The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
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1 #Wed Aug 1 23:09:31 2018"""Automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT please"""
4 class IoComponentMgr( ConfigurableService ) :
5  __slots__ = {
6  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
7  'AuditServices' : False, # bool
8  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
9  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
10  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
11  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
12  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
13  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
14  'DirectIOPatterns' : [ '://' ], # list
15  }
16  _propertyDocDct = {
17  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [Service] """,
18  'AuditServices' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [Service] """,
19  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [Service] """,
20  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [Service] """,
21  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [Service] """,
22  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [Service] """,
23  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [Service] """,
24  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [Service] """,
25  'DirectIOPatterns' : """ Search patterns for direct I/O input names [IoComponentMgr] """,
26  }
27  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
28  super(IoComponentMgr, self).__init__(name)
29  for n,v in kwargs.items():
30  setattr(self, n, v)
31  def getDlls( self ):
32  return 'GaudiMP'
33  def getType( self ):
34  return 'IoComponentMgr'
35  pass # class IoComponentMgr
37 class RecordOutputStream( ConfigurableAlgorithm ) :
38  __slots__ = {
39  'ExtraInputs' : [], # list
40  'ExtraOutputs' : [], # list
41  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
42  'Enable' : True, # bool
43  'ErrorMax' : 1, # int
44  'AuditAlgorithms' : False, # bool
45  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
46  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
47  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
48  'AuditExecute' : False, # bool
49  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
50  'AuditBeginRun' : False, # bool
51  'AuditEndRun' : False, # bool
52  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
53  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
54  'Timeline' : True, # bool
55  'MonitorService' : 'MonitorSvc', # str
56  'RegisterForContextService' : True, # bool
57  'Cardinality' : 1, # int
58  'NeededResources' : [ ], # list
59  'IsIOBound' : False, # bool
60  'FilterCircularDependencies' : True, # bool
61  'ErrorsPrint' : True, # bool
62  'PropertiesPrint' : False, # bool
63  'StatPrint' : True, # bool
64  'TypePrint' : True, # bool
65  'Context' : '', # str
66  'RootInTES' : '', # str
67  'StatTableHeader' : ' | Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |', # str
68  'RegularRowFormat' : ' | %|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#12.5g| |%|#12.5g| |', # str
69  'EfficiencyRowFormat' : ' |*%|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.6g| +- %|-#9.6g|)%%| ------- | ------- |', # str
70  'UseEfficiencyRowFormat' : True, # bool
71  'CounterList' : [ '.*' ], # list
72  'StatEntityList' : [ ], # list
73  'VetoObjects' : [ ], # list
74  'RequireObjects' : [ ], # list
75  'OutputStreamName' : '', # str
76  }
77  _propertyDocDct = {
78  'ExtraInputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgorithm,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
79  'ExtraOutputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgorithm,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
80  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [Algorithm] """,
81  'Enable' : """ should the algorithm be executed or not [Algorithm] """,
82  'ErrorMax' : """ [[deprecated]] max number of errors [Algorithm] """,
83  'AuditAlgorithms' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [Algorithm] """,
84  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [Algorithm] """,
85  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [Algorithm] """,
86  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [Algorithm] """,
87  'AuditExecute' : """ trigger auditor on execute() [Algorithm] """,
88  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [Algorithm] """,
89  'AuditBeginRun' : """ trigger auditor on beginRun() [Algorithm] """,
90  'AuditEndRun' : """ trigger auditor on endRun() [Algorithm] """,
91  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [Algorithm] """,
92  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [Algorithm] """,
93  'Timeline' : """ send events to TimelineSvc [Algorithm] """,
94  'MonitorService' : """ name to use for Monitor Service [Algorithm] """,
95  'RegisterForContextService' : """ flag to enforce the registration for Algorithm Context Service [Algorithm] """,
96  'Cardinality' : """ how many clones to create - 0 means algo is reentrant [Algorithm] """,
97  'NeededResources' : """ named resources needed during event looping [Algorithm] """,
98  'IsIOBound' : """ if the algorithm is I/O-bound (in the broad sense of Von Neumann bottleneck) [Algorithm] """,
99  'FilterCircularDependencies' : """ filter out circular data dependencies [Algorithm] """,
100  'ErrorsPrint' : """ print the statistics of errors/warnings/exceptions [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
101  'PropertiesPrint' : """ print the properties of the component [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
102  'StatPrint' : """ print the table of counters [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
103  'TypePrint' : """ add the actual C++ component type into the messages [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
104  'Context' : """ note: overridden by parent settings [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
105  'RootInTES' : """ note: overridden by parent settings [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
106  'StatTableHeader' : """ the header row for the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
107  'RegularRowFormat' : """ the format for regular row in the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
108  'EfficiencyRowFormat' : """ The format for "efficiency" row in the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
109  'UseEfficiencyRowFormat' : """ use the special format for printout of efficiency counters [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
