The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
GaudiCommon< PBASE > Class Template Reference

Implements the common functionality between GaudiTools and GaudiAlgorithms. More...

#include <GaudiAlg/GaudiCommon.h>

Inheritance diagram for GaudiCommon< PBASE >:
Collaboration diagram for GaudiCommon< PBASE >:

Public Member Functions

template<class TYPE >
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE >::return_type get (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
 Templated access to the data in Gaudi Transient Store. More...
template<class TYPE >
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE >::return_type getIfExists (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
 Quicker version of the get function which bypasses the check on the retrieved data. More...
template<class TYPE >
bool exist (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
 Check the existence of a data object or container in the Gaudi Transient Event Store. More...
template<class TYPE , class TYPE2 >
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE >::return_type getOrCreate (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
 Get the existing data object from Gaudi Event Transient store. More...
DataObjectput (IDataProviderSvc *svc, DataObject *object, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
 Register a data object or container into Gaudi Event Transient Store. More...
template<class TOOL >
TOOL * tool (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent=0, bool create=true) const
 Useful method for the easy location of tools. More...
template<class TOOL >
TOOL * tool (const std::string &type, const IInterface *parent=0, bool create=true) const
 A useful method for the easy location of tools. More...
template<class SERVICE >
SmartIF< SERVICE > svc (const std::string &name, const bool create=true) const
 A useful method for the easy location of services. More...
IUpdateManagerSvcupdMgrSvc () const
 Short-cut to locate the Update Manager Service. More...
StatusCode Error (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
 Print the error message and return with the given StatusCode. More...
StatusCode Warning (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
 Print the warning message and return with the given StatusCode. More...
StatusCode Info (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const size_t mx=10) const
 Print the info message and return with the given StatusCode. More...
StatusCode Print (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
 Print the message and return with the given StatusCode. More...
void Assert (const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
 Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled. More...
void Assert (const bool ok, const char *message, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
 Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled. More...
void Exception (const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
 Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException. More...
void Exception (const std::string &msg, const std::exception &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
 Create and (re)-throw a given exception. More...
void Exception (const std::string &msg="no message", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
 Create and throw an exception with the given message. More...
const Statisticscounters () const
 accessor to all counters More...
StatEntitycounter (const std::string &tag) const
 accessor to certain counter by name More...
bool typePrint () const
 Insert the actual C++ type of the algorithm/tool in the messages ? More...
bool propsPrint () const
 Print properties at initialization ? More...
bool statPrint () const
 Print statistical counters at finalization ? More...
bool errorsPrint () const
 Print error counters at finalization ? More...
long printStat (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
 perform the actual printout of statistical counters More...
long printErrors (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
 perform the actual printout of error counters More...
long printProps (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
 perform the actual printout of properties More...
template<class CallerClass >
void registerCondition (const std::string &condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=nullptr)
 register the current instance to the UpdateManagerSvc as a consumer for a condition. More...
template<class CallerClass , class CondType >
void registerCondition (const std::string &condition, CondType *&condPtrDest, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
 register the current instance to the UpdateManagerSvc as a consumer for a condition. More...
template<class CallerClass >
void registerCondition (char *condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
 just to avoid conflicts with the version using a pointer to a template class. More...
template<class CallerClass , class TargetClass >
void registerCondition (TargetClass *condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
 register the current instance to the UpdateManagerSvc as a consumer for a condition. More...
StatusCode runUpdate ()
 asks the UpdateManagerSvc to perform an update of the instance (if needed) without waiting the next BeginEvent incident. More...
template<typename U = PBASE, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Algorithm, PBASE>::value, U>::type>
 GaudiCommon (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 Algorithm constructor - the SFINAE constraint below ensures that this is constructor is only defined if PBASE derives from Algorithm. More...
template<typename U = PBASE, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<AlgTool, PBASE>::value, U>::type>
 GaudiCommon (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *ancestor)
 Tool constructor - SFINAE-ed to insure this constructor is only defined if PBASE derives from AlgTool. More...
StatusCode initialize () override
 standard initialization method More...
StatusCode finalize () override
 standard finalization method More...
StatusCode release (const IInterface *interface) const
 Manual forced (and 'safe') release of the active tool or service. More...
const Servicesservices () const
 get the list of aquired services More...
const std::stringcontext () const
 Returns the "context" string. Used to identify different processing states. More...
const std::stringrootInTES () const
 Returns the "rootInTES" string. More...
const std::string fullTESLocation (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES) const
 Returns the full correct event location given the rootInTes settings. More...

Protected Types

using base_class = PBASE
typedef std::map< std::string, StatEntityStatistics
 the actual type of general counters More...
typedef std::map< std::string, unsigned int > Counter
 the actual type error/warning counter More...
typedef std::vector< IAlgTool * > AlgTools
 storage for active tools More...
typedef std::vector< SmartIF< IService > > Services
 storage for active services More...

Protected Member Functions

 ~GaudiCommon () override=default
 Destructor. More...
StatusCode releaseTool (const IAlgTool *tool) const
 manual forced (and 'safe') release of the tool More...
StatusCode releaseSvc (const IInterface *svc) const
 manual forced (and 'safe') release of the service More...

Protected Attributes

SmartIF< ICounterSummarySvcm_counterSummarySvc
 a pointer to the CounterSummarySvc More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const bool IgnoreRootInTES = false
 Simple definition to be used with the new useRootInTES argument get<TYPE> and put methods. More...
static const bool UseRootInTES = true
 Simple definition to be used with the new useRootInTES argument get<TYPE> and put methods. More...

Private Member Functions

 GaudiCommon ()=delete
 GaudiCommon (const GaudiCommon &)=delete
GaudiCommonoperator= (const GaudiCommon &)=delete
void printErrorHandler (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &)
 handler for "ErrorPrint" property More...
void printPropsHandler (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &)
 handler for "PropertiesPrint" property More...
void printStatHandler (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &)
 handler for "StatPrint" property More...
void addToServiceList (SmartIF< IService > svc) const
 Add the given service to the list of acquired services. More...
void initGaudiCommonConstructor (const IInterface *parent=nullptr)
 Constructor initializations. More...

Private Attributes

AlgTools m_managedTools
 List of active tools. More...
Services m_services
 List of active services. More...
Counter m_errors
 Counter of errors. More...
Counter m_warnings
 counter of warnings More...
Counter m_infos
 counter of infos More...
Counter m_exceptions
 Counter of exceptions. More...
Statistics m_counters
 General counters. More...
IUpdateManagerSvcm_updMgrSvc = nullptr
 Pointer to the Update Manager Service instance. More...
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_errorsPrint {this, "ErrorsPrint", true, "print the statistics of errors/warnings/exceptions"}
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_propsPrint {this, "PropertiesPrint", false, "print the properties of the component"}
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_statPrint {this, "StatPrint", true, "print the table of counters"}
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_typePrint {this, "TypePrint", true, "add the actual C++ component type into the messages"}
Gaudi::Property< std::stringm_context {this, "Context", {}, "note: overridden by parent settings"}
Gaudi::Property< std::stringm_rootInTES {this, "RootInTES", {}, "note: overridden by parent settings"}
Gaudi::Property< std::stringm_header
Gaudi::Property< std::stringm_format1
Gaudi::Property< std::stringm_format2
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_useEffFormat
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_counterList
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_statEntityList

Detailed Description

template<class PBASE>
class GaudiCommon< PBASE >

Implements the common functionality between GaudiTools and GaudiAlgorithms.

