The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
configGenerator Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for configGenerator:

Public Member Functions

 configGenerator (const string &pkgName, const string &outputDirName)
int genConfig (const Strings_t &modules, const string &userModule)
 main entry point of this class: More...
void setConfigurableModule (const std::string &moduleName)
 customize the Module name where configurable base classes are defined More...
void setConfigurableDefaultName (const std::string &defaultName)
 customize the default name for configurable instances More...
void setConfigurableAlgorithm (const std::string &cfgAlgorithm)
 customize the configurable base class for Algorithm component More...
void setConfigurableAlgTool (const std::string &cfgAlgTool)
 customize the configurable base class for AlgTool component More...
void setConfigurableAuditor (const std::string &cfgAuditor)
 customize the configurable base class for AlgTool component More...
void setConfigurableService (const std::string &cfgService)
 customize the configurable base class for Service component More...

Private Member Functions

int genComponent (const std::string &libName, const std::string &componentName, const std::string &componentType, const vector< PropertyBase * > &properties)
void genImport (std::ostream &s, const boost::format &frmt, std::string indent)
void genHeader (std::ostream &pyOut, std::ostream &dbOut)
void genBody (std::ostream &pyOut, std::ostream &dbOut)
void genTrailer (std::ostream &pyOut, std::ostream &dbOut)
void pythonizeValue (const PropertyBase *prop, string &pvalue, string &ptype)
 handle the "marshalling" of Properties More...
void pythonizeName (string &name)
 Translates a valid C++ typename into a valid python one. More...

Private Attributes

string m_pkgName
 name of the package we are processing More...
string m_outputDirName
 absolute path to the directory where genconf will store auto-generated files (Configurables and ConfigurableDb) More...
stringstream m_pyBuf
 buffer of auto-generated configurables More...
bool m_importGaudiHandles
 switch to decide if the generated configurables need to import GaudiHandles (ie: if one of the components has a XyzHandle<T>) More...
bool m_importDataObjectHandles
stringstream m_dbBuf
 buffer of generated configurables informations for the "Db" file The "Db" file is holding informations about the generated configurables This file is later one used by the to locate Configurables and know their default values, host module,... More...
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::stringm_configurable
 Configurable customization. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 97 of file genconf.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

configGenerator::configGenerator ( const string pkgName,
const string outputDirName 

Definition at line 129 of file genconf.cpp.

130  : m_pkgName( pkgName )
131  , m_outputDirName( outputDirName )
132  , m_pyBuf()
133  , m_importGaudiHandles( false )
134  , m_importDataObjectHandles( false )
135  , m_dbBuf()
136  , m_configurable()
137  {
138  }
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126
stringstream m_pyBuf
buffer of auto-generated configurables
Definition: genconf.cpp:107
bool m_importDataObjectHandles
Definition: genconf.cpp:113
stringstream m_dbBuf
buffer of generated configurables informations for the "Db" file The "Db" file is holding information...
Definition: genconf.cpp:119
string m_outputDirName
absolute path to the directory where genconf will store auto-generated files (Configurables and Confi...
Definition: genconf.cpp:104
bool m_importGaudiHandles
switch to decide if the generated configurables need to import GaudiHandles (ie: if one of the compon...
Definition: genconf.cpp:111
string m_pkgName
name of the package we are processing
Definition: genconf.cpp:100

Member Function Documentation

void configGenerator::genBody ( std::ostream pyOut,
std::ostream dbOut 

Definition at line 173 of file genconf.cpp.

174  {
175  pyOut << m_pyBuf.str() << flush;
176  dbOut << m_dbBuf.str() << flush;
177  }
stringstream m_pyBuf
buffer of auto-generated configurables
Definition: genconf.cpp:107
T str(T...args)
stringstream m_dbBuf
buffer of generated configurables informations for the "Db" file The "Db" file is holding information...
Definition: genconf.cpp:119
T flush(T...args)
int configGenerator::genComponent ( const std::string libName,
const std::string componentName,
const std::string componentType,
const vector< PropertyBase * > &  properties 

Definition at line 645 of file genconf.cpp.

