The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Include files
2 #include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
9 #include "GaudiKernel/Auditor.h"
12 #include "GaudiKernel/Guards.h"
13 #include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
15 #include "GaudiKernel/System.h"
17 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
19 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 namespace
21 {
22  template <typename FUN>
23  StatusCode attempt( AlgTool& tool, const char* label, FUN&& fun )
24  {
25  try {
26  return fun();
27  } catch ( const GaudiException& Exception ) {
28  MsgStream log( tool.msgSvc(), + "." + label );
29  log << MSG::FATAL << " Exception with tag=" << Exception.tag() << " is caught" << endmsg;
30  log << MSG::ERROR << Exception << endmsg;
31  } catch ( const std::exception& Exception ) {
32  MsgStream log( tool.msgSvc(), + "." + label );
33  log << MSG::FATAL << " Standard std::exception is caught" << endmsg;
34  log << MSG::ERROR << Exception.what() << endmsg;
35  } catch ( ... ) {
36  MsgStream log( tool.msgSvc(), + "." + label );
37  log << MSG::FATAL << "UNKNOWN Exception is caught" << endmsg;
38  }
39  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
40  }
41 }
43 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 StatusCode AlgTool::queryInterface( const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvi )
45 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 {
47  if ( !ppvi ) {
48  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
49  } // RETURN
50  StatusCode sc = base_class::queryInterface( riid, ppvi );
51  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;
53  [&]( const std::pair<InterfaceID, void*>& item ) { return item.first.versionMatch( riid ); } );
54  if ( i == std::end( m_interfaceList ) ) {
55  *ppvi = nullptr;
56  return NO_INTERFACE; // RETURN
57  }
58  *ppvi = i->second;
59  addRef();
60  return SUCCESS; // RETURN
61 }
62 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 const std::string& AlgTool::name() const
64 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 {
66  return m_name;
67 }
69 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 const std::string& AlgTool::type() const
71 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 {
73  return m_type;
74 }
76 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 {
80  return m_parent;
81 }
83 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 {
87  return m_svcLocator;
88 }
90 // ============================================================================
91 // accessor to event service service
92 // ============================================================================
94 {
95  if ( !m_evtSvc ) {
96  m_evtSvc = service( "EventDataSvc", true );
97  if ( !m_evtSvc ) {
98  throw GaudiException( "Service [EventDataSvc] not found", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE );
99  }
100  }
101  return m_evtSvc.get();
102 }
103 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 {
107  if ( !m_ptoolSvc ) {
108  m_ptoolSvc = service( "ToolSvc", true );
109  if ( !m_ptoolSvc ) {
110  throw GaudiException( "Service [ToolSvc] not found", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE );
111  }
112  }
113  return m_ptoolSvc.get();
114 }
116 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 {
120  if ( !m_svcLocator ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
121  auto jos = m_svcLocator->service<IJobOptionsSvc>( "JobOptionsSvc" );
122  if ( !jos ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
124  // set first generic Properties
125  StatusCode sc = jos->setMyProperties( getGaudiThreadGenericName( name() ), this );
126  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
128  // set specific Properties
129  if ( isGaudiThreaded( name() ) ) {
130  if ( jos->setMyProperties( name(), this ).isFailure() ) {
131  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
132  }
133  }
135  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
136 }
138 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
140  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141  : m_type( type ),
142  m_name( name ),
143  m_parent( parent )
144 {
145  addRef(); // Initial count set to 1
147  IInterface* _p = const_cast<IInterface*>( parent );
149  // inherit output level from parent
150  { // get the "OutputLevel" property from parent
151  SmartIF<IProperty> pprop( _p );
152  if ( pprop && pprop->hasProperty( "OutputLevel" ) ) {
