The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "merge/merge.C"
2 #include "TError.h"
3 #include <cstdlib>
5 static int usage()
6 {
7  ::printf( "Gaudi merge facility for ROOT tree based files.\n"
8  " Usage: \n"
9  "gaudi_merge -o <output-file> -i <input-file 1> [ -i <input-file 2> ...]\n\n"
10  "input- and output files may specify any legal (ROOT) file name.\n"
11  " -output Specify output file name.\n"
12  " -input Specify input file name.\n"
13  " -debug Switch debug flag on.\n" );
14  return 1;
15 }
17 static ErrorHandlerFunc_t s_err = nullptr;
18 static void err_handler( Int_t level, Bool_t abort_bool, const char* location, const char* msg )
19 {
20  if ( msg && strstr( msg, "no dictionary for class" ) ) return;
21  s_err( level, abort_bool, location, msg );
22 }
24 int main( int argc, char** argv )
25 {
26  bool dbg = false, fixup = true;
27  vector<string> input;
28  string output;
29  for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) {
30  if ( *argv[i] == '-' ) {
31  switch (::toupper( *( argv[i] + 1 ) ) ) {
32  case 'N':
33  fixup = false;
34  break;
35  case 'D':
36  dbg = true;
37  break;
38  case 'O':
39  if ( i + 1 < argc ) output = argv[i + 1];
40  ++i;
41  break;
42  case 'I':
43  if ( i + 1 < argc ) input.push_back( argv[i + 1] );
44  ++i;
45  break;
46  default:
47  return usage();
48  }
49  }
50  }
51  if ( input.empty() ) {
52  ::printf( "\nERROR: No input file(s) supplied\n\n" );
53  return usage();
54  } else if ( output.empty() ) {
55  ::printf( "\nERROR: No output file supplied.\n\n" );
56  return usage();
57  }
58  gROOT->SetBatch( kTRUE );
59  s_err = SetErrorHandler( err_handler );
60  for ( size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i ) {
61  const string& in = input[i];
62  bool do_fixup = fixup && ( ( i + 1 ) == input.size() );
63  //::printf("+++ Target:%s\n+++ Source file:%s Fixup:%s Dbg:%s %d %d\n",
64  // output.c_str(),in.c_str(),do_fixup ? "YES" : "NO",dbg ? "YES" : "NO",i,input.size());
65  int result = merge( output.c_str(), in.c_str(), do_fixup, dbg );
66  if ( result == MERGE_ERROR ) {
67  printf( "\nERROR: File merge failed after %ld files.\n\n", long( i + 1 ) );
68  return 1;
69  }
70  }
71  return 0;
72 }
list argv
void usage(std::string argv0)
T strstr(T...args)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: merge.cpp:24
void toupper(std::string &s)