EventSlot(unsigned int numberOfAlgorithms, unsigned int numberOfControlFlowNodes, SmartIF< IMessageSvc > MS)
AlgsExecutionStates algsStates
Vector of algorithms states.
EventContext * eventContext
Cache for the eventContext.
std::string entryPoint
Name of the node this slot is attached to ("" for top level)
This class represents an entry point to all the event specific data.
The AlgsExecutionStates encodes the state machine for the execution of algorithms within a single eve...
std::vector< int > controlFlowState
State of the control flow.
EventSlot * parentSlot
Pointer to parent slot (null for top level)
bool complete
Flags completion of the event.
std::map< std::string, std::vector< unsigned int > > subSlotsByNode
Listing of sub-slots by the node (name) they are attached to.
std::vector< EventSlot > allSubSlots
Actual sub-slot instances.
void reset(EventContext *theeventContext)
Reset all resources in order to reuse the slot.
Class representing the event slot.
std::map< EventContext *, unsigned int > contextToSlot
Quick lookup for sub-slots by event context (top level only)
EventSlot(EventSlot &original, EventContext *theeventContext)
Copy a slot as a subslot with a new context.