153  m_outputLevel.assign( pprop->getProperty( "OutputLevel" ) );
154  }
155  }
156  m_outputLevel.declareUpdateHandler(
159  if ( Algorithm* _alg = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*>( _p ) ) {
160  m_svcLocator = _alg->serviceLocator();
161  m_threadID = getGaudiThreadIDfromName( _alg->name() );
162  } else if ( Service* _svc = dynamic_cast<Service*>( _p ) ) {
163  m_svcLocator = _svc->serviceLocator();
164  m_threadID = getGaudiThreadIDfromName( _svc->name() );
165  } else if ( AlgTool* _too = dynamic_cast<AlgTool*>( _p ) ) {
166  m_svcLocator = _too->serviceLocator();
167  m_threadID = getGaudiThreadIDfromName( _too->m_threadID );
168  } else if ( Auditor* _aud = dynamic_cast<Auditor*>( _p ) ) {
169  m_svcLocator = _aud->serviceLocator();
170  m_threadID = getGaudiThreadIDfromName( _aud->name() );
171  } else {
172  throw GaudiException( "Failure to create tool '" + type + "/" + name + "': illegal parent type '" +
173  System::typeinfoName( typeid( *_p ) ) + "'",
174  "AlgTool", 0 );
175  }
177  {
178  // Auditor monitoring properties
179  // Initialize the default value from ApplicationMgr AuditAlgorithms
180  Gaudi::Property<bool> audit( false );
181  // note that here we need that the service locator is already defined
182  auto appMgr = serviceLocator()->service<IProperty>( "ApplicationMgr" );
183  if ( appMgr && appMgr->hasProperty( "AuditTools" ) ) {
184  audit.assign( appMgr->getProperty( "AuditTools" ) );
185  }
186  m_auditInit = audit;
187  m_auditorInitialize = audit;
188  m_auditorStart = audit;
189  m_auditorStop = audit;
190  m_auditorFinalize = audit;
191  m_auditorReinitialize = audit;
192  m_auditorRestart = audit;
193  }
195  // check thread ID and try if tool name indicates thread ID
196  if ( m_threadID.empty() ) {
198  }
199 }
201 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 {
204  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
205  return attempt( *this, "sysInitialize", [&]() {
207  Gaudi::Guards::AuditorGuard guard( this,
208  // check if we want to audit the initialize
210  StatusCode sc = initialize();
211  if ( !sc ) return sc;
216  // check for explicit circular data dependencies in declared handles
217  DataObjIDColl out;
218  for ( auto& h : outputHandles() ) {
219  if ( !h->objKey().empty() ) out.emplace( h->fullKey() );
220  }
221  for ( auto& h : inputHandles() ) {
222  if ( !h->objKey().empty() && out.find( h->fullKey() ) != out.end() ) {
223  error() << "Explicit circular data dependency found for id " << h->fullKey() << endmsg;
224  sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
225  }
226  }
228  if ( !sc ) return sc;
230  // visit all sub-tools, build full set
232  acceptDHVisitor( &avis );
234  // initialize handles
235  initDataHandleHolder(); // this should 'freeze' the handle configuration.
237  return sc;
238  } );
239 }
240 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 {
244  // For the time being there is nothing to be done here.
245  // Setting the properties is done by the ToolSvc calling setProperties()
246  // explicitly.
247  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
248 }
250 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 {
253  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
254  return attempt( *this, "sysStart", [&]() {
256  Gaudi::Guards::AuditorGuard guard( this,
257  // check if we want to audit the initialize
258  m_auditorStart ? auditorSvc() : nullptr, IAuditor::Start );
259  StatusCode sc = start();
260  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) m_state = m_targetState;
261  return sc;
262  } );
263 }
265 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
267 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 {
269  // For the time being there is nothing to be done here.
270  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
271 }
273 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 {
276  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
277  return attempt( *this, "sysStop", [&]() {
279  Gaudi::Guards::AuditorGuard guard( this,
280  // check if we want to audit the initialize
281  m_auditorStop ? auditorSvc() : nullptr, IAuditor::Stop );
282  StatusCode sc = stop();
283  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) m_state = m_targetState;
284  return sc;
285  } );
286 }
288 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 {
292  // For the time being there is nothing to be done here.
