The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //====================================================================
2 // Random Generator service implementation
3 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //
5 // Package : Gaudi/RndmGen ( The LHCb Offline System)
6 // Author : M.Frank
7 // History :
8 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+---------
9 // | Date | Comment | Who
10 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+---------
11 // | 29/10/99| Initial version | MF
12 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+---------
13 //
14 //====================================================================
17 // STL include files
18 #include <cfloat>
20 // Framework include files
24 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartIF.h"
26 #include "RndmGen.h"
27 #include "RndmGenSvc.h"
29 // Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients to create
30 // instances of this service
33 StatusCode RndmGenSvc::initialize()
35 {
38  auto mgr = serviceLocator()->as<ISvcManager>();
40  if ( status.isSuccess() ) {
41  status = setProperties();
42  if ( status.isSuccess() ) { // Check if the Engine service exists:
43  // FIXME: (MCl) why RndmGenSvc cannot create the engine service in a standard way?
44  const bool CREATE = false;
45  std::string machName = name() + ".Engine";
46  auto engine = serviceLocator()->service<IRndmEngine>( machName, CREATE );
47  if ( !engine && mgr ) {
49  engine = mgr->createService( TypeNameString( machName, m_engineName ) );
50  }
51  if ( engine ) {
52  auto serial =<ISerialize>();
53  auto service =<IService>();
54  if ( serial && service ) {
55  status = service->sysInitialize();
56  if ( status.isSuccess() ) {
57  m_engine = engine;
58  m_serialize = serial;
59  info() << "Using Random engine:" << m_engineName.value() << endmsg;
60  }
61  }
62  }
63  }
64  }
65  return status;
66 }
70 {
71  StatusCode status = Service::finalize();
73  if ( m_engine ) {
75  m_engine.reset();
76  }
77  return status;
78 }
83 {
84  if ( m_serialize ) return m_serialize->serialize( str );
85  error() << "Cannot input serialize Generator settings!" << endmsg;
86  return str;
87 }
91 {
92  if ( m_serialize ) return m_serialize->serialize( str );
93  error() << "Cannot output serialize Generator settings!" << endmsg;
94  return str;
95 }
102 {
103  auto pGen = SmartIF<IRndmGen>( ObjFactory::create( par.type(), m_engine.get() ).release() );
104  if ( !pGen ) {
105  refpGen = nullptr;
106  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
107  }
108  refpGen = pGen.get();
109  refpGen->addRef(); // insure the caller gets something with a refCount of (at least) one back...
110  return refpGen->initialize( par );
111 }
113 // Single shot returning single random number
114 double RndmGenSvc::rndm() const { return m_engine ? m_engine->rndm() : -1; }
116 /* Multiple shots returning vector with flat random numbers.
117  @param array Array containing random numbers
118  @param howmany fill 'howmany' random numbers into array
119  @param start ... starting at position start
120  @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
121 */
123 {
124  return m_engine ? m_engine->rndmArray( array, howmany, start ) : StatusCode::FAILURE;
125 }
127 // Allow to set new seeds
129 {
130  return m_engine ? m_engine->setSeeds( seeds ) : StatusCode::FAILURE;
131 }
133 // Allow to get the seeds
135 {
136  return m_engine ? m_engine->seeds( seeds ) : StatusCode::FAILURE;
137 }
virtual StatusCode initialize(const IRndmGen::Param &par)=0
Initialize the generator.
constexpr static const auto FAILURE
Definition: StatusCode.h:88
StatusCode initialize() override
Definition: Service.cpp:63
virtual StatusCode seeds(std::vector< long > &seeds) const =0
Allow to retrieve seeds.
StreamBuffer & serialize(StreamBuffer &str) override
IRndmGenSvc interface implementation.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.cpp:82
StatusCode finalize() override
Definition: Service.cpp:173
StatusCode finalize() override
Service override: finalization.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.cpp:69
StatusCode start() override
Definition: Service.cpp:136
virtual double rndm() const =0
Single shot returning single random number.
The ISvcManager is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to sup...
Definition: ISvcManager.h:28
The stream buffer is a small object collecting object data.
Definition: StreamBuffer.h:41
virtual const InterfaceID & type() const
Parameter&#39;s type.
Definition: IRndmGen.h:52
bool isSuccess() const
Definition: StatusCode.h:287
Definition of a interface for a generic random number generators.
Definition: IRndmGen.h:34
SmartIF< IRndmEngine > m_engine
Random number engine.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.h:53
STL class.
Random Generator service definition.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.h:49
TYPE * get() const
Get interface pointer.
Definition: SmartIF.h:82
MsgStream & error() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR)
SmartIF< IFace > as() const
return a new SmartIF instance to another interface
Definition: SmartIF.h:115
Helper class to parse a string of format "type/name".
General service interface definition.
Definition: IService.h:18
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:51
virtual StreamBuffer & serialize(StreamBuffer &str)=0
Input serialization from stream buffer.
double rndm() const override
Single shot returning single random number.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.cpp:114
StatusCode generator(const IRndmGen::Param &par, IRndmGen *&refpGen) override
Retrieve a valid generator from the service.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.cpp:101
virtual StatusCode setSeeds(const std::vector< long > &seeds)=0
Allow to set new seeds.
struct GAUDI_API array
Parametrisation class for redirection array - like implementation.
StatusCode setSeeds(const std::vector< long > &seeds) override
Allow to set new seeds.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.cpp:128
StatusCode rndmArray(std::vector< double > &array, long howmany, long start=0) const override
Multiple shots returning vector with flat random numbers.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.cpp:122
const StatusCode & ignore() const
Ignore/check StatusCode.
Definition: StatusCode.h:165
virtual unsigned long addRef()=0
Increment the reference count of Interface instance.
StatusCode seeds(std::vector< long > &seeds) const override
Allow to get seeds.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.cpp:134
Definition of a interface for a generic random number generator giving randomly distributed numbers i...
Definition: IRndmEngine.h:19
void reset(TYPE *ptr=nullptr)
Set the internal pointer to the passed one disposing of the old one.
Definition: SmartIF.h:92
IRndmEngine * engine() override
Retrieve engine.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.cpp:98
virtual StatusCode rndmArray(std::vector< double > &array, long howmany, long start=0) const =0
Multiple shots returning vector with flat random numbers.
SmartIF< ISerialize > m_serialize
Serialization interface of random number engine.
Definition: RndmGenSvc.h:55
Object serialization interface definition.
Definition: ISerialize.h:17
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209