The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <cassert>
5 #include <sstream>
6 #include <stdexcept>
7 #include <type_traits>
9 // TODO: fwd declare instead?
11 #include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
16 // Boost
17 #include "boost/optional.hpp"
19 // Range V3
20 #include <range/v3/view/const.hpp>
21 #include <range/v3/view/zip.hpp>
23 namespace Gaudi
24 {
25  namespace Functional
26  {
27  namespace details
28  {
30  // CRJ : Stuff for zipping
31  namespace zip
32  {
35  template <typename OS, typename Arg>
36  void printSizes( OS& out, Arg&& arg )
37  {
38  out << "SizeOf'" << System::typeinfoName( typeid( Arg ) ) << "'=" << std::forward<Arg>( arg ).size();
39  }
42  template <typename OS, typename Arg, typename... Args>
43  void printSizes( OS& out, Arg&& arg, Args&&... args )
44  {
45  printSizes( out, arg );
46  out << ", ";
47  printSizes( out, args... );
48  }
51  template <typename A>
52  inline bool check_sizes( const A& ) noexcept
53  {
54  return true;
55  }
58  template <typename A, typename B>
59  inline bool check_sizes( const A& a, const B& b ) noexcept
60  {
61  return a.size() == b.size();
62  }
65  template <typename A, typename B, typename... C>
66  inline bool check_sizes( const A& a, const B& b, const C&... c ) noexcept
67  {
68  return ( check_sizes( a, b ) && check_sizes( b, c... ) );
69  }
72  template <typename... Args>
73  inline decltype( auto ) verifySizes( Args&... args )
74  {
75  if ( UNLIKELY( !check_sizes( args... ) ) ) {
76  std::ostringstream mess;
77  mess << "Zipped containers have different sizes : ";
78  printSizes( mess, args... );
79  throw GaudiException( mess.str(), "Gaudi::Functional::details::zip::verifySizes", StatusCode::FAILURE );
80  }
81  }
84  template <typename... Args>
85  inline decltype( auto ) range( Args&&... args )
86  {
87  // assert( check_sizes( args... ) );
88  verifySizes( args... );
89  return ranges::view::zip( std::forward<Args>( args )... );
90  }
93  template <typename... Args>
94  inline decltype( auto ) const_range( Args&&... args )
95  {
96  // assert( check_sizes( args... ) );
97  verifySizes( args... );
98  return ranges::view::const_( ranges::view::zip( std::forward<Args>( args )... ) );
99  }
100  }
102  // implementation of C++17 std::as_const, see
103  template <typename T>
104  constexpr typename std::add_const<T>::type& as_const( T& t ) noexcept
105  {
106  return t;
107  }
109  template <typename T>
110  void as_const( T&& t ) = delete;
114  template <typename Out1, typename Out2,
116  Out1* put( DataObjectHandle<Out1>& out_handle, Out2&& out )
117  {
118  return out_handle.put( new Out1( std::forward<Out2>( out ) ) );
119  }
121  template <typename Out1, typename Out2,
123  void put( AnyDataHandle<Out1>& out_handle, Out2&& out )
124  {
125  out_handle.put( std::forward<Out2>( out ) );
126  }
128  // optional put
129  template <typename OutHandle, typename Out>
130  void put( OutHandle& out_handle, boost::optional<Out>&& out )
131  {
132  if ( out ) put( out_handle, std::move( *out ) );
133  }
135  // adapt to differences between eg. std::vector (which has push_back) and KeyedContainer (which has insert)
136  // adapt to getting a T, and a container wanting T* by doing new T{ std::move(out) }
137  // adapt to getting a boost::optional<T>
139  constexpr struct insert_t {
140  // for Container<T*>, return T
141  template <typename Container>
144  template <typename Container, typename Value>
145  auto operator()( Container& c, Value&& v ) const -> decltype( c.push_back( v ) )
146  {
147  return c.push_back( std::forward<Value>( v ) );
148  }
150  template <typename Container, typename Value>
151  auto operator()( Container& c, Value&& v ) const -> decltype( c.insert( v ) )
