The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NboostThe namespace threadpool contains a thread pool and related utility classes
 NContainersContainers namespace
 NdetailTupleObj.h GaudiAlg/TupleObj.h namespace with few technical implementations
 NGaudiHelper functions to set/get the application return code
 NGaudiAlgGaudiAlg.h GaudiAlg/GaudiAlg.h Namespace with definition of useful constants, types and function, common for all classes from GaudiAlg package
 NGaudiMathGaudiMath.h GaudiMath/GaudiMath.h
 NGaudiMPA class to serialize/deserialize TES objects to and from a TBufferFile Author: P
 NGaudiPythonGaudiPython.h GaudiPython/GaudiPython.h
 NGaudiUtilsForward declarations for the functions in SerializeSTL.h
 NNTupleNTuple name space
 NstdSTL namespace
 NSystemNote: OS specific details for environment resolution
 NTuplesGeneral namespace for Tuple properties
 CAlgContexSvcSimple implementation of interface IAlgContextSvc for Algorithm Context Service
 CAlgContextAuditorDescription: Register/Unregister the AlgContext of each algorithm before entering the algorithm and after leaving it
 CAlgErrorAuditorMonitors the cpu time usage of each algorithm
 CAlgExecStateSvcA service that keeps track of the execution state of Algorithm

 CAlgorithmBase class from which all concrete algorithm classes should be derived
 CAlgorithmHistoryAlgorithmHistory class definition
 CAlgorithmManagerIn charge of the creation of concrete instances of Algorithms
 CAlgResourcePoolThe AlgResourcePool is a concrete implementation of the IAlgResourcePool interface
 CAlgsExecutionStatesThe AlgsExecutionStates encodes the state machine for the execution of algorithms within a single event
 CAlgToolBase class from which all the concrete tool classes should be derived
 CAlgToolHistoryAlgToolHistory class definition
 CApplicationMgrThe Application Manager class
 CAppMgrRunableClass definition of AppMgrRunable
 CAuditorBase class from which all concrete auditor classes should be derived


 CBaseObjectMemberFunctionBase class of ObjectMemberFunction
 CBasePtrSetterBase class to set the pointer to an object of a class derived from DataObject in a generic way
 CBaseToolHandleNon-templated base class for actual ToolHandle<T>
 CCallgrindProfileAlgorithm to enable/disable the profiling by Callgrind at given events
 CChronoA small utility class for chronometry of user codes
 CChronoAuditorMonitors the cpu time usage of each algorithm
 CChronoEntitySmall helper class for implementation of ChronoStatSvc service, It also could be used as some local timer
 CChronoStatSvcThe Chrono & Stat Sservice: service implements the IChronoStatSvc interface and provides the basic chronometry and some statistical counts needed by all applications
 CCollectionCloneAlgSmall algorithm, which allows to merge N-tuples in a generic way
 CCommonAuditorBase class with common functionalities shared by few auditor implementations
 CComponentManagerBase class for a component manager
 CConcurrencyFlagsProvides information about the level of concurrency of the currently executing job
 CContainedObjectAll classes that their objects may be contained in an LHCb ObjectContainer (e.g
 CConversionSvcBase class for all conversion services
 CConverterConverter base class
 CCounterSvcSimple implementation of the abstract interface ICounterSvc
 CCPUCruncherA class that implements a search for prime numbers
 CDataFlowManagerThe DataFlowManager takes care of keeping track of the dependencies of the algorithms in terms of dataObjects
 CDataHistoryDataHistory class definition
 CDataIncidentData service incident class
 CDataObjectA DataObject is the base class of any identifiable object on any data store
 CDataObjectHandleDataObjectHandle.h GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandle.h
 CDataObjectHandleBaseDataObjectHandleBase GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandleBase.h
 CDataObjectHandlePropertyDataObjectHandleProperty.h GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandleProperty.h
 CDataObjIDPropertyDataObjIDProperty.h GaudiKernel/DataObjProperty.h
 CDataOnDemandSvcThe DataOnDemandSvc listens to incidents typically triggered by the data service of the configurable name "IncidentName"
 CDataSelectionAgentDataSelectionAgent base in charge of collecting all the refereces to DataObjects in a transient store that passes some selection criteria
 CDataStoreItemDescription of the DataStoreItem class
 CDataSvcData service base class
 CDataSvcFileEntriesToolTool to scan a transient store branch that collects all the objects that belong to the same source (file)
