The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Include files
2 #include "GaudiKernel/Time.h"
4 #include "GaudiKernel/time_r.h"
6 #include <cerrno>
7 #include <cstdio>
8 #include <cstring>
9 #include <ctime>
10 #include <iostream>
12 // local
13 using namespace Gaudi;
15 // architecture dependent includes
16 #ifdef WIN32
18 // this turns off a lot of useless Win stuff which conflicts with Gaudi. (found empirically)
19 #define NOATOM
20 #define NOGDI
22 #define NOMETAFILE
23 #define NOMINMAX
24 #define NOMSG
25 #define NOOPENFILE
26 #define NORASTEROPS
27 #define NOSCROLL
28 #define NOSOUND
31 #define NOWH
32 #define NOCOMM
33 #define NOKANJI
34 #define NOCRYPT
35 #define NOMCX
37 #include <windows.h>
39 #else
40 // Linux
42 #include <sys/time.h>
44 #endif
46 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 // Implementation file for class : Gaudi::Time
48 // Based on seal::Time
49 // 2005-12-15 : Marco Clemencic
50 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 #ifdef WIN32
62 //# define SECS_1601_TO_1970 ((369 * 365 + 89) * SECS_PER_DAY)
63 #define SECS_1601_TO_1970 ( ( 369 * 365 + 89 ) * 86400ui64 )
64 #endif
66 #ifdef WIN32
67 static time_t timegm( struct tm* t )
68 {
69  // This code is adapted from wine, samba
70  time_t t1 = mktime( t );
71  struct tm gmt;
72  gmtime_s( &gmt, &t1 );
73  time_t t2 = mktime( &gmt );
74  return t1 + ( t1 - t2 );
75 }
76 #endif
78 //=============================================================================
79 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
80 //=============================================================================
81 Time::Time( int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, ValueType nsecs, bool local /* = true */ )
82 {
83  tm val;
84  memset( &val, 0, sizeof( val ) );
85  val.tm_sec = sec;
86  val.tm_min = min;
87  val.tm_hour = hour;
88  val.tm_mday = day;
89  val.tm_mon = month;
90  val.tm_year = year > 1900 ? year - 1900 : year;
91  val.tm_isdst = -1; // FIXME?
93  m_nsecs = build( local, val, nsecs ).m_nsecs;
94 }
96 #ifdef WIN32
99 Time Time::from( const FILETIME* systime )
100 {
101  ValueType t = ( (ValueType)systime->dwHighDateTime << 32 ) + (ValueType)systime->dwLowDateTime;
103  if ( t )
104  // Subtract bias (1970--1601 in 100ns), then convert to nanoseconds.
105  t = ( t - SECS_1601_TO_1970 * ( SEC_NSECS / 100 ) ) * 100;
107  return Time( t );
108 }
109 #endif
113 {
114 #ifdef WIN32
115  FILETIME ftime;
116  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftime );
117  return from( &ftime );
118 #else
119  timeval tv;
120  if ( gettimeofday( &tv, nullptr ) != 0 ) {
121  char buf[256];
122  std::ostringstream tag, msg;
123  tag << "errno=" << errno;
124  if ( strerror_r( errno, buf, 256 ) == 0 ) {
125  msg << buf;
126  } else {
127  msg << "Unknown error retrieving current time";
128  }
129  throw GaudiException( msg.str(), tag.str(), StatusCode::FAILURE );
130  }
131  return Time( tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec * 1000 );
132 #endif
133 }
136 Time Time::build( bool local, const tm& base, TimeSpan diff /* = 0 */ )
137 {
138  tm tmp( base );
139  return Time( local ? mktime( &tmp ) : timegm( &tmp ), 0 ) + diff;
140 }
146 tm Time::split( bool local, int* nsecpart /* = 0 */ ) const
147 {
148  if ( nsecpart ) *nsecpart = (int)( m_nsecs % SEC_NSECS );
150  time_t val = ( time_t )( m_nsecs / SEC_NSECS );
152  tm retval;
153  if ( local )
154  localtime_r( &val, &retval );
155  else
156  gmtime_r( &val, &retval );
158  return retval;
159 }
164 tm Time::utc( int* nsecpart /* = 0 */ ) const { return split( false, nsecpart ); }
169 tm Time::local( int* nsecpart /* = 0 */ ) const { return split( true, nsecpart ); }
172 int Time::year( bool local ) const { return split( local ).tm_year + 1900; }
175 int Time::month( bool local ) const { return split( local ).tm_mon; }
178 int Time::day( bool local ) const { return split( local ).tm_mday; }
181 int Time::hour( bool local ) const { return split( local ).tm_hour; }
184 int Time::minute( bool local ) const { return split( local ).tm_min; }
189 int Time::second( bool local ) const { return split( local ).tm_sec; }
194 int Time::nsecond( void ) const { return (int)( m_nsecs % SEC_NSECS ); }
197 int Time::weekday( bool local ) const { return split( local ).tm_wday; }
202 bool Time::isdst( bool local ) const { return split( local ).tm_isdst > 0; }
210 Time::ValueType Time::utcoffset( int* daylight /* = 0 */ ) const
211 {
212  ValueType n = 0;
214 #ifndef WIN32
215  tm localtm = local();
216  n = localtm.tm_gmtoff;
217  if ( daylight ) *daylight = localtm.tm_isdst;
218 #else
219  // Adapted from WINE.