Chris Jones
Rob Lambert Rob.L.nosp@m.ambe.nosp@m.rt@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h

Definition at line 80 of file GaudiCommon.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class PBASE>
typedef std::vector<IAlgTool*> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::AlgTools

storage for active tools

Definition at line 115 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
using GaudiCommon< PBASE >::base_class = PBASE

Definition at line 83 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
typedef std::map<std::string, unsigned int> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Counter

the actual type error/warning counter

Definition at line 113 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
typedef std::vector<SmartIF<IService> > GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Services

storage for active services

Definition at line 117 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
typedef std::map<std::string, StatEntity> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Statistics

the actual type of general counters

Definition at line 111 of file GaudiCommon.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class PBASE>
template<typename U = PBASE, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Algorithm, PBASE>::value, U>::type>
GaudiCommon< PBASE >::GaudiCommon ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator pSvcLocator 

Algorithm constructor - the SFINAE constraint below ensures that this is constructor is only defined if PBASE derives from Algorithm.

Definition at line 611 of file GaudiCommon.h.

611  : base_class( name, pSvcLocator )
612  {
614  }
PBASE base_class
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:83
void initGaudiCommonConstructor(const IInterface *parent=nullptr)
Constructor initializations.
template<class PBASE>
template<typename U = PBASE, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<AlgTool, PBASE>::value, U>::type>
GaudiCommon< PBASE >::GaudiCommon ( const std::string type,
const std::string name,
const IInterface ancestor 

Tool constructor - SFINAE-ed to insure this constructor is only defined if PBASE derives from AlgTool.

Definition at line 618 of file GaudiCommon.h.

619  : base_class( type, name, ancestor )
620  {
621  initGaudiCommonConstructor( this->parent() );
622  }
PBASE base_class
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:83
void initGaudiCommonConstructor(const IInterface *parent=nullptr)
Constructor initializations.
template<class PBASE>
GaudiCommon< PBASE >::~GaudiCommon ( )


template<class PBASE>
GaudiCommon< PBASE >::GaudiCommon ( )
template<class PBASE>
GaudiCommon< PBASE >::GaudiCommon ( const GaudiCommon< PBASE > &  )

Member Function Documentation

template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::addToServiceList ( SmartIF< IService svc) const

Add the given service to the list of acquired services.

Definition at line 362 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

363 {
364  if ( svc ) {
366  if ( i == std::end( m_services ) || !GaudiCommon_details::svc_eq( *i, svc ) ) {
367  m_services.insert( i, std::move( svc ) );
368  } else {
369  this->warning() << "Service " << svc->name() << " already present -- skipping" << endmsg;
370  }
371  }
372 }
constexpr const struct GaudiCommon_details::svc_eq_t svc_eq
Services m_services
List of active services.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:726
T end(T...args)
T lower_bound(T...args)
constexpr const struct GaudiCommon_details::svc_lt_t svc_lt
T move(T...args)
T insert(T...args)
T begin(T...args)
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Assert ( const bool  ok,
const std::string message = "",
const StatusCode  sc = StatusCodeStatusCode::FAILURE, true ) 
) const

Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.

See also
Exceptionfor invalid condition
okCondition which should be "true"
messageMessage to be associated with the exception

Definition at line 200 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

201 {
202  if ( !ok ) Exception( msg, sc );
203 }
void Exception(const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException.
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Assert ( const bool  ok,
const char *  message,
const StatusCode  sc = StatusCodeStatusCode::FAILURE, true ) 
) const

Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.

See also
Exceptionfor invalid condition
okCondition which should be "true"
messageMessage to be associated with the exception

Definition at line 208 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

209 {
210  if ( !ok ) Exception( msg, sc );
211 }
void Exception(const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException.
template<class PBASE>
const std::string& GaudiCommon< PBASE >::context ( ) const

Returns the "context" string. Used to identify different processing states.

Definition at line 704 of file GaudiCommon.h.

704 { return m_context; }
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_context
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:748
template<class PBASE>
StatEntity& GaudiCommon< PBASE >::counter ( const std::string tag) const

accessor to certain counter by name

if ( OK ) { ++counter("OK") ; }
// additive counter ('Flag')
counter("#Tracks") += tracks->size() ;
// multiplicative counter ('Weight')
counter("ProbTot") *= probability ;
See also
tagcounter name
the counter itself

Definition at line 484 of file GaudiCommon.h.

484 { return m_counters[tag]; }
Statistics m_counters
General counters.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:737
template<class PBASE>
const Statistics& GaudiCommon< PBASE >::counters ( ) const

accessor to all counters

Definition at line 465 of file GaudiCommon.h.

465 { return m_counters; }
Statistics m_counters
General counters.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:737
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Error ( const std::string msg,
const StatusCode  st = StatusCode::FAILURE,
const size_t  mx = 10 
) const

Print the error message and return with the given StatusCode.

Also performs statistical analysis of the error messages and suppression after the defined number of error instances.

if( a < 0 ) { return Error("a is negative!") ;}
if( b < 0 ) { return Error("b is illegal!" , StatusCode(25) );
if( c < 0 )
{ return Error("c is negative" , StatusCode(35) , 50 );
See also
msgError message
stStatusCode to return
mxMaximum number of printouts for this message

Definition at line 383 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

384 {
385  // increase local counter of errors
386  const size_t num = ++m_errors[msg];
387  // If suppressed, just return
388  if ( num > mx ) {
389  return st;
390  } else if ( UNLIKELY( num == mx ) ) // issue one-time suppression message
391  {
392  return Print( "The ERROR message is suppressed : '" + msg + "'", st, MSG::ERROR );
393  }
394  // return message
395  return Print( msg, st, MSG::ERROR );
396 }
#define UNLIKELY(x)
Definition: Kernel.h:128
Counter m_errors
Counter of errors.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:729
StatusCode Print(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
Print the message and return with the given StatusCode.
template<class PBASE>
bool GaudiCommon< PBASE >::errorsPrint ( ) const

Print error counters at finalization ?

Definition at line 494 of file GaudiCommon.h.

494 { return m_errorsPrint; }
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_errorsPrint
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:743
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Exception ( const std::string msg,
const GaudiException exc,
const StatusCode  sc = StatusCodeStatusCode::FAILURE, true ) 
) const

Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException.

See also
GaudiExceptionalways thrown!
msgException message
exc(previous) exception of type GaudiException

Definition at line 479 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

480 {
481  // increase local counter of exceptions
482  ++m_exceptions[msg];
483  Print( "Exception (re)throw: " + msg, sc, MSG::FATAL ).ignore();
484  throw GaudiException( this->name() + ":: " + msg, this->name(), sc, exc );
485 }
Define general base for Gaudi exception.
Counter m_exceptions
Counter of exceptions.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:735
StatusCode Print(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
Print the message and return with the given StatusCode.
void ignore() const
Definition: StatusCode.h:109
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Exception ( const std::string msg,
const std::exception exc,
const StatusCode  sc = StatusCodeStatusCode::FAILURE, true ) 
) const

Create and (re)-throw a given exception.

See also
std::exceptionalways thrown!
msgException message
exc(previous) exception of type std::exception

Definition at line 492 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

493 {
494  // increase local counter of exceptions
495  ++m_exceptions[msg];
496  Print( "Exception (re)throw: " + msg, sc, MSG::FATAL ).ignore();
497  throw GaudiException( this->name() + ":: " + msg + "(" + exc.what() + ")", "", sc );
498 }
Define general base for Gaudi exception.
Counter m_exceptions
Counter of exceptions.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:735
T what(T...args)
StatusCode Print(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
Print the message and return with the given StatusCode.
void ignore() const
Definition: StatusCode.h:109
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Exception ( const std::string msg = "no message",
const StatusCode  sc = StatusCodeStatusCode::FAILURE, true ) 
) const

Create and throw an exception with the given message.

