The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
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1 #Wed Aug 1 23:09:31 2018"""Automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT please"""
4 class IntelProfilerAuditor( ConfigurableAuditor ) :
5  __slots__ = {
6  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
7  'Enable' : True, # bool
8  'IncludeAlgorithms' : [ ], # list
9  'ExcludeAlgorithms' : [ ], # list
10  'StartFromEventN' : 1, # int
11  'StopAtEventN' : 0, # int
12  'ComponentsForTaskTypes' : [ ], # list
13  'TaskTypeNameDelimeter' : ' ', # str
14  'EnableFrames' : False, # bool
15  'FramesRate' : 100, # int
16  }
17  _propertyDocDct = {
18  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [Auditor] """,
19  'Enable' : """ should the auditor be used or not [Auditor] """,
20  'IncludeAlgorithms' : """ Names of included algorithms. [IntelProfilerAuditor] """,
21  'ExcludeAlgorithms' : """ Names of excluded algorithms. [IntelProfilerAuditor] """,
22  'StartFromEventN' : """ After what event we stop profiling. If 0 than we also profile finalization stage. [IntelProfilerAuditor] """,
23  'StopAtEventN' : """ After what event we stop profiling. If 0 than we also profile finalization stage. Default = 0. [IntelProfilerAuditor] """,
24  'ComponentsForTaskTypes' : """ Algorithm name, for which intel amplifier task type will be created.By default all algorithms have a corresponding task type. [IntelProfilerAuditor] """,
25  'TaskTypeNameDelimeter' : """ The String delimiter between sequences/algorithms names in "Task Type" grouping at Amplifier. Default=" ". [IntelProfilerAuditor] """,
26  'EnableFrames' : """ Enable frames (needed for detecting slow events). Default=false. [IntelProfilerAuditor] """,
27  'FramesRate' : """ Frames rate. The recommended maximum rate for calling the Frame API is 1000 frames (events) per second. A higher rate may result in large product memory consumption and slow finalization. You need update "slow-frames-threshold" and "fast-frames-threshold" parameters of amplxe-cl tool to separate slow, medium and fast events. For use frames you need to switch on "EnableFrames". Default=100 [IntelProfilerAuditor] """,
28  }
29  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
30  super(IntelProfilerAuditor, self).__init__(name)
31  for n,v in kwargs.items():
32  setattr(self, n, v)
33  def getDlls( self ):
34  return 'IntelProfiler'
35  def getType( self ):
36  return 'IntelProfilerAuditor'
37  pass # class IntelProfilerAuditor
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)