The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
RootHistCnv Namespace Reference


class  DirectoryCnv
class  PersSvc
 Persistency service - to store histograms in ROOT format. More...
class  RConverter
 Root Converter. More...
class  RCWNTupleCnv
 Converter of Column-wise NTuple into ROOT format. More...
class  RDirectoryCnv
 Create persistent and transient representations of data store directories. More...
class  RFileCnv
 NTuple converter class definition. More...
class  RHistogramCnv
 Generic converter to save/read AIDA_ROOT histograms using ROOT. More...
class  RNTupleCnv
 NTuple converter class definition. More...
class  RootCompressionSettings
 Simple class to decode a ROOT compression settings string, of the form '<Alg>:<level>' into the integer code to pass to ROOT. More...
class  RootObjAddress
class  RRWNTupleCnv
 Row wise NTuple converter class definition. More...


typedef RHistogramCnv< TProfile, TProfile, Gaudi::HistogramBaseRootHistCnvP1DCnv
typedef RHistogramCnv< TProfile2D, TProfile2D, Gaudi::HistogramBaseRootHistCnvP2DCnv
typedef RHistogramCnv< TH1D, TH1, Gaudi::HistogramBaseRootHistCnvH1DCnv
typedef RHistogramCnv< TH2D, TH2, Gaudi::HistogramBaseRootHistCnvH2DCnv
typedef RootHistCnv::RHistogramCnv< TH3D, TH3, Gaudi::HistogramBaseRootHistCnvH3DCnv


template<class TYP >
INTupleItemcreateNTupleItem (std::string itemName, std::string blockName, std::string indexName, int indexRange, int arraySize, TYP min, TYP max, INTuple *ntup)
 INSTANTIATE (unsigned char)
 INSTANTIATE (unsigned long long)
template<class TYP >
INTupleItemcreateNTupleItem (NTUPLEINFO &tags, long i, INTuple *tuple, TYP minimum, TYP maximum, long &size)
 Add an item of a given type to the N tuple. More...
bool parseName (const std::string &full, std::string &blk, std::string &var)
bool RootCd (const std::string &full)
bool RootMkdir (const std::string &full)
std::string RootPwd ()
bool RootTrimLeadingDir (std::string &full, std::string dir)

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 7 of file RHistogramCnv.cpp.

Definition at line 20 of file RHistogramCnv.cpp.

Function Documentation

template<class TYP >
INTupleItem* RootHistCnv::createNTupleItem ( NTUPLEINFO &  tags,
long  i,
INTuple tuple,
TYP  minimum,
TYP  maximum,
long &  size 

Add an item of a given type to the N tuple.

template<class TYP >
INTupleItem * RootHistCnv::createNTupleItem ( std::string  itemName,
std::string  blockName,
std::string  indexName,
int  indexRange,
int  arraySize,
TYP  min,
TYP  max,
INTuple ntup 

Definition at line 273 of file RNTupleCnv.cpp.

275  {
277  std::string varName;
278  if ( blockName != "" ) {
279  varName = blockName + "/" + itemName;
280  } else {
281  varName = itemName;
282  }
284  TYP null = 0;
285  INTupleItem* col = nullptr;
287  if ( min == 0 && max == 0 ) {
290  }
292  if ( indexName == "" ) {
294  if ( arraySize == 1 ) {
295  // simple items
296  col = NTuple::_Item<TYP>::create( ntup, varName, typeid( TYP ), min, max, null );
298  } else {
299  // Arrays of fixed size
300  col = NTuple::_Array<TYP>::create( ntup, varName, typeid( TYP ), "", arraySize, min, max, null );
301  }
303  } else {
305  if ( arraySize == 1 ) {
306  // Arrays of variable size
307  col = NTuple::_Array<TYP>::create( ntup, varName, typeid( TYP ), indexName, indexRange, min, max, null );
308  } else {
309  // Matrices
310  col = NTuple::_Matrix<TYP>::create( ntup, varName, typeid( TYP ), indexName, indexRange, arraySize, min, max,
311  null );
312  }
313  }
315  return col;
316  }
static TYP min()
Minimal number of data.
Definition: NTuple.h:85
static _Array * create(INTuple *tup, const std::string &name, const std::type_info &info, const std::string &index, long len, TYP min, TYP max, TYP def)
Create instance.
Definition: NTupleItems.cpp:34
STL class.
T min(T...args)
NTuple interface class definition.
Definition: INTuple.h:27
static TYP max()
Maximal number of data.
Definition: NTuple.h:87
T max(T...args)
static _Item * create(INTuple *tup, const std::string &name, const std::type_info &info, TYP min, TYP max, TYP def)
Create instance.
Definition: NTupleItems.cpp:26
static _Matrix * create(INTuple *tup, const std::string &name, const std::type_info &info, const std::string &index, long ncol, long nrow, TYP min, TYP max, TYP def)
Create instance.
Definition: NTupleItems.cpp:42
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( float  )
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( double  )
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( bool  )
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( char  )
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( int  )
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( short  )
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( long  )
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( unsigned  char)
RootHistCnv::INSTANTIATE ( unsigned long  long)
bool RootHistCnv::parseName ( const std::string full,
std::string blk,
std::string var 

