11 #ifndef KERNEL_SMARTREFBASE_H 12 #define KERNEL_SMARTREFBASE_H 1 112 void set(
DataObject* pObj,
long hint_id,
long link_id );
114 #endif // KERNEL_SMARTREFBASE_H bool isEqual(const ContainedObject *, const SmartRefBase &c) const
Equality operator for ContainedObject like references.
const DataObject * m_data
Object data: Pointer to the identifiable object the link originates.
The stream buffer is a small object collecting object data.
long m_hintID
Object data: ID of the link hint to the identifiable object.
ContainedObject * readObject(const ContainedObject *, StreamBuffer &s) const
Output streamer for ContainedObject like references.
void writeObject(const DataObject *pObject, StreamBuffer &s) const
Output streamer for DataObject like references.
void writeObject(const ContainedObject *pObject, StreamBuffer &s) const
Output streamer for ContainedObject like references.
void setObjectType(const ContainedObject *) const
User example objects: SmartRefBase.
const ContainedObject * m_contd
Object data: Pointer to the Contained object (if applicable)
bool isEqual(const DataObject *, const SmartRefBase &c) const
Equality operator for DataObject like references.
void setObjectType(const DataObject *) const
void addIdentifiedLink(const DataObject *pObject, long hint)
long m_linkID
Object data: ID of the object within the identifiable container (if any)
All classes that their objects may be contained in an LHCb ObjectContainer (e.g.
DataObject * readObject(const DataObject *, StreamBuffer &s) const
Input streamer for DataObject like references.
ObjectContainerBase is the base class for Gaudi container classes.
A DataObject is the base class of any identifiable object on any data store.
void addContainedLink(const ContainedObject *pObject, long hint, long link)
void getContainedLink(ContainedObject *&pObject, long &hint, long &link)
void getIdentifiedLink(DataObject *&pObject, long &hint)