The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <string>
5 //
6 // GaudiHandleBase implementation
7 //
9 void GaudiHandleBase::setTypeAndName( std::string myTypeAndName ) { m_typeAndName = std::move( myTypeAndName ); }
12 {
13  std::string::size_type slash = m_typeAndName.find( '/' );
14  if ( slash != std::string::npos ) {
15  // return only part before /
16  return m_typeAndName.substr( 0, slash );
17  } else {
18  // return full string
19  return m_typeAndName;
20  }
21 }
24 {
25  auto slash = m_typeAndName.find( '/' );
26  if ( slash == std::string::npos ) {
27  // only type is given, or string is empty.
28  // return default name (=type or empty, in this case full string)
29  return m_typeAndName;
30  } else if ( slash != m_typeAndName.length() - 1 ) {
31  // an explicit name is given, so return it
32  return m_typeAndName.substr( slash + 1 );
33  } else {
34  // ends with /, i.e. explicit empty name.
35  // Should probably never happen.
36  return "";
37  }
38 }
40 void GaudiHandleBase::setName( const std::string& myName ) { m_typeAndName = type() + '/' + myName; }
45 {
46  std::string propName = propertyName();
47  if ( propName.empty() ) {
48  propName = pythonPropertyClassName() + "('" + m_typeAndName + "')";
49  }
50  return parentName() + "." + propName;
51 }
55 //
56 // GaudiHandleArrayBase implementation
57 //
59 {
60  clear();
61  for ( const auto& it : myTypesAndNamesList ) {
62  if ( !push_back( it ) ) return false;
63  }
64  return true;
65 }
68  const ) const
69 {
71  for ( const auto& it : getBaseArray() ) theList.push_back( ( it->*pMemFunc )() );
72  return theList;
73 }
76 {
77  return getBaseInfos( &GaudiHandleBase::typeAndName );
78 }
87 {
88  std::string repr = pythonPropertyClassName() + "([";
89  auto theList = typesAndNames();
90  auto first = theList.begin();
91  auto last = theList.end();
92  if ( first != last ) {
93  repr += "'" + *first + "'";
94  ++first;
95  }
96  for ( ; first != last; ++first ) repr += ",'" + *first + "'";
97  repr += "])";
98  return repr;
99 }
101 //
102 // Public functions
103 //
105 {
107  const auto& propName = handle.propertyName();
108  if ( !propName.empty() ) msg += propName + " = ";
109  msg += handle.pythonRepr();
110  os << msg;
111  return os;
112 }
std::string messageName() const
name used for printing messages
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:44
T empty(T...args)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GaudiHandleInfo &handle)
void setTypeAndName(std::string myTypeAndName)
The component "type/name" string.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:9
std::string pythonPropertyClassName() const override
Name of the componentType with "Handle" appended.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:42
const std::string & parentName() const
The name of the parent.
Definition: GaudiHandle.h:47
const std::vector< std::string > names() const
Return a vector with "type/name" strings of all handles in the array.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:82
void push_back(Container &c, const Value &v, std::true_type)
const std::vector< std::string > getBaseInfos(std::string(GaudiHandleBase::*pMemFunc)() const ) const
Helper function to get a vector of strings filled with the return value of each tool of a member func...
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:67
STL class.
T push_back(T...args)
const std::vector< std::string > types() const
Return a vector with "type" strings of all handles in the array.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:80
const std::string & propertyName() const
name as used in declareProperty(name,gaudiHandle)
Definition: GaudiHandle.h:41
bool setTypesAndNames(const std::vector< std::string > &myTypesAndNamesList)
Set the array of handles from list of "type/name" strings in <myTypesAndNamesList>.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:58
std::string m_typeAndName
Definition: GaudiHandle.h:145
std::string pythonRepr() const override
Python representation of array of handles, i.e.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:86
T move(T...args)
T find(T...args)
T length(T...args)
std::string pythonRepr() const override
Python representation of handle, i.e.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:53
std::string type() const
The concrete component class name: the part before the &#39;/&#39;.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:11
T substr(T...args)
const std::vector< std::string > typesAndNames() const
Return a vector with "type/name" strings of all handles in the array.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:75
std::string name() const
The instance name: the part after the &#39;/&#39;.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:23
Base class to handles to be used in lieu of naked pointers to various Gaudi components.
Definition: GaudiHandle.h:83
std::string typeAndName() const
The full type and name: "type/name".
Definition: GaudiHandle.h:111
virtual std::string pythonRepr() const =0
Python representation of handle, i.e.
void setName(const std::string &myName)
Set the instance name (part after the &#39;/&#39;) without changing the class type.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:40
STL class.
std::string pythonPropertyClassName() const override
Name of the componentType with "HandleArray" appended.
Definition: GaudiHandle.cpp:84
const std::string & componentType() const
Definition: GaudiHandle.h:38