26 #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION( 5, 33, 0 ) 27 #include "Compression.h" 28 static int s_compressionLevel = ROOT::CompressionSettings( ROOT::kLZMA, 4 );
30 static int s_compressionLevel = 1;
37 using namespace Gaudi;
39 typedef const string&
41 static const string s_empty;
42 static const string s_local =
44 #ifdef __POOL_COMPATIBILITY 59 static bool match_wild(
const char* str,
const char* pat )
68 for ( s = str, p = pat; *
s; ++
s, ++p ) {
71 if ( *s ==
'.' )
goto starCheck;
78 }
while ( *pat ==
'*' );
79 if ( !*pat )
return true;
82 if ( table[*s] != table[*p] )
goto starCheck;
86 while ( *p ==
'*' ) ++p;
90 if ( !star )
return false;
98 #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION( 5, 33, 0 ) 99 int res = 0,
level = ROOT::CompressionSettings( ROOT::kLZMA, 6 );
100 auto idx = compression.
':' );
101 if ( idx != string::npos ) {
102 string alg = compression.
substr( 0, idx );
103 ROOT::ECompressionAlgorithm alg_code = ROOT::kUseGlobalSetting;
104 if ( strcasecmp( alg.
"ZLIB" ) == 0 )
105 alg_code = ROOT::kZLIB;
106 else if ( strcasecmp( alg.
"LZMA" ) == 0 )
107 alg_code = ROOT::kLZMA;
109 throw runtime_error(
"ERROR: request to set unknown ROOT compression algorithm:" + alg );
110 res = ::sscanf( compression.
c_str() + idx + 1,
"%d", &
level );
112 s_compressionLevel = ROOT::CompressionSettings( alg_code,
level );
115 throw runtime_error(
"ERROR: request to set unknown ROOT compression level:" + compression.
substr( idx + 1 ) );
117 s_compressionLevel =
120 throw runtime_error(
"ERROR: request to set unknown ROOT compression mechanism:" + compression );
122 if ( !compression.
empty() ) {
143 if ( fname.
length() == 36 && fname[8] ==
'-' && fname[13] ==
'-' && fname[18] ==
'-' && fname[23] ==
'-' ) {
205 #ifdef __POOL_COMPATIBILITY 206 else if (
"##Links" ) != nullptr )
230 #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION( 5, 33, 0 ) 244 if ( elem.first ==
"FID" ) {
246 if ( elem.second !=
m_fid ) {
247 msgSvc() << MSG::DEBUG <<
"Check FID param:" << elem.second <<
254 if ( !need_fid && fid !=
m_fid ) {
259 msgSvc() << MSG::DEBUG <<
"Using FID " <<
m_fid <<
" from params table...." <<
endmsg <<
"for PFN:" <<
m_pfn 273 m_refs =
new TTree(
"Root reference data" );
285 m_refs =
new TTree(
"Root reference data" );
301 #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION( 5, 33, 0 ) 310 TDirectory::TContext ctxt(
get() );
311 m_refs =
new TTree(
"Root reference data" );
328 if ( !
m_file->IsZombie() ) {
329 if (
m_file->IsWritable() ) {
331 TDirectory::TContext ctxt(
get() );
338 if ( i.second->Write() < 0 )
"Write section:" + i.first );
339 msgSvc() <<
"Disconnect section " << i.first <<
" " << i.second->GetName() <<
363 if ( !t && create ) {
364 TDirectory::TContext ctxt(
get() );
365 t =
new TTree( section.
"Root data for Gaudi" );
368 int cacheSize =
372 if ( section ==
m_setup->loadSection && cacheSize > -2 ) {
374 int learnEntries =
375 t->SetCacheSize( cacheSize );
376 t->SetCacheLearnEntries( learnEntries );
379 msg <<
"Tree:" << section <<
"Setting up tree cache:" << cacheSize <<
383 msg <<
"Tree:" << section <<
" Setting up tree cache:" << cacheSize <<
" Add all branches." <<
384 msg <<
"Tree:" << section <<
" Learn for " << learnEntries <<
" entries." <<
387 msg <<
"Adding (default) all branches to tree cache." <<
388 t->AddBranchToCache(
"*", kTRUE );
390 if ( cB.
size() == 1 && cB[0] ==
"*" ) {
391 msg <<
"Adding all branches to tree cache according to option \"CacheBranches\"." <<
392 t->AddBranchToCache(
"*", kTRUE );
394 for ( TIter it( t->GetListOfBranches() ); it.Next(); ) {
395 const char*
n = ( (TNamed*)( *it ) )->GetName();
396 bool add =
false, veto =
397 for (
const auto& i : cB ) {
398 if ( !match_wild( n, ( i ).c_str() ) )
402 for (
auto i = vB.