648 {
649  string cname = componentName;
650  pythonizeName( cname );
652  typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::string> PropertyDoc_t;
653  PropertyDoc_t propDoc;
655  m_pyBuf << "\n";
656  m_pyBuf << "class " << cname << "( " << m_configurable[componentType] << " ) :"
657  << "\n";
658  m_pyBuf << " __slots__ = { \n";
659  for ( vector<PropertyBase*>::const_iterator it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it ) {
661  const string pname = ( *it )->name();
662  // Validate property name (it must be a valid Python identifier)
663  if ( !boost::regex_match( pname, pythonIdentifier ) ) {
664  std::cout << "ERROR: invalid property name \"" << pname << "\" in component " << cname
665  << " (invalid Python identifier)" << std::endl;
666  // try to make the buffer at least more or less valid python code.
667  m_pyBuf << " #ERROR-invalid identifier '" << pname << "'\n"
668  << " }\n";
669  return 1;
670  }
672  string pvalue, ptype;
673  pythonizeValue( ( *it ), pvalue, ptype );
674  m_pyBuf << " '" << pname << "' : " << pvalue << ", # " << ptype << "\n";
676  if ( ( *it )->documentation() != "none" ) {
677  propDoc[pname] = ( *it )->documentation() + " [" + ( *it )->ownerTypeName() + "]";
678  }
679  }
680  m_pyBuf << " }\n";
681  m_pyBuf << " _propertyDocDct = { \n";
682  for ( PropertyDoc_t::const_iterator iProp = propDoc.begin(); iProp != propDoc.end(); ++iProp ) {
683  m_pyBuf << std::setw( 5 ) << "'" << iProp->first << "' : "
684  << "\"\"\" " << iProp->second << " \"\"\",\n";
685  }
686  m_pyBuf << " }\n";
688  m_pyBuf << " def __init__(self, name = " << m_configurable["DefaultName"] << ", **kwargs):\n"
689  << " super(" << cname << ", self).__init__(name)\n"
690  << " for n,v in kwargs.items():\n"
691  << " setattr(self, n, v)\n"
692  << " def getDlls( self ):\n"
693  << " return '" << libName << "'\n"
694  << " def getType( self ):\n"
695  << " return '" << componentName << "'\n"
696  << " pass # class " << cname << "\n"
697  << flush;
699  // name of the auto-generated module
700  const string pyName = ( fs::path( m_outputDirName ) / fs::path( libName + "" ) ).string();
701  const string modName = fs::basename( fs::path( pyName ).leaf() );
703  // now the db part
704  m_dbBuf << m_pkgName << "." << modName << " " << libName << " " << cname << "\n" << flush;
706  return 0;
707 }
void pythonizeName(string &name)
Translates a valid C++ typename into a valid python one.
Definition: genconf.cpp:709
T endl(T...args)
T end(T...args)
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126
stringstream m_pyBuf
buffer of auto-generated configurables
Definition: genconf.cpp:107
T setw(T...args)
stringstream m_dbBuf
buffer of generated configurables informations for the "Db" file The "Db" file is holding information...
Definition: genconf.cpp:119
T flush(T...args)
string m_outputDirName
absolute path to the directory where genconf will store auto-generated files (Configurables and Confi...
Definition: genconf.cpp:104
STL class.
void pythonizeValue(const PropertyBase *prop, string &pvalue, string &ptype)
handle the "marshalling" of Properties
Definition: genconf.cpp:721
T begin(T...args)
string m_pkgName
name of the package we are processing
Definition: genconf.cpp:100
int configGenerator::genConfig ( const Strings_t modules,
const string userModule 

main entry point of this class:

  • iterate over all the modules (ie: library names)
  • for each module extract component informations
  • eventually generate the header/body/trailer python file and "Db" file

not enough information... skip it

no Properties, so don't bother create Configurables...

write-out files for this library

Definition at line 399 of file genconf.cpp.

