The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
Todo List
Member ChronoEntity::format (const double total, const double minimal, const double mean, const double rms, const double maximal, const unsigned long number) const

: cache the format

: cache the format

Member DetDataSvc::setupDetectorDescription ()
: remove references to obsolete package XMLDDDBROOT
Member DetDataSvc::updateObject (DataObject *toUpdate) override
update also its ancestors in the data store if necessary
Member Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::ParticlePropertySvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
: remove reference to LHCb-specific environment variable
Member Gaudi::Utils::toString (const TYPE &obj)
need to be compared with boost::lexical_cast
Member Gaudi::XYZTPoint
use Point4D from MathCore
File ToStream.h
ToStream.h : reimplement in terms of functors, to allow easier specializations