293  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
294 }
296 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 {
299  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
300  return attempt( *this, "sysFinalize", [&]() {
302  Gaudi::Guards::AuditorGuard guard( this,
303  // check if we want to audit the initialize
305  StatusCode sc = finalize();
306  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) m_state = m_targetState;
307  return sc;
308  } );
309 }
310 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
313 {
314  // For the time being there is nothing to be done here.
315  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
316 }
318 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
320 {
321  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
323  // Check that the current status is the correct one.
325  error() << "sysReinitialize(): cannot reinitialize tool not initialized" << endmsg;
326  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
327  }
329  return attempt( *this, "SysReinitialize()", [&]() {
330  Gaudi::Guards::AuditorGuard guard( this,
331  // check if we want to audit the initialize
333  return reinitialize();
334  } );
335 }
337 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
339 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 {
341  /* @TODO
342  * MCl 2008-10-23: the implementation of reinitialize as finalize+initialize
343  * is causing too many problems
344  *
345  // Default implementation is finalize+initialize
346  StatusCode sc = finalize();
347  if (sc.isFailure()) {
348  error() << "reinitialize(): cannot be finalized" << endmsg;
349  return sc;
350  }
351  sc = initialize();
352  if (sc.isFailure()) {
353  error() << "reinitialize(): cannot be initialized" << endmsg;
354  return sc;
355  }
356  */
357  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
358 }
360 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
362 {
363  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
365  // Check that the current status is the correct one.
367  error() << "sysRestart(): cannot reinitialize tool not started" << endmsg;
368  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
369  }
371  return attempt( *this, "sysRestart", [&]() {
373  Gaudi::Guards::AuditorGuard guard( this,
374  // check if we want to audit the initialize
376  return restart();
377  } );
378 }
380 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
382 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
383 {
384  // Default implementation is stop+start
385  StatusCode sc = stop();
386  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
387  error() << "restart(): cannot be stopped" << endmsg;
388  return sc;
389  }
390  sc = start();
391  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
392  error() << "restart(): cannot be started" << endmsg;
393  return sc;
394  }
395  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
396 }
398 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 {
402  if ( m_pMonitorSvc ) {
403  m_pMonitorSvc->undeclareAll( this );
404  }
405 }
408 {
410  IAlgTool* tool( 0 );
411  for ( auto thArr : m_toolHandleArrays ) {
412  if ( !thArr->retrieved() ) {
413  if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) )
414  debug() << "ToolHandleArray " << thArr->propertyName() << " not used: not registering any of its Tools"
415  << endmsg;
416  } else {
417  if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) )
418  debug() << "Registering all Tools in ToolHandleArray " << thArr->propertyName() << endmsg;
419  // Iterate over its tools:
420  for ( auto toolHandle : thArr->getBaseArray() ) {
421  // Try to cast it into a BaseToolHandle pointer:
422  BaseToolHandle* bth = dynamic_cast<BaseToolHandle*>( toolHandle );
423  if ( bth ) {
424  // If the cast was successful, the code is pretty simple:
425  tool = bth->get();
426  if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) ) {
427  debug() << "Adding " << ( bth->isPublic() ? "public" : "private" ) << " ToolHandle tool " << tool->name()
428  << " (" << tool->type() << ") from ToolHandleArray " << thArr->propertyName() << endmsg;
429  }
430  m_tools.push_back( tool );
431  } else {
432  // If it wasn't for some strange reason, then fall back on the
433  // logic implemented previously:
434  if ( toolSvc()->retrieveTool( toolHandle->typeAndName(), tool, this, false ).isSuccess() ) {