401 {
402  //--- Disable checking StatusCode -------------------------------------------
405  const Strings_t::const_iterator endLib = libs.end();
407  const std::string gaudiSvc = "GaudiCoreSvc";
408  const bool isGaudiSvc = ( std::find( libs.begin(), endLib, gaudiSvc ) != endLib );
410  //--- Instantiate ApplicationMgr --------------------------------------------
411  if ( !isGaudiSvc && createAppMgr() ) {
412  cout << "ERROR: ApplicationMgr can not be created. Check environment" << endl;
413  return EXIT_FAILURE;
414  }
416  //--- Iterate over component factories --------------------------------------
418  Registry& registry = Registry::instance();
420  std::set<std::string> bkgNames = registry.loadedFactories();
422  ISvcLocator* svcLoc = Gaudi::svcLocator();
423  IInterface* dummySvc = new Service( "DummySvc", svcLoc );
424  dummySvc->addRef();
426  bool allGood = true;
428  // iterate over all the requested libraries
429  for ( Strings_t::const_iterator iLib = libs.begin(); iLib != endLib; ++iLib ) {
431  LOG_INFO << ":::: processing library: " << *iLib << "...";
433  // reset state
434  m_importGaudiHandles = false;
436  m_pyBuf.str( "" );
437  m_dbBuf.str( "" );
439  //--- Load component library ----------------------------------------------
440  System::ImageHandle handle;
441  unsigned long err = System::loadDynamicLib( *iLib, &handle );
442  if ( err != 1 ) {
444  allGood = false;
445  continue;
446  }
448  std::set<std::string> factories = registry.loadedFactories();
450  for ( std::set<std::string>::iterator it = factories.begin(); it != factories.end(); ++it ) {
451  const string ident = *it;
452  if ( bkgNames.find( ident ) != bkgNames.end() ) {
454  LOG_INFO << "\t==> skipping [" << ident << "]...";
455  }
456  continue;
457  }
459  const Registry::FactoryInfo info = registry.getInfo( *it );
460  const string rtype = info.rtype;
462  // do not generate configurables for the Reflex-compatible aliases
463  if ( "ReflexName" ) != ) continue;
465  // Atlas contributed code (patch #1247)
466  // Skip the generation of configurables if the component does not come
467  // from the same library we are processing (i.e. we found a symbol that
468  // is coming from a library loaded by the linker).
469  if ( !DsoUtils::inDso( info.ptr, DsoUtils::libNativeName( *iLib ) ) ) {
470  LOG_WARNING << "library [" << *iLib << "] exposes factory [" << ident << "] which is declared in ["
471  << DsoUtils::dsoName( info.ptr ) << "] !!";
472  continue;
473  }
475  string type;
476  bool known = true;
477  if ( ident == "ApplicationMgr" )
478  type = "ApplicationMgr";
479  else if ( rtype == typeid( IInterface* ).name() )
480  type = "IInterface";
481  else if ( rtype == typeid( IAlgorithm* ).name() )
482  type = "Algorithm";
483  else if ( rtype == typeid( IService* ).name() )
484  type = "Service";
485  else if ( rtype == typeid( IAlgTool* ).name() )
486  type = "AlgTool";
487  else if ( rtype == typeid( IAuditor* ).name() )
488  type = "Auditor";
489  else if ( rtype == typeid( IConverter* ).name() )
490  type = "Converter";
491  else if ( rtype == typeid( DataObject* ).name() )
492  type = "DataObject";
493  else
494  type = "Unknown", known = false;
495  string name = ident;
496  // handle possible problems with templated components
497  boost::trim( name );
499  if ( type == "IInterface" ) {
502  continue;
503  }
505  if ( type == "Converter" || type == "DataObject" ) {
507  continue;
508  }
510  if ( !known ) {
511  LOG_WARNING << "Unknown (return) type [" << System::typeinfoName( rtype.c_str() ) << "] !!"
512  << " Component [" << ident << "] is skipped !";
513  continue;
514  }
516  LOG_INFO << " - component: " << info.className << " ("
517  << ( info.className != name ? ( name + ": " ) : std::string() ) << type << ")";
519  string cname = "DefaultName";
520  SmartIF<IProperty> prop;
521  try {
522  if ( type == "Algorithm" ) {
523  prop = SmartIF<IAlgorithm>( Algorithm::Factory::create( ident, cname, svcLoc ) );
524  } else if ( type == "Service" ) {
525  prop = SmartIF<IService>( Service::Factory::create( ident, cname, svcLoc ) );
526  } else if ( type == "AlgTool" ) {
527  prop = SmartIF<IAlgTool>( AlgTool::Factory::create( ident, cname, type, dummySvc ) );
528  // FIXME: AlgTool base class increase artificially by 1 the refcount.
529  prop->release();
530  } else if ( type == "Auditor" ) {
531  prop = SmartIF<IAuditor>( Auditor::Factory::create( ident, cname, svcLoc ) );
532  } else if ( type == "ApplicationMgr" ) {
533  prop = SmartIF<ISvcLocator>( svcLoc );
534  } else {
535  continue; // unknown
536  }
537  } catch ( exception& e ) {
538  LOG_ERROR << "Error instantiating " << name << " from " << *iLib;
