The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Gaudi::Utils::RegEx Namespace Reference

RegeEx: nemspace to hold gaudi regular expression checking. More...


class  matchList


template<typename T >
bool matchOr (const std::string &test, const T &regexps)
 return true if the string is in any of the regex's More...
template<typename T >
bool matchAnd (const std::string &test, const T &regexps)
 return true if the string is in all of the regex's More...

Detailed Description

RegeEx: nemspace to hold gaudi regular expression checking.

matchOrreturn true if test is in any of the regexps
matchAndreturn true if test is in all of the regexps
Rob Lambert Rob.L.nosp@m.ambe.nosp@m.rt@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
bool Gaudi::Utils::RegEx::matchAnd ( const std::string test,
const T &  regexps 

return true if the string is in all of the regex's

std::stringtest [IN]: string to match
container<std::string>regexps [IN]: container of regex strings can be any container with a const_iterator, begin and end

If you need to do this more than once, please first create a matchList object, and then invoke its And method.

Definition at line 79 of file RegEx.h.

80  {
81  // compares the string in test, to the regexps in a container
82  //
83  return std::all_of( std::begin( regexps ), std::end( regexps ), [&]( typename T::const_reference i ) {
84  return boost::regex_match( test, boost::regex{i} );
85  } );
86  }
T end(T...args)
T begin(T...args)
T all_of(T...args)
template<typename T >
bool Gaudi::Utils::RegEx::matchOr ( const std::string test,
const T &  regexps 

return true if the string is in any of the regex's

std::stringtest [IN]: string to match
container<std::string>regexps [IN]: container of regex strings can be any container with a const_iterator, begin and end

If you need to do this more than once, please first create a matchList object, and then invoke its Or method.

Definition at line 61 of file RegEx.h.

62  {
63  // compares the string in test, to the regexps in a container
64  //
65  return std::any_of( std::begin( regexps ), std::end( regexps ), [&]( typename T::const_reference i ) {
66  return boost::regex_match( test, boost::regex{i} );
67  } );
68  }
T end(T...args)
T begin(T...args)
T any_of(T...args)