The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Include files
2 #include "ServiceManager.h"
5 #include "GaudiKernel/IService.h"
6 #include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
9 #include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
10 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartIF.h"
11 #include "GaudiKernel/System.h"
13 #include "GaudiKernel/reverse.h"
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <cassert>
17 #include <functional>
18 #include <iostream>
20 #define ON_DEBUG if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
21 #define ON_VERBOSE if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) )
23 #define DEBMSG ON_DEBUG debug()
24 #define VERMSG ON_VERBOSE verbose()
27 static SmartIF<IService> no_service;
30 namespace
31 {
32  template <typename C>
33  std::vector<IService*> activeSvc( const C& lst )
34  {
36  v.reserve( lst.size() );
37  for ( auto& i : lst ) {
38  if ( ) v.push_back( i.service.get() );
39  }
40  return v;
41  }
42 }
44 // constructor
46  : base_class( application, IService::interfaceID() ), m_appSvc( application )
47 {
48  // Set the service locator to myself
49  m_svcLocator = this;
50  addRef(); // increase ref count, so we live forever...
51 }
53 // destructor
55 {
56  //-- inform the orphan services that I am gone....
57  for ( auto& svc : m_listsvc ) svc.service->setServiceManager( nullptr );
58 }
60 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 // Instantiate a service
63 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 {
65  // Check if the service is already existing
66  if ( existsService( ) ) {
67  // return an error because a service with that name already exists
68  return no_service;
69  }
71  const std::string& name =;
72  std::string type = typeName.type();
73  if ( !typeName.haveType() ) { // the type is not explicit
74  // see we have some specific type mapping for the name
75  auto it = m_maptype.find( );
76  if ( it != m_maptype.end() ) {
77  type = it->second; // use the declared type
78  }
79  }
82  auto ip = type.find( "__" );
83  if ( ip != std::string::npos ) type.erase( ip, type.length() );
85  IService* service = Service::Factory::create( type, name, this );
86  if ( !service ) {
87  fatal() << "No Service factory for " << type << " available." << endmsg;
88  return no_service;
89  }
90  // Check the compatibility of the version of the interface obtained
91  if ( !isValidInterface( service ) ) {
92  fatal() << "Incompatible interface IService version for " << type << endmsg;
93  return no_service;
94  }
96  m_listsvc.push_back( service );
97  service->setServiceManager( this );
98  return m_listsvc.back().service; // DANGER: returns a reference to a SmartIF in m_listsvc, and hence does no longer
99  // allow relocations of those...
100 }
102 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 // add a service to the managed list
105 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 {
107  ListSvc::iterator it = find( svc );
108  LockGuard_t lck( m_gLock );
109  if ( it != m_listsvc.end() ) {
110  it->priority = prio; // if the service is already known, it is equivalent to a setPriority
111  it->active = true; // and make it active
112  } else {
113  m_listsvc.emplace_back( svc, prio, true );
114  }
115  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
116 }
118 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 // add the service with the give type and name to the active list
121 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 {
123  auto it = find( ); // try to find the service by name
124  if ( it == m_listsvc.end() ) { // not found
125  // If the service does not exist, we create it
126  SmartIF<IService>& svc =
127  createService( typeName ); // WARNING: svc is now a reference to something that lives in m_listsvc
128  if ( !svc ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
129  it = find( svc.get() ); // now it is in the list because createService added it
130  it->priority = prio;
132  if ( targetFSMState() >= Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) { // WARNING: this can trigger a recursion!!!