539  LOG_ERROR << "Got exception: " << e.what();
540  allGood = false;
541  continue;
542  } catch ( ... ) {
543  LOG_ERROR << "Error instantiating " << name << " from " << *iLib;
544  allGood = false;
545  continue;
546  }
547  if ( prop ) {
548  if ( genComponent( *iLib, name, type, prop->getProperties() ) ) {
549  allGood = false;
550  }
551  prop.reset();
552  } else {
553  LOG_ERROR << "could not cast IInterface* object to an IProperty* !";
554  LOG_ERROR << "return type from PluginSvc is [" << rtype << "]...";
555  LOG_ERROR << "NO Configurable will be generated for [" << name << "] !";
556  allGood = false;
557  }
558  } //> end loop over factories
563  const std::string pyName = ( fs::path( m_outputDirName ) / fs::path( *iLib + "" ) ).string();
564  const std::string dbName = ( fs::path( m_outputDirName ) / fs::path( *iLib + ".confdb" ) ).string();
566  std::fstream py( pyName, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc );
567  std::fstream db( dbName, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc );
569  genHeader( py, db );
570  if ( !userModule.empty() ) py << "from " << userModule << " import *" << endl;
571  genBody( py, db );
572  genTrailer( py, db );
574  } //> end loop over libraries
576  dummySvc->release();
577  dummySvc = 0;
579  return allGood ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
580 }
T empty(T...args)
The ISvcLocator is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to loc...
Definition: ISvcLocator.h:25
The data converters are responsible to translate data from one representation into another...
Definition: IConverter.h:58
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
#define LOG_ERROR
Definition: genconf.cpp:74
T endl(T...args)
T end(T...args)
void * ImageHandle
Definition of an image handle.
Definition: ModuleInfo.h:31
stringstream m_pyBuf
buffer of auto-generated configurables
Definition: genconf.cpp:107
GAUDIPS_API Logger & logger()
Return the current logger instance.
int genComponent(const std::string &libName, const std::string &componentName, const std::string &componentType, const vector< PropertyBase * > &properties)
Definition: genconf.cpp:645
STL class.
bool m_importDataObjectHandles
Definition: genconf.cpp:113
GAUDI_API ISvcLocator * svcLocator()
T what(T...args)
#define LOG_INFO
Definition: genconf.cpp:76
General service interface definition.
Definition: IService.h:18
Definition of the basic interface.
Definition: IInterface.h:277
STL class.
void genHeader(std::ostream &pyOut, std::ostream &dbOut)
Definition: genconf.cpp:614
T str(T...args)
stringstream m_dbBuf
buffer of generated configurables informations for the "Db" file The "Db" file is holding information...
Definition: genconf.cpp:119
STL class.
The IAlgorithm is the interface implemented by the Algorithm base class.
Definition: IAlgorithm.h:28
virtual const std::vector< Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * > & getProperties() const =0
Get list of properties.
T find(T...args)
string m_outputDirName
absolute path to the directory where genconf will store auto-generated files (Configurables and Confi...
Definition: genconf.cpp:104
virtual unsigned long release()=0
Release Interface instance.
Definition: genconf.cpp:75
T begin(T...args)
bool m_importGaudiHandles
switch to decide if the generated configurables need to import GaudiHandles (ie: if one of the compon...
Definition: genconf.cpp:111
T c_str(T...args)
The interface implemented by the AlgTool base class.
Definition: IAlgTool.h:23
In-memory database of the loaded factories.
virtual unsigned long addRef()=0
Increment the reference count of Interface instance.
static GAUDI_API void disableChecking()
Definition: StatusCode.cpp:21
void reset(TYPE *ptr=nullptr)
Set the internal pointer to the passed one disposing of the old one.
Definition: SmartIF.h:92
void genTrailer(std::ostream &pyOut, std::ostream &dbOut)
Definition: genconf.cpp:637
GAUDI_API const std::string getLastErrorString()
Get last system error as string.
Definition: System.cpp:291
Base class for all services.
Definition: Service.h:36
A DataObject is the base class of any identifiable object on any data store.
Definition: DataObject.h:29
int createAppMgr()
Definition: genconf.cpp:782
The IAuditor is the interface implmented by the AlgAuditor base class.
Definition: IAuditor.h:18
std::string libNativeName(const std::string &libName)
Definition: DsoUtils.h:19
void genBody(std::ostream &pyOut, std::ostream &dbOut)
Definition: genconf.cpp:173
GAUDI_API unsigned long loadDynamicLib(const std::string &name, ImageHandle *handle)
Load dynamic link library.
Definition: System.cpp:147
void configGenerator::genHeader ( std::ostream pyOut,
std::ostream dbOut 

