The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #Wed Aug 1 23:09:31 2018"""Automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT please"""
4 class EqSolver( ConfigurableAlgTool ) :
5  __slots__ = {
6  'ExtraInputs' : [], # list
7  'ExtraOutputs' : [], # list
8  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
9  'MonitorService' : 'MonitorSvc', # str
10  'AuditTools' : False, # bool
11  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
12  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
13  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
14  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
15  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
16  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
17  'ErrorsPrint' : True, # bool
18  'PropertiesPrint' : False, # bool
19  'StatPrint' : True, # bool
20  'TypePrint' : True, # bool
21  'Context' : '', # str
22  'RootInTES' : '', # str
23  'StatTableHeader' : ' | Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |', # str
24  'RegularRowFormat' : ' | %|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#12.5g| |%|#12.5g| |', # str
25  'EfficiencyRowFormat' : ' |*%|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.6g| +- %|-#9.6g|)%%| ------- | ------- |', # str
26  'UseEfficiencyRowFormat' : True, # bool
27  'CounterList' : [ '.*' ], # list
28  'StatEntityList' : [ ], # list
29  'ContextService' : 'AlgContextSvc', # str
30  'Algorithm' : 'fdfsolver_hybridsj', # str
31  'Iteration' : 1000.0000, # float
32  'Residual' : 1.0000000e-07, # float
33  }
34  _propertyDocDct = {
35  'ExtraInputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
36  'ExtraOutputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
37  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [AlgTool] """,
38  'MonitorService' : """ name to use for Monitor Service [AlgTool] """,
39  'AuditTools' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [AlgTool] """,
40  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [AlgTool] """,
41  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [AlgTool] """,
42  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [AlgTool] """,
43  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [AlgTool] """,
44  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [AlgTool] """,
45  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [AlgTool] """,
46  'ErrorsPrint' : """ print the statistics of errors/warnings/exceptions [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
47  'PropertiesPrint' : """ print the properties of the component [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
48  'StatPrint' : """ print the table of counters [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
49  'TypePrint' : """ add the actual C++ component type into the messages [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
50  'Context' : """ note: overridden by parent settings [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
51  'RootInTES' : """ note: overridden by parent settings [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
52  'StatTableHeader' : """ the header row for the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
53  'RegularRowFormat' : """ the format for regular row in the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
54  'EfficiencyRowFormat' : """ The format for "efficiency" row in the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
55  'UseEfficiencyRowFormat' : """ use the special format for printout of efficiency counters [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
56  'CounterList' : """ RegEx list, of simple integer counters for CounterSummary [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
57  'StatEntityList' : """ RegEx list, of StatEntity counters for CounterSummary [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
58  'ContextService' : """ the name of Algorithm Context Service [GaudiTool] """,
59  'Algorithm' : """ type of the algorithm for root finding [EqSolver] """,
60  'Iteration' : """ maximum of iteration [EqSolver] """,
61  'Residual' : """ absolute error bound for the residual value [EqSolver] """,
62  }
63  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
64  super(EqSolver, self).__init__(name)
65  for n,v in kwargs.items():
66  setattr(self, n, v)
67  def getDlls( self ):
68  return 'GaudiGSL'
69  def getType( self ):
70  return 'EqSolver'
71  pass # class EqSolver
73 class FuncMinimum( ConfigurableAlgTool ) :
74  __slots__ = {
75  'ExtraInputs' : [], # list
76  'ExtraOutputs' : [], # list
77  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
78  'MonitorService' : 'MonitorSvc', # str
79  'AuditTools' : False, # bool
80  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
81  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
82  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
83  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
84  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
85  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
86  'ErrorsPrint' : True, # bool
87  'PropertiesPrint' : False, # bool
88  'StatPrint' : True, # bool
89  'TypePrint' : True, # bool
90  'Context' : '', # str
91  'RootInTES' : '', # str
92  'StatTableHeader' : ' | Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |', # str
