The Gaudi Framework
v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
This is the complete list of members for ITHistSvc, including all inherited members.
DeclareInterfaceID(ITHistSvc, 3, 0) | ITHistSvc | |
IService::DeclareInterfaceID(IService, 4, 0) | IService | |
deReg(const std::string &name)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
deReg(TObject *obj)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
exists(const std::string &name) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
ext_iids typedef | extend_interfaces< INamedInterface, IStateful > | |
getGraph(const std::string &name, TGraph *&) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getGraphs() const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getHist(const std::string &name, TH1 *&, size_t index=0) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getHist(const std::string &name, TH2 *&, size_t index=0) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getHist(const std::string &name, TH3 *&, size_t index=0) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getHists() const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getShared(const std::string &name, LockedHandle< TH1 > &) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getShared(const std::string &name, LockedHandle< TH2 > &) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getShared(const std::string &name, LockedHandle< TH3 > &) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getShared(const std::string &name, LockedHandle< TGraph > &) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTHists(TDirectory *td, TList &, bool recurse=false) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTHists(const std::string &name, TList &, bool recurse=false) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTHists(TDirectory *td, TList &, bool recurse=false, bool reg=false)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTHists(const std::string &name, TList &, bool recurse=false, bool reg=false)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTree(const std::string &name, TTree *&) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTrees() const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTTrees(TDirectory *td, TList &, bool recurse=false) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTTrees(const std::string &name, TList &, bool recurse=false) const =0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTTrees(TDirectory *td, TList &, bool recurse=false, bool reg=false)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
getTTrees(const std::string &name, TList &, bool recurse=false, bool reg=false)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
merge(const std::string &id)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
merge(TObject *)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regGraph(const std::string &name)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regGraph(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< TGraph >)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regGraph(const std::string &name, TGraph *)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regHist(const std::string &name)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regHist(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< TH1 > hist)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regHist(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< TH1 > hist, TH1 *hist_ptr)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regHist(const std::string &name, TH1 *)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regShared(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< TH1 >, LockedHandle< TH1 > &)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regShared(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< TH2 >, LockedHandle< TH2 > &)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regShared(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< TH3 >, LockedHandle< TH3 > &)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regShared(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< TGraph >, LockedHandle< TGraph > &)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regTree(const std::string &name)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regTree(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< TTree >)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
regTree(const std::string &name, TTree *)=0 | ITHistSvc | pure virtual |
setServiceManager(ISvcManager *)=0 | IService | protectedpure virtual |
sysFinalize()=0 | IService | pure virtual |
sysInitialize()=0 | IService | pure virtual |
sysReinitialize()=0 | IService | pure virtual |
sysRestart()=0 | IService | pure virtual |
sysStart()=0 | IService | pure virtual |
sysStop()=0 | IService | pure virtual |
~ITHistSvc()=default | ITHistSvc | virtual |