See also
GaudiExceptionalways thrown!
msgException message

Definition at line 505 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

506 {
507  // increase local counter of exceptions
508  ++m_exceptions[msg];
509  Print( "Exception throw: " + msg, sc, MSG::FATAL ).ignore();
510  throw GaudiException( this->name() + ":: " + msg, "", sc );
511 }
Define general base for Gaudi exception.
Counter m_exceptions
Counter of exceptions.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:735
StatusCode Print(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
Print the message and return with the given StatusCode.
void ignore() const
Definition: StatusCode.h:109
template<class PBASE >
template<class TYPE >
bool GaudiCommon< PBASE >::exist ( IDataProviderSvc svc,
const std::string location,
const bool  useRootInTES = true 
) const

Check the existence of a data object or container in the Gaudi Transient Event Store.

bool a1 = exist<DataObject>( evtSvc() , "/Event/MyObject" ) ;
bool a2 = exist<MyHits> ( evtSvc() , "/Event/MyHits" ) ;
The method respects the setting of the job option RootInTES by prepending the value of this to the data location that is passed. The default setting for RootInTES is "" so has no effect. This behavior can be suppressed by passing the argument useRootInTES = false
svcPointer to data provider service
locationAddress in Gaudi Transient Store
useRootInTESFlag to turn on(TRUE) off(FALSE) the use of the RootInTES location property
Boolean indicating status of the request
Return values
trueData object or container exists and implements a proper interface
trueFailed to locate the data object or container

Definition at line 78 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

80 {
81  // check the environment
82  Assert( service, "exist():: IDataProvider* points to NULL!" );
83  // check the data object
85  return checker( service, fullTESLocation( location, useRootInTES ) );
86 }
Helper structure for implementation of "exists"-functions for GaudiCommon<BASE>
Definition: GetData.h:337
void Assert(const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.
const std::string fullTESLocation(const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES) const
Returns the full correct event location given the rootInTes settings.
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::finalize ( )

standard finalization method

status code

Definition at line 208 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

209 {
212  // print the general information about statistical counters
213  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) || ( statPrint() && !counters().empty() ) ) {
214  // print general statistical counters
216  }
217  // add all counters to the CounterSummarySvc
218  if ( m_counterSummarySvc && this->svcLoc()->existsService( "CounterSummarySvc" ) ) {
219  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) this->debug() << "adding counters to CounterSummarySvc" << endmsg;
222  Gaudi::Utils::RegEx::matchList counterList{m_counterList.value()};
224  for ( const auto& i : this->counters() ) {
225  if ( statList.Or( i.first ) )
226  m_counterSummarySvc->addCounter( this->name(), i.first, i.second, Gaudi::CounterSummary::SaveStatEntity );
227  else if ( counterList.Or( i.first ) )
228  m_counterSummarySvc->addCounter( this->name(), i.first, i.second );
229  }
230  }
231  // release all located tools and services
232  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
233  this->debug() << "Tools to release :";
234  for ( const auto& i : m_managedTools ) {
235  this->debug() << " " << i->name();
236  }
237  this->debug() << endmsg;
238  }
239  while ( !m_managedTools.empty() ) {
240  sc = releaseTool( m_managedTools.back() ) && sc;
241  }
243  // release all located services
244  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
245  this->debug() << "Services to release :";
246  for ( const auto& i : m_services ) this->debug() << " " << i->name();
247  this->debug() << endmsg;
248  }
249  while ( !m_services.empty() ) {
250  sc = releaseSvc( m_services.front() ) && sc;
251  }
253  // release the CounterSummarySvc manually
256  // format printout
257  if ( !m_errors.empty() || !m_warnings.empty() || !m_exceptions.empty() ) {
258  this->always() << "Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : " << m_exceptions.size() << "/" << m_errors.size()
259  << "/" << m_warnings.size() << "/" << m_infos.size() << endmsg;
260  if ( errorsPrint() ) {
261  printErrors();
262  }
263  }
265  // clear *ALL* counters explicitly
266  m_counters.clear();
268  m_infos.clear();
269  m_warnings.clear();
270  m_errors.clear();
271  m_counterList.clear();
272  m_statEntityList.clear();
274  // finalize base class
275  return sc && PBASE::finalize();
276 }
Counter m_warnings
counter of warnings
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:731
T empty(T...args)
Counter m_exceptions
Counter of exceptions.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:735
StatusCode releaseSvc(const IInterface *svc) const
manual forced (and &#39;safe&#39;) release of the service
Services m_services
List of active services.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:726
Statistics m_counters
General counters.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:737
const Statistics & counters() const
accessor to all counters
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:465
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_counterList
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:765
bool statPrint() const
Print statistical counters at finalization ?
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:492
Counter m_errors
Counter of errors.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:729
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
virtual void addCounter(const std::string, const std::string name, const StatEntity &, const Gaudi::CounterSummary::SaveType saveType=Gaudi::CounterSummary::SaveSimpleCounter)=0
declare a counter, StatEntity, to be filled in the Counter summary
Counter m_infos
counter of infos
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:733
bool errorsPrint() const
Print error counters at finalization ?
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:494
SmartIF< ICounterSummarySvc > m_counterSummarySvc
a pointer to the CounterSummarySvc
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:122
T clear(T...args)
T size(T...args)
StatusCode releaseTool(const IAlgTool *tool) const
manual forced (and &#39;safe&#39;) release of the tool
AlgTools m_managedTools
List of active tools.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:724
void reset(TYPE *ptr=nullptr)
Set the internal pointer to the passed one disposing of the old one.
Definition: SmartIF.h:92
long printStat(const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
perform the actual printout of statistical counters
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_statEntityList
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:767
long printErrors(const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
perform the actual printout of error counters
template<class PBASE >
const std::string GaudiCommon< PBASE >::fullTESLocation ( const std::string location,
const bool  useRootInTES 
) const

Returns the full correct event location given the rootInTes settings.

Definition at line 24 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

26 {
27  // The logic is:
28  // if no R.I.T., give back location
29  // if R.I.T., this is the mapping:
30  // (note that R.I.T. contains a trailing '/')
31  // location -> result
32  // -------------------------------------------------
33  // "" -> R.I.T.[:-1] ("rit")
34  // "/Event" -> R.I.T.[:-1] ("rit")
35  // "/Event/MyObj" -> R.I.T. + "MyObj" ("rit/MyObj")
36  // "MyObj" -> R.I.T. + "MyObj" ("rit/MyObj")
37  return ( !useRootInTES || rootInTES().empty()
38  ? location
39  : location.empty() || ( location == "/Event" )
40  ? rootInTES().substr( 0, rootInTES().size() - 1 )
41  : 0 == location.find( "/Event/" )
42  ? rootInTES() + location.substr( 7 )
43  : location[0] == '/' ? rootInTES() + location.substr( 1 ) : rootInTES() + location );
44 }
T empty(T...args)
const std::string & rootInTES() const
Returns the "rootInTES" string.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:708
T find(T...args)
T substr(T...args)
template<class PBASE >
template<class TYPE >
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE >::return_type GaudiCommon< PBASE >::get ( IDataProviderSvc svc,
const std::string location,
const bool  useRootInTES = true 
) const

Templated access to the data in Gaudi Transient Store.

Quick and safe access to the data in Gaudi transient store. The method located the data at given address and perform the debug printout about located data

// Will access MCHits from the given location
MCHits* hits = get<MCHits>( evtSvc () , "MC/Hits" );
The method respects the setting of the job option RootInTES by prepending the value of this to the data location that is passed. The default setting for RootInTES is "" so has no effect. This behavior can be suppressed by passing the argument useRootInTES = false
See also
GaudiExceptionfor Invalid Data Provider Service
GaudiExceptionfor invalid/unavailable data
svcPointer to data service (data provider)
locationdata location/address in Gaudi Transient Store
useRootInTESFlag to turn on(TRUE) off(FALSE) the use of the RootInTES location property
pointer to the data object

Definition at line 51 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

52 {
53  // check the environment
54  Assert( service, "get():: IDataProvider* points to NULL!" );
55  // get the helper object:
57  return getter( *this, service, fullTESLocation( location, useRootInTES ) );
58 }
Helper structure for implementation of "get"-functions for GaudiCommon<BASE>
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:41
void Assert(const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.
const std::string fullTESLocation(const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES) const
Returns the full correct event location given the rootInTes settings.
template<class PBASE >
template<class TYPE >
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE >::return_type GaudiCommon< PBASE >::getIfExists ( IDataProviderSvc svc,
const std::string location,
const bool  useRootInTES = true 
) const

Quicker version of the get function which bypasses the check on the retrieved data.

