reference tables.
Definition: RootTool.h:234
StatusCode saveBranch(const char *nam, C &v, F pmf)
Helper function to save internal tables.
Definition: RootTool.h:214
Helper class to facilitate an abstraction layer for reading POOL style files with this package...
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:51
constexpr double m
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:94
TTree * getSection(boost::string_ref sect, bool create=false)
Access TTree section from section name. The section is created if required.
string getParam(const pair< string, string > &p)
Helper function to convert parameter vectors to branch entries.
Definition: RootTool.h:211
const std::string & getCont(int which) const
Access container name from saved index.
T clear(T...args)
constexpr static const auto SUCCESS
Definition: StatusCode.h:87
dictionary l
std::vector< int > links
The links of the link manager.
Definition: RootRefs.h:62
void addParam(ParamMap &c, char *p)
Helper function to read params table.
Definition: RootTool.h:97
void addEntry(StringVec &c, char *val)
Helper function to read string tables.
Definition: RootTool.h:106
StatusCode readBranch(TTree *t, const char *nam, C &v, F pmf)
Helper function to read internal file tables.
Definition: RootTool.h:109
T find(T...args)
T length(T...args)
RootDataConnection::ContainerSection ContainerSection
T begin(T...args)
T c_str(T...args)
RootTool(RootDataConnection *con)
Standard constructor.
Definition: RootTool.h:21
int loadRefs(boost::string_ref section, boost::string_ref cnt, unsigned long entry, RootObjectRefs &refs) override
Load references object from file.
Definition: RootTool.h:35
RootDataConnection * c
Pointer to containing data connection object.
std::pair< const RootRef *, const ContainerSection * > getMergeSection(boost::string_ref container, int entry) const
Access link section for single container and entry.
T for_each(T...args)
Concrete implementation of the IDataConnection interface to access ROOT files.
T stoi(T...args)
constexpr double ms
Helper functions to set/get the application return code.
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
T emplace_back(T...args)
LinkSections & linkSections() const