220  time_t utctime = ( time_t )( m_nsecs / SEC_NSECS );
221  tm localtm;
222  localtime_s( &localtm, &utctime );
223  int savedaylight = localtm.tm_isdst;
224  tm gmt;
225  gmtime_s( &gmt, &utctime );
227  gmt.tm_isdst = savedaylight;
228  n = utctime - mktime( &gmt );
230  if ( daylight ) *daylight = savedaylight;
231 #endif
232  return n * SEC_NSECS;
233 }
235 #ifdef WIN32
236 // disable warning
237 // C4996: 'tzname': This function or variable may be unsafe.
238 #pragma warning( push )
239 #pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
240 #endif
245 const char* Time::timezone( int* daylight /* = 0 */ ) const
246 {
247  tm localtm = local();
248  if ( daylight ) *daylight = localtm.tm_isdst;
249  // extern "C" { extern char *tzname [2]; }
250  return tzname[localtm.tm_isdst > 0 ? 1 : 0];
251 }
252 #ifdef WIN32
253 #pragma warning( pop )
254 #endif
261 {
263  std::string result;
264  tm time = split( local );
265  std::string::size_type length = 0;
267  // handle the special case of "%f"
268  std::string::size_type pos = spec.find( "%f" );
269  if ( std::string::npos != pos ) {
270  // Get the milliseconds string
271  std::string ms = nanoformat( 3, 3 );
272  // Replace all the occurrences of '%f' (if not preceded by '%')
273  while ( std::string::npos != pos ) {
274  if ( pos != 0 && spec[pos - 1] != '%' ) {
275  spec.replace( pos, 2, ms );
276  }
277  pos = spec.find( "%f", pos + 1 ); // search for the next occurrence
278  }
279  }
280  const int MIN_BUF_SIZE = 128;
281  do {
282  // Guess how much we'll expand. If we go wrong, we'll expand again. (with a minimum)
283  result.resize( std::max<std::string::size_type>(
284  result.size() * 2, std::max<std::string::size_type>( spec.size() * 2, MIN_BUF_SIZE ) ),
285  0 );
286  length = ::strftime( &result[0], result.size(), spec.c_str(), &time );
287  } while ( !length );
289  result.resize( length );
290  return result;
291 }
303 std::string Time::nanoformat( size_t minwidth /* = 1 */, size_t maxwidth /* = 9 */ ) const
304 {
305  TimeAssert( ( minwidth >= 1 ) && ( minwidth <= maxwidth ) && ( maxwidth <= 9 ),
306  "nanoformat options do not satisfy: 1 <= minwidth <= maxwidth <= 9" );
308  // Calculate the nanosecond fraction. This will be < 1000000000.
309  int value = (int)( m_nsecs % SEC_NSECS );
311  std::ostringstream buf;
312  buf.fill( '0' );
313  buf.width( 9 );
314  buf << value;
315  std::string out = buf.str();
316  // Find the last non-0 char before maxwidth, but after minwidth
317  // (Note: -1 and +1 are to account for difference between position and size.
318  // moreover, npos + 1 == 0, so it is correct to say that 'not found' means size of 0)
319  size_t len = out.find_last_not_of( '0', maxwidth - 1 ) + 1;
320  // Truncate the output string to at least minwidth chars
321  out.resize( std::max( len, minwidth ) );
322  return out;
323 }
328 {
329  // Use local time since DOS does too.
