The Gaudi Framework  master (da3d77e1) File Reference

(c) Copyright 1998-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations # # This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence, # copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE". More...

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def GaudiPartProp.decorators._get_all_ (self, asList=False)
 get all particle properties form the service More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._get_pp_ (self, cut, asList=False)
 simple "get" method for the service More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._get_ppv_ (self, cut, asList=False)
 simple "get" method for the service More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._ppv_2_list_ (self)
 Convert Gaudi::Interfaces::IParticlePropertySvc::ParticleProperties into python list. More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._ppv_from_lst_ (self, lst)
 convert python list into Gaudi.IParticlePropertisvc.ParticleProperties More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._prnt_as_table_ (self, *args)
 Print vector of particle properties in a form of table. More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._get_attr_from_PID_ (self, attr)
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._pp_cmp_ (pp1, pp2)
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._pp_lt_ (pp1, pp2)
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._abs_1_ (self)
 abs for ParticleID More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._abs_2_ (self)
 abs for ParticleProperty More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._get_pid_ (self, cut)
 get particleID objects whcih satisfy some criteria More...
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._validate_ (self, svc)
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._symbols_ (self)
def GaudiPartProp.decorators._sym_iter_ (self)


 decorate service More...
 decorate the vector of properties More...
 decorate the vector of properties More...
 decorate the vector of properties More...
 decorate the printout for Gaudi::ParticleProperty More...
 decorate the attribute access for Gaudi.ParticleProperty More...
 define the type for std::vector<Gaudi::ParticleID> More...
 decorate the vector of properties More...
 instance: More...

Detailed Description

(c) Copyright 1998-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations # # This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence, # copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".

# # In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization # or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #


The set of basic decorator for objects from GaudiPartProp package


@date 2008-12-01

Definition in file