 CDataTypeInfoSmall class which allows access to internal type IDs
 CDecoratorSimple class with allows to "decorate" the python algorithm with 'basic' funtionality from class GaudiAlgorithm
 CDirSearchPathSearch for files in a list of directories
 CDODBasicMapperDefault implementation of a DataOnDemand mapper
 CEqSolverThe simplest concrete implementation of IEqSolver interface
 CEventCollectionSelectorDefinition of class EventCollectionSelector
 CEventContextThis class represents an entry point to all the event specific data
 CEventContextHashHash from EventContext so EvenContexts can be used as keys in unordered maps
 CEventIDBaseThis class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a time stamp
 CEventIDRangeEvent ID Range object
 CEventLoopMgrClass definition of EventLoopMgr
 CEventNodeKillerAlgorithm to kill nodes in the event data store
 CEventSelectorDefinition of class EventSelector
 CEventSelectorDataStreamDefinition of class EventSelectorDataStream
 CEventSlotClass representing the event slot
 CEvtCollectionStreamA small to stream Data I/O
 CEvtDataSvcA EvtDataSvc is the base class for event services
 CEvtPersistencySvcEvtPersistencySvc class implementation definition
 CEvtSelectorContextDefinition of class EventIterator
 CExceptionSvcSimple implementation of IExceptionSvc abstract interface
 Cextend_interfacesBase class to be used to extend an interface
 CextendsBase class used to extend a class implementing other interfaces
 CFileIncidentThis class is the FileIncident
 CFileReadToolBasic implementation of the IFileAccess interface
 CFileRecordDataSvcA FileRecordDataSvc is the base class for event services
 CFindByMassRangeIParticlePropertySvc::value_type is a typedef that defines the internal service storage type that is returned when an iterator is dereferenced
 CForwardSchedulerSvcThe SchedulerSvc implements the IScheduler interface
 CFuncMinimumThe simplest concrete implementation of IFuncMinimum interface
 CGaudiThis is a number of static methods for bootstrapping the Gaudi framework
 CGaudiAlgorithmThe useful base class for data processing algorithms
 CGaudiCommonImplements the common functionality between GaudiTools and GaudiAlgorithms
 CGaudiExceptionDefine general base for Gaudi exception
 CGaudiGSLHelper class to get (static) access to Gaudi GSL Service General users are not supposed to use it
 CGaudiHandleHandle to be used in lieu of naked pointers to gaudis
 CGaudiHandleArrayT is the concrete handle type, e.g
 CGaudiHandleArrayBaseBase class of array's of various gaudihandles
 CGaudiHandleBaseBase class to handles to be used in lieu of naked pointers to various Gaudi components
 CGaudiHistoAlgSimple class to extend the functionality of class GaudiAlgorithm
 CGaudiHistosTemplated base class providing common histogramming methods for GaudiAlgorithm and GaudiTool like classes
 CGaudiHistoToolSimple class to extend the functionality of class GaudiTool
 CGaudiSequencerSequencer for executing several algorithms, stopping when one is faulty
 CGaudiToolThe useful base class for tools
 CGaudiTupleAlgSimple class to extend the functionality of class GaudiHistoAlg
 CGaudiTuplesTemplated base class providing common 'ntupling' methods
 CGaudiTupleToolSimple class to extend the functionality of class GaudiHistoTool
 CGenericAddressGeneric Transient Address
 CGslErrorHelper class to represent GSL errors
 CGslErrorCountConcrete GSL error handler It is just counts number of GSL errors
 CGslErrorExceptionConcrete GSL eror handler It is just thrown the exception
 CGslErrorPrintConcrete GSL eror handler It is just prints the GSL errors
 CGslSvcThe implementation of IGslSvc interface
 CHistogramAgentHistogramAgent base in charge of collecting all the refereces to DataObjects in a transient store that passes some selection criteria
 CHistogramPersistencySvcHistogramPersistencySvc class implementation definition
 CHistogramSvcHistogramSvc class definition
 CHistoryObjBase class for History Objects
 CHistorySvcHistorySvc class definition
 CHistoToolSimple tool for histogramming (component)
 CHiveWhiteBoardData service base class
 CIAcceleratorGeneral interface for an accelerator-based algorithm scheduler
 CIAddressCreatorIAddressCreator interface definition
 CIAIDATupleSvcDefinition of the IAIDATupleSvc interface class
 CIAlgContextSvcAn abstract interface for Algorithm Context Service
 CIAlgExecStateSvcAbstract interface for a service that manages the Algorithm execution states
 CIAlgManagerThe IAlgManager is the interface implemented by the Algorithm Factory in the Application Manager to support management functions
