23 TBranch*
getBranch( boost::string_ref section, boost::string_ref branch_name )
override 26 for (
int i = 0,
m = n.
length() - 1; i <
m; ++i )
27 if ( !isalnum( n[i] ) ) n[i] =
29 TBranch* b = t ? t->GetBranch( n.
c_str() ) :
30 if ( !b ) b = t ? t->GetBranch( branch_name.to_string().c_str() ) :
31 if ( b ) b->SetAutoDelete( kFALSE );
37 TBranch* b =
getBranch( section, cnt.to_string() +
"#R" );
40 b->SetAddress( &prefs );
41 int nb = b->GetEntry( entry );
47 pair<const RootRef*, const ContainerSection*> ls =
getMergeSection( cnt, entry );
49 if ( ls.first->dbase >= 0 ) {
53 msg <<
"Refs: LS [" << entry <<
"] -> " << ls.first->dbase <<
"," << ls.first->container <<
"," 54 << ls.first->link <<
"," << ls.first->entry <<
56 for (
size_t j = 0,
n = refs.
size(); j <
n; ++j ) {
59 int db = r.
dbase + ls.first->dbase;
63 if ( r.
link ) r.
link += ls.first->link;
65 auto k = ms.
find( rc );
66 if ( k != ms.
end() ) {
67 const auto& cs = ( *k ).second;
68 r.
entry = ( ls.first->entry >= 0 && ls.first->entry < (int)cs.size() )
69 ? cs[ls.first->entry].start + r.
entry 72 msg <<
"Add link [" << r.
entry <<
"," << ls.first->entry <<
"," << ls.first->container <<
"," 77 <<
" Invalid link to " << rc <<
85 [&](
int& i ) { i += ls.first->link; } );
99 char* q = strchr( p,
'=' );
108 template <
class C,
class F>
112 TBranch* b = t->GetBranch( nam );
114 TLeaf*
l = b->GetLeaf( nam );
117 b->SetAddress( text );
119 for ( Long64_t i = 0,
n = b->GetEntries(); i <
n; ++i ) {
120 if ( b->GetEntry( i ) > 0 ) {
121 char* p = (
122 msgSvc() <<
"Add Value[" << b->GetName() <<
"]:" << p <<
123 ( this->*pmf )( v, p );
125 sc = RootDataConnection::Status::ROOT_READ_ERROR;
132 return RootDataConnection::Status::ROOT_READ_ERROR;
135 bool get(
const string& dsc, pair<string, ContainerSection>& e )
137 if ( dsc !=
138 size_t id1 = dsc.find(
"[CNT=" );
139 size_t id2 = dsc.find(
"[START=" );
140 size_t id3 = dsc.find(
"[LEN=" );
141 if ( id1 != string::npos && id2 != string::npos && id3 != string::npos ) {
142 string cnt = dsc.substr( id1 + 5, id2 - 1 - 5 );
143 int section_start =
std::stoi( dsc.substr( id2 + 7, id3 - id2 - 8 ) );
144 int section_length =
std::stoi( dsc.substr( id3 + 5, dsc.find(
"]", id3 + 5 ) - id3 - 5 ) );
159 pair<string, ContainerSection> e;
167 for (
const auto& i : tmp ) {
169 msg <<
"Added Merge Section:" << e.first <<
170 ms[e.first].push_back( e.second );
171 if ( e.first ==
"Links" )
172 r.
link = e.second.start;
173 else if ( e.first ==
"Containers" )
175 else if ( e.first ==
"Databases" )
176 r.
dbase = e.second.start;
177 else if ( e.first ==
"Params" )
178 r.
svc = e.second.start;
179 }
else if ( i ==
193 TTree* t = (TTree*)
"Sections" );
211 string getParam(
const pair<string, string>& p ) {
return p.first +
"=" + p.second; }
213 template <
class C,
class F>
217 string val, typ = nam;
219 TDirectory::TContext ctxt(
file() );
220 TBranch* b =
refs()->GetBranch( nam );
221 if ( !b ) b =
refs()->Branch( nam, 0, ( typ +
"/C" ).c_str() );
223 for ( i = b->GetEntries(), n = Long64_t( v.size() ); i <
n; ++i ) {
224 val = ( this->*pmf )( v[
size_t( i )] );
225 b->SetAddress( (
char*)val.c_str() );
constexpr static const auto FAILURE
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
const MergeSections & mergeSections() const
Access merged data section inventory.
const std::string & fid() const
Access file id.
TFile * file() const
Direct access to TFile structure.
const std::string & getDb(int which) const
Access database/file name from saved index.
bool isActive() const
Accessor: is MsgStream active.
std::vector< RootRef > refs
The references corresponding to the next layer of items in the data store.
Persistent reference object containing all leafs and links corresponding to a Gaudi DataObject...
int dbase
Data members to define object location in the persistent world.
Persistent reference object.
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
TTree * getSection(boost::string_ref sect, bool create=false)
Access TTree section from section name. The section is created if required.
const std::string & getCont(int which) const
Access container name from saved index.
constexpr static const auto SUCCESS
std::vector< int > links
The links of the link manager.
std::pair< const RootRef *, const ContainerSection * > getMergeSection(boost::string_ref container, int entry) const
Access link section for single container and entry.
Concrete implementation of the IDataConnection interface to access ROOT files.
Helper functions to set/get the application return code.
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.