Definition at line 614 of file genconf.cpp.

616 {
617  // python file part
618  std::string now = Gaudi::Time::current().format( true );
619  py << "#" << now //<< "\n"
620  << "\"\"\"Automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT please\"\"\"\n";
621  if ( m_importGaudiHandles ) {
622  py << "from GaudiKernel.GaudiHandles import *\n";
623  }
626  py << "from GaudiKernel.DataObjectHandleBase import *\n";
627  }
629  genImport( py, boost::format( "from %1%.Configurable import *" ) );
631  // db file part
632  db << "## -*- ascii -*- \n"
633  << "# db file automatically generated by genconf on: " << now << "\n"
634  << flush;
635 }
GAUDI_API std::string format(const char *,...)
MsgStream format utility "a la sprintf(...)".
Definition: MsgStream.cpp:120
static Time current()
Returns the current time.
Definition: Time.cpp:112
STL class.
bool m_importDataObjectHandles
Definition: genconf.cpp:113
T flush(T...args)
void genImport(std::ostream &s, const boost::format &frmt, std::string indent)
Definition: genconf.cpp:582
bool m_importGaudiHandles
switch to decide if the generated configurables need to import GaudiHandles (ie: if one of the compon...
Definition: genconf.cpp:111
std::string format(bool local, std::string spec="%c") const
Format the time using strftime.
Definition: Time.cpp:260
void configGenerator::genImport ( std::ostream s,
const boost::format frmt,
std::string  indent = "" 

Definition at line 582 of file genconf.cpp.

583 {
585  std::string::size_type pos = 0, nxtpos = 0;
588  while ( std::string::npos != pos ) {
589  // find end of module name
590  nxtpos = m_configurable["Module"].find_first_of( ',', pos );
592  // Prepare import string
593  mod = m_configurable["Module"].substr( pos, nxtpos - pos );
594  std::ostringstream import;
595  import << boost::format( frmt ) % mod;
597  // append a normal import or a try/except enclosed one depending
598  // on availability of a fall-back module (next in the list)
599  if ( std::string::npos == nxtpos ) {
600  // last possible module
601  s << indent << import.str() << "\n" << flush;
602  pos = std::string::npos;
603  } else {
604  // we have a fallback for this
605  s << indent << "try:\n" << indent << py_tab << import.str() << "\n" << indent << "except ImportError:\n" << flush;
606  pos = nxtpos + 1;
607  }
608  // increase indentation level for next iteration
609  indent += py_tab;
610  }
611 }
GAUDI_API std::string format(const char *,...)
MsgStream format utility "a la sprintf(...)".
Definition: MsgStream.cpp:120
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126
STL class.
T flush(T...args)
void configGenerator::genTrailer ( std::ostream pyOut,
std::ostream dbOut 

Definition at line 637 of file genconf.cpp.

