30 sc = aud->sysInitialize();
47 [&](
const IAuditor* i ) {
return i->
name() == item_name; } );
72 error() <<
"Error constructing Auditor " << it <<
99 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->sysFinalize().
112 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->before( evt, obj );
120 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->before( evt, name );
128 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->before( evt, obj );
136 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->before( evt, name );
145 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->after( evt, obj, sc );
153 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->after( evt, name, sc );
161 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->after( evt, obj, sc );
169 if ( it->isEnabled() ) it->after( evt, name, sc );
174 #define OBSOLETION( name ) \ 175 void AuditorSvc::name( INamedInterface* ) \ 177 throw GaudiException( "The method IAuditor::" #name " is obsolete do not call it.", "AuditorSvc::" #name, \ 178 StatusCode::FAILURE ); \ 190 throw GaudiException(
"The method afterExecute is obsolete do not call it.",
void beforeBeginRun(INamedInterface *ini) override
StatusCode initialize() override
constexpr static const auto FAILURE
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
StatusCode initialize() override
Small smart pointer class with automatic reference counting for IInterface.
Define general base for Gaudi exception.
const std::string & name() const override
Retrieve name of the service.
StatusCode finalize() override
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_isEnabled
void after(StandardEventType, INamedInterface *, const StatusCode &) override
void afterReinitialize(INamedInterface *ini) override
StatusCode sysFinalize() override
void afterExecute(INamedInterface *ini, const StatusCode &) override
void beforeEndRun(INamedInterface *ini) override
std::vector< SmartIF< IAuditor > > m_pAudList
void before(StandardEventType, INamedInterface *) override
The following methods are meant to be implemented by the child class...
void beforeExecute(INamedInterface *ini) override
MsgStream & error() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR)
Helper class to parse a string of format "type/name".
StatusCode sysInitialize() override
void beforeReinitialize(INamedInterface *ini) override
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
void beforeInitialize(INamedInterface *ini) override
void afterInitialize(INamedInterface *ini) override
void afterEndRun(INamedInterface *ini) override
StatusCode sysFinalize() override
Finalize Service.
constexpr static const auto SUCCESS
void afterBeginRun(INamedInterface *ini) override
SmartIF< IAuditor > findAuditor_(const std::string &)
IInterface compliant class extending IInterface with the name() method.
void beforeFinalize(INamedInterface *ini) override
StatusCode finalize() override
const std::string & type() const
const StatusCode & ignore() const
Ignore/check StatusCode.
MsgStream & msgStream() const
Return an uninitialized MsgStream.
IAuditor * getAuditor(const std::string &name) override
SmartIF< IAuditor > newAuditor_(MsgStream &, const std::string &)
const std::string & name() const
void afterFinalize(INamedInterface *ini) override
StatusCode syncAuditors_()
The IAuditor is the interface implmented by the AlgAuditor base class.
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_audNameList
virtual const std::string & name() const =0
Retrieve the name of the instance.
bool isEnabled() const override
StatusCode sysInitialize() override
Initialize Service.