435  if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) ) {
436  debug() << "Adding private"
437  << " ToolHandle tool " << tool->name() << " (" << tool->type() << ") from ToolHandleArray "
438  << thArr->propertyName() << endmsg;
439  }
440  m_tools.push_back( tool );
441  } else if ( toolSvc()->retrieveTool( toolHandle->typeAndName(), tool, 0, false ).isSuccess() ) {
442  if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) ) {
443  debug() << "Adding public"
444  << " ToolHandle tool " << tool->name() << " (" << tool->type() << ") from ToolHandleArray "
445  << thArr->propertyName() << endmsg;
446  }
447  m_tools.push_back( tool );
448  } else {
449  warning() << "Error retrieving Tool " << toolHandle->typeAndName() << " in ToolHandleArray "
450  << thArr->propertyName() << ". Not registered" << endmsg;
451  }
452  }
453  }
454  }
455  }
457  for ( auto th : m_toolHandles ) {
458  tool = th->get();
459  if ( tool ) {
460  m_tools.push_back( tool );
461  if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) )
462  debug() << "Adding " << ( th->isPublic() ? "Public" : "Private" ) << " ToolHandle tool " << tool->name() << " ("
463  << tool->type() << ")" << endmsg;
464  } else {
465  if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) ) debug() << "ToolHandle " << th->typeAndName() << " not used" << endmsg;
466  }
467  }
468  m_toolHandlesInit = true;
469 }
472 {
475  return m_tools;
476 }
479 {
482  return m_tools;
483 }
485 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
487 StatusCode AlgTool::service_i( const std::string& svcName, bool createIf, const InterfaceID& iid, void** ppSvc ) const
488 {
489  const ServiceLocatorHelper helper( *serviceLocator(), *this );
490  return helper.getService( svcName, createIf, iid, ppSvc );
491 }
493 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
494 StatusCode AlgTool::service_i( const std::string& svcType, const std::string& svcName, const InterfaceID& iid,
495  void** ppSvc ) const
496 {
497  const ServiceLocatorHelper helper( *serviceLocator(), *this );
498  return helper.createService( svcType, svcName, iid, ppSvc );
499 }
501 SmartIF<IService> AlgTool::service( const std::string& name, const bool createIf, const bool quiet ) const
502 {
503  const ServiceLocatorHelper helper( *serviceLocator(), *this );
504  return helper.service( name, quiet, createIf );
505 }
507 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
509 {
510  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
511  if ( !m_pAuditorSvc ) {
512  m_pAuditorSvc = service( "AuditorSvc", true );
513  if ( !m_pAuditorSvc ) {
514  throw GaudiException( "Service [AuditorSvc] not found", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE );
515  }
516  }
517  return m_pAuditorSvc.get();
518 }
520 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
522 {
523  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
524  vis->visit( this );
526  for ( auto tool : tools() ) vis->visit( dynamic_cast<AlgTool*>( tool ) );
527 }
529 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
531 {
532  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
534  for ( auto h : outputHandles() ) h->commit();
536  for ( auto t : m_tools ) {
537  AlgTool* at = dynamic_cast<AlgTool*>( t );
538  if ( at ) at->commitHandles();
539  }
540 }
The interface implemented by the IToolSvc base class.
Definition: IToolSvc.h:19
#define UNLIKELY(x)
Definition: Kernel.h:128
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
Definition: MsgStream.h:24
an helper to share the implementation of service() among the various kernel base classes ...
SmartIF< IMonitorSvc > m_pMonitorSvc
Online Monitoring Service.
Definition: AlgTool.h:299
T empty(T...args)
Define general base for Gaudi exception.
SmartIF< ISvcLocator > & serviceLocator() const override
Retrieve pointer to service locator.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:84
virtual void acceptDHVisitor(IDataHandleVisitor *) const override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:521
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_auditorStart
Definition: AlgTool.h:312
bool m_toolHandlesInit
Definition: AlgTool.h:324
std::string m_type
AlgTool type (concrete class name)
Definition: AlgTool.h:292
Implementation of property with value of concrete type.