133  sc = svc->sysInitialize();
135  sc = svc->sysStart();
136  }
137  }
138  if ( sc.isFailure() ) { // if initialization failed, remove it from the list
139  error() << "Unable to initialize service \"" << << "\"" << endmsg;
140  LockGuard_t lck( m_gLock );
141  m_listsvc.erase( it );
142  // Note: removing it from the list + the SmartIF going out of scope should trigger the delete
143  // delete svc.get();
144  return sc;
145  }
146  // initialization successful, we can work with the service
147  // Move the just initialized service to the back of the list
148  // (we care more about order of initialization than of creation)
149  LockGuard_t lck( m_gLock );
150  m_listsvc.push_back( *it );
151  m_listsvc.erase( it );
152  it = std::prev( std::end( m_listsvc ) ); // last entry (the iterator was invalidated by erase)
153  } else {
154  // if the service is already known, it is equivalent to a setPriority
155  it->priority = prio;
156  }
157  // 'it' is defined because either we found the service or we created it
158  // Now we can activate the service
159  it->active = true; // and make it active
160  return StatusCode( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
161 }
163 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 // Returns a smart pointer to a service.
166 {
167  const std::string& name =;
169  // Acquire the RAII lock to avoid simultaneous attempts from different threads to initialize a service
171  Mutex_t* imut;
172  {
173  // get the global lock, then extract/create the service specific mutex
174  // then release global lock
176  LockGuard_t lk( m_gLock );
177  auto mit = m_lockMap.find( name );
178  if ( mit == m_lockMap.end() ) {
179  mit = m_lockMap.emplace( name, std::unique_ptr<Mutex_t>( new Mutex_t ) ).first;
180  }
181  imut = mit->second.get();
182  }
184  {
185  // now we have the service specific lock on the above mutex
186  LockGuard_t lk2( *imut );
188  auto it = find( name );
190  if ( it != m_listsvc.end() ) {
191  if ( m_loopCheck && ( createIf && it->service->FSMState() == Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED ) ) {
192  error() << "Initialization loop detected when creating service \"" << name << "\"" << endmsg;
193  return no_service;
194  }
195  return it->service;
196  }
198  // Service not found. The user may be interested in one of the interfaces
199  // of the application manager itself
200  if ( name == "ApplicationMgr" || name == "APPMGR" || name == "" ) {
201  return m_appSvc;
202  }
204  // last resort: we try to create the service
205  if ( createIf && addService( typeName ).isSuccess() ) {
206  return find( name )->service;
207  }
209  return no_service;
210  }
211 }
213 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 {
219  []( ListSvc::const_reference i ) { return const_cast<IService*>( i.service.get() ); } );
220  return m_listOfPtrs;
221 }
223 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 {
227  return find( name ) != m_listsvc.end();
228 }
230 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
233 {
234  auto it = find( svc );
235  if ( it == m_listsvc.end() ) return StatusCode( StatusCode::FAILURE, true );
236  m_listsvc.erase( it );
237  return StatusCode( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
238 }
240 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 {
244  auto it = find( name );
245  if ( it == m_listsvc.end() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
246  m_listsvc.erase( it );
247  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
248 }
250 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
253 {
254  // once we get to C++17, replace with m_maptype.insert_or_assign...
255  auto p = m_maptype.emplace( svcname, svctype );
256  if ( !p.second ) p.first->second = svctype;
257  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
258 }
260 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
263 {
264  // ensure that the list is ordered by priority
265  m_listsvc.sort();
266  // we work on a copy to avoid to operate twice on the services created on demand
267  // which are already in the correct state.
269  StatusCode sc( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
270  // call initialize() for all services
271  for ( auto& it : activeSvc( m_listsvc ) ) {
272  const std::string& name = it->name();
273  switch ( it->FSMState() ) {
275  DEBMSG << "Service " << name << " already initialized" << endmsg;
276  break;
278  DEBMSG << "Initializing service " << name << endmsg;
279  sc = it->sysInitialize();
280  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
281  error() << "Unable to initialize Service: " << name << endmsg;
282  return sc;
283  }
284  break;
285  default:
286  error() << "Service " << name << " not in the correct state to be initialized (" << it->FSMState() << ")"
287  << endmsg;
288  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
289  }
290  }
291  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
292 }
294 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 {
298  // ensure that the list is ordered by priority
299  m_listsvc.sort();
300  // we work on a copy to avoid to operate twice on the services created on demand
301  // (which are already in the correct state.