 CIAlgorithmThe IAlgorithm is the interface implemented by the Algorithm base class
 CIAlgResourcePoolThe IAlgResourcePool is the interface for managing algorithm instances, in particular if clones of the same algorithm exist
 CIAlgTaskGeneral interface for a wrapper around Gaudi algorithm
 CIAlgToolThe interface implemented by the AlgTool base class
 CIAppMgrUIApplication Manager User Interface
 CIAuditorThe IAuditor is the interface implmented by the AlgAuditor base class
 CIAuditorSvcThe interface implemented by the IAuditorSvc base class
 CIChronoStatSvcThe IChronoStatSvc is the interface implemented by the ChronoStatService
 CIChronoSvc"Chrono"-related part of interface IChronoStatSvc
 CIClassIDSvcInterface to the CLID database
 CIClassInfoData base class allowing to store persistent type information
 CIClassManagerThe IClassManager is the interface implemented by the generic Factory in the Application Manager to support class management functions
 CICondSvcInterface for the Condition Service
 CIConverterThe data converters are responsible to translate data from one representation into another
 CICounterSummarySvcSimple service interface to collect counters to persist in a summary file
 CICounterSvcCreate / access multi purpose counters
 CIDataProviderSvcData provider interface definition
 CIDataSourceMgrIDataSourceMgr interface definition
 CIDataStoreAgentGeneric data agent interface
 CIDataStoreLeavesInterface for a tool or service that returns a list of leaves (paths) in a transient store
 CIDODAlgMapperInterface of tools used by the DataOnDemandSvc to choose the algorithm to be run to produce the data at a path
 CIDODNodeMapperInterface of tools used by the DataOnDemandSvc to choose the type of node to be created at a path
 CIEqSolverInterface file for multidimensional root-finding (solving nonlinear system with n equations in n unknowns)
 CIEventProcessorThe IEventProcessor is the interface to process events
 CIEventTimeDecoderInterface that a Tool that decodes the event time has to implement
 CIEvtSelectorThe Event Selector Interface
 CIExceptionSvcThe abstract interface for exception handling service
 CIFileAccessAbstract interface for a service or tool implementing a read access to files
 CIFuncMinimumInterface file to find minimum of the function and compute covariance matrix (matrix of error)
 CIGenericToolGeneral purpose interface class for tools that "do something"
 CIGslErrorHandlerThe abstract interface for arbitrary GSL error handler
 CIGslSvcThe abstract interface to "deal" with GNU Scientific Library (GLS) The main task is the error handling
 CIHistogramSvcDefinition of the IHistogramSvc interface class
 CIHistorySvcDefinition of the IHistorySvc interface class
 CIHistoToolAn abstract interface for "histogramming tool"
 CIIncidentListenerThe interface implemented by any class wanting to listen to Incidents
 CIIncidentSvcThe interface implemented by the IncidentSvc service
 CIInspectableInterface definition of an inspectable object
 CIInspectorInspector base class
 CIInterfaceDefinition of the basic interface
 CIJobOptionsSvcMain interface for the JobOptions service
 CIMagneticFieldSvcThe interface to the MagneticFieldSvc
 CIMessageSvcThe IMessage is the interface implemented by the message service
 CIMonitorSvcDefinition of the IMonitorSvc interface, which publishes Gaudi variables to outside monitoring processes
 CimplementsBase class used to implement the interfaces
 CINamedInterfaceIInterface compliant class extending IInterface with the name() method
 CIncidentBase class for all Incidents (computing events)
 CIncidentSvcDefault implementation of the IIncidentSvc interface
 CInertMessageSvcThread safe extension to the standard MessageSvc
 CInputCopyStreamExtension of OutputStream to copy the content of the main input file
 CIntegrationCollection of common types for classes NumericalIndefiniteIntegral and NumericalDefiniteIntegral
 CIntelProfileAlgorithm to enable/disable the profiling by Intel at given events
 CInterfaceIDInterface ID class
 CINTupleNTuple interface class definition
 CINTupleItemNTuple interface class definition
 CIOBoundAlgSchedulerSvcPlease refer to the full documentation of the methods for more details
 CIOBoundAlgTaskWrapper around I/O-bound Gaudi-algorithms
 CIOpaqueAddressOpaque address interface definition
 CIParticlePropertySvcThis class is an interface to the ParticlePropertySvc
 CIPartitionControlCreate / access partitions
 CIPersistencySvcData persistency service interface