Definition at line 246 of file RNTupleCnv.cpp.

247 {
248  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
249  int sp;
250  if ( ( sp = full.find( "/" ) ) != -1 ) {
251  blk = full.substr( 0, sp );
252  var = full.substr( sp + 1 );
253  return true;
254  } else {
255  blk = "AUTO_BLK";
256  var = full;
257  return false;
258  }
259 }
T find(T...args)
T substr(T...args)
bool RootHistCnv::RootCd ( const std::string full)

Definition at line 15 of file RootDirFcn.cpp.

17  {
18  int p, i = 1;
20  gDirectory->cd( "/" );
21  while ( ( p = full.find( "/", i ) ) != -1 ) {
22  auto sdir = full.substr( i, p - i );
23  if ( !gDirectory->GetKey( sdir.c_str() ) ) {
24  return false;
25  }
26  gDirectory->cd( sdir.c_str() );
27  i = p + 1;
28  }
29  gDirectory->cd( full.substr( i ).c_str() );
30  return true;
31  }
T find(T...args)
T substr(T...args)
bool RootHistCnv::RootMkdir ( const std::string full)

Definition at line 34 of file RootDirFcn.cpp.

36  {
38  TDirectory* gDir = gDirectory;
40  int i = 1;
41  auto p = full.find( ":", 0 );
42  if ( p != std::string::npos ) {
43  auto fil = full.substr( 0, p );
44  i = p + 1;
45  fil += ":/";
46  gDirectory->cd( fil.c_str() );
47  }
50  while ( ( p = full.find( "/", i ) ) != std::string::npos ) {
51  lpath.push_back( full.substr( i, p - i ) );
52  i = p + 1;
53  }
54  lpath.push_back( full.substr( i ) );
56  if ( 0, 1, "/" ) == 0 ) gDirectory->cd( "/" );
58  for ( const auto& lp : lpath ) {
59  if ( !gDirectory->GetKey( lp.c_str() ) ) {
60  gDirectory->mkdir( lp.c_str() );
61  }
62  gDirectory->cd( lp.c_str() );
63  }
64  gDirectory = gDir;
66  return true;
67  }
T push_back(T...args)
T find(T...args)
T substr(T...args)
T compare(T...args)
std::string RootHistCnv::RootPwd ( )

Definition at line 70 of file RootDirFcn.cpp.

72  {
73  std::string dir = gDirectory->GetPath();
75  return ( dir );
76  }
STL class.
bool RootHistCnv::RootTrimLeadingDir ( std::string full,
std::string  dir 

Definition at line 79 of file RootDirFcn.cpp.

81  {
83  if ( 0, 1, "/" ) != 0 ) {
84  dir.insert( 0, "/" );
85  }
87  if ( dir.length() - 1, 1, "/" ) != 0 ) {
88  dir += "/";
89  }
91  long ll = full.find( dir );
92  if ( ll != 0 ) {
93  return false;
94  }
96  full.erase( 0, dir.length() - 1 );
98  return true;
99  }
T erase(T...args)
T insert(T...args)
T find(T...args)
T length(T...args)
T compare(T...args)