StatusCode | initialize () override |
| Initialization of the service. More...
StatusCode | finalize () override |
| Finalization of the service. More...
void | reportMessage (const Message &msg) override |
| Implementation of IMessageSvc::reportMessage() More...
void | reportMessage (const Message &msg, int outputLevel) override |
| Implementation of IMessageSvc::reportMessage() More...
void | reportMessage (const StatusCode &code, const std::string &source="") override |
| Implementation of IMessageSvc::reportMessage() More...
| MessageSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svcloc) |
StatusCode | reinitialize () override |
| Reinitialize Service. More...
StatusCode | initialize () override |
| Initialize Service. More...
StatusCode | finalize () override |
| Finalize Service. More...
void | reportMessage (const Message &message) override |
void | reportMessage (const Message &msg, int outputLevel) override |
void | reportMessage (const StatusCode &code, const std::string &source="") override |
void | reportMessage (const char *source, int type, const char *message) override |
void | reportMessage (const std::string &source, int type, const std::string &message) override |
void | insertMessage (const StatusCode &code, const Message &message) override |
void | eraseMessage () override |
void | eraseMessage (const StatusCode &code) override |
void | eraseMessage (const StatusCode &code, const Message &message) override |
void | insertStream (int message_type, const std::string &name, std::ostream *stream) override |
void | eraseStream () override |
void | eraseStream (int message_type) override |
void | eraseStream (int message_type, std::ostream *stream) override |
void | eraseStream (std::ostream *stream) override |
std::ostream * | defaultStream () const override |
void | setDefaultStream (std::ostream *stream) override |
int | outputLevel () const override |
int | outputLevel (const std::string &source) const override |
void | setOutputLevel (int new_level) override |
void | setOutputLevel (const std::string &source, int new_level) override |
bool | useColor () const override |
std::string | getLogColor (int logLevel) const override |
int | messageCount (MSG::Level logLevel) const override |
void | incrInactiveCount (MSG::Level level, const std::string &src) override |
void * | i_cast (const InterfaceID &tid) const override |
| Implementation of IInterface::i_cast. More...
StatusCode | queryInterface (const InterfaceID &ti, void **pp) override |
| Implementation of IInterface::queryInterface. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getInterfaceNames () const override |
| Implementation of IInterface::getInterfaceNames. More...
const std::string & | name () const override |
| Retrieve name of the service. More...
StatusCode | configure () override |
StatusCode | initialize () override |
StatusCode | start () override |
StatusCode | stop () override |
StatusCode | finalize () override |
StatusCode | terminate () override |
Gaudi::StateMachine::State | FSMState () const override |
Gaudi::StateMachine::State | targetFSMState () const override |
StatusCode | reinitialize () override |
StatusCode | restart () override |
StatusCode | sysInitialize () override |
| Initialize Service. More...
StatusCode | sysStart () override |
| Initialize Service. More...
StatusCode | sysStop () override |
| Initialize Service. More...
StatusCode | sysFinalize () override |
| Finalize Service. More...
StatusCode | sysReinitialize () override |
| Re-initialize the Service. More...
StatusCode | sysRestart () override |
| Re-initialize the Service. More...
| Service (std::string name, ISvcLocator *svcloc) |
| Standard Constructor. More...
SmartIF< ISvcLocator > & | serviceLocator () const override |
| Retrieve pointer to service locator. More...
StatusCode | setProperties () |
| Method for setting declared properties to the values specified for the job. More...
template<class T > |
StatusCode | service (const std::string &name, const T *&psvc, bool createIf=true) const |
| Access a service by name, creating it if it doesn't already exist. More...
template<class T > |
StatusCode | service (const std::string &name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=true) const |
template<typename IFace = IService> |
SmartIF< IFace > | service (const std::string &name, bool createIf=true) const |
template<class T > |
StatusCode | service (const std::string &svcType, const std::string &svcName, T *&psvc) const |
| Access a service by name and type, creating it if it doesn't already exist. More...
template<class T > |
StatusCode | declareTool (ToolHandle< T > &handle, std::string toolTypeAndName, bool createIf=true) |
| Declare used tool. More...
SmartIF< IAuditorSvc > & | auditorSvc () const |
| The standard auditor service.May not be invoked before sysInitialize() has been invoked. More...
| PropertyHolder ()=default |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareProperty (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &prop) |
| Declare a property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, TYPE &value, const std::string &doc="none") |
| Helper to wrap a regular data member and use it as a regular property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, Gaudi::Property< TYPE, VERIFIER, HANDLERS > &prop, const std::string &doc="none") |
| Declare a PropertyBase instance setting name and documentation. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareRemoteProperty (const std::string &name, IProperty *rsvc, const std::string &rname="") |
| Declare a remote property. More...
StatusCode | setProperty (const Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &p) override |
| set the property form another property More...
StatusCode | setProperty (const std::string &s) override |
| set the property from the formatted string More...
