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DeclareInterfaceID(IEvtSelector, 2, 0)
virtual StatusCode next(Context &c) const =0
Fetch the next event or the first event if it will be use soon after the creation of the context.
virtual StatusCode last(Context &refContext) const =0
Access last item in the iteration.
virtual StatusCode previous(Context &c, int jump) const =0
Same of previous(Context& c) the possibility to jump the previous n-1 events.
virtual StatusCode createAddress(const Context &c, IOpaqueAddress *&iop) const =0
Create an IOpaqueAddress object from the event fetched.
virtual StatusCode resetCriteria(const std::string &cr, Context &c) const =0
Will set a new criteria for the selection of the next list of events and will change the state of the...
virtual StatusCode rewind(Context &c) const =0
Will set the state of the context in a way that the next event read is the first of the list.
virtual StatusCode next(Context &c, int jump) const =0
Same of next(const Context&) plus the possibility to jump the next n-1 events.
virtual ~Context()=default
virtual StatusCode previous(Context &c) const =0
Fetch the previous event.
virtual StatusCode createContext(Context *&c) const =0
Create and return a context object that will keep track of the state of selection.
virtual void * identifier() const =0
virtual StatusCode releaseContext(Context *&) const =0
Release the Context object.