1 #ifndef GAUDIHIVE_IOBOUNDALGSCHEDULERSVC_H 2 #define GAUDIHIVE_IOBOUNDALGSCHEDULERSVC_H 14 #include "tbb/concurrent_queue.h" 28 using extends::extends;
bool m_isActive
Flag to track if the scheduler is active or not.
std::thread m_thread
The thread in which the activate function runs.
std::function< StatusCode()> action
StatusCode initialize() override
General interface for a wrapper around Gaudi algorithm.
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
StatusCode deactivate()
Deactivate scheduler.
Base class used to extend a class implementing other interfaces.
void activate()
Activate scheduler.
StatusCode push(IAlgTask &task) override
Add an algorithm to local queue to run on accelerator.
StatusCode finalize() override
Please refer to the full documentation of the methods for more details.
tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue< action > m_actionsQueue
This is done since the copy of the lambda storage is too expensive.