Definition: Property.h:319
void commitHandles() override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:530
StatusCode initialize() override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:241
StatusCode service_i(const std::string &algName, bool createIf, const InterfaceID &iid, void **ppSvc) const
flag indicating whether ToolHandle tools have been added to m_tools
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:487
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
virtual const std::string & type() const =0
The type of an AlgTool, meaning the concrete AlgTool class.
bool isPublic() const noexcept
Definition: ToolHandle.h:37
bool isSuccess() const
Test for a status code of SUCCESS.
Definition: StatusCode.h:75
virtual bool hasProperty(const std::string &name) const =0
Return true if we have a property with the given name.
const IInterface * m_parent
AlgTool parent.
Definition: AlgTool.h:294
IToolSvc * toolSvc() const
The standard ToolSvc service, Return a pointer to the service if present.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:104
Non-templated base class for actual ToolHandle<T>.
Definition: ToolHandle.h:67
void initDataHandleHolder()
initializes all handles - called by the sysInitialize method of any descendant of this ...
StatusCode sysReinitialize() override
Initialize AlgTool.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:319
T end(T...args)
virtual StatusCode getProperty(Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase *p) const =0
Get the property by property.
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_auditorReinitialize
Definition: AlgTool.h:315
Data provider interface definition.
~AlgTool() override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:399
std::vector< IAlgTool * > m_tools
Definition: AlgTool.h:321
StatusCode queryInterface(const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvUnknown) override
Query for a given interface.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:44
bool isFailure() const
Test for a status code of FAILURE.
Definition: StatusCode.h:86
GAUDI_API bool isGaudiThreaded(const std::string &name)
test if current Gaudi object is running /will run in a thread
Definition: ThreadGaudi.cpp:76
StatusCode setProperties()
Method for setting declared properties to the values specified in the jobOptions via the job option s...
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:117
StatusCode sysStart() override
Start AlgTool.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:251
STL class.
StatusCode sysStop() override
Stop AlgTool.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:274
TYPE * get() const
Get interface pointer.
Definition: SmartIF.h:82
StatusCode finalize() override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:311
const std::string m_name
AlgTool full name.
Definition: AlgTool.h:293
virtual void visit(const IDataHandleHolder *)=0
StatusCode service(const Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString &name, T *&svc, bool createIf=true)
Templated method to access a service by name.
Definition: ISvcLocator.h:79
T push_back(T...args)
Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState() const override
Definition: AlgTool.h:78
Interface ID class.
Definition: IInterface.h:29
MsgStream & error() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR)
AlgTool(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
Standard Constructor.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:139
Main interface for the JobOptions service.
MsgStream & warning() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::WARNING)
T what(T...args)
Gaudi::Property< int > m_outputLevel
Definition: AlgTool.h:305
void updateMsgStreamOutputLevel(int level)
Update the output level of the cached MsgStream.
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
Definition of the basic interface.
Definition: IInterface.h:277
std::string m_threadID
Thread Id for Alg Tool.
Definition: AlgTool.h:318
StatusCode service(const std::string &name, T *&svc, bool createIf=true) const
Access a service by name, creating it if it doesn&#39;t already exist.
Definition: AlgTool.h:132
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_auditorStop
Definition: AlgTool.h:313
virtual const std::string & tag() const
name tag for the exception, or exception type
StatusCode restart() override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:381
PropertyBase base class allowing PropertyBase* collections to be "homogeneous".
Definition: Property.h:32
SmartIF< IToolSvc > m_ptoolSvc
Tool service.
Definition: AlgTool.h:298
const std::vector< IAlgTool * > & tools() const
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:471
STL class.
IDataProviderSvc * evtSvc() const
accessor to event service service
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:93
SmartIF< IAuditorSvc > m_pAuditorSvc
Auditor Service.
Definition: AlgTool.h:300
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_auditorRestart
Definition: AlgTool.h:316
T get(T...args)
Base class from which all concrete algorithm classes should be derived.