152  {
153  return c.insert( std::forward<Value>( v ) );
154  }
156  // Container<T*> with T&& as argument
157  template <typename Container,
159  auto operator()( Container& c, c_remove_ptr_t<Container>&& v ) const
160  {
161  return operator()( c, new c_remove_ptr_t<Container>{std::move( v )} );
162  }
164  template <typename Container, typename Value>
165  void operator()( Container& c, boost::optional<Value>&& v ) const
166  {
167  if ( v ) operator()( c, std::move( *v ) );
168  }
169  } insert{};
173  constexpr struct deref_t {
174  template <typename In, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<In>::value>::type>
175  In& operator()( In& in ) const
176  {
177  return in;
178  }
180  template <typename In>
181  In& operator()( In* in ) const
182  {
183  assert( in != nullptr );
184  return *in;
185  }
186  } deref{};
190  namespace details2
191  {
192  template <typename T>
194  typedef T type;
195  };
196  template <typename T>
197  struct remove_optional<boost::optional<T>> {
198  typedef T type;
199  };
200  // template< typename T > struct remove_optional< std::optional<T> > {typedef T type;};
201  }
202  template <typename T>
204  template <typename T>
206  };
207  template <typename T>
208  struct is_optional<boost::optional<T>> : std::true_type {
209  };
210  // C++17: template <typename T> constexpr bool is_optional_v = is_optional<T>::value;
213  // if Container is a pointer, then we're optional items
214  namespace details2
215  {
216  template <typename Container, typename Value>
217  void push_back( Container& c, const Value& v, std::true_type )
218  {
219  c.push_back( v );
220  }
221  template <typename Container, typename Value>
222  void push_back( Container& c, const Value& v, std::false_type )
223  {
224  c.push_back( &v );
225  }
227  template <typename In>
229  template <template <typename> class Handle, typename I,
231  auto operator()( const Handle<I>& h ) -> const In&
232  {
233  return *h.get();
234  }
235  template <template <typename> class Handle, typename I,
237  auto operator()( const Handle<I>& h ) -> const In
238  {
239  return h.getIfExists();
240  } // In is-a pointer
241  };
243  template <typename T>
244  T* deref_if( T* const t, std::false_type )
245  {
246  return t;
247  }
248  template <typename T>
249  T& deref_if( T* const t, std::true_type )
250  {
251  return *t;
252  }
253  }
255  template <typename Container>
257  {
259  using val_t = std::add_const_t<std::remove_pointer_t<Container>>;
260  using ptr_t = std::add_pointer_t<val_t>;
261  using ref_t = std::add_lvalue_reference_t<val_t>;
265  public:
266  using value_type = std::conditional_t<is_optional, ptr_t, val_t>;
267  using size_type = typename ContainerVector::size_type;
268  class iterator
269  {
270  typename ContainerVector::const_iterator m_i;
271  friend class vector_of_const_;
272  iterator( typename ContainerVector::const_iterator iter ) : m_i( iter ) {}
273  using ret_t = std::conditional_t<is_optional, ptr_t, ref_t>;
275  public:
276  friend bool operator!=( const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs ) { return lhs.m_i != rhs.m_i; }
279  {
280  ++m_i;
281  return *this;
282  }
284  {
285  --m_i;
286  return *this;
287  }
288  bool is_null() const { return !*m_i; }
289  explicit operator bool() const { return !is_null(); }
290  };
291  vector_of_const_() = default;
292  void reserve( size_type size ) { m_containers.reserve( size ); }
293  template <typename T> // , typename = std::is_convertible<T,std::conditional_t<is_optional,ptr_t,val_t>>
294  void push_back( T&& container )
295  {
296  details2::push_back( m_containers, std::forward<T>( container ),
298  } // note: does not copy its argument, so we're not really a container...
299  iterator begin() const { return m_containers.begin(); }
300  iterator end() const { return m_containers.end(); }
301  size_type size() const { return m_containers.size(); }
302  const Container& operator[]( size_type i ) const { return *m_containers[i]; }
303  const Container& at( size_type i ) const
304  {
305  if ( i >= size() ) throw std::out_of_range{"vector_of_const_::at"};
306  return *m_containers[i];
307  }
308  bool is_null( size_type i ) const { return !m_containers[i]; }
309  };
313  // detect whether a traits class defines the requested type,
314  // if so, use it,
315  // otherwise use the default
316  //
317  // based on
318  // and the libstdc++ source, specificially libstdc++-v3/include/std/type_traits
320  namespace detail2
321  {
322 #ifdef HAVE_CPP17
323  template <typename...>
324  using void_t = void;
325 #else
326  template <typename...>
327  struct void_t_ {
328  using type = void;
329  };
330  template <typename... T>
331  using void_t = typename void_t_<T...>::type;
332 #endif
335  template <typename Default, typename AlwaysVoid, template <typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
336  struct detector {
337  using type = Default;
338  };
341  template <typename Default, template <typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
342  struct detector<Default, void_t<Op<Args...>>, Op, Args...> {
343  using type = Op<Args...>;
344  };
345  }
347  // Op<Args...> if that is a valid type, otherwise Default.
348  template <typename Default, template <typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
349  using detected_or_t = typename detail2::detector<Default, void, Op, Args...>::type;
351  // Op<Args...> if that is a valid type, otherwise Default<Args...>.
352  template <template <typename...> class Default, template <typename...> class Op, typename Tr, typename T>
356  namespace detail2
357  { // utilities for detected_or_t{,_} usage
359  template <typename Tr>
360  using BaseClass_ = typename Tr::BaseClass;
361  template <typename Tr, typename T>
364  template <typename Tr, typename T>
365  using OutputHandle_ = typename Tr::template OutputHandle<T>;
366  template <typename Tr, typename T>
367  using InputHandle_ = typename Tr::template InputHandle<T>;
368  }
370  // check whether Traits::BaseClass is a valid type,
371  // if so, define BaseClass_t<Traits> as being Traits::BaseClass
372  // else define as being GaudiAlgorithm
373  template <typename Tr>
376  // check whether Traits::{Input,Output}Handle<T> is a valid type,
377  // if so, define {Input,Output}Handle_t<Traits,T> as being Traits::{Input,Output}Handle<T>
378  // else define as being DataObjectHandle<T> if T derives from DataObject, else
379  // AnyDataHandle<T>
380  template <typename Tr, typename T>
382  template <typename Tr, typename T>
387  namespace details2
388  {
389  template <std::size_t N, typename Tuple>
392  template <typename Tuple, typename KeyValues, std::size_t... I>
394  std::index_sequence<I...> )
395  {
396  return std::make_tuple( element_t<I, Tuple>{std::get<I>( initvalue ).second, m, o}... );
397  }
398  template <typename KeyValues, typename Properties, std::size_t... I>
399  void declare_tuple_of_properties_helper( Algorithm& owner, const KeyValues& inputs, Properties& props,
400  std::index_sequence<I...> )
401  {
403  ( owner.declareProperty( std::get<I>( inputs ).first, std::get<I>( props ) ), 0 )...};
404  }
405  }
407  template <typename Tuple, typename KeyValues>
409  {
410  return details2::make_tuple_of_handles_helper<Tuple>(
411  owner, initvalue, mode, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>{} );
412  }
414  template <typename KeyValues, typename Properties>
416  {
417  constexpr auto N = std::tuple_size<KeyValues>::value;
418  static_assert( N == std::tuple_size<Properties>::value, "Inconsistent lengths" );
419  details2::declare_tuple_of_properties_helper( owner, inputs, props, std::make_index_sequence<N>{} );
420  }
422  template <typename Handles>
425  {
426  Handles handles;
427  handles.reserve( init.size() );
428  std::transform( init.begin(), init.end(), std::back_inserter( handles ),
429  [&]( const std::string& loc ) -> typename Handles::value_type {
430  return {loc, mode, owner};
431  } );
432  return handles;
433  }
437  template <typename OutputSpec, typename InputSpec, typename Traits_>
440  template <typename... Out, typename... In, typename Traits_>
441  class DataHandleMixin<std::tuple<Out...>, std::tuple<In...>, Traits_> : public BaseClass_t<Traits_>
442  {
443  static_assert( std::is_base_of<Algorithm, BaseClass_t<Traits_>>::value,
444  "BaseClass must inherit from Algorithm" );
446  public:
448  constexpr static std::size_t N_in = sizeof...( In );
449  constexpr static std::size_t N_out = sizeof...( Out );
451  // generic constructor: N -> M
453  const std::array<KeyValue, N_out>& outputs )
454  : BaseClass_t<Traits_>( name, pSvcLocator )
455  , m_inputs( make_tuple_of_handles<decltype( m_inputs )>( this, inputs, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader ) )
456  , m_outputs( make_tuple_of_handles<decltype( m_outputs )>( this, outputs, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer ) )
457  {
458  declare_tuple_of_properties( *this, inputs, m_inputs );
459  declare_tuple_of_properties( *this, outputs, m_outputs );
460  // make sure this algorithm is seen as reentrant by Gaudi
461  BaseClass_t<Traits_>::setProperty( "Cardinality", 0 );
462  }
464  // special cases: forward to the generic case...
465  // 1 -> 1
466  DataHandleMixin( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* locator, const KeyValue& input, const KeyValue& output )
467  : DataHandleMixin( name, locator, std::array<KeyValue, 1>{input}, std::array<KeyValue, 1>{output} )
468  {
469  }
470  // 1 -> N
471  DataHandleMixin( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* locator, const KeyValue& input,
472  const std::array<KeyValue, N_out>& outputs )
473  : DataHandleMixin( name, locator, std::array<KeyValue, 1>{input}, outputs )
474  {
475  }
476  // N -> 1
478  const KeyValue& output )
479  : DataHandleMixin( name, locator, inputs, std::array<KeyValue, 1>{output} )
480  {
481  }
483  template <std::size_t N = 0>
484  const std::string& inputLocation() const
485  {
486  return std::get<N>( m_inputs ).objKey();
487  }
488  unsigned int inputLocationSize() const { return std::tuple_size<decltype( m_inputs )>::value; }
490  template <std::size_t N = 0>
492  {
493  return std::get<N>( m_outputs ).objKey();
494  }
495  unsigned int outputLocationSize() const { return std::tuple_size<decltype( m_outputs )>::value; }
497  protected:
500  };
502  template <typename... In, typename Traits_>
503  class DataHandleMixin<void, std::tuple<In...>, Traits_> : public BaseClass_t<Traits_>
504  {
505  static_assert( std::is_base_of<Algorithm, BaseClass_t<Traits_>>::value,
506  "BaseClass must inherit from Algorithm" );
508  public:
510  constexpr static std::size_t N_in = sizeof...( In );
512  // generic constructor: N -> 0
514  : BaseClass_t<Traits_>( name, pSvcLocator )
515  , m_inputs( make_tuple_of_handles<decltype( m_inputs )>( this, inputs, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader ) )
516  {
517  declare_tuple_of_properties( *this, inputs, m_inputs );
518  // make sure this algorithm is seen as reentrant by Gaudi
519  BaseClass_t<Traits_>::setProperty( "Cardinality", 0 );
520  }
522  // special cases: forward to the generic case...
