The Gaudi Framework  master (da3d77e1)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***********************************************************************************\
2 * (c) Copyright 1998-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
3 * *
4 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence, *
5 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE". *
6 * *
7 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
8 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
9 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
10 \***********************************************************************************/
11 #include <Gaudi/ParticleID.h>
12 #include <array>
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <sstream>
24 namespace {
25  typedef std::array<unsigned int, 8> DATA;
26  inline DATA decode( const Gaudi::ParticleID& pid ) {
27  unsigned int m_extra = pid.abspid() / 10000000;
28  unsigned int m_n = pid.digit( Gaudi::ParticleID::n );
29  unsigned int m_nr = pid.digit( Gaudi::ParticleID::nr );
30  unsigned int m_nl = pid.digit( Gaudi::ParticleID::nl );
31  unsigned int m_nq1 = pid.digit( Gaudi::ParticleID::nq1 );
32  unsigned int m_nq2 = pid.digit( Gaudi::ParticleID::nq2 );
33  unsigned int m_nq3 = pid.digit( Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3 );
34  unsigned int m_nj = pid.digit( Gaudi::ParticleID::nj );
35  unsigned int aid = pid.abspid();
37  // Switch gluons to 0.
38  if ( m_nq1 == 9 ) m_nq1 = 0;
39  // Special particles with 99 code.
40  if ( m_n == 9 && m_nr == 9 ) {
41  // Translate the color-octet quarkonia numbering scheme from Pythia.
42  if ( m_nl > 3 ) {
43  std::swap( m_nl, m_nq3 );
44  m_nj = m_nq1 % 2 ? 1 : 3;
45  m_nq1 = 0;
46  m_nq2 = m_nq3;
47  }
48  // Handle the X(3872) states.
49  else if ( m_nl != 0 ) {
50  m_nr = 0;
51  }
52  // Map left-right symmetry for double charged Higgses from Pythia.
53  else if ( !m_nq2 && m_nq3 > 2 ) {
54  m_nq3 = 0;
55  m_nj = 9;
56  }
57  }
58  // The PDG hidden valley scheme.
59  else if ( m_n == 4 && m_nr == 9 && m_nq2 ) {
60  m_nq3 = m_nq2;
61  }
62  // The K0S/L and B0L/H.
63  else if ( aid == 130 || aid == 310 || aid == 150 || aid == 510 ) {
64  m_nl = 1;
65  m_nj = 1;
66  }
67  // Technical photons.
68  else if ( aid == 10022 || aid == 20022 ) {
69  m_nl = 0;
70  }
71  // Old heavy ion convention for hydrogen-2 nucleus.
72  else if ( m_extra == 45 ) {
73  m_extra = 100;
74  m_n = 0;
75  m_nr = 0;
76  m_nl = 1;
77  m_nq1 = 0;
78  m_nq2 = 0;
79  m_nq3 = 2;
80  m_nj = 0;
81  }
82  // Old heavy ion convention for hydrogen-3 nucleus.
83  else if ( m_extra == 46 ) {
84  m_extra = 100;
85  m_n = 0;
86  m_nr = 0;
87  m_nl = 1;
88  m_nq1 = 0;
89  m_nq2 = 0;
90  m_nq3 = 3;
91  m_nj = 0;
92  }
93  // Old heavy ion convention for helium-4 nucleus.
94  else if ( m_extra == 47 ) {
95  m_extra = 100;
96  m_n = 0;
97  m_nr = 0;
98  m_nl = 2;
99  m_nq1 = 0;
100  m_nq2 = 0;
101  m_nq3 = 4;
102  m_nj = 0;
103  }
104  // Old heavy ion convention for helium-3 nucleus.
105  else if ( m_extra == 49 ) {
106  m_extra = 100;
107  m_n = 0;
108  m_nr = 0;
109  m_nl = 2;
110  m_nq1 = 0;
111  m_nq2 = 0;
112  m_nq3 = 3;
113  m_nj = 0;
114  }
115  // The EvtGen particles Xsd (30343), Xsu (30353), and Xss (30363)
116  // which break the PDG conventions.
