The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
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1 #Wed Aug 1 23:09:31 2018"""Automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT please"""
4 class Gaudi__RootCnvSvc( ConfigurableService ) :
5  __slots__ = {
6  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
7  'AuditServices' : False, # bool
8  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
9  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
10  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
11  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
12  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
13  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
14  'IOPerfStats' : '', # str
15  'ShareFiles' : 'NO', # str
16  'EnableIncident' : True, # bool
17  'RecordsName' : '/FileRecords', # str
18  'AutoFlush' : 100, # int
19  'BasketSize' : 2097152, # int
20  'BufferSize' : 2048, # int
21  'SplitLevel' : 0, # int
22  'GlobalCompression' : '', # str
23  'LoadSection' : 'Event', # str
24  'CacheSize' : 10485760, # int
25  'LearnEntries' : 10, # int
26  'CacheBranches' : [ '*' ], # list
27  'VetoBranches' : [ ], # list
28  }
29  _propertyDocDct = {
30  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [Service] """,
31  'AuditServices' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [Service] """,
32  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [Service] """,
33  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [Service] """,
34  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [Service] """,
35  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [Service] """,
36  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [Service] """,
37  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [Service] """,
38  'IOPerfStats' : """ Enable TTree IOperfStats if not empty; otherwise perf stat file name [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
39  'ShareFiles' : """ Share files? If set to YES, files will not be closed on finalize [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
40  'EnableIncident' : """ Flag to enable incidents on FILE_OPEN [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
41  'RecordsName' : """ Records name to fire incident for file records [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
42  'AutoFlush' : """ AutoFlush parameter for ROOT TTree (Number of events between auto flushes) [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
43  'BasketSize' : """ Basket optimization parameter for ROOT TTree (total basket size) [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
44  'BufferSize' : """ Buffer size optimization parameter for ROOT TTree [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
45  'SplitLevel' : """ Split level optimization parameter for ROOT TTree [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
46  'GlobalCompression' : """ Compression-algorithm:compression-level, empty: do nothing [Gaudi::RootCnvSvc] """,
47  }
48  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
49  super(Gaudi__RootCnvSvc, self).__init__(name)
50  for n,v in kwargs.items():
51  setattr(self, n, v)
52  def getDlls( self ):
53  return 'RootCnv'
54  def getType( self ):
55  return 'Gaudi::RootCnvSvc'
56  pass # class Gaudi__RootCnvSvc
58 class Gaudi__RootEvtSelector( ConfigurableService ) :
59  __slots__ = {
60  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
61  'AuditServices' : False, # bool
62  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
63  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
64  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
65  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
66  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
67  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
68  'EvtPersistencySvc' : 'EventPersistencySvc', # str
69  'DbType' : '', # str
70  }
71  _propertyDocDct = {
72  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [Service] """,
73  'AuditServices' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [Service] """,
74  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [Service] """,
75  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [Service] """,
76  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [Service] """,
77  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [Service] """,
78  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [Service] """,
79  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [Service] """,
80  'EvtPersistencySvc' : """ Name of the persistency service to search for conversion service [Gaudi::RootEvtSelector] """,
81  'DbType' : """ dummy property to fake backwards compatibility [Gaudi::RootEvtSelector] """,
82  }
83  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
84  super(Gaudi__RootEvtSelector, self).__init__(name)
85  for n,v in kwargs.items():
86  setattr(self, n, v)
87  def getDlls( self ):
88  return 'RootCnv'
89  def getType( self ):
90  return 'Gaudi::RootEvtSelector'
91  pass # class Gaudi__RootEvtSelector
93 class Gaudi__RootPerfMonSvc( ConfigurableService ) :
94  __slots__ = {
95  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
96  'AuditServices' : False, # bool
97  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
98  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
99  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
100  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
101  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
102  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
103  'IOPerfStats' : '', # str
104  'Streams' : '', # str
105  'BasketSize' : '', # str
106  'BufferSize' : '', # str
107  'SplitLevel' : '', # str
108  }
109  _propertyDocDct = {
110  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [Service] """,
111  'AuditServices' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [Service] """,
112  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [Service] """,
113  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [Service] """,
114  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [Service] """,
115  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [Service] """,
116  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [Service] """,
117  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [Service] """,
118  'IOPerfStats' : """ Enable TTree IOperfStats if not empty; otherwise perf stat file name [Gaudi::RootPerfMonSvc] """,
119  'Streams' : """ [Gaudi::RootPerfMonSvc] """,
120  'BasketSize' : """ [Gaudi::RootPerfMonSvc] """,
121  'BufferSize' : """ [Gaudi::RootPerfMonSvc] """,
122  'SplitLevel' : """ [Gaudi::RootPerfMonSvc] """,
123  }
124  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
125  super(Gaudi__RootPerfMonSvc, self).__init__(name)
126  for n,v in kwargs.items():
127  setattr(self, n, v)
128  def getDlls( self ):
129  return 'RootCnv'
130  def getType( self ):
131  return 'Gaudi::RootPerfMonSvc'
132  pass # class Gaudi__RootPerfMonSvc
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)