Go to the documentation of this file.
52 void dumpBuffer( TBufferFile& );
55 void loadBuffer( TBufferFile& );
81 auto&
id =
typeid( *obj );
82 auto pos = m_classMap.find(
id );
83 if ( pos ==
end( m_classMap ) ) {
return m_classMap[
id] = TClass::GetClass(
id ); }
ItemNames m_itemNames
Vector of item names.
DataStoreItem * m_currentItem
Current item while traversing the TES tree.
IDataManagerSvc * m_TESMgr
TES pointer.
IDataProviderSvc * m_TES
TES pointer.
std::vector< std::string > ItemNames
Items m_optItemList
Vector of optional items to be saved to this stream (DataStoreItem ptrs)
std::map< std::type_index, TClass * > m_classMap
Map of gROOT class information.
std::vector< DataStoreItem * > Items
bool m_verifyItems
Boolean Flag as used by GaudiSvc/PersistencySvc/OutputStreamer.
TClass * getClass(DataObject *obj)
caching wrapper to TClass::GetClass
IAddressCreator * m_addressCreator
IAddress Creator for Opaque Addresses.
Objects m_objects
Selected list of Objects to be serialized (DataObject ptrs)
std::vector< DataObject * > Objects
Items m_itemList
Vector of items to be saved to this stream (DataStoreItem ptrs)
ItemNames m_optItemNames
Vector of item names (std::strings)
bool m_strict
Boolean Flag used to determine error tolerance.
A class to serialize/deserialize TES objects to and from a TBufferFile Author: P.