7 const char*
const override {
return "IDataProviderSvc"; }
13 switch ( static_cast<IDataProviderSvc::Status>( code ) ) {
15 return "DOUBL_OBJ_PATH";
17 return "INVALID_OBJ_PATH";
19 return "INVALID_ROOT";
21 return "INVALID_OBJECT";
23 return "INVALID_PARENT";
25 return "OBJ_NOT_LOADED";
27 return "NO_DATA_LOADER";
29 return "INVALID_OBJ_ADDR";
31 return "DIR_NOT_EMPTY";
33 return "NO_MORE_LEVELS";
The path for this objects is already in use.
The category assigned to a StatusCode.
virtual const char * name() const =0
Name of the category.
Status code definitions.
No data loader available.
Invalid root path object cannot be retrieved or stored.
virtual bool isRecoverable(code_t code) const
Is code considered recoverable ?
Sorry, the requested object is not loaded.
Assign a category to the StatusCode enum declared with STATUSCODE_ENUM_DECL( ENUM ) ...
static const Category & default_category() noexcept
Default Gaudi StatusCode category.
Object pointer is invalid.
Directory entry is NOT empty.
Access to the requested leaf is inhibited.
virtual std::string message(code_t code) const
Description for code within this category.
Invalid path from root to object request failed.
Automatic data loading had to stop: maximum depth.
Pointer to parent object is not valid.
unsigned long code_t
type of StatusCode value