639 {
640  // db file part
641  db << "## " << m_pkgName << "\n" << std::flush;
642 }
T flush(T...args)
string m_pkgName
name of the package we are processing
Definition: genconf.cpp:100
void configGenerator::pythonizeName ( string name)

Translates a valid C++ typename into a valid python one.

Definition at line 709 of file genconf.cpp.

711 {
712  static string in( "<>&*,: ()." );
713  static string out( "__rp__s___" );
714  boost::algorithm::replace_all( name, ", ", "," );
715  for ( string::iterator i = name.begin(); i != name.end(); ++i ) {
716  if ( in.find( *i ) != string::npos ) *i = out[in.find( *i )];
717  }
718 }
T end(T...args)
T begin(T...args)
void configGenerator::pythonizeValue ( const PropertyBase prop,
string pvalue,
string ptype 

handle the "marshalling" of Properties

Definition at line 721 of file genconf.cpp.

723 {
724  const std::string cvalue = p->toString();
725  const type_info& ti = *p->type_info();
726  if ( ti == typeid( bool ) ) {
727  pvalue = ( cvalue == "0" || cvalue == "False" || cvalue == "false" ) ? "False" : "True";
728  ptype = "bool";
729  } else if ( ti == typeid( char ) || ti == typeid( signed char ) || ti == typeid( unsigned char ) ||
730  ti == typeid( short ) || ti == typeid( unsigned short ) || ti == typeid( int ) ||
731  ti == typeid( unsigned int ) || ti == typeid( long ) || ti == typeid( unsigned long ) ) {
732  pvalue = cvalue;
733  ptype = "int";
734  } else if ( ti == typeid( long long ) || ti == typeid( unsigned long long ) ) {
735  pvalue = cvalue + "L";
736  ptype = "long";
737  } else if ( ti == typeid( float ) || ti == typeid( double ) ) {
738  // forces python to handle this as a float: put a dot in there...
739  pvalue = boost::to_lower_copy( cvalue );
740  if ( pvalue == "nan" ) {
741  pvalue = "float('nan')";
742  std::cout << "WARNING: default value for [" << p->name() << "] is NaN !!" << std::endl;
743  } else if ( std::string::npos == pvalue.find( "." ) && std::string::npos == pvalue.find( "e" ) ) {
744  pvalue = cvalue + ".0";
745  }
746  ptype = "float";
747  } else if ( ti == typeid( string ) ) {
749  pvalue = "'" + cvalue + "'";
750  ptype = "str";
751  } else if ( ti == typeid( GaudiHandleBase ) ) {
752  m_importGaudiHandles = true;
753  const GaudiHandleProperty& hdl = dynamic_cast<const GaudiHandleProperty&>( *p );
754  const GaudiHandleBase& base = hdl.value();
756  pvalue = base.pythonRepr();
757  ptype = "GaudiHandle";
758  } else if ( ti == typeid( GaudiHandleArrayBase ) ) {
759  m_importGaudiHandles = true;
760  const GaudiHandleArrayProperty& hdl = dynamic_cast<const GaudiHandleArrayProperty&>( *p );
761  const GaudiHandleArrayBase& base = hdl.value();
763  pvalue = base.pythonRepr();
764  ptype = "GaudiHandleArray";
765  } else if ( ti == typeid( DataObjectHandleBase ) ) {
767  const DataObjectHandleProperty& hdl = dynamic_cast<const DataObjectHandleProperty&>( *p );
768  const DataObjectHandleBase& base = hdl.value();
770  pvalue = base.pythonRepr();
771  ptype = "DataObjectHandleBase";
772  } else {
773  std::ostringstream v_str;
774  v_str.setf( std::ios::showpoint ); // to correctly display floats
775  p->toStream( v_str );
776  pvalue = v_str.str();
777  ptype = "list";
778  }
779 }
T setf(T...args)
T endl(T...args)
DataObjectHandleProperty.h GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandleProperty.h.
STL class.
bool m_importDataObjectHandles
Definition: genconf.cpp:113
const GaudiHandleBase & value() const
Definition: Property.h:852
const GaudiHandleArrayBase & value() const
Definition: Property.h:892
std::string pythonRepr() const override
Python representation of array of handles, i.e.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:86
T find(T...args)
Base class of array&#39;s of various gaudihandles.
Definition: GaudiHandle.h:348
DataObjectHandleBase GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandleBase.h.
std::string pythonRepr() const override
Python representation of handle, i.e.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:53
bool m_importGaudiHandles
switch to decide if the generated configurables need to import GaudiHandles (ie: if one of the compon...
Definition: genconf.cpp:111
std::string pythonRepr() const override
const DataObjectHandleBase & value() const
Base class to handles to be used in lieu of naked pointers to various Gaudi components.
Definition: GaudiHandle.h:83
void configGenerator::setConfigurableAlgorithm ( const std::string cfgAlgorithm)