302  // only act on active services
303  StatusCode sc( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
304  // call initialize() for all services
305  for ( auto& it : activeSvc( m_listsvc ) ) {
306  const std::string& name = it->name();
307  switch ( it->FSMState() ) {
309  DEBMSG << "Service " << name << " already started" << endmsg;
310  break;
312  DEBMSG << "Starting service " << name << endmsg;
313  sc = it->sysStart();
314  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
315  error() << "Unable to start Service: " << name << endmsg;
316  return sc;
317  }
318  break;
319  default:
320  error() << "Service " << name << " not in the correct state to be started (" << it->FSMState() << ")" << endmsg;
321  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
322  }
323  }
324  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
325 }
327 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
329 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
330 {
331  // ensure that the list is ordered by priority
332  m_listsvc.sort();
333  // we work on a copy to avoid to operate twice on the services created on demand
334  // which are already in the correct state.
335  // only act on active services
337  StatusCode sc( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
338  // call stop() for all services
339  for ( const auto& svc : reverse( activeSvc( m_listsvc ) ) ) {
340  const std::string& name = svc->name();
341  switch ( svc->FSMState() ) {
343  DEBMSG << "Service " << name << " already stopped" << endmsg;
344  break;
346  DEBMSG << "Stopping service " << name << endmsg;
347  sc = svc->sysStop();
348  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
349  error() << "Unable to stop Service: " << name << endmsg;
350  return sc;
351  }
352  break;
353  default:
354  DEBMSG << "Service " << name << " not in the correct state to be stopped (" << svc->FSMState() << ")" << endmsg;
355  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
356  }
357  }
358  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
359 }
361 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
364 {
365  // ensure that the list is ordered by priority
366  m_listsvc.sort();
367  // we work on a copy to avoid to operate twice on the services created on demand
368  // which are already in the correct state.
369  // only act on active services
370  StatusCode sc( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
371  // Re-Initialize all services
372  for ( auto& svc : activeSvc( m_listsvc ) ) {
373  sc = svc->sysReinitialize();
374  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
375  error() << "Unable to re-initialize Service: " << svc->name() << endmsg;
376  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
377  }
378  }
379  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
380 }
382 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
384 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
385 {
386  // ensure that the list is ordered by priority
387  m_listsvc.sort();
388  // we work on a copy to avoid to operate twice on the services created on demand
389  // which are already in the correct state.
390  // only act on active services
391  StatusCode sc( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
392  // Re-Start all services
393  for ( auto& svc : activeSvc( m_listsvc ) ) {
394  sc = svc->sysRestart();
395  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
396  error() << "Unable to re-start Service: " << svc->name() << endmsg;
397  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
398  }
399  }
400  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
401 }
403 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
405 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 {
407  // make sure that HistogramDataSvc and THistSvc get finalized after the
408  // ToolSvc, and the FileMgr and StatusCodeSvc after that
409  int pri_tool = getPriority( "ToolSvc" );
410  if ( pri_tool != 0 ) {
411  setPriority( "THistSvc", pri_tool - 10 ).ignore();
412  setPriority( "ChronoStatSvc", pri_tool - 20 ).ignore();
413  setPriority( "AuditorSvc", pri_tool - 30 ).ignore();
414  setPriority( "NTupleSvc", pri_tool - 10 ).ignore();
415  setPriority( "HistogramDataSvc", pri_tool - 10 ).ignore();
416  // Preserve the relative ordering between HistogramDataSvc and HistogramPersistencySvc
417  setPriority( "HistogramPersistencySvc", pri_tool - 20 ).ignore();
418  setPriority( "HistorySvc", pri_tool - 30 ).ignore();
419  setPriority( "FileMgr", pri_tool - 40 ).ignore();
420  }
422  // get list of PostFinalize clients
424  auto p_inc = service<IIncidentSvc>( "IncidentSvc", false );
425  if ( p_inc ) {
426  p_inc->getListeners( postFinList, IncidentType::SvcPostFinalize );
427  p_inc.reset();
428  }
430  // make sure the StatusCodeSvc gets finalized really late:
431  setPriority( "StatusCodeSvc", -9999 ).ignore();
433  // ensure that the list is ordered by priority
434  m_listsvc.sort();
435  // dump();
437  StatusCode sc( StatusCode::SUCCESS, true );
438  {
439  // we work on a copy to avoid to operate twice on the services created on demand
440  // which are already in the correct state.