110  'CounterList' : """ RegEx list, of simple integer counters for CounterSummary [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
111  'StatEntityList' : """ RegEx list, of StatEntity counters for CounterSummary [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
112  'VetoObjects' : """ skip execute if one or more of these TES objects exist [GaudiAlgorithm] """,
113  'RequireObjects' : """ execute only if one or more of these TES objects exist [GaudiAlgorithm] """,
114  'OutputStreamName' : """ Name of the OutputStream instance should be triggered. [RecordOutputStream] """,
115  }
116  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
117  super(RecordOutputStream, self).__init__(name)
118  for n,v in kwargs.items():
119  setattr(self, n, v)
120  def getDlls( self ):
121  return 'GaudiMP'
122  def getType( self ):
123  return 'RecordOutputStream'
124  pass # class RecordOutputStream
126 class ReplayOutputStream( ConfigurableAlgorithm ) :
127  __slots__ = {
128  'ExtraInputs' : [], # list
129  'ExtraOutputs' : [], # list
130  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
131  'Enable' : True, # bool
132  'ErrorMax' : 1, # int
133  'AuditAlgorithms' : False, # bool
134  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
135  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
136  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
137  'AuditExecute' : False, # bool
138  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
139  'AuditBeginRun' : False, # bool
140  'AuditEndRun' : False, # bool
141  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
142  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
143  'Timeline' : True, # bool
144  'MonitorService' : 'MonitorSvc', # str
145  'RegisterForContextService' : True, # bool
146  'Cardinality' : 1, # int
147  'NeededResources' : [ ], # list
148  'IsIOBound' : False, # bool
149  'FilterCircularDependencies' : True, # bool
150  'ErrorsPrint' : True, # bool
151  'PropertiesPrint' : False, # bool
152  'StatPrint' : True, # bool
153  'TypePrint' : True, # bool
154  'Context' : '', # str
155  'RootInTES' : '', # str
156  'StatTableHeader' : ' | Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |', # str
157  'RegularRowFormat' : ' | %|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#12.5g| |%|#12.5g| |', # str
158  'EfficiencyRowFormat' : ' |*%|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.6g| +- %|-#9.6g|)%%| ------- | ------- |', # str
159  'UseEfficiencyRowFormat' : True, # bool
160  'CounterList' : [ '.*' ], # list
161  'StatEntityList' : [ ], # list
162  'VetoObjects' : [ ], # list
163  'RequireObjects' : [ ], # list
164  'OutputStreams' : [ ], # list
165  }
166  _propertyDocDct = {
167  'ExtraInputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgorithm,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
168  'ExtraOutputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgorithm,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
169  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [Algorithm] """,
170  'Enable' : """ should the algorithm be executed or not [Algorithm] """,
171  'ErrorMax' : """ [[deprecated]] max number of errors [Algorithm] """,
172  'AuditAlgorithms' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [Algorithm] """,
173  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [Algorithm] """,
174  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [Algorithm] """,
175  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [Algorithm] """,
176  'AuditExecute' : """ trigger auditor on execute() [Algorithm] """,
177  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [Algorithm] """,
178  'AuditBeginRun' : """ trigger auditor on beginRun() [Algorithm] """,
179  'AuditEndRun' : """ trigger auditor on endRun() [Algorithm] """,
180  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [Algorithm] """,
181  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [Algorithm] """,
182  'Timeline' : """ send events to TimelineSvc [Algorithm] """,
183  'MonitorService' : """ name to use for Monitor Service [Algorithm] """,
184  'RegisterForContextService' : """ flag to enforce the registration for Algorithm Context Service [Algorithm] """,
185  'Cardinality' : """ how many clones to create - 0 means algo is reentrant [Algorithm] """,
186  'NeededResources' : """ named resources needed during event looping [Algorithm] """,
187  'IsIOBound' : """ if the algorithm is I/O-bound (in the broad sense of Von Neumann bottleneck) [Algorithm] """,
188  'FilterCircularDependencies' : """ filter out circular data dependencies [Algorithm] """,
189  'ErrorsPrint' : """ print the statistics of errors/warnings/exceptions [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
190  'PropertiesPrint' : """ print the properties of the component [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
191  'StatPrint' : """ print the table of counters [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
192  'TypePrint' : """ add the actual C++ component type into the messages [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
193  'Context' : """ note: overridden by parent settings [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
194  'RootInTES' : """ note: overridden by parent settings [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
195  'StatTableHeader' : """ the header row for the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
196  'RegularRowFormat' : """ the format for regular row in the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
197  'EfficiencyRowFormat' : """ The format for "efficiency" row in the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
198  'UseEfficiencyRowFormat' : """ use the special format for printout of efficiency counters [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
199  'CounterList' : """ RegEx list, of simple integer counters for CounterSummary [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
200  'StatEntityList' : """ RegEx list, of StatEntity counters for CounterSummary [GaudiCommon<Algorithm>] """,
201  'VetoObjects' : """ skip execute if one or more of these TES objects exist [GaudiAlgorithm] """,
202  'RequireObjects' : """ execute only if one or more of these TES objects exist [GaudiAlgorithm] """,
203  'OutputStreams' : """ OutputStream instances that can be called. [ReplayOutputStream] """,
204  }
205  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
206  super(ReplayOutputStream, self).__init__(name)
207  for n,v in kwargs.items():
208  setattr(self, n, v)
209  def getDlls( self ):
210  return 'GaudiMP'
211  def getType( self ):
212  return 'ReplayOutputStream'
213  pass # class ReplayOutputStream
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)