4 Test the correct handling on errors during the event processing: 5 - The CPUCruncher is configured to return an ERROR on a fraction of the events 6 - The EventLoopMgr is configured to continue with the next event on ERROR 10 from Configurables
import (HiveWhiteBoard, HiveSlimEventLoopMgr,
11 AvalancheSchedulerSvc, AlgResourcePool,
12 CPUCruncher, InertMessageSvc,
13 ApplicationMgr, StatusCodeSvc)
45 a1.outKeys = [
48 a2.inpKeys = [
49 a2.outKeys = [
52 a3.inpKeys = [
53 a3.outKeys = [
57 a4.inpKeys = [
58 a4.outKeys = [
61 a5.inpKeys = [
62 a5.outKeys = [
64 for algo
in [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]:
65 algo.shortCalib =
True 66 algo.Cardinality = cardinality
74 ExtSvc=[whiteboard, scs],
75 EventLoop=slimeventloopmgr,
76 TopAlg=[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5],
77 MessageSvcType=
Thread safe extension to the standard MessageSvc.
A class that implements a search for prime numbers.
The AlgResourcePool is a concrete implementation of the IAlgResourcePool interface.
The Application Manager class.