Definition at line 65 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

66 {
67  // check the environment
68  Assert( service, "get():: IDataProvider* points to NULL!" );
69  // get the helper object:
71  return getter( *this, service, fullTESLocation( location, useRootInTES ), false );
72 }
Helper structure for implementation of "get"-functions for GaudiCommon<BASE>
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:41
void Assert(const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.
const std::string fullTESLocation(const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES) const
Returns the full correct event location given the rootInTes settings.
template<class PBASE >
template<class TYPE , class TYPE2 >
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE >::return_type GaudiCommon< PBASE >::getOrCreate ( IDataProviderSvc svc,
const std::string location,
const bool  useRootInTES = true 
) const

Get the existing data object from Gaudi Event Transient store.

Alternatively, create new object and register it in TES and return if object does not exist.

MyHits* hits = getOrCreate<MyHits,MyHits>( evtSvc() , "/Event/MyHits" ) ;
The method respects the setting of the job option RootInTES by prepending the value of this to the data location that is passed. The default setting for RootInTES is "" so has no effect. This behavior can be suppressed by passing the argument useRootInTES = false
GaudiExceptionfor Invalid Data Provider Service
GaudiExceptionfor invalid/unavailable data
svcPointer to data provider service
locationLocation in Gaudi Transient Event Store
useRootInTESFlag to turn on(TRUE) off(FALSE) the use of the RootInTES location property
A valid pointer to the data object

Definition at line 95 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

96 {
97  // check the environment
98  Assert( service, "getOrCreate():: svc points to NULL!" );
99  // get the helper object
101  return getter( *this, service, fullTESLocation( location, useRootInTES ), location );
102 }
Helper structure for implementation of "getOrCreate"-functions for GaudiCommon<BASE> ...
Definition: GetData.h:420
void Assert(const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.
const std::string fullTESLocation(const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES) const
Returns the full correct event location given the rootInTes settings.
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Info ( const std::string msg,
const StatusCode  st = StatusCode::SUCCESS,
const size_t  mx = 10 
) const

Print the info message and return with the given StatusCode.

Also performs statistical analysis of the info messages and suppression after the defined number of instances.

See also
msgInfo message
stStatusCode to return
mxMaximum number of printouts for this message
The given StatusCode

Definition at line 423 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

424 {
425  // increase local counter of warnings
426  const size_t num = ++m_infos[msg];
427  // If suppressed, just return
428  if ( num > mx ) {
429  return st;
430  } else if ( UNLIKELY( num == mx ) ) // issue one-time suppression message
431  {
432  return Print( "The INFO message is suppressed : '" + msg + "'", st, MSG::INFO );
433  }
434  // return message
435  return Print( msg, st, MSG::INFO );
436 }
#define UNLIKELY(x)
Definition: Kernel.h:128
Counter m_infos
counter of infos
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:733
StatusCode Print(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
Print the message and return with the given StatusCode.
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::initGaudiCommonConstructor ( const IInterface parent = nullptr)

Constructor initializations.

Definition at line 65 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

66 {
67  m_errorsPrint.declareUpdateHandler( &GaudiCommon<PBASE>::printErrorHandler, this );
68  m_propsPrint.declareUpdateHandler( &GaudiCommon<PBASE>::printPropsHandler, this );
69  m_statPrint.declareUpdateHandler( &GaudiCommon<PBASE>::printStatHandler, this );
71  // setup context from parent if available
72  if ( parent ) {
73  if ( const GaudiAlgorithm* gAlg = dynamic_cast<const GaudiAlgorithm*>( parent ) ) {
74  m_context = gAlg->context();
75  m_rootInTES = gAlg->rootInTES();
76  } else if ( const GaudiTool* gTool = dynamic_cast<const GaudiTool*>( parent ) ) {
77  m_context = gTool->context();
78  m_rootInTES = gTool->rootInTES();
79  }
80  }
82  // Get the job option service
83  auto jos = PBASE::template service<IJobOptionsSvc>( "JobOptionsSvc" );
84  if ( !jos ) Exception( "Cannot get JobOptionsSvc" );
86  // Get the "Context" option if in the file...
87  const auto myList = jos->getProperties( this->name() );
88  if ( myList ) {
89  // Iterate over the list to set the options
90  for ( const auto& iter : *myList ) {
91  const Gaudi::Property<std::string>* sp = dynamic_cast<const Gaudi::Property<std::string>*>( iter );
92  if ( sp ) {
93  if ( iter->name().compare( "Context" ) == 0 ) {
94  m_context = sp->value();
95  } else if ( iter->name().compare( "RootInTES" ) == 0 ) {
96  m_rootInTES = sp->value();
97  }
98  }
99  }
100  }
101 }
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_rootInTES
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:749
Implementation of property with value of concrete type.
Definition: Property.h:319
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_errorsPrint
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:743
The useful base class for data processing algorithms.
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_statPrint
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:745
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_propsPrint
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:744
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_context
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:748
The useful base class for tools.
Definition: GaudiTool.h:101
Implements the common functionality between GaudiTools and GaudiAlgorithms.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:80
const ValueType & value() const
Backward compatibility (.
Definition: Property.h:479
void Exception(const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException.
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::initialize ( )

standard initialization method

status code

Definition at line 114 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

115 {
117  // initialize base class
118  const StatusCode sc = PBASE::initialize();
119  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
120  return Error( "Failed to initialise base class PBASE", sc );
121  }
123  // some debug printout
124  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
125  this->debug() << "Initialize base class GaudiCommon<" << System::typeinfoName( typeid( PBASE ) ) << ">" << endmsg;
126  if ( !context().empty() ) this->debug() << "Created with context = '" << context() << "'" << endmsg;
127  }
129  // Check rootInTES ends with a /
130  if ( !m_rootInTES.empty() && m_rootInTES[m_rootInTES.size() - 1] != '/' ) m_rootInTES = m_rootInTES + "/";
132  // Set up the CounterSummarySvc May need to be changed
133  m_counterSummarySvc = this->svcLoc()->service( "CounterSummarySvc", false );
134  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
135  if ( !m_counterSummarySvc )
136  this->debug() << "could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made" << endmsg;
137  else
138  this->debug() << "found CounterSummarySvc OK" << endmsg;
139  }
141  // properties will be printed if asked for or in "MSG::DEBUG" mode
142  if ( propsPrint() ) {
144  } else if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
146  }
148  // update DataHandles to point to full TES location
150  // get root of DataManager
151  SmartIF<IDataManagerSvc> dataMgrSvc( PBASE::evtSvc() );
152  auto rootName = dataMgrSvc->rootName();
153  if ( !rootName.empty() && '/' != rootName.back() ) rootName += "/";
155  auto fixLocation = [this, rootName]( const std::string& location ) -> std::string {
156  auto tokens = boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>>{location, boost::char_separator<char>{":"}};
157  auto result =
158  std::accumulate( tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), std::string{}, [&]( std::string s, const std::string& tok ) {
160  // check whether we have an absolute path if yes use it - else prepend DataManager Root
161  if ( r[0] != '/' ) r = rootName + r;
162  return s.empty() ? r : s + ':' + r;
163  } );
164  if ( result != location && this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
165  this->debug() << "Changing " << location << " to " << result << endmsg;
166  return result;
167  };
169  class DHHFixer : public IDataHandleVisitor
170  {
171  public:
172  DHHFixer( std::function<std::string( const std::string& )> f ) : m_f( std::move( f ) ) {}
173  void visit( const IDataHandleHolder* idhh ) override
174  {
175  if ( !idhh ) return;
177  std::string r;
178  for ( auto h : idhh->inputHandles() ) {
179  r = m_f( h->objKey() );
180  if ( r != h->objKey() ) h->updateKey( r );
181  }
182  for ( auto h : idhh->outputHandles() ) {
183  r = m_f( h->objKey() );
184  if ( r != h->objKey() ) h->updateKey( r );
185  }
186  }
188  private:
190  };
192  this->m_updateDataHandles = std::make_unique<DHHFixer>( fixLocation );
194  return sc;
195 }
T empty(T...args)
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_rootInTES
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:749
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
StatusCode Error(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
Print the error message and return with the given StatusCode.
STL namespace.
const std::string & context() const
Returns the "context" string. Used to identify different processing states.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:704
bool isFailure() const
Test for a status code of FAILURE.
Definition: StatusCode.h:86
STL class.
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > inputHandles() const =0
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > outputHandles() const =0
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
bool propsPrint() const
Print properties at initialization ?
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:490
static const bool UseRootInTES
Simple definition to be used with the new useRootInTES argument get<TYPE> and put methods...
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:106
SmartIF< ICounterSummarySvc > m_counterSummarySvc
a pointer to the CounterSummarySvc
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:122
T move(T...args)
string s
const std::string fullTESLocation(const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES) const
Returns the full correct event location given the rootInTes settings.
T accumulate(T...args)
long printProps(const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
perform the actual printout of properties
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
template<class PBASE>
GaudiCommon& GaudiCommon< PBASE >::operator= ( const GaudiCommon< PBASE > &  )
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Print ( const std::string msg,
const StatusCode  st = StatusCode::SUCCESS,
const MSG::Level  lev = MSG::INFO 
) const