117  else if ( aid == 30343 ) {
118  m_nq1 = 2;
119  m_nq2 = 3;
120  m_nq3 = 1;
121  } else if ( aid == 30353 ) {
122  m_nq1 = 2;
123  m_nq2 = 3;
124  m_nq3 = 2;
125  } else if ( aid == 30363 ) {
126  m_nq1 = 2;
127  m_nq2 = 3;
128  m_nq3 = 3;
129  }
130  // Specific BSM particles.
131  else if ( aid == 1009002 ) {
132  m_nq1 = 0;
133  m_nq3 = 2;
134  m_nj = 1;
135  } else if ( aid == 1000542 ) {
136  m_nq1 = 5;
137  m_nq2 = 5;
138  m_nq3 = 5;
139  } else if ( aid == 1000522 ) {
140  m_nq1 = 1;
141  m_nq2 = 1;
142  m_nq3 = 1;
143  } else if ( aid == 1000039 ) {
144  m_n = 9;
145  m_nr = 9;
146  m_nq3 = 1;
147  m_nj = 0;
148  } else if ( aid == 3100021 ) {
149  m_nq1 = 1;
150  m_nq2 = 1;
151  m_nq3 = 2;
152  }
153  //
154  return { m_extra, m_nj, m_nq3, m_nq2, m_nq1, m_nl, m_nr, m_n };
155  }
156 } // namespace
157 // Return everything beyond the 7th PDG ID digit.
159  const unsigned int m_extra = abspid() / 10000000;
160  return 45 == m_extra ? 100u : 46 == m_extra ? 100u : 47 == m_extra ? 100u : 49 == m_extra ? 100u : m_extra;
161 }
162 /* Return the fundamental ID.
163  * This is 0 for nuclie, mesons, baryons, and di-quarks.
164  * Otherwise, this is the first two digits of the PDG ID
165  */
167  //
168  DATA data = decode( *this );
169  const unsigned int m_extra = data[0];
170  const unsigned int m_nl = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nl];
171  const unsigned int m_nq1 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq1];
172  const unsigned int m_nq2 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq2];
173  const unsigned int m_nq3 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3];
174  const unsigned int m_nj = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nj];
175  //
176  return !m_extra && !( m_nl + m_nq1 + m_nq2 ) ? 10 * m_nq3 + m_nj : 0;
177 }
178 // Return if the PID is valid.
180  // Nuclei, geantino, and intermediate.
181  if ( extraBits() ) {
182  return m_pid == 480000000 || m_pid == -990000000 || isNucleus();
183  }
184  // Standard model particles.
185  else if ( abspid() < 100 || isHadron() || isDiQuark() ) {
186  return true;
187  }
188  // Beyond the standard model particles.
189  else {
190  return !isSM();
191  }
192 }
193 // Return if the PID is from the standard model.
195  DATA data = decode( *this );
196  const unsigned int m_n = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::n];
197  const unsigned int m_nr = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nr];
198  //
199  return m_n < 1 || ( m_n == 9 && m_nr != 9 );
200 }
201 // Return if the PID is for a meson.
203  //
204  if ( !isSM() ) { return false; }
205  //
206  DATA data = decode( *this );
207  const unsigned int m_nq1 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq1];
208  const unsigned int m_nq2 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq2];
209  const unsigned int m_nq3 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3];
210  const unsigned int m_nj = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nj];
211  //
212  return m_nq1 == 0 && m_nq2 != 0 && m_nq3 != 0 && m_nj != 0 && !( pid() < 0 && m_nq2 == m_nq3 );
213 }
214 // Return if the PID is for a baryon.