330  struct tm localtm = time.local();
332  unsigned mday = localtm.tm_mday;
333  unsigned mon = localtm.tm_mon + 1;
334  unsigned year = ( localtm.tm_year > 80 ? localtm.tm_year - 80 : 0 );
335  unsigned sec = localtm.tm_sec / 2;
336  unsigned min = localtm.tm_min;
337  unsigned hour = localtm.tm_hour;
338  return ( mday << 16 | mon << 21 | year << 25 | sec | min << 5 | hour << 11 );
339 }
342 Time Time::fromDosDate( unsigned dosDate )
343 {
344  // DOS times are generally local; treat it as UTC. This avoids
345  // any round-trip conversion and leaves only a presentation as an
346  // issue. Since not much can be known about the origin of the DOS
347  // times, it's generally best to present them as such (= in UTC).
348  struct tm localtm;
349  memset( &localtm, 0, sizeof( localtm ) );
350  localtm.tm_mday = ( dosDate >> 16 ) & 0x1f;
351  localtm.tm_mon = ( ( dosDate >> 21 ) & 0xf ) - 1;
352  localtm.tm_year = ( ( dosDate >> 25 ) & 0x7f ) + 80;
353  localtm.tm_hour = ( dosDate >> 11 ) & 0x1f;
354  localtm.tm_min = ( dosDate >> 5 ) & 0x3f;
355  localtm.tm_sec = ( dosDate & 0x1f ) * 2;
356  localtm.tm_isdst = -1;
358  return Time( mktime( &localtm ), 0 );
359 }
361 //=============================================================================
longlong ValueType
Definition: Time.h:242
int hour(bool local) const
Get the hour, numbered [0, 23].
Definition: Time.cpp:181
Initialize an empty (zero) time value.
const char * timezone(int *daylight=0) const
Return the local timezone name that applies at this time value.
Definition: Time.cpp:245
tm split(bool local, int *nsecpart=0) const
Break up the time to the standard representation, either in UTC (if local is false) or local time (if...
Definition: Time.cpp:146
static Time build(bool local, const tm &base, TimeSpan diff=0)
Construct a time from local time base and a delta diff.
Definition: Time.cpp:136
Define general base for Gaudi exception.
int day(bool local) const
Get the day of month, numbered [1,31].
Definition: Time.cpp:178
static unsigned toDosDate(Time time)
Convert the Time t into a MS-DOS date format.
Definition: Time.cpp:327
int month(bool local) const
Get the month, numbered [0,11].
Definition: Time.cpp:175
tm utc(int *nsecpart=0) const
Break up the time to the standard library representation, keeping it in UTC.
Definition: Time.cpp:164
static Time current()
Returns the current time.
Definition: Time.cpp:112
bool isdst(bool local) const
Check whether daylight savings is in effect.
Definition: Time.cpp:202
void TimeAssert(bool cond, const std::string &msg="time assertion failed") const
Definition: Time.h:337
int second(bool local) const
Get the seconds, numbered [0,61] (allowing one or two leap seconds, years with leap seconds can have ...
Definition: Time.cpp:189
T resize(T...args)
tm local(int *nsecpart=0) const
Break up the time to the standard library representation, converting it first to local time...
Definition: Time.cpp:169
static const ValueType SEC_NSECS
Nanoseconds in one second.
Definition: Time.h:267
STL class.
T replace(T...args)
Based on seal::Time.
Definition: Time.h:237
T width(T...args)
T mktime(T...args)
ValueType utcoffset(int *daylight=0) const
Return the number of nanoseconds that needs to be added to UTC to translate this time to the local ti...
Definition: Time.cpp:210
std::string nanoformat(size_t minwidth=1, size_t maxwidth=9) const
Format the nanosecond fractional part of the time as a string.
Definition: Time.cpp:303
T max(T...args)
static Time fromDosDate(unsigned dosDate)
Convert the MS-DOS date dosDate into a Time.
Definition: Time.cpp:342
T find_last_not_of(T...args)
T find(T...args)
T size(T...args)
ValueType m_nsecs
Definition: Time.h:335
T c_str(T...args)
int nsecond() const
Get the nanoseconds.
Definition: Time.cpp:194
int weekday(bool local) const
Get the day of week, numbered [0,6] and starting from Sunday.
Definition: Time.cpp:197
T fill(T...args)
int year(bool local) const
Get the year.
Definition: Time.cpp:172
Based on seal::TimeSpan.
Definition: Time.h:55
Helper functions to set/get the application return code.
std::string format(bool local, std::string spec="%c") const
Format the time using strftime.
Definition: Time.cpp:260
int minute(bool local) const
Get the minute, numbered [0, 59].
Definition: Time.cpp:184