93  'RegularRowFormat' : ' | %|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#12.5g| |%|#12.5g| |', # str
94  'EfficiencyRowFormat' : ' |*%|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.6g| +- %|-#9.6g|)%%| ------- | ------- |', # str
95  'UseEfficiencyRowFormat' : True, # bool
96  'CounterList' : [ '.*' ], # list
97  'StatEntityList' : [ ], # list
98  'ContextService' : 'AlgContextSvc', # str
99  'Algorithm' : 'conjugate_fr', # str
100  'Iteration' : 200.00000, # float
101  'Gradient' : 1.0000000e-10, # float
102  'Step_size' : 0.010000000, # float
103  'Tol' : 1.0000000e-10, # float
104  }
105  _propertyDocDct = {
106  'ExtraInputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
107  'ExtraOutputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
108  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [AlgTool] """,
109  'MonitorService' : """ name to use for Monitor Service [AlgTool] """,
110  'AuditTools' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [AlgTool] """,
111  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [AlgTool] """,
112  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [AlgTool] """,
113  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [AlgTool] """,
114  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [AlgTool] """,
115  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [AlgTool] """,
116  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [AlgTool] """,
117  'ErrorsPrint' : """ print the statistics of errors/warnings/exceptions [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
118  'PropertiesPrint' : """ print the properties of the component [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
119  'StatPrint' : """ print the table of counters [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
120  'TypePrint' : """ add the actual C++ component type into the messages [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
121  'Context' : """ note: overridden by parent settings [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
122  'RootInTES' : """ note: overridden by parent settings [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
123  'StatTableHeader' : """ the header row for the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
124  'RegularRowFormat' : """ the format for regular row in the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
125  'EfficiencyRowFormat' : """ The format for "efficiency" row in the output Stat-table [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
126  'UseEfficiencyRowFormat' : """ use the special format for printout of efficiency counters [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
127  'CounterList' : """ RegEx list, of simple integer counters for CounterSummary [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
128  'StatEntityList' : """ RegEx list, of StatEntity counters for CounterSummary [GaudiCommon<AlgTool>] """,
129  'ContextService' : """ the name of Algorithm Context Service [GaudiTool] """,
130  'Algorithm' : """ type of the algorithm for multidimensional minimization [FuncMinimum] """,
131  'Iteration' : """ maximum of iteration [FuncMinimum] """,
132  'Gradient' : """ absolute tolerance for the Euclidean norm of the gradient [FuncMinimum] """,
133  'Step_size' : """ size of the first trial step [FuncMinimum] """,
134  'Tol' : """ accuracy of the line minimization [FuncMinimum] """,
135  }
136  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
137  super(FuncMinimum, self).__init__(name)
138  for n,v in kwargs.items():
139  setattr(self, n, v)
140  def getDlls( self ):
141  return 'GaudiGSL'
142  def getType( self ):
143  return 'FuncMinimum'
144  pass # class FuncMinimum
146 class GslErrorCount( ConfigurableAlgTool ) :
147  __slots__ = {
148  'ExtraInputs' : [], # list
149  'ExtraOutputs' : [], # list
150  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
151  'MonitorService' : 'MonitorSvc', # str
152  'AuditTools' : False, # bool
153  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
154  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
155  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
156  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
157  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
158  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
159  }
160  _propertyDocDct = {
161  'ExtraInputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
162  'ExtraOutputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
163  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [AlgTool] """,
164  'MonitorService' : """ name to use for Monitor Service [AlgTool] """,
165  'AuditTools' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [AlgTool] """,
166  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [AlgTool] """,
167  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [AlgTool] """,
168  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [AlgTool] """,
169  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [AlgTool] """,
170  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [AlgTool] """,
171  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [AlgTool] """,
172  }
173  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
174  super(GslErrorCount, self).__init__(name)
175  for n,v in kwargs.items():
176  setattr(self, n, v)
177  def getDlls( self ):
178  return 'GaudiGSL'