523  // 1 -> 0
524  DataHandleMixin( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* locator, const KeyValue& input )
525  : DataHandleMixin( name, locator, std::array<KeyValue, 1>{input} )
526  {
527  }
529  template <std::size_t N = 0>
530  const std::string& inputLocation() const
531  {
532  return std::get<N>( m_inputs ).objKey();
533  }
534  unsigned int inputLocationSize() const { return std::tuple_size<decltype( m_inputs )>::value; }
536  protected:
538  };
540  template <typename... Out, typename Traits_>
541  class DataHandleMixin<std::tuple<Out...>, void, Traits_> : public BaseClass_t<Traits_>
542  {
543  static_assert( std::is_base_of<Algorithm, BaseClass_t<Traits_>>::value,
544  "BaseClass must inherit from Algorithm" );
546  public:
548  constexpr static std::size_t N_out = sizeof...( Out );
550  // generic constructor: 0 -> N
552  : BaseClass_t<Traits_>( name, pSvcLocator )
553  , m_outputs( make_tuple_of_handles<decltype( m_outputs )>( this, outputs, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer ) )
554  {
555  declare_tuple_of_properties( *this, outputs, m_outputs );
556  // make sure this algorithm is seen as reentrant by Gaudi
557  BaseClass_t<Traits_>::setProperty( "Cardinality", 0 );
558  }
560  // 0 -> 1
562  : DataHandleMixin( name, locator, std::array<KeyValue, 1>{output} )
563  {
564  }
566  template <std::size_t N = 0>
568  {
569  return std::get<N>( m_outputs ).objKey();
570  }
571  unsigned int outputLocationSize() const { return std::tuple_size<decltype( m_outputs )>::value; }
573  protected:
575  };
578  template <typename Fun, typename Container, typename... Args>
579  constexpr void applyPostProcessing( const Fun&, Container&, Args... )
580  {
581  static_assert( sizeof...( Args ) == 0, "Args should not be used!" );
582  }
584  template <typename Fun, typename Container>
585  auto applyPostProcessing( const Fun& fun, Container& c ) -> decltype( fun.postprocess( c ), void() )
586  {
587  fun.postprocess( c );
588  }
591  }
592  }
593 }
595 #endif
DataHandleMixin(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator, const std::array< KeyValue, N_out > &outputs)
DataHandleMixin(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator, const std::array< KeyValue, N_in > &inputs)
auto operator()(Container &c, Value &&v) const -> decltype(c.insert(v))
StatusCode setProperty(IProperty *component, const std::string &name, const TYPE &value, const std::string &doc)
simple function to set the property of the given object from the value
Definition: Property.h:1173
Tuple make_tuple_of_handles_helper(IDataHandleHolder *o, const KeyValues &initvalue, Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode m, std::index_sequence< I... >)
#define UNLIKELY(x)
Definition: Kernel.h:128
constexpr std::add_const< T >::type & as_const(T &t) noexcept
detected_or_t_< detail2::defaultHandle_, detail2::OutputHandle_, Tr, T > OutputHandle_t
Define general base for Gaudi exception.
DataHandleMixin(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *locator, const std::array< KeyValue, N_in > &inputs, const KeyValue &output)
The ISvcLocator is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to loc...
Definition: ISvcLocator.h:25
Handles make_vector_of_handles(IDataHandleHolder *owner, const std::vector< std::string > &init, Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode mode)
The namespace threadpool contains a thread pool and related utility classes.
Definition: iter_pos.hpp:13
friend bool operator!=(const iterator &lhs, const iterator &rhs)
void declare_tuple_of_properties(Algorithm &owner, const KeyValues &inputs, Properties &props)
detected_or_t< GaudiAlgorithm, detail2::BaseClass_, Tr > BaseClass_t
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
void declare_tuple_of_properties_helper(Algorithm &owner, const KeyValues &inputs, Properties &props, std::index_sequence< I... >)
auto operator()(Container &c, c_remove_ptr_t< Container > &&v) const
void printSizes(OS &out, Arg &&arg)
Print the parameter.
constexpr struct Gaudi::Functional::details::insert_t insert
DataHandleMixin(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator, const std::array< KeyValue, N_in > &inputs, const std::array< KeyValue, N_out > &outputs)
typename Tr::template InputHandle< T > InputHandle_
Header file for class GaudiAlgorithm.
