The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
DataFlowManager Class Reference

The DataFlowManager takes care of keeping track of the dependencies of the algorithms in terms of dataObjects. More...

#include <GaudiHive/src/DataFlowManager.h>

Collaboration diagram for DataFlowManager:

Public Types

typedef boost::dynamic_bitset dependency_bitset
 Type holding the dependencies for one single algorithm. More...
typedef std::vector< DataObjIDCollalgosDependenciesCollection

Public Member Functions

 DataFlowManager (const std::list< IAlgorithm * > &)
 Constructor. More...
 DataFlowManager (algosDependenciesCollection algoDependencies)
 Constructor (transitional, will be deprecated once handles are in place) More...
bool canAlgorithmRun (unsigned int iAlgo)
 Needed data products are available. More...
void updateDataObjectsCatalog (const DataObjIDColl &newProducts)
 Update the catalog of available products in the slot. More...
void reset ()
 Reset to default values. More...
DataObjIDColl content () const
 Get the content of the catalog. More...
DataObjIDColl dataDependencies (unsigned int iAlgo) const
 Get the dependencies of a single algo;. More...

Private Types

typedef DataObjID productName_t
 Track the products, assigning an index to them. Static since the same for all events. More...

Private Member Functions

long int productName2index (const productName_t &productName)
 Simple helper method to convert the product name into an index. More...
DataObjIDindex2productName (const unsigned int i)
 Simple helper method to convert an index to a product name. More...

Private Attributes

DataObjIDColl m_fc
dependency_bitset m_dataObjectsCatalog
 Catalog of the products in the whiteboard. More...

Static Private Attributes

static std::vector< dependency_bitsetm_algosRequirements
 Requirements of algos. Static since the same for all events. More...
static std::vector< DataObjIDm_productName_vec
 Track the products, assigning an index to them. Static since the same for all events. More...
static std::unordered_map< productName_t, long int, DataObjID_Hasherm_productName_index_map

Detailed Description

The DataFlowManager takes care of keeping track of the dependencies of the algorithms in terms of dataObjects.

One instance of the DataFlowManager is responsible for one event.

Danilo Piparo, Benedikt Hegner

Definition at line 28 of file DataFlowManager.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::dynamic_bitset DataFlowManager::dependency_bitset

Type holding the dependencies for one single algorithm.

Definition at line 33 of file DataFlowManager.h.

Track the products, assigning an index to them. Static since the same for all events.

Definition at line 67 of file DataFlowManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DataFlowManager::DataFlowManager ( const std::list< IAlgorithm * > &  )


Definition at line 37 of file DataFlowManager.h.

37 : m_dataObjectsCatalog( 0 ){};
dependency_bitset m_dataObjectsCatalog
Catalog of the products in the whiteboard.
DataFlowManager::DataFlowManager ( algosDependenciesCollection  algoDependencies)

Constructor (transitional, will be deprecated once handles are in place)

If this is the first instance, the constructor fills the requirements of all algorithms and indexes the data products.

Definition at line 13 of file DataFlowManager.cpp.

14 {
16  // Count how many products are actually requested
17  unsigned int nProducts( 0 );
18  for ( auto& thisAlgoDependencies : algosDependencies ) {
19  nProducts += thisAlgoDependencies.size();
20  }
21  m_dataObjectsCatalog.resize( nProducts );
23  // If it's not the first instance, nothing to do here
24  if ( m_algosRequirements.size() == 0 ) {
25  // This is the first instance, compile the requirements
26  m_algosRequirements.resize( algosDependencies.size(), dependency_bitset( nProducts ) );
28  // Fill the requirements
29  unsigned int algoIndex = 0;
30  long int productIndex = 0;
31  for ( auto& thisAlgoDependencies : algosDependencies ) {
32  // Make a local alias for better readability
33  auto& dependency_bits = m_algosRequirements[algoIndex];
34  for ( auto& product : thisAlgoDependencies ) {
35  auto ret_val = m_productName_index_map.insert( std::pair<DataObjID, long int>( product, productIndex ) );
36  // insert successful means product wasn't known before. So increment counter
37  if ( ret_val.second == true ) ++productIndex;
38  // in any case the return value holds the proper product index
39  dependency_bits[ret_val.first->second] = true;
40  } // end loop on products on which the algo depends
41  algoIndex++;
42  } // end loop on algorithms
44  // Now the vector of products
46  for ( auto& name_idx : m_productName_index_map ) m_productName_vec[name_idx.second] = name_idx.first;
47  }
48 }
boost::dynamic_bitset dependency_bitset
Type holding the dependencies for one single algorithm.
static std::vector< DataObjID > m_productName_vec
Track the products, assigning an index to them. Static since the same for all events.
static std::unordered_map< productName_t, long int, DataObjID_Hasher > m_productName_index_map
static std::vector< dependency_bitset > m_algosRequirements
Requirements of algos. Static since the same for all events.
T resize(T...args)
T size(T...args)
dependency_bitset m_dataObjectsCatalog
Catalog of the products in the whiteboard.