179  def getType( self ):
180  return 'GslErrorCount'
181  pass # class GslErrorCount
183 class GslErrorException( ConfigurableAlgTool ) :
184  __slots__ = {
185  'ExtraInputs' : [], # list
186  'ExtraOutputs' : [], # list
187  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
188  'MonitorService' : 'MonitorSvc', # str
189  'AuditTools' : False, # bool
190  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
191  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
192  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
193  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
194  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
195  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
196  'IgnoreCodes' : [ ], # list
197  }
198  _propertyDocDct = {
199  'ExtraInputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
200  'ExtraOutputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
201  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [AlgTool] """,
202  'MonitorService' : """ name to use for Monitor Service [AlgTool] """,
203  'AuditTools' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [AlgTool] """,
204  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [AlgTool] """,
205  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [AlgTool] """,
206  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [AlgTool] """,
207  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [AlgTool] """,
208  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [AlgTool] """,
209  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [AlgTool] """,
210  'IgnoreCodes' : """ codes to be ignored [GslErrorException] """,
211  }
212  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
213  super(GslErrorException, self).__init__(name)
214  for n,v in kwargs.items():
215  setattr(self, n, v)
216  def getDlls( self ):
217  return 'GaudiGSL'
218  def getType( self ):
219  return 'GslErrorException'
220  pass # class GslErrorException
222 class GslErrorPrint( ConfigurableAlgTool ) :
223  __slots__ = {
224  'ExtraInputs' : [], # list
225  'ExtraOutputs' : [], # list
226  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
227  'MonitorService' : 'MonitorSvc', # str
228  'AuditTools' : False, # bool
229  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
230  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
231  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
232  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
233  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
234  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
235  }
236  _propertyDocDct = {
237  'ExtraInputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
238  'ExtraOutputs' : """ [DataHandleHolderBase<PropertyHolder<CommonMessaging<implements<IAlgTool,IDataHandleHolder,IProperty,IStateful> > > >] """,
239  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [AlgTool] """,
240  'MonitorService' : """ name to use for Monitor Service [AlgTool] """,
241  'AuditTools' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [AlgTool] """,
242  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [AlgTool] """,
243  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [AlgTool] """,
244  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [AlgTool] """,
245  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [AlgTool] """,
246  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [AlgTool] """,
247  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [AlgTool] """,
248  }
249  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
250  super(GslErrorPrint, self).__init__(name)
251  for n,v in kwargs.items():
252  setattr(self, n, v)
253  def getDlls( self ):
254  return 'GaudiGSL'
255  def getType( self ):
256  return 'GslErrorPrint'
257  pass # class GslErrorPrint
259 class GslSvc( ConfigurableService ) :
260  __slots__ = {
261  'OutputLevel' : 0, # int
262  'AuditServices' : False, # bool
263  'AuditInitialize' : False, # bool
264  'AuditStart' : False, # bool
265  'AuditStop' : False, # bool
266  'AuditFinalize' : False, # bool
267  'AuditReinitialize' : False, # bool
268  'AuditRestart' : False, # bool
269  'ErrorPolicy' : 'GSL', # str
270  'Handlers' : [ ], # list
271  'IgnoreCodes' : [ ], # list
272  }
273  _propertyDocDct = {
274  'OutputLevel' : """ output level [Service] """,
275  'AuditServices' : """ [[deprecated]] unused [Service] """,
276  'AuditInitialize' : """ trigger auditor on initialize() [Service] """,
277  'AuditStart' : """ trigger auditor on start() [Service] """,
278  'AuditStop' : """ trigger auditor on stop() [Service] """,
279  'AuditFinalize' : """ trigger auditor on finalize() [Service] """,
280  'AuditReinitialize' : """ trigger auditor on reinitialize() [Service] """,
281  'AuditRestart' : """ trigger auditor on restart() [Service] """,
282  'ErrorPolicy' : """ [GslSvc] """,
283  'Handlers' : """ [GslSvc] """,
284  'IgnoreCodes' : """ codes to be ignored [GslSvc] """,
285  }
286  def __init__(self, name = Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs):
287  super(GslSvc, self).__init__(name)
288  for n,v in kwargs.items():
289  setattr(self, n, v)
290  def getDlls( self ):
291  return 'GaudiGSL'
292  def getType( self ):
293  return 'GslSvc'
294  pass # class GslSvc
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, kwargs)