441  // only act on active services
442  // call finalize() for all services in reverse order
443  for ( const auto& svc : reverse( activeSvc( m_listsvc ) ) ) {
444  const std::string& name = svc->name();
445  // ignore the current state for the moment
446  // if( Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED == svc->state() )
447  DEBMSG << "Finalizing service " << name << endmsg;
448  if ( !svc->sysFinalize().isSuccess() ) {
449  warning() << "Finalization of service " << name << " failed" << endmsg;
450  sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
451  }
452  }
453  }
455  // call SvcPostFinalize on all clients
456  if ( !postFinList.empty() ) {
457  DEBMSG << "Will call SvcPostFinalize for " << postFinList.size() << " clients" << endmsg;
458  Incident inc( "ServiceManager", IncidentType::SvcPostFinalize );
459  for ( auto& itr : postFinList ) itr->handle( inc );
460  }
462  // loop over all Active Services, removing them one by one.
463  // They should be deleted because the reference counting goes to 0.
464  DEBMSG << "Looping over all active services..." << endmsg;
465  auto it = m_listsvc.begin();
466  while ( it != m_listsvc.end() ) {
467  DEBMSG << "---- " << it->service->name() << " (refCount = " << it->service->refCount() << ")" << endmsg;
468  if ( it->service->refCount() < 1 ) {
469  warning() << "Too low reference count for " << it->service->name() << " (should not go below 1 at this point)"
470  << endmsg;
471  it->service->addRef();
472  }
473  if ( it->active ) {
474  it = m_listsvc.erase( it );
475  } else {
476  ++it;
477  }
478  }
479  return sc;
480 }
482 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
484 {
485  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
486  auto it = find( name );
487  return ( it != m_listsvc.end() ) ? it->priority : 0;
488 }
490 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
492 {
493  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
494  auto it = find( name );
495  if ( it == m_listsvc.end() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
496  it->priority = prio;
497  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
498 }
500 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
501 // Get the value of the initialization loop check flag.
502 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
504 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
505 // Set the value of the initialization loop check flag.
506 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
509 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 // Dump out contents of service list
511 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
513 {
515  auto& log = info();
516  log << "\n"
517  << "===================== listing all services ===================\n"
518  << " prior ref name active\n";
520  for ( const auto& svc : m_listsvc ) {
522  log.width( 6 );
523  log.flags( std::ios_base::right );
524  log << svc.priority << " ";
525  log.width( 5 );
526  log << svc.service->refCount() << " ";
527  log.width( 30 );
528  log.flags( std::ios_base::left );
529  log << svc.service->name() << " ";
530  log.width( 2 );
531  log << << std::endl;
532  }
534  log << "=================================================================\n";
535  log << endmsg;
536 }
The ServiceManager class is in charge of the creation of concrete instances of Services.
std::list< IService * > m_listOfPtrs
List of pointers to the know services used to implement getServices()
void setLoopCheckEnabled(bool en) override
Set the value of the initialization loop check flag.
SmartIF< IService > m_appSvc
Pointer to the application IService interface.
T empty(T...args)
boost::lock_guard< Mutex_t > LockGuard_t
StatusCode finalize() override
MsgStream & info() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::INFO)
bool isSuccess() const
Test for a status code of SUCCESS.