216  //
217  if ( !isSM() ) { return false; }
218  //
219  DATA data = decode( *this );
220  const unsigned int m_nq1 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq1];
221  const unsigned int m_nq2 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq2];
222  const unsigned int m_nq3 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3];
223  const unsigned int m_nj = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nj];
224  //
225  return m_nq1 != 0 && m_nq2 != 0 && m_nq3 != 0 && m_nj != 0;
226 }
227 // Return if the PID is for a di-quark.
229  //
230  if ( !isSM() ) { return false; }
231  //
232  DATA data = decode( *this );
233  const unsigned int m_nq1 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq1];
234  const unsigned int m_nq2 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq2];
235  const unsigned int m_nq3 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3];
236  const unsigned int m_nj = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nj];
237  //
238  return m_nq1 != 0 && m_nq2 != 0 && m_nq3 == 0 && m_nj != 0 && !( m_nj == 1 && m_nq1 == m_nq2 );
239 }
240 // Return if the PID is for a hadron.
241 bool Gaudi::ParticleID::isHadron() const { return isMeson() || isBaryon(); }
242 // Return if the PID is for a lepton.
244  const unsigned int apid = abspid();
245  return 11 <= apid && apid <= 18;
246 }
247 // Return if the PID is for a nucleus.
248 bool Gaudi::ParticleID::isNucleus() const { return 100 <= extraBits() && Z() <= A(); }
249 // Return if the PID is for a bare quark.
251  const unsigned int apid = abspid();
252  return Gaudi::ParticleID::Quark::first <= apid && apid <= Gaudi::ParticleID::Quark::last;
253 }
254 // Return if the PID is a particle with quarks, but not a nucleus.
255 bool Gaudi::ParticleID::hasQuarks() const { return !extraBits() && !fundamentalID(); }
256 // Return if the PID is a particle containing a specified quark flavor.
257 bool Gaudi::ParticleID::hasQuark( const Quark& q ) const {
258  if ( abspid() == q ) { return true; }
259  if ( !hasQuarks() ) { return false; }
260  //
261  DATA data = decode( *this );
262  const unsigned int m_nq1 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq1];
263  const unsigned int m_nq2 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq2];
264  const unsigned int m_nq3 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3];
265  //
266  return q == m_nq3 || q == m_nq2 || q == m_nq1;
267 }
268 // Return three times the charge, in units of e+, valid for all particles.
270  // Lookup table for charges. The Xu+ (43) and Xu0 (44) break the PDG
271  // conventions and are EvtGen specific. The c-hadron (84), b-hadron
272  // (85), t-hadron (86), b'-hadron (87), are LHCb specific but within
273  // the acceptable 81 - 100 range. A double charged Higgs is inserted
274  // as 9 and a gravintino as 10.
275  static const int q[101] = { 0, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, 6, 0, // 1 - 10.
276  -3, 0, -3, 0, -3, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0, // 11 - 20.
277  0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 21 - 30.
278  0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, // 31 - 40.
279  0, -1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 41 - 50.
280  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 51 - 60.
281  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 61 - 70.
282  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 71 - 80.
283  0, 0, 0, 2, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, // 81 - 90.
284  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // 91 - 100.
285  const unsigned int fid = fundamentalID();
286  int charge = 0;
287  //
288  DATA data = decode( *this );
289  const unsigned int m_nq1 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq1];
290  const unsigned int m_nq2 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq2];
291  const unsigned int m_nq3 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3];
293  // Nuclei.
294  if ( isNucleus() ) {
295  charge = 3 * Z();
296  }
297  // Fundamental particles from the charge table.
298  else if ( fid ) {
299  charge = q[fid];
300  }
301  // Mesons.
302  else if ( !m_nq1 ) {
303  charge = abs( q[m_nq2] - q[m_nq3] );
304  }
305  // Everything else.
306  else {
307  charge = q[m_nq3] + q[m_nq2] + q[m_nq1];
308  }
310  return ( pid() < 0 ? -1 : 1 ) * charge;
311 }
312 // Return 2J+1, where J is the total spin, valid for all particles.