customize the configurable base class for Algorithm component

Definition at line 153 of file genconf.cpp.

153 { m_configurable["Algorithm"] = cfgAlgorithm; }
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126
void configGenerator::setConfigurableAlgTool ( const std::string cfgAlgTool)

customize the configurable base class for AlgTool component

Definition at line 156 of file genconf.cpp.

156 { m_configurable["AlgTool"] = cfgAlgTool; }
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126
void configGenerator::setConfigurableAuditor ( const std::string cfgAuditor)

customize the configurable base class for AlgTool component

Definition at line 159 of file genconf.cpp.

159 { m_configurable["Auditor"] = cfgAuditor; }
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126
void configGenerator::setConfigurableDefaultName ( const std::string defaultName)

customize the default name for configurable instances

Definition at line 150 of file genconf.cpp.

150 { m_configurable["DefaultName"] = defaultName; }
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126
void configGenerator::setConfigurableModule ( const std::string moduleName)

customize the Module name where configurable base classes are defined

Definition at line 147 of file genconf.cpp.

147 { m_configurable["Module"] = moduleName; }
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126
GAUDI_API const std::string & moduleName()
Get the name of the (executable/DLL) file without file-type.
Definition: ModuleInfo.cpp:54
void configGenerator::setConfigurableService ( const std::string cfgService)

customize the configurable base class for Service component

Definition at line 162 of file genconf.cpp.

163  {
164  m_configurable["Service"] = cfgService;
165  m_configurable["ApplicationMgr"] = cfgService;
166  }
GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string, std::string > m_configurable
Configurable customization.
Definition: genconf.cpp:126

Member Data Documentation

GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::string> configGenerator::m_configurable

Configurable customization.

Contains customization for:

  • Name of the module where configurable base classes are defined
  • Name of the configurable base class for the Algorithm component
  • Name of the configurable base class for the AlgTool component
  • Name of the configurable base class for the Service component

Definition at line 126 of file genconf.cpp.

stringstream configGenerator::m_dbBuf

buffer of generated configurables informations for the "Db" file The "Db" file is holding informations about the generated configurables This file is later one used by the to locate Configurables and know their default values, host module,...

Definition at line 119 of file genconf.cpp.

bool configGenerator::m_importDataObjectHandles

Definition at line 113 of file genconf.cpp.

bool configGenerator::m_importGaudiHandles

switch to decide if the generated configurables need to import GaudiHandles (ie: if one of the components has a XyzHandle<T>)

Definition at line 111 of file genconf.cpp.

string configGenerator::m_outputDirName

absolute path to the directory where genconf will store auto-generated files (Configurables and ConfigurableDb)

Definition at line 104 of file genconf.cpp.

string configGenerator::m_pkgName

name of the package we are processing

Definition at line 100 of file genconf.cpp.

stringstream configGenerator::m_pyBuf

buffer of auto-generated configurables

Definition at line 107 of file genconf.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: