Go to the documentation of this file.
27 # pragma warning( disable : 1125 )
29 # pragma warning( disable : 1572 )
86 using NTuple::Selector::operator();
96 for (
int i = 5; i < 99; ++i ) {
106 <<
" px=" << ( *m_track )->px() <<
" py=" << ( *m_track )->py() <<
" pz=" << ( *m_track )->pz()
NTuple::Array< float > m_trkMomFixed
NTuple::Array< float > m_trkMom
NTuple::Item< Gaudi::TestSuite::MyTrack * > m_track
Gaudi::ParticleID abs(const Gaudi::ParticleID &p)
Return the absolute value for a PID.
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
StatusCode item(const std::string &name, Item< TYPE > &result)
Locate a scalar Item of data to the N tuple type safe.
NTuple::Item< int > m_ntrack
This file provides a Grammar for the type Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis It allows to use that type from p...
bool operator()(NTuple::Tuple *) override
Specialized callback for NTuples.
Selector(IInterface *svc)
Standard constructor.
constexpr static const auto SUCCESS
Abstract base class which allows the user to interact with the actual N tuple implementation.
std::ostream & toStream(ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last, std::ostream &s, const std::string &open, const std::string &close, const std::string &delim)
the helper function to print the sequence
StatusCode initialize(NTuple::Tuple *nt) override
#define EvtCollectionSelector