Print the message and return with the given StatusCode.

See also
msgMessage to print
stStatusCode to return
levPrintout level for the given message
The given StatusCode

Definition at line 443 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

444 {
445  // perform printout ?
446  if ( !this->msgLevel( lvl ) ) {
447  return st;
448  } // RETURN
450  // use the predefined stream
451  MsgStream& str = this->msgStream( lvl );
452  if ( typePrint() ) {
453  str << System::typeinfoName( typeid( *this ) ) << ":: ";
454  }
456  // print the message
457  str << msg;
459  // test status code
460  if ( st.isSuccess() ) {
461  } else if ( StatusCode::FAILURE != st.getCode() ) {
462  str << " StatusCode=" << st.getCode();
463  } else {
464  str << " StatusCode=FAILURE";
465  }
467  // perform print operation
468  str << endmsg;
470  // return
471  return st;
472 }
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
Definition: MsgStream.h:24
unsigned long getCode() const
Get the status code by value.
Definition: StatusCode.h:94
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
bool isSuccess() const
Test for a status code of SUCCESS.
Definition: StatusCode.h:75
bool typePrint() const
Insert the actual C++ type of the algorithm/tool in the messages ?
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:488
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::printErrorHandler ( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase )

handler for "ErrorPrint" property

Definition at line 629 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

630 {
631  // no action if not yet initialized
632  if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
633  return;
634  }
635  if ( this->errorsPrint() ) {
636  this->printErrors();
637  }
638 }
bool errorsPrint() const
Print error counters at finalization ?
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:494
long printErrors(const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
perform the actual printout of error counters
template<class PBASE >
long GaudiCommon< PBASE >::printErrors ( const MSG::Level  level = MSG::ALWAYS) const

perform the actual printout of error counters

levelThe message level to print at
number of error counters

Definition at line 547 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

548 {
549  // format for printout
550  boost::format ftm( " #%|-10s| = %|.8s| %|23t| Message = '%s'" );
552  auto print = [&]( const Counter& c, const std::string& label ) {
553  for ( const auto& i : c ) {
554  this->msgStream( level ) << ( ftm % label % i.second % i.first ) << endmsg;
555  }
556  };
558  print( m_exceptions, "EXCEPTIONS" );
559  print( m_errors, "ERRORS" );
560  print( m_warnings, "WARNINGS" );
561  print( m_infos, "INFOS" );
563  // return total number of errors+warnings+exceptions
564  return m_exceptions.size() + m_errors.size() + m_warnings.size() + m_infos.size();
565 }
Counter m_warnings
counter of warnings
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:731
Counter m_exceptions
Counter of exceptions.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:735
GAUDI_API std::string format(const char *,...)
MsgStream format utility "a la sprintf(...)".
Definition: MsgStream.cpp:120
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > Counter
the actual type error/warning counter
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:113
STL class.
Counter m_errors
Counter of errors.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:729
Counter m_infos
counter of infos
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:733
T size(T...args)
void print(string text)
Definition: mergesort.cpp:30
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
template<class PBASE >
long GaudiCommon< PBASE >::printProps ( const MSG::Level  level = MSG::ALWAYS) const

perform the actual printout of properties

perform the printout of properties

levelThe message level to print at
number of properties
number of error counters

Definition at line 574 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

575 {
577  // print ALL properties
578  MsgStream& msg = this->msgStream( level );
579  const auto& properties = this->getProperties();
580  msg << "List of ALL properties of " << System::typeinfoName( typeid( *this ) ) << "/" << this->name()
581  << " #properties = " << properties.size() << endmsg;
582  for ( const auto& property : reverse( properties ) ) {
583  msg << "Property ['Name': Value] = " << *property << endmsg;
584  }
585  return properties.size();
586 }
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
Definition: MsgStream.h:24
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * property(const std::string &name) const
reverse_wrapper< T > reverse(T &&iterable)
Definition: reverse.h:35
const std::vector< Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * > & getProperties() const override
get all properties
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::printPropsHandler ( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase )

handler for "PropertiesPrint" property

Definition at line 643 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

644 {
645  // no action if not yet initialized
646  if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
647  return;
648  }
649  if ( this->propsPrint() ) {
650  this->printProps( MSG::ALWAYS );
651  }
652 }
bool propsPrint() const
Print properties at initialization ?
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:490
long printProps(const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
perform the actual printout of properties
template<class PBASE >
long GaudiCommon< PBASE >::printStat ( const MSG::Level  level = MSG::ALWAYS) const

perform the actual printout of statistical counters

levelThe message level to print at
number of active statistical counters

Definition at line 518 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

519 {
520  // print statistics
521  if ( counters().empty() ) {
522  return 0;
523  }
524  MsgStream& msg = this->msgStream( level );
525  //
526  msg << "Number of counters : " << counters().size();
527  //
528  if ( !counters().empty() ) {
529  msg << std::endl << m_header.value();
530  }
531  //
532  for ( const auto& entry : counters() ) {
533  msg << std::endl
534  << Gaudi::Utils::formatAsTableRow( entry.first, entry.second, m_useEffFormat, m_format1, m_format2 );
535  }
536  //
537  msg << endmsg;
538  //
539  return counters().size();
540 }
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
Definition: MsgStream.h:24
T endl(T...args)
const Statistics & counters() const
accessor to all counters
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:465
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_format2
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:758
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_format1
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:755
GAUDI_API std::string formatAsTableRow(const StatEntity &counter, const bool flag, const std::string &format1=" |%|7d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#10.5g| |%|#10.5g| |%|#10.5g| |", const std::string &format2="*|%|7d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.7g| +- %|-#8.6g|)%%| ----- | ----- |")
print the counter in a form of the table row
Definition: StatEntity.cpp:305
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_useEffFormat
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:762
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_header
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:751
T size(T...args)
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
template<class PBASE >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::printStatHandler ( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase )

handler for "StatPrint" property

Definition at line 657 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

658 {
659  // no action if not yet initialized
660  if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
661  return;
662  }
663  if ( this->statPrint() ) {
664  this->printStat( MSG::ALWAYS );
665  }
666 }
bool statPrint() const
Print statistical counters at finalization ?
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:492
long printStat(const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
perform the actual printout of statistical counters
template<class PBASE>
bool GaudiCommon< PBASE >::propsPrint ( ) const

Print properties at initialization ?