314  // Lookup table for spins. The Xu+ (43) and Xu0 (44) break the PDG
315  // conventions and are EvtGen specific. The c-hadron (84), b-hadron
316  // (85), t-hadron (86), b'-hadron (87), are LHCb specific but within
317  // the acceptable 81 - 100 range. A double charged Higgs is inserted
318  // as 9 and a gravintino is inserted as 10.
319  static const unsigned int j[101] = { 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 4, // 1 - 10.
320  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, // 11 - 20.
321  3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 21 - 30.
322  0, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 0, // 31 - 40.
323  3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 41 - 50.
324  1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 51 - 60.
325  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 61 - 70.
326  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 71 - 80.
327  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 81 - 90.
328  0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // 91 - 100.
329  const unsigned int fid = fundamentalID();
330  int spin = 0;
331  //
332  DATA data = decode( *this );
333  const unsigned int m_n = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::n];
334  const unsigned int m_nq3 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3];
335  const unsigned int m_nj = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nj];
336  //
337  // Fundamental particles from the spin table.
338  if ( fid ) {
339  // Supersymmetric particles.
340  if ( m_n == 1 || m_n == 2 || m_n == 3 ) {
341  spin = j[fid] % 2 + 1;
342  }
343  // Standard particles.
344  else {
345  spin = j[fid];
346  }
347  }
348  // Nuclei.
349  else if ( isNucleus() ) {
350  spin = m_nq3 % 2 + 1;
351  }
352  // Everything else.
353  else {
354  spin = m_nj;
355  }
356  //
357  return spin;
358 }
360 // Return 2S+1, where S is the spin, valid only for mesons.
362  //
363  if ( !isMeson() ) { return 0; }
364  //
365  DATA data = decode( *this );
366  const unsigned int m_n = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::n];
367  const unsigned int m_nl = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nl];
368  const unsigned int m_nj = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nj];
369  //
370  if ( m_n == 9 ) {
371  return 0;
372  } else if ( m_nj == 1 ) {
373  return m_nl;
374  } else if ( m_nl == 1 ) {
375  return 0;
376  } else {
377  return 1;
378  }
379 }
381 // Return 2L+1, where L is the orbital angular momentum, valid only for mesons.
383  //
384  if ( !isMeson() ) { return 0; }
385  //
386  DATA data = decode( *this );
387  const unsigned int m_n = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::n];
388  const unsigned int m_nl = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nl];
389  const unsigned int m_nj = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nj];
390  //
391  if ( m_n == 9 ) {
392  return 0;
393  } else if ( m_nj == 1 ) {
394  return m_nl;
395  } else if ( m_nl == 0 ) {
396  return ( m_nj - 3 ) / 2;
397  } else if ( m_nl == 3 ) {
398  return ( m_nj + 1 ) / 2;
399  } else {
400  return ( m_nj - 1 ) / 2;
401  }
402 }
403 // Return the atomic number for a nucleus.
404 int Gaudi::ParticleID::Z() const {
405  if ( extraBits() < 100 ) { return 0; }
406  //
407  DATA data = decode( *this );
408  //
409  const unsigned int m_n = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::n];
410  const unsigned int m_nr = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nr];
411  const unsigned int m_nl = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nl];
412  //
413  return m_n * 100 + m_nr * 10 + m_nl;
414 }
415 // Return the nucleon number for a nucleus.
416 int Gaudi::ParticleID::A() const {
417  if ( extraBits() < 100 ) { return 0; }
418  //
419  DATA data = decode( *this );
420  const unsigned int m_nq1 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq1];
421  const unsigned int m_nq2 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq2];
422  const unsigned int m_nq3 = data[Gaudi::ParticleID::nq3];
423  //
424  return m_nq1 * 100 + m_nq2 * 10 + m_nq3;
425 }
426 // Return the number of strange quarks for a nucleus.
428  const unsigned int m_extra = extraBits();
429  return 100 <= m_extra ? m_extra - 100 : 0;
430 }
431 // Fill a stream with the PID.