 CIPrecedenceSvcAbstract interface for a service that manages tasks' precedence
 CIPropertyThe IProperty is the basic interface for all components which have properties that can be set or get
 CIPublishSvcDefinition of the IPublishSvc interface, which publishes variables to outside monitoring processes
 CIRegistryThe IRegistry represents the entry door to the environment any data object residing in a transient data store is embedded
 CIRndmEngineDefinition of a interface for a generic random number generator giving randomly distributed numbers in the range [0...1] number generators
 CIRndmGenDefinition of a interface for a generic random number generators
 CIRndmGenSvcRandom Generator service interface definition Definition of a interface for a service to access random generators according to predefined distributions:
 CIRunableRunable interface definition
 CISchedulerGeneral interface for algorithm scheduler
 CISelectStatementA select statement can either contain
 CISequencerTimerToolImplements the time measurement inside a sequencer
 CISerializeObject serialization interface definition
 CIServiceGeneral service interface definition
 CIStatefulInterface for classes that implement the Gaudi State Machine
 CIStatSvc"Stat"-related part of interface IChronoStatSvc
 CISvcLocatorThe ISvcLocator is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to locate services in the framework
 CISvcManagerThe ISvcManager is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to support management functions
 CIThreadInitToolAbstract interface for AlgTools to do thread local initialization
 CIThreadPoolSvcAbstract interface for a service that manages a thread pool
 CIToolSvcThe interface implemented by the IToolSvc base class
 CIUpdateableObject update interface definition
 CIUpdateableInterfaceComponent interface counterpart to the above ABC
 CIUpdateManagerSvcInterface class to the Update Manager service
 CIValidityInterface for objects with a validity
 CIVersHistoryObjInterface for Versioned History Objects
 CJemallocProfileAlgorithm to enable/disable the profiling of the head by Jemalloc
 CJemallocProfileSvcService that enables the Jemalloc profiler on demand
 CJobHistoryJobHistory class definition
 CKeyedContainerTemplate class KeyedContainer, KeyedContainer.h
 CKeyedObjectDefinition of the templated KeyedObject class
 CLinkManagerA LinkManager is the object aggregated into a DataObject, which is responsible for the handling of non-tree like links
 CLockedHandleProvides automatic lock/unlock access to a class upon deref of ptr
 CMemoryAuditorMonitors the memory use of each algorithm
 CMemStatAuditorJust a minor modification of MemoryAuditor to allow the output memory statistics table to be printed
 CMessageThe Message class
 CMinimalEventLoopMgrThis is the default processing manager of the application manager
 CModuleIncidentBase class for Module-related incident
 CModuleLoadedIncidentFired when a module (DLL) is loaded
 CMsgStreamDefinition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages
 CMultiStoreSvcData service base class
 CNameAuditorPrints the name of each algorithm before entering the algorithm and after leaving it
 CNamedRangeNew concept of "named" range : range with name
 CNTupleItemsNTupleItems namespace parts definition This header file is not intended to be included by the public! It's only used for the ntuple service
 CNTupleSvcNTuple service
 CObjectContainerBaseObjectContainerBase is the base class for Gaudi container classes
 CObjectListObjectList is one of the basic Gaudi container classes capable of being registered in Data Stores
 CObjectMemberFunctionThis class is used by IUpdateManagerSvc to keep pairs made of a member function and a pointer to the object for which that member function has to be called
 CObjectVectorObjectVector is one of the basic Gaudi container classes capable of being registered in Data Stores
 COutputStreamA small to stream Data I/O
 CParticlePropertyA trivial class to hold information about a single particle properties
 CPartitionSwitchAlgSmall algorithm which switches the partition of a configurable multi-service
 CPerfMonAuditorPerformance Monitoring Auditor that uses Perfmon2 library to monitor algorithms
 CPersistencySvcPersistencySvc class implementation definition
 CPoolDbLinkManagerDescription: PoolDbLinkManager class implementation definition
 CPrecedenceSvcA service to resolve the task execution precedence
 CPropertyHolderHelper class to implement the IProperty interface
 CPropertyListList of properties
 CPropertyMgrProperty manager helper class