Definition at line 490 of file GaudiCommon.h.

490 { return m_propsPrint; }
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_propsPrint
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:744
template<class PBASE >
DataObject * GaudiCommon< PBASE >::put ( IDataProviderSvc svc,
DataObject object,
const std::string location,
const bool  useRootInTES = true 
) const

Register a data object or container into Gaudi Event Transient Store.

See also
The method respects the setting of the job option RootInTES by prepending the value of this to the data location that is passed. The default setting for RootInTES is "" so has no effect. This behavior can be suppressed by passing the argument useRootInTES = false
svcPointer to data provider service
objectData object or container to be registered
locationLocation in Gaudi Event Transient Store ("/Event" could be omitted )
useRootInTESFlag to turn on(TRUE) off(FALSE) the use of the RootInTES location property
GaudiExceptionfor invalid event data service
GaudiExceptionfor invalid object
GaudiExceptionfor error result from event data service
Return values
StatusCode::SUCCESSData was successfully placed in the TES.
StatusCode::FAILUREFailed to store data in the TES.

Definition at line 597 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

599 {
600  // check arguments
601  Assert( svc, "put():: Invalid 'service'!" );
602  Assert( object, "put():: Invalid 'Object'!" );
603  Assert( !location.empty(), "put():: Invalid 'address' = '' " );
604  // final data location
605  const std::string& fullLocation = fullTESLocation( location, useRootInTES );
606  // register the object!
607  const StatusCode status = '/' == fullLocation[0] ? svc->registerObject( fullLocation, object )
608  : svc->registerObject( "/Event/" + fullLocation, object );
609  // check the result!
610  if ( status.isFailure() ) {
611  Exception( "put():: could not register '" + System::typeinfoName( typeid( *object ) ) + "' at address '" +
612  fullLocation + "'",
613  status );
614  }
615  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
616  Print( "The object of type '" + System::typeinfoName( typeid( *object ) ) + "' is registered in TS at address '" +
617  fullLocation + "'",
618  status, MSG::DEBUG )
619  .ignore();
620  }
621  return object;
622 }
T empty(T...args)
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
bool isFailure() const
Test for a status code of FAILURE.
Definition: StatusCode.h:86
STL class.
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
StatusCode Print(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
Print the message and return with the given StatusCode.
void Assert(const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.
const std::string fullTESLocation(const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES) const
Returns the full correct event location given the rootInTes settings.
void ignore() const
Definition: StatusCode.h:109
virtual StatusCode registerObject(const std::string &fullPath, DataObject *pObject)=0
Register object with the data store.
void Exception(const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException.
template<class PBASE>
template<class CallerClass >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::registerCondition ( const std::string condition,
StatusCode(CallerClass::*)()  mf = nullptr 

register the current instance to the UpdateManagerSvc as a consumer for a condition.

conditionthe path inside the Transient Detector Store to the condition object.
mfoptional pointer to the member function to call when the condition object is updated. If the pointer is omitted the user must explicitly provide the class name to the method.
StatusCode MyAlg::initialize(){
// ...
// ...

Definition at line 528 of file GaudiCommon.h.

529  {
530  updMgrSvc()->registerCondition( dynamic_cast<CallerClass*>( this ), condition, mf );
531  }
IUpdateManagerSvc * updMgrSvc() const
Short-cut to locate the Update Manager Service.
void registerCondition(CallerClass *instance, const std::string &condition="", typename ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >::MemberFunctionType mf=nullptr)
Register an object (algorithm instance) to the service.
template<class PBASE>
template<class CallerClass , class CondType >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::registerCondition ( const std::string condition,
CondType *&  condPtrDest,
StatusCode(CallerClass::*)()  mf = NULL 

register the current instance to the UpdateManagerSvc as a consumer for a condition.

This version of the method allow the user to specify where to put a copy of the pointer to the condition object.

conditionthe path inside the Transient Detector Store to the condition object.
condPtrDestpointer to fill with the location of the condition object. Note: the pointer can be safely used only in the execute method or in the member function triggered by the update.
mfoptional pointer to the member function to call when the condition object is updated. If the pointer is omitted the user must explicitly provide the class name to the method.
class MyAlg: public GaudiAlgorithm {
// ...
virtual StatusCode i_CallBack();
Condition *m_MyCond;
SpecialCondition *m_MyOtherCond;
// ...
StatusCode MyAlg::initialize(){
// ...
// ...

Definition at line 563 of file GaudiCommon.h.

565  {
566  updMgrSvc()->registerCondition( dynamic_cast<CallerClass*>( this ), condition, mf, condPtrDest );
567  }
IUpdateManagerSvc * updMgrSvc() const
Short-cut to locate the Update Manager Service.
void registerCondition(CallerClass *instance, const std::string &condition="", typename ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >::MemberFunctionType mf=nullptr)
Register an object (algorithm instance) to the service.
template<class PBASE>
template<class CallerClass >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::registerCondition ( char *  condition,
StatusCode(CallerClass::*)()  mf = NULL 

just to avoid conflicts with the version using a pointer to a template class.

Definition at line 570 of file GaudiCommon.h.

571  {
572  updMgrSvc()->registerCondition( dynamic_cast<CallerClass*>( this ), std::string( condition ), mf );
573  }
IUpdateManagerSvc * updMgrSvc() const
Short-cut to locate the Update Manager Service.
STL class.
void registerCondition(CallerClass *instance, const std::string &condition="", typename ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >::MemberFunctionType mf=nullptr)
Register an object (algorithm instance) to the service.
template<class PBASE>
template<class CallerClass , class TargetClass >
void GaudiCommon< PBASE >::registerCondition ( TargetClass *  condition,
StatusCode(CallerClass::*)()  mf = NULL 

register the current instance to the UpdateManagerSvc as a consumer for a condition.

conditionthe path inside the Transient Detector Store to the condition object.
mfoptional pointer to the member function to call when the condition object is updated. If the pointer is omitted the user must explicitly provide the class name to the method.
StatusCode MyAlg::initialize(){
// ...
// ...

Definition at line 590 of file GaudiCommon.h.

591  {
592  updMgrSvc()->registerCondition( dynamic_cast<CallerClass*>( this ), condition, mf );
593  }
IUpdateManagerSvc * updMgrSvc() const
Short-cut to locate the Update Manager Service.
void registerCondition(CallerClass *instance, const std::string &condition="", typename ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >::MemberFunctionType mf=nullptr)
Register an object (algorithm instance) to the service.
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::release ( const IInterface interface) const

Manual forced (and 'safe') release of the active tool or service.

IMyTool* mytool = tool<IMyTool>( .... ) ;
mytool->spendCPUtime() ;
release ( mytool ) ;
IMySvc* msvc = svc<IMySvc>( .... ) ;
msvc->spendCPUtime() ;
release ( msvc ) ;
interfaceInterface pointer to the interface to be released
Return values
StatusCode::SUCCESSTool or service was successfully released
StatusCode::FAILUREError releasing too or service

Definition at line 287 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

288 {
289  if ( !interface ) {
290  return Error( "release(IInterface):: IInterface* points to NULL!" );
291  }
292  // dispatch between tools and services
293  const IAlgTool* algTool = dynamic_cast<const IAlgTool*>( interface );
294  // perform the actual release
295  return algTool ? releaseTool( algTool ) : releaseSvc( interface );
296 }
StatusCode releaseSvc(const IInterface *svc) const
manual forced (and &#39;safe&#39;) release of the service
StatusCode Error(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
Print the error message and return with the given StatusCode.
StatusCode releaseTool(const IAlgTool *tool) const
manual forced (and &#39;safe&#39;) release of the tool
The interface implemented by the AlgTool base class.
Definition: IAlgTool.h:23
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::releaseSvc ( const IInterface svc) const

manual forced (and 'safe') release of the service

Definition at line 340 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

341 {
342  if ( !Svc ) return Error( "releaseSvc(IInterface):: IInterface* points to NULL!" );
343  SmartIF<IService> svc{const_cast<IInterface*>( Svc )};
344  if ( !svc ) return Warning( "releaseSvc(IInterface):: IInterface* is not a service" );
346  if ( it == m_services.end() || !GaudiCommon_details::svc_eq( *it, svc ) ) {
347  return Warning( "releaseSvc(IInterface):: IInterface* is not active" );
348  }
349  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
350  this->debug() << "Releasing service '" << ( *it )->name() << "'" << endmsg;
351  }
352  m_services.erase( it );
353  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
354 }
constexpr const struct GaudiCommon_details::svc_eq_t svc_eq
Services m_services
List of active services.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:726
StatusCode Error(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
Print the error message and return with the given StatusCode.
T end(T...args)
T lower_bound(T...args)
constexpr const struct GaudiCommon_details::svc_lt_t svc_lt
Definition of the basic interface.
Definition: IInterface.h:277
T erase(T...args)
StatusCode Warning(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
Print the warning message and return with the given StatusCode.
T begin(T...args)
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::releaseTool ( const IAlgTool tool) const

manual forced (and 'safe') release of the tool

Definition at line 303 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

304 {
305  if ( !algTool ) {
306  return Error( "releaseTool(IAlgTool):: IAlgTool* points to NULL!" );
307  }
308  if ( !this->toolSvc() ) {
309  return Error( "releaseTool(IAlgTool):: IToolSvc* points to NULL!" );
310  }
311  // find a tool in the list of active tools
312  auto it = std::find( m_managedTools.begin(), m_managedTools.end(), algTool );
313  if ( m_managedTools.end() == it ) {
314  return Warning( "releaseTool(IAlgTool):: IAlgTool* is not active" );
315  }
316  // get the tool
317  IAlgTool* t = *it;
318  // cache name
319  const std::string name = t->name();
320  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
321  this->debug() << "Releasing tool '" << name << "'" << endmsg;
322  }
323  // remove the tool from the lists
324  PBASE::deregisterTool( t );
325  m_managedTools.erase( it );
326  // release tool
327  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
328  this->debug() << "The tool '" << t->name() << "' of type '" << System::typeinfoName( typeid( *t ) )
329  << "' is released" << endmsg;
330  }
331  const StatusCode sc = this->toolSvc()->releaseTool( t );
332  return sc.isSuccess() ? sc : Warning( "releaseTool(IAlgTool):: error from IToolSvc releasing " + name, sc );
333 }
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
bool isSuccess() const
Test for a status code of SUCCESS.
Definition: StatusCode.h:75
StatusCode Error(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
Print the error message and return with the given StatusCode.
T end(T...args)
STL class.
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
T erase(T...args)
StatusCode Warning(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
Print the warning message and return with the given StatusCode.
T find(T...args)
T begin(T...args)
The interface implemented by the AlgTool base class.
Definition: IAlgTool.h:23
AlgTools m_managedTools
List of active tools.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:724
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
virtual const std::string & name() const =0
Retrieve the name of the instance.
template<class PBASE>
const std::string& GaudiCommon< PBASE >::rootInTES ( ) const

Returns the "rootInTES" string.

Used as the directory root in the TES for which all data access refers to (both saving and retrieving).

Definition at line 708 of file GaudiCommon.h.

708 { return m_rootInTES; }
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_rootInTES
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:749
template<class PBASE>
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::runUpdate ( )

asks the UpdateManagerSvc to perform an update of the instance (if needed) without waiting the next BeginEvent incident.

It is useful if the instance can be instantiated after a BeginEvent incident, and used before the next one (for example with tools).

StatusCode MyTool::initialize(){
// ...
return runUpdate();

Definition at line 605 of file GaudiCommon.h.

605 { return updMgrSvc()->update( this ); }
IUpdateManagerSvc * updMgrSvc() const
Short-cut to locate the Update Manager Service.
StatusCode update(CallerClass *instance)
Update the given instance.
template<class PBASE>
const Services& GaudiCommon< PBASE >::services ( ) const

get the list of aquired services

Definition at line 690 of file GaudiCommon.h.

690 { return m_services; } // get all services
Services m_services
List of active services.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:726
template<class PBASE>
bool GaudiCommon< PBASE >::statPrint ( ) const

Print statistical counters at finalization ?

Definition at line 492 of file GaudiCommon.h.

492 { return m_statPrint; }
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_statPrint
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:745
template<class PBASE >
template<class SERVICE >
SmartIF< SERVICE > GaudiCommon< PBASE >::svc ( const std::string name,
const bool  create = true 
) const

A useful method for the easy location of services.

IMyService* mySvc = svc<IMyService>( "MyServiceType" );
The services located with this method will be released automatically
See also
GaudiExceptionfor error in Algorithms::service
GaudiExceptionfor invalid service
nameservice type name
createFlag for creation of non-existing services
A pointer to the service

Definition at line 158 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

159 {
160  Assert( this->svcLoc(), "ISvcLocator* points to NULL!" );
162  // check if we already have this service
164  if ( it != std::end( m_services ) && GaudiCommon_details::svc_eq( *it, name ) ) {
165  // Try to get the requested interface
166  s = *it;
167  // check the results
168  if ( !s ) {
169  Exception( "svc():: Could not retrieve Svc '" + name + "'", StatusCode::FAILURE );
170  }
171  } else {
172  auto baseSvc = this->svcLoc()->service( name, create );
173  // Try to get the requested interface
174  s = baseSvc;
175  // check the results
176  if ( !baseSvc || !s ) {
177  Exception( "svc():: Could not retrieve Svc '" + name + "'", StatusCode::FAILURE );
178  }
179  // add the tool into list of known tools, to be properly released
180  addToServiceList( baseSvc );
181  }
182  // return *VALID* located service
183  return s;
184 }
Small smart pointer class with automatic reference counting for IInterface.
Definition: IConverter.h:15
void addToServiceList(SmartIF< IService > svc) const
Add the given service to the list of acquired services.
constexpr const struct GaudiCommon_details::svc_eq_t svc_eq
Services m_services
List of active services.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:726
T end(T...args)
T lower_bound(T...args)
constexpr const struct GaudiCommon_details::svc_lt_t svc_lt
T begin(T...args)
void Assert(const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.
string s
void Exception(const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException.
template<class PBASE >
template<class TOOL >
TOOL * GaudiCommon< PBASE >::tool ( const std::string type,
const std::string name,
const IInterface parent = 0,
bool  create = true 
) const

Useful method for the easy location of tools.

IMyTool* myTool =
tool<IMyTool>( "MyToolType", "MyToolName", this );
The tools located with this method will be released automatically
See also
GaudiExceptionfor invalid Tool Service
GaudiExceptionfor error from Tool Service
GaudiExceptionfor invalid tool
typeTool type
nameTool name
parentTool parent
createFlag for creation of nonexisting tools
A pointer to the tool

Definition at line 108 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

110 {
111  // for empty names delegate to another method
112  if ( name.empty() ) return tool<TOOL>( type, parent, create );
113  Assert( this->toolSvc(), "tool():: IToolSvc* points to NULL!" );
114  // get the tool from Tool Service
115  TOOL* Tool = nullptr;
116  const StatusCode sc = this->toolSvc()->retrieveTool( type, name, Tool, parent, create );
117  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
118  Exception( "tool():: Could not retrieve Tool '" + type + "'/'" + name + "'", sc );
119  }
120  if ( !Tool ) {
121  Exception( "tool():: Could not retrieve Tool '" + type + "'/'" + name + "'" );
122  }
123  // insert tool into list of tools
124  PBASE::registerTool( Tool );
125  m_managedTools.push_back( Tool );
126  // return *VALID* located tool
127  return Tool;
128 }
T empty(T...args)
bool isFailure() const
Test for a status code of FAILURE.
Definition: StatusCode.h:86
T push_back(T...args)
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
void Assert(const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.
AlgTools m_managedTools
List of active tools.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:724
void Exception(const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException.
template<class PBASE >
template<class TOOL >
TOOL * GaudiCommon< PBASE >::tool ( const std::string type,
const IInterface parent = 0,
bool  create = true 
) const

A useful method for the easy location of tools.