StatusCode | setProperty (const std::string &n, const std::string &v) override |
| set the property from name and the value More...
StatusCode | setProperty (const std::string &name, const TYPE &value) |
| set the property form the value More...
StatusCode | getProperty (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase *p) const override |
| get the property More...
const Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | getProperty (const std::string &name) const override |
| get the property by name More...
StatusCode | getProperty (const std::string &n, std::string &v) const override |
| convert the property to the string More...
const std::vector< Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * > & | getProperties () const override |
| get all properties More...
bool | hasProperty (const std::string &name) const override |
| Return true if we have a property with the given name. More...
| PropertyHolder (const PropertyHolder &)=delete |
PropertyHolder & | operator= (const PropertyHolder &)=delete |
MSG::Level | msgLevel () const |
| get the cached level (originally extracted from the embedded MsgStream) More...
bool | msgLevel (MSG::Level lvl) const |
| get the output level from the embedded MsgStream More...
MSG::Level | outputLevel () const |
| Backward compatibility function for getting the output level. More...
virtual | ~CommonMessagingBase ()=default |
| Virtual destructor. More...
const SmartIF< IMessageSvc > & | msgSvc () const |
| The standard message service. More...
MsgStream & | msgStream () const |
| Return an uninitialized MsgStream. More...
MsgStream & | msgStream (const MSG::Level level) const |
| Predefined configurable message stream for the efficient printouts. More...
MsgStream & | always () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ALWAYS) More...
MsgStream & | fatal () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::FATAL) More...
MsgStream & | err () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR) More...
MsgStream & | error () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR) More...
MsgStream & | warning () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::WARNING) More...
MsgStream & | info () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::INFO) More...
MsgStream & | debug () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::DEBUG) More...
MsgStream & | verbose () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::VERBOSE) More...
MsgStream & | msg () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::INFO) More...
typedef std::pair< std::string, std::ostream * > | NamedStream |
typedef std::multimap< int, NamedStream > | StreamMap |
typedef std::multimap< StatusCode, Message > | MessageMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, int > | ThresholdMap |
using | base_class = extends |
| Typedef to this class. More...
using | extend_interfaces_base = extend_interfaces< Interfaces... > |
| Typedef to the base of this class. More...
using | Factory = Gaudi::PluginService::Factory< IService *(const std::string &, ISvcLocator *)> |
using | PropertyHolderImpl = PropertyHolder< CommonMessaging< implements< IService, IProperty, IStateful > > > |
| Typedef used to refer to this class from derived classes, as in. More...
using | base_class = CommonMessaging |
using | ext_iids = typename Gaudi::interface_list_cat< typename Interfaces::ext_iids... >::type |
| take union of the ext_iids of all Interfaces... More...
virtual void | i_reportMessage (const Message &msg, int outputLevel) |
| Internal implementation of reportMessage(const Message&,int) without lock. More...
virtual void | i_reportMessage (const StatusCode &code, const std::string &source) |
| Internal implementation of reportMessage(const StatusCode&,const std::string&) without lock. More...
| ~Service () override |
| Standard Destructor. More...
int | outputLevel () const |
| get the Service's output level More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | property (const std::string &name) const |
MSG::Level | setUpMessaging () const |
| Set up local caches. More...
MSG::Level | resetMessaging () |
| Reinitialize internal states. More...
void | updateMsgStreamOutputLevel (int level) |
| Update the output level of the cached MsgStream. More...
Gaudi::StateMachine::State | m_state = Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE |
| Service state. More...
Gaudi::StateMachine::State | m_targetState = Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE |
| Service state. More...
Gaudi::Property< int > | m_outputLevel {this, "OutputLevel", MSG::NIL, "output level"} |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_auditInit {this, "AuditServices", false, "[[deprecated]] unused"} |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_auditorInitialize {this, "AuditInitialize", false, "trigger auditor on initialize()"} |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_auditorStart {this, "AuditStart", false, "trigger auditor on start()"} |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_auditorStop {this, "AuditStop", false, "trigger auditor on stop()"} |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_auditorFinalize {this, "AuditFinalize", false, "trigger auditor on finalize()"} |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_auditorReinitialize {this, "AuditReinitialize", false, "trigger auditor on reinitialize()"} |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_auditorRestart {this, "AuditRestart", false, "trigger auditor on restart()"} |
SmartIF< IAuditorSvc > | m_pAuditorSvc |
| Auditor Service. More...
Thread safe extension to the standard MessageSvc.
The InertMessageSvc runs in a separate thread sleeping until the arrival of a message to print out therefore using a very limited amount of resources. The most important part of its implementation is the presence of a TBB concurrent bounded queue which not only allows to serialise the received messages in order to print them but also to put the thread where the service is located to sleep when the queue is empty.
- Author
- Danilo Piparo
- Date
- 12/02/2013
Definition at line 26 of file InertMessageSvc.h.