The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //====================================================================
2 // NTuple class implementation
3 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //
5 // Package : Gaudi/NTupleSvc ( The LHCb Offline System)
6 // Author : M.Frank
7 //
8 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+--------+
9 // | Date | Comment | Who |
10 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+--------+
11 // | 21/10/99| Initial version. | MF |
12 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+--------+
13 //====================================================================
16 // Framework include files
19 #include "GaudiKernel/INTupleSvc.h"
22 /*
23 */
24 namespace NTuple
25 {
27  TupleImp::TupleImp( std::string title ) : m_title( std::move( title ) ) {}
31  {
32  for ( auto& i : m_items ) i->release();
33  }
37  {
38  m_pSelector = sel;
39  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
40  }
47  {
48  for ( auto& i : m_items ) i->reset();
49  }
53  {
55  [&]( ItemContainer::const_reference j ) { return j->name() == name; } );
56  return i != std::end( m_items ) ? const_cast<INTupleItem*>( *i ) : nullptr;
57  }
61  {
62  if ( item ) {
63  INTupleItem* i = i_find( item->name() );
64  if ( !i ) {
65  m_items.push_back( item );
66  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
67  }
68  }
69  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
70  }
74  {
75  INTupleItem* i = i_find( name );
76  return i ? remove( i ) : StatusCode::FAILURE;
77  }
81  {
82  auto i = std::find( std::begin( m_items ), std::end( m_items ), item );
83  if ( i == std::end( m_items ) ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
84  m_items.erase( i );
85  item->release();
86  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
87  }
89  char* TupleImp::setBuffer( std::unique_ptr<char[]>&& buff )
90  {
91  m_buffer = std::move( buff );
92  return m_buffer.get();
93  }
95  char* TupleImp::setBuffer( char* buff )
96  {
97  m_buffer.reset( buff );
98  return m_buffer.get();
99  }
109  StatusCode TupleImp::save() { return m_ntupleSvc->save( this ); }
110 } // end namespace NTuple
virtual const std::string & name() const =0
Access _Item name.
void reset() override
Reset all entries to their default values.
constexpr static const auto FAILURE
Definition: StatusCode.h:88
TupleImp(const TupleImp &)=delete
Standard Copy Constructor.
A select statement can either contain.
std::unique_ptr< char[]> m_buffer
StatusCode add(INTupleItem *item) override
Add an item row to the N tuple.
StatusCode attachSelector(ISelectStatement *sel) override
Attach selector.
ISelectStatement * selector() override
Access selector.
STL namespace.
T end(T...args)
StatusCode write() override
Write record of the NTuple (Shortcut of writeRecord)
NTuple name space.
Definition: INTupleSvc.h:9
StatusCode save() override
Save the NTuple.
STL class.
TYPE * get() const
Get interface pointer.
Definition: SmartIF.h:82
INTupleSvc * m_ntupleSvc
Reference to N-tuple service used.
T push_back(T...args)
StatusCode read() override
Read record of the NTuple (Shortcut of readRecord)
NTuple interface class definition.
Definition: INTuple.h:27
~TupleImp() override
Standard Destructor.
StatusCode remove(INTupleItem *item) override
Remove an item row (identified by pointer) from the N tuple.
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:51
virtual StatusCode writeRecord(NTuple::Tuple *tuple)=0
Write single record to N tuple.
T erase(T...args)
virtual StatusCode save(const std::string &fullPath)=0
Save N tuple to disk.
T reset(T...args)
T move(T...args)
StatusCode readRecord() override
Read record of the NTuple.
constexpr static const auto SUCCESS
Definition: StatusCode.h:87
T get(T...args)
T find_if(T...args)
STL class.
SmartIF< ISelectStatement > m_pSelector
Possibly hanging selector.
T begin(T...args)
INTupleItem * i_find(const std::string &name) const override
Internally used by abstract classes.
ItemContainer m_items
Container with N tuple _Columns.
virtual StatusCode readRecord(NTuple::Tuple *tuple)=0
Read single record from N tuple.
virtual void release()=0
Destruct object.
const std::string & name() const
Retreive DataObject name. It is the name when registered in the store.
Definition: DataObject.cpp:68
virtual char * setBuffer(std::unique_ptr< char[]> &&buff)
Set N tuple data buffer.
StatusCode item(const std::string &name, Item< TYPE > &result)
Locate a scalar Item of data to the N tuple type safe.
Definition: NTuple.h:514
StatusCode writeRecord() override
Write record of the NTuple.