Definition: StatusCode.h:75
SmartIF< ISvcLocator > m_svcLocator
Service locator (needed to access the MessageSvc)
bool m_loopCheck
Check for service initialization loops.
ServiceManager(IInterface *application)
default creator
T endl(T...args)
Gaudi::StateMachine::State targetFSMState() const override
When we are in the middle of a transition, get the state where the transition is leading us...
boost::recursive_mutex Mutex_t
Mutex to synchronize shared service initialization between threads.
StatusCode restart() override
Initialization (from RUNNING to RUNNING, via INITIALIZED).
T end(T...args)
bool isValidInterface(I *i)
Templated function that throws an exception if the version if the interface implemented by the object...
Definition: IInterface.h:374
bool isFailure() const
Test for a status code of FAILURE.
Definition: StatusCode.h:86
MapType m_maptype
Map of service name and service type.
T prev(T...args)
STL class.
TYPE * get() const
Get interface pointer.
Definition: SmartIF.h:82
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize()=0
Initialize Service.
T push_back(T...args)
MsgStream & error() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR)
bool existsService(const std::string &name) const override
implementation of ISvcLocation::existsService
StatusCode stop() override
iterator end()
Definition: Map.h:134
Helper class to parse a string of format "type/name".
MsgStream & warning() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::WARNING)
bool loopCheckEnabled() const override
Get the value of the initialization loop check flag.
void dump() const
General service interface definition.
Definition: IService.h:18
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
Definition of the basic interface.
Definition: IInterface.h:277
~ServiceManager() override
virtual destructor
Definition: ObjectFactory.h:16
T erase(T...args)
const std::string & name() const override
Return the name of the manager (implementation of INamedInterface)
iterator find(const key_type &key)
Definition: Map.h:151
const std::list< IService * > & getServices() const override
Return the list of Services.
StatusCode start() override
std::pair< iterator, bool > emplace(Args &&...args)
Definition: Map.h:169
T clear(T...args)
std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< Mutex_t > > m_lockMap
int getPriority(const std::string &name) const override
manage priorities of services
reverse_wrapper< T > reverse(T &&iterable)
Definition: reverse.h:35
T get(T...args)
T find(T...args)
T length(T...args)
STL class.
virtual StatusCode sysStart()=0
Start Service.
T begin(T...args)
T back_inserter(T...args)
const std::string & type() const
StatusCode reinitialize() override
Base class for all Incidents (computing events).
Definition: Incident.h:17
T emplace(T...args)
T back(T...args)
ListSvc::iterator find(const std::string &name)
StatusCode declareSvcType(const std::string &svcname, const std::string &svctype) override
implementation of ISvcManager::declareSvcType
T sort(T...args)
T transform(T...args)
#define DEBMSG
const std::string & name() const
StatusCode setPriority(const std::string &name, int pri) override
StatusCode removeService(IService *svc) override
implementation of ISvcManager::removeService
void ignore() const
Definition: StatusCode.h:109
MsgStream & fatal() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::FATAL)
SmartIF< IService > & service(const Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString &typeName, const bool createIf=true) override
Returns a smart pointer to a service.
std::string typeName(const std::type_info &typ)
Definition: Dictionary.cpp:23
ListSvc m_listsvc
List of service maintained by ServiceManager This contains SmartIF<T> for all services – and because...
virtual void setServiceManager(ISvcManager *)=0
SmartIF< IService > & createService(const Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString &nametype) override
implementation of ISvcManager::createService NOTE: as this returns a &, we must guarantee that once c...
SmartIF< IService > service
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
T reserve(T...args)
StatusCode addService(IService *svc, int prio=DEFAULT_SVC_PRIORITY) override
implementation of ISvcManager::addService
T emplace_back(T...args)
StatusCode initialize() override
Initialization (from CONFIGURED to INITIALIZED).