IMyTool* myTool = tool<IMyTool>( "PublicToolType" );
The tools located with this method will be released automatically
See also
GaudiExceptionfor invalid Tool Service
GaudiExceptionfor error from Tool Service
GaudiExceptionfor invalid tool
typeTool type, could be of "Type/Name" format
parentTool parent
createFlag for creation of non-existing tools
A pointer to the tool

Definition at line 134 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

135 {
136  // check the environment
137  Assert( PBASE::toolSvc(), "IToolSvc* points to NULL!" );
138  // retrieve the tool from Tool Service
139  TOOL* Tool = nullptr;
140  const StatusCode sc = this->toolSvc()->retrieveTool( type, Tool, parent, create );
141  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
142  Exception( "tool():: Could not retrieve Tool '" + type + "'", sc );
143  }
144  if ( !Tool ) {
145  Exception( "tool():: Could not retrieve Tool '" + type + "'" );
146  }
147  // add the tool into the list of known tools to be properly released
148  PBASE::registerTool( Tool );
149  m_managedTools.push_back( Tool );
150  // return *VALID* located tool
151  return Tool;
152 }
bool isFailure() const
Test for a status code of FAILURE.
Definition: StatusCode.h:86
T push_back(T...args)
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
void Assert(const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Assertion - throw exception if the given condition is not fulfilled.
AlgTools m_managedTools
List of active tools.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:724
void Exception(const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
Create and (re)-throw a given GaudiException.
template<class PBASE>
bool GaudiCommon< PBASE >::typePrint ( ) const

Insert the actual C++ type of the algorithm/tool in the messages ?

Definition at line 488 of file GaudiCommon.h.

488 { return m_typePrint; }
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_typePrint
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:746
template<class PBASE >
IUpdateManagerSvc * GaudiCommon< PBASE >::updMgrSvc ( ) const

Short-cut to locate the Update Manager Service.

Definition at line 189 of file GaudiCommonImp.h.

190 {
191  if ( !m_updMgrSvc ) {
192  m_updMgrSvc = svc<IUpdateManagerSvc>( "UpdateManagerSvc", true );
193  }
194  return m_updMgrSvc;
195 }
IUpdateManagerSvc * m_updMgrSvc
Pointer to the Update Manager Service instance.
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:740
template<class PBASE >
StatusCode GaudiCommon< PBASE >::Warning ( const std::string msg,
const StatusCode  st = StatusCode::FAILURE,
const size_t  mx = 10 
) const

Print the warning message and return with the given StatusCode.

Also performs statistical analysis of the warning messages and suppression after the defined number of error instances.

if( a < 0 ) { return Warning("a is negative!") ;}
if( b < 0 ) { return Warning("b is illegal!" , StatusCode(25) );
if( c < 0 )
{ return Warning("c is negative" , StatusCode(35) , 50 );
See also
msgWarning message
stStatusCode to return
mxMaximum number of printouts for this message
The given StatusCode

Definition at line 403 of file GaudiCommon.icpp.

404 {
405  // increase local counter of warnings
406  const size_t num = ++m_warnings[msg];
407  // If suppressed, just return
408  if ( num > mx ) {
409  return st;
410  } else if ( UNLIKELY( num == mx ) ) // issue one-time suppression message
411  {
412  return Print( "The WARNING message is suppressed : '" + msg + "'", st, MSG::WARNING );
413  }
414  // return message
415  return Print( msg, st, MSG::WARNING );
416 }
Counter m_warnings
counter of warnings
Definition: GaudiCommon.h:731
#define UNLIKELY(x)
Definition: Kernel.h:128
StatusCode Print(const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
Print the message and return with the given StatusCode.

Member Data Documentation

template<class PBASE>
const bool GaudiCommon< PBASE >::IgnoreRootInTES = false

Simple definition to be used with the new useRootInTES argument get<TYPE> and put methods.

If used with cause the RootInTES option to be IGNORED.

Useful to aid with code readability. e.g.

// Get data, ignoring the setting of rootInTES()
MyData * data = get<MyData>( "/Event/MyData", IgnoreRootInTES );

Definition at line 94 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<std::string> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_context {this, "Context", {}, "note: overridden by parent settings"}

Definition at line 748 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string> > GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_counterList
Initial value:
this, "CounterList", {".*"}, "RegEx list, of simple integer counters for CounterSummary"}

Definition at line 765 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Statistics GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_counters

General counters.

Definition at line 737 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
SmartIF<ICounterSummarySvc> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_counterSummarySvc

a pointer to the CounterSummarySvc

Definition at line 122 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Counter GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_errors

Counter of errors.

Definition at line 729 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<bool> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_errorsPrint {this, "ErrorsPrint", true, "print the statistics of errors/warnings/exceptions"}

Definition at line 743 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Counter GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_exceptions

Counter of exceptions.

Definition at line 735 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<std::string> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_format1
Initial value:
this, "RegularRowFormat", " | %|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#12.5g| |%|#12.5g| |",
"the format for regular row in the output Stat-table"}

Definition at line 755 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<std::string> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_format2
Initial value:
this, "EfficiencyRowFormat",
" |*%|-48.48s|%|50t||%|10d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.6g| +- %|-#9.6g|)%%| ------- | ------- |",
"The format for \"efficiency\" row in the output Stat-table"}

Definition at line 758 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<std::string> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_header
Initial value:
{this, "StatTableHeader",
" | Counter | # | "
" sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |",
"the header row for the output Stat-table"}

Definition at line 751 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Counter GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_infos

counter of infos

Definition at line 733 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
AlgTools GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_managedTools

List of active tools.

Definition at line 724 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<bool> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_propsPrint {this, "PropertiesPrint", false, "print the properties of the component"}

Definition at line 744 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<std::string> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_rootInTES {this, "RootInTES", {}, "note: overridden by parent settings"}

Definition at line 749 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Services GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_services

List of active services.

Definition at line 726 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string> > GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_statEntityList
Initial value:
this, "StatEntityList", {}, "RegEx list, of StatEntity counters for CounterSummary"}

Definition at line 767 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<bool> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_statPrint {this, "StatPrint", true, "print the table of counters"}

Definition at line 745 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<bool> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_typePrint {this, "TypePrint", true, "add the actual C++ component type into the messages"}

Definition at line 746 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
IUpdateManagerSvc* GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_updMgrSvc = nullptr

Pointer to the Update Manager Service instance.

Definition at line 740 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Gaudi::Property<bool> GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_useEffFormat
Initial value:
{this, "UseEfficiencyRowFormat", true,
"use the special format for printout of efficiency counters"}

Definition at line 762 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
Counter GaudiCommon< PBASE >::m_warnings

counter of warnings

Definition at line 731 of file GaudiCommon.h.

template<class PBASE>
const bool GaudiCommon< PBASE >::UseRootInTES = true

Simple definition to be used with the new useRootInTES argument get<TYPE> and put methods.

If used with cause the RootInTES option to be USED

Useful to aid with code readability. e.g.

// Get data, using the setting of rootInTES()
MyData * data = get<MyData>( "/Event/MyData", UseRootInTES );
// note the default setting is true, so this is equivalent to
MyData * data = get<MyData>( "/Event/MyData" );

Definition at line 106 of file GaudiCommon.h.

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