433  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID(" << m_pid << ")";
434 }
435 // Return the PID stream representation as a string.
438  fillStream( s );
439  return s.str();
440 }
442 // Fill a stream with the PID digit enumeration.
444  switch ( l ) {
446  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.nj";
448  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.nq3";
450  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.nq2";
452  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.nq1";
454  return s << "";
456  return s << "";
458  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.n";
460  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.n8";
462  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.n9";
464  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.n10";
465  default:;
466  }
467  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.Location(" << l << ")";
468 }
470 // Return the PID digit enumeration stream representation as a string.
473  printLocation( l, s );
474  return s.str();
475 }
477 // Fill a stream with the PID quark enumeration.
479  switch ( q ) {
481  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.down";
483  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.up";
485  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.strange";
487  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.charm";
489  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.bottom";
491  return s << "";
493  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.bottom_prime";
495  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.top_prime";
496  default:;
497  }
498  return s << "Gaudi.ParticleID.Quark(" << q << ")";
499 }
501 // Return the PID quark enumeration stream representation as a string.
504  printQuark( q, s );
505  return s.str();
506 }
@ top_prime
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
Quark PDG IDs.
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
constexpr unsigned short digit(const Location &loc) const
Return the digit for a given PDG ID digit location.
Definition: ParticleID.h:125
STL class.
@ nq2
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
@ bottom_prime
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
bool isQuark() const
Return if the PID is for a bare quark.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:250
bool isLepton() const
Return if the PID is for a lepton.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:243
int extraBits() const
Return everything beyond the 7th PDG ID digit.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:158
@ nq1
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
string s
@ nr
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
bool isHadron() const
Return if the PID is for a hadron.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:241
std::string toString() const
Return the PID stream representation as a string.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:436
@ n10
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
@ bottom
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
Gaudi::ParticleID abs(const Gaudi::ParticleID &p)
Return the absolute value for a PID.
Definition: ParticleID.h:191
bool isMeson() const
Return if the PID is for a meson.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:202
static std::ostream & printLocation(const long l, std::ostream &s)
Fill a stream with the PID digit enumeration.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:443
@ up
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
int nLambda() const
Return the number of strange quarks for a nucleus.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:427
int Z() const
Return the atomic number for a nucleus.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:404
std::ostream & fillStream(std::ostream &s) const
Fill a stream with the PID.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:432
int sSpin() const
Return 2S+1, where S is the spin, valid only for mesons.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:361
bool hasQuarks() const
Return if the PID is a particle with quarks, but not a nucleus.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:255
int lSpin() const
Return 2L+1, where L is the orbital angular momentum, valid only for mesons.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:382
STL class.
@ down
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
bool isNucleus() const
Return if the PID is for a nucleus.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:248
STL class.
bool isDiQuark() const
Return if the PID is for a di-quark.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:228
@ strange
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
@ n9
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
@ nl
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
int A() const
Return the nucleon number for a nucleus.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:416
bool isBaryon() const
Return if the PID is for a baryon.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:215
T swap(T... args)
STL class.
@ nj
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
constexpr unsigned int abspid() const
Absolute value of the PDG ID.
Definition: ParticleID.h:56
static std::ostream & printQuark(const long q, std::ostream &s)
Fill a stream with the PID quark enumeration.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:478
dictionary l
@ charm
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
int jSpin() const
Return 2J+1, where J is the total spin, valid for all particles.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:313
Definition: ParticleID.h:43
@ n
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
int fundamentalID() const
Return the fundamental ID.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:166
@ top
Definition: ParticleID.h:48
bool isSM() const
Return if the PID is from the standard model.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:194
bool isValid() const
Return if the PID is valid.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:179
bool hasQuark(const Quark &q) const
Return if the PID is a particle containing a specified quark flavor.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:257
@ nq3
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
@ n8
Definition: ParticleID.h:46
int threeCharge() const
Return three times the charge, in units of e+, valid for all particles.
Definition: ParticleID.cpp:269