DataHandleMixin(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *locator, const KeyValue &input, const KeyValue &output)
std::add_const_t< std::remove_pointer_t< Container >> val_t
typename std::remove_pointer< typename Container::value_type >::type c_remove_ptr_t
STL namespace.
class MergingTransformer< Out(const vector_of_const_< In > void
T make_tuple(T...args)
auto operator()(Container &c, Value &&v) const -> decltype(c.push_back(v))
T end(T...args)
void push_back(Container &c, const Value &v, std::true_type)
std::vector< Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * > Properties
Definition: PropertyMgr.h:134
iterator(typename ContainerVector::const_iterator iter)
std::add_lvalue_reference_t< val_t > ref_t
T * deref_if(T *const t, std::false_type)
typename void_t_< T... >::type void_t
const Container & operator[](size_type i) const
constexpr struct Gaudi::Functional::details::deref_t deref
const T * put(T &&object)
Register object in transient store.
Definition: AnyDataHandle.h:41
constexpr double second
STL class.
std::conditional_t< is_optional, ptr_t, val_t > value_type
DataObjectHandle.h GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandle.h.
Definition: AlgTool.h:27
Implementation of the detection idiom (negative case).
int N
constexpr void applyPostProcessing(const Fun &, Container &, Args...)
DataHandleMixin(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *locator, const KeyValue &input, const std::array< KeyValue, N_out > &outputs)
constexpr double m
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:94
auto operator()(const Handle< I > &h) -> const In &
T * put(T *object)
Register object in transient store.
typename details2::remove_optional< T >::type remove_optional_t
auto operator()(const Handle< I > &h) -> const In
DataHandleMixin(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *locator, const KeyValue &output)
decltype(auto) range(Args &&...args)
Zips multiple containers together to form a single range.
Tuple make_tuple_of_handles(IDataHandleHolder *owner, const KeyValues &initvalue, Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode mode)
T move(T...args)
typename std::conditional< std::is_base_of< DataObject, T >::value, DataObjectHandle< T >, AnyDataHandle< T >>::type defaultHandle_
decltype(auto) verifySizes(Args &...args)
Verify the data container sizes have the same sizes.
Base class from which all concrete algorithm classes should be derived.
Definition: Algorithm.h:78
T size(T...args)
std::vector< InputHandle_t< In > > m_inputs
struct GAUDI_API array
Parametrisation class for redirection array - like implementation.
std::conditional_t< is_optional, ptr_t, ref_t > ret_t
virtual Out operator()(const vector_of_const_< In > &inputs) const =0
detected_or_t< Default< Tr, T >, Op, Tr, T > detected_or_t_
void operator()(Container &c, boost::optional< Value > &&v) const
T begin(T...args)
bool check_sizes(const A &) noexcept
Resolve case there is only one container in the range.
T back_inserter(T...args)
const Container & at(size_type i) const
typename std::tuple_element< N, Tuple >::type element_t
std::tuple< details::OutputHandle_t< Traits_, Out >... > m_outputs
double fun(const std::vector< double > &x)
Definition: PFuncTest.cpp:26
STL class.
DataHandleMixin(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *locator, const KeyValue &input)
typename Tr::template OutputHandle< T > OutputHandle_
struct[[deprecated("use MergingTransformer instead")]] Traits_
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty(const std::string &name, ToolHandle< T > &hndl, const std::string &doc="none")
Definition: Algorithm.h:370
T transform(T...args)
detected_or_t_< detail2::defaultHandle_, detail2::InputHandle_, Tr, T > InputHandle_t
decltype(auto) const_range(Args &&...args)
Zips multiple containers together to form a single const range.
T & deref_if(T *const t, std::true_type)
Helper functions to set/get the application return code.
def Reader(readerType, filename, qacross, qToEngine)
Out1 * put(DataObjectHandle< Out1 > &out_handle, Out2 &&out)
void push_back(Container &c, const Value &v, std::false_type)
typename detail2::detector< Default, void, Op, Args... >::type detected_or_t
std::pair< std::string, std::vector< std::string >> KeyValues
T reserve(T...args)
typename ContainerVector::size_type size_type