 CPropertyWithHandlersHelper class to simplify the migration old properties deriving directly from PropertyBase
 CPublicToolHandleHelper class to construct ToolHandle instances for public tools via the auto registering constructor
 CPublicToolHandleArrayHelper class to construct ToolHandle instances for public tools via the auto registering constructor
 CPythonScriptingSvcThis service handles scripting implemented using Python
 CRecordDataSvcA RecordDataSvc is the base class for event services
 CRecordOutputStreamSimple class that adds an entry to the Transient Event Store to record that the processing flow triggered its execution
 CRecordStreamExtension of OutputStream to write run records after last event
 CRefTableBaseTemplate <class FROM, class TO, class MAPENTRY> class RefTable
 CRetCodeGuardHelper class to set the application return code in case of early exit (e.g
 CRndmEngineRandom Generator engine definition
 CRndmGenRandom Generator definition
 CRndmGenSvcRandom Generator service definition
 CRootConnectionSetClass describing the setup parameters of a ROOT data connection
 CRunRecordDataSvcA RunRecordDataSvc is the base class for event services
 CRunRecordStreamExtension of OutputStream to write run records after last event
 CSelectStatementClass of a selection statement
 CSequencerClassName: Sequencer
 CSequencerTimerToolImplements the time measurement inside a sequencer
 CSequentialOutputStreamExtension of OutputStream to write run records after last event
 CServiceBase class for all services
 CServiceHandleHandle to be used in lieu of naked pointers to services
 CServiceHandleArrayArray of Handles to be used in lieu of vector of naked pointers to tools
 CServiceHistoryServiceHistory class definition
 CServiceLocatorHelperHelper to share the implementation of service() among the various kernel base classes
 CServiceManagerIn charge of the creation of concrete instances of Services
 CSharedObjectsContainerVery simple class to represent the container of objects which are not owned by this container
 CSmartDataLocatorA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
 CSmartDataObjectPtrA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
 CSmartDataPtrA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
 CSmartDataStorePtrA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
 CSmartIFSmall smart pointer class with automatic reference counting for IInterface
 CSmartRefKernel objects: SmartRef
 CSmartRefBaseUser example objects: SmartRefBase
 CSmartRefVectorKernel objects: SmartRefVector
 CStalledEventMonitorService that monitor the time taken by processing of single events using a separate thread
 CStatSmall wrapper class for easy manipulation with generic counters and IStatSvc&ICounterSvc interface
 CStatEntityThe basic counter used for Monitoring purposes
 CStatic_error_check< false >
 CStatusCodeThis class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines
 CStoreExplorerAlgSmall algorith, which traverses the data store and prints generic information about all leaves, which can be loaded/accessed
 CStoreSnifferAlgSmall algorithm, which traverses the data store and prints a summary of the leafs accessed during the run
 CStreamBufferThe stream buffer is a small object collecting object data
 CTagCollectionStreamSpecialized output stream class for event tag collections, where the basic Event entry point should be placed as well into the collection itself
 CTagCollectionSvcGaudi tag collection service definition
 CTBMessageSvcExtension to the standard MessageSvc that
 CThreadGaudiSingleton mapping the pthread ID to the Gaudi thread ID
 CThreadInitTaskSpecial TBB task used by ThreadPoolSvc to wrap execution of IThreadInitTools
 CThreadPoolSvcA service which initializes a TBB thread pool
 CTimeExceptionException thrown by Gaudi::Time
 CTimerForSequencerAuxiliary class
 CTimingAuditorSimple auditor which uses SequencerTimerTool for ALL algorithms, including the algorithm from main Gaudi "TopAlg" list and algorithms managed by Data-On-Demand Service
 CToolHandleHandle to be used in lieu of naked pointers to tools
 CToolHandleArrayArray of Handles to be used in lieu of vector of naked pointers to tools
 CToolHandleInfoGeneral info and helper functions for toolhandles and arrays
 CToolSvcThis service manages tools
 CTsDataSvcData service base class
 CUCharDbArrayShadow class to mimik POOL blobs
 CUpdateManagerExceptionException thrown by the UpdateManagerSvc when something goes wrong
 CVFSSvcSimple service that allows to read files independently from the storage
 CWatchdogThreadSimple class for asynchronous check of time-out