Definition: Algorithm.h:78
T find_if(T...args)
const std::string & name() const override
Retrieve full identifying name of the concrete tool object.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:63
Gaudi::StateMachine::State m_state
state of the Tool
Definition: AlgTool.h:331
State GAUDI_API ChangeState(const Transition transition, const State state)
Function to get the new state according to the required transition, checking if the transition is all...
std::vector< BaseToolHandle * > m_toolHandles
Definition: AlgTool.h:322
MsgStream & debug() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::DEBUG)
T begin(T...args)
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_auditInit
Definition: AlgTool.h:310
double fun(const std::vector< double > &x)
Definition: PFuncTest.cpp:26
Base class from which all the concrete tool classes should be derived.
Definition: AlgTool.h:48
The interface implemented by the AlgTool base class.
Definition: IAlgTool.h:23
const IInterface * parent() const override
Retrieve parent of the sub-algtool.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:77
T emplace(T...args)
SmartIF< ISvcLocator > m_svcLocator
Pointer to Service Locator service.
Definition: AlgTool.h:296
SmartIF< IDataProviderSvc > m_evtSvc
Event data service.
Definition: AlgTool.h:297
SmartIF< IMessageSvc > & msgSvc() const
The standard message service.
bool assign(const Details::PropertyBase &source) override
get the value from another property
Definition: Property.h:631
SmartIF< IService > service(const std::string &name, const bool quiet=false, const bool createIf=true) const
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_auditorInitialize
Definition: AlgTool.h:311
StatusCode reinitialize() override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:338
InterfaceList m_interfaceList
Interface list.
Definition: AlgTool.h:302
const IAlgTool * get() const
Definition: ToolHandle.h:78
StatusCode stop() override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:289
StatusCode sysInitialize() override
Initialize AlgTool.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:202
StatusCode queryInterface(const InterfaceID &iid, void **pinterface) override
Gaudi::StateMachine::State m_targetState
state of the Tool
Definition: AlgTool.h:332
The IProperty is the basic interface for all components which have properties that can be set or get...
Definition: IProperty.h:20
It is a simple guard, which "locks" the scope for the Auditor Service is am exception-safe way...
Definition: Guards.h:215
The interface implemented by the IAuditorSvc base class.
Definition: IAuditorSvc.h:15
Base class for all services.
Definition: Service.h:36
MSG::Level msgLevel() const
get the output level from the embedded MsgStream
GAUDI_API std::string getGaudiThreadIDfromName(const std::string &name)
helper function to extract Gaudi Thread ID from thread copy name
Definition: ThreadGaudi.cpp:27
virtual void undeclareAll(const IInterface *owner)=0
Undeclare monitoring information.
void initToolHandles() const
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:407
StatusCode getService(const std::string &name, bool createIf, const InterfaceID &iid, void **ppSvc) const
const std::string & type() const override
Retrieve type (concrete class) of the sub-algtool.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:70
IAuditorSvc * auditorSvc() const
Access the auditor service.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:508
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
virtual const std::string & name() const =0
Retrieve the name of the instance.
StatusCode sysFinalize() override
Finalize AlgTool.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:297
GAUDI_API std::string getGaudiThreadGenericName(const std::string &name)
helper function to extract Gaudi instance name from thread copy name
Definition: ThreadGaudi.cpp:52
std::vector< GaudiHandleArrayBase * > m_toolHandleArrays
Definition: AlgTool.h:323
std::unique_ptr< IDataHandleVisitor > m_updateDataHandles
Hook for for derived classes to provide a custom visitor for data handles.
Definition: AlgTool.h:233
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_auditorFinalize
Definition: AlgTool.h:314
StatusCode createService(const std::string &name, const InterfaceID &iid, void **ppSvc) const
Base class from which all concrete auditor classes should be derived.
Definition: Auditor.h:35
StatusCode sysRestart() override
Start AlgTool.
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:361
StatusCode start() override
Definition: AlgTool.cpp:266