Member Function Documentation

bool DataFlowManager::canAlgorithmRun ( unsigned int  iAlgo)

Needed data products are available.

This method is called to know if the algorithm can run according to what data objects are in the event.

Definition at line 56 of file DataFlowManager.cpp.

57 {
58  const dependency_bitset& thisAlgoRequirements = m_algosRequirements[iAlgo];
59  return thisAlgoRequirements.is_subset_of( m_dataObjectsCatalog );
60 }
boost::dynamic_bitset dependency_bitset
Type holding the dependencies for one single algorithm.
static std::vector< dependency_bitset > m_algosRequirements
Requirements of algos. Static since the same for all events.
dependency_bitset m_dataObjectsCatalog
Catalog of the products in the whiteboard.
DataObjIDColl DataFlowManager::content ( ) const

Get the content of the catalog.

Get the content (inefficient, only for debug in case of crashes)

Definition at line 86 of file DataFlowManager.cpp.

87 {
88  DataObjIDColl products;
89  for ( const auto& p : m_fc ) {
90  products.insert( p );
91  }
92  return products;
93 }
DataObjIDColl m_fc
T insert(T...args)
DataObjIDColl DataFlowManager::dataDependencies ( unsigned int  iAlgo) const

Get the dependencies of a single algo;.

Get the data dependencies (inefficient, only for debug in case of crashes)

Definition at line 97 of file DataFlowManager.cpp.

98 {
99  // with move semantics this is ~fine
100  DataObjIDColl deps;
101  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_productName_vec.size(); ++i ) {
102  if ( m_algosRequirements[iAlgo][i] ) deps.insert( m_productName_vec[i] );
103  }
104  return deps;
105 }
static std::vector< DataObjID > m_productName_vec
Track the products, assigning an index to them. Static since the same for all events.
static std::vector< dependency_bitset > m_algosRequirements
Requirements of algos. Static since the same for all events.
T insert(T...args)
T size(T...args)
DataObjID& DataFlowManager::index2productName ( const unsigned int  i)

Simple helper method to convert an index to a product name.

Definition at line 76 of file DataFlowManager.h.

76 { return m_productName_vec[i]; };
static std::vector< DataObjID > m_productName_vec
Track the products, assigning an index to them. Static since the same for all events.
long int DataFlowManager::productName2index ( const productName_t productName)

Simple helper method to convert the product name into an index.

Definition at line 71 of file DataFlowManager.h.

72  {
73  return m_productName_index_map.count( productName ) > 0 ? m_productName_index_map[productName] : -1;
74  };
static std::unordered_map< productName_t, long int, DataObjID_Hasher > m_productName_index_map
void DataFlowManager::reset ( )

Reset to default values.

Reset the slot for a new event.

Definition at line 77 of file DataFlowManager.cpp.

78 {
79  m_dataObjectsCatalog.reset();
80  m_fc.clear();
81 }
DataObjIDColl m_fc
T clear(T...args)
dependency_bitset m_dataObjectsCatalog
Catalog of the products in the whiteboard.
void DataFlowManager::updateDataObjectsCatalog ( const DataObjIDColl newProducts)

Update the catalog of available products in the slot.

Definition at line 65 of file DataFlowManager.cpp.

66 {
67  for ( const auto& new_product : newProducts ) {
68  m_fc.insert( new_product );
69  const int index = productName2index( new_product );
70  if ( index >= 0 ) m_dataObjectsCatalog[index] = true;
71  }
72 }
DataObjIDColl m_fc
long int productName2index(const productName_t &productName)
Simple helper method to convert the product name into an index.
T insert(T...args)
dependency_bitset m_dataObjectsCatalog
Catalog of the products in the whiteboard.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector< DataFlowManager::dependency_bitset > DataFlowManager::m_algosRequirements

Requirements of algos. Static since the same for all events.

Definition at line 63 of file DataFlowManager.h.

dependency_bitset DataFlowManager::m_dataObjectsCatalog

Catalog of the products in the whiteboard.

Definition at line 61 of file DataFlowManager.h.

DataObjIDColl DataFlowManager::m_fc

Definition at line 58 of file DataFlowManager.h.

std::unordered_map< DataObjID, long int, DataObjID_Hasher > DataFlowManager::m_productName_index_map

Definition at line 69 of file DataFlowManager.h.

std::vector< DataObjID > DataFlowManager::m_productName_vec

Track the products, assigning an index to them. Static since the same for all events.

Definition at line 65 of file DataFlowManager.h.

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