41 if ( algs.rend() == it ) {
45 return dynamic_cast<TYPE*
>( alg );
165 auto a =
std::find_if( algs.rbegin(), algs.rend(), [&](
IAlgorithm* alg ) {
return sel1( alg ) || sel2( alg ); } );
166 return a != algs.rend() ? *a :
GAUDI_API GaudiHistoAlg * getHistoAlg(const IAlgContextSvc *svc)
simple function to extract the last active GaudiHistoAlg from the context
Simple class to extend the functionality of class GaudiHistoAlg.
Sequencer for executing several algorithms, stopping when one is faulty.
Header file for class GaudiAlgorithm.
GAUDI_API GaudiTupleAlg * getTupleAlg(const IAlgContextSvc *svc)
simple function to extract the last active GaudiTupleAlg from the context
Simple class to extend the functionality of class GaudiAlgorithm.
GAUDI_API IAlgorithm * getSequencer(const IAlgContextSvc *svc)
simple function to extract the last active "Sequencer" () GaudiSequencer or simple Sequencer) from th...
GAUDI_API Sequencer * getSequencerAlg(const IAlgContextSvc *svc)
simple function to extract the last active Sequencer from the context
The useful base class for data processing algorithms.
GAUDI_API GaudiAlgorithm * getGaudiAlg(const IAlgContextSvc *svc)
simple function to extract the last active GaudiAlgorithm from the context
The IAlgorithm is the interface implemented by the Algorithm base class.
The trivial selector of algorithm by type.
virtual const Algorithms & algorithms() const =0
get the stack of executed algorithms
An abstract interface for Algorithm Context Service.
GAUDI_API GaudiSequencer * getGaudiSequencer(const IAlgContextSvc *svc)
simple function to extract the last active GaudiSequencer from the context