cbegin(); !add && i != vB.
cend(); ++i ) {
403 if ( !match_wild( n, ( *i ).c_str() ) )
407 if ( add && !veto ) {
408 msg <<
"Add " << n <<
" to branch cache." <<
409 t->AddBranchToCache( n, kTRUE );
411 msg <<
"Do not cache branch " << n <<
427 string n = branch_name;
431 TBranch* b = t->GetBranch( n.c_str() );
432 if ( !b && cl &&
m_file->IsWritable() ) {
433 b = t->Branch( n.c_str(), cl->GetName(), (
void*)( ptr ? &ptr :
nullptr ), buff_siz, split_lvl );
435 if ( !b ) b = t->GetBranch( branch_name.
c_str() );
436 if ( b ) b->SetAutoDelete( kFALSE );
452 if ( ( which >= 0 ) && (
size_t( which ) <
size() ) ) {
464 int buff_siz,
int split_lvl,
bool fill )
466 DataObjectPush push( pObj );
467 return save( section, cnt, cl, pObj, buff_siz, split_lvl, fill );
472 int split_lvl,
bool fill_missing )
475 TBranch* b =
getBranch( section, cnt, cl, pObj ? &pObj :
nullptr, buff_siz, split_lvl );
477 Long64_t
evt = b->GetEntries();
480 if ( fill_missing ) {
481 Long64_t num, nevt = b->GetTree()->GetEntries();
483 b->SetAddress(
nullptr );
489 msgSvc() <<
"Added " << long( nevt - evt ) <<
" / Tree: " << nevt
490 <<
" / Branch: " << b->GetEntries() + 1 <<
" NULL entries to:" << cnt <<
491 evt = b->GetEntries();
494 b->SetAddress( &pObj );
495 return {b->Fill(), evt};
508 TClass* cl = gROOT->GetClass( b->GetClassName(), kTRUE );
513 DataObjectPush push( pObj );
514 b->SetAddress( &pObj );
515 if ( section ==
m_setup->loadSection ) {
516 TTree* t = b->GetTree();
517 if ( Long64_t( entry ) != t->GetReadEntry() ) {
518 t->LoadTree( Long64_t( entry ) );
521 nb = b->GetEntry( entry );
523 if (
msgSvc().isActive() ) {
524 msgSvc() <<
"Load [" << entry <<
"] --> " << section <<
":" << cnt <<
" " << nb <<
" bytes." <<
527 #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION( 5, 33, 0 ) 533 }
else if ( nb == 0 && pObj->
clID() == CLID_DataObject ) {
534 TFile* f = b->GetFile();
535 int vsn = f->GetVersion();
540 }
else if ( vsn > 1000000 && ( vsn % 1000000 ) < 52400 ) {
561 int nbytes =
m_tool->loadRefs( section, cnt, entry, refs );
562 #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION( 5, 33, 0 ) 586 for (
auto j = s.
cbegin(); j != s.
cend(); ++j, ++cnt ) {
599 msgSvc() <<
"Return INVALID MergeSection for:" << container <<
" [" << entry <<
"]" <<
endmsg 601 return {
615 if ( db ==
m_fid ) db = s_local;
626 if ( !cnt.
empty() ) {
633 if ( !name.
empty() ) {
void addClient(const IInterface *client)
Add new client to this data source.
bool lookupClient(const IInterface *client) const
Lookup client for this data source.
MergeSections m_mergeSects
Database section map for merged files.
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
virtual const CLID & clID() const =0
Retrieve class information from link.
const std::string & fid() const
Access file id.
std::unique_ptr< Tool > m_tool
std::string m_name
Connection name/identifier.
I/O Connection types.
std::pair< int, unsigned long > saveObj(const std::string §ion, const std::string &cnt, TClass *cl, DataObject *pObj, int buff_siz, int split_lvl, bool fill_missing=false)
Save object of a given class to section and container.
unsigned long getCode() const
Get the status code by value.
void saveStatistics(const std::string &statisticsFile)
Save TTree access statistics if required.
const std::string & getDb(int which) const
Access database/file name from saved index.
std::string m_fid
File ID of the connection.
bool isSuccess() const
Test for a status code of SUCCESS.
std::unique_ptr< TTreePerfStats > m_statistics
I/O read statistics from TTree.
int loadObj(const std::string §ion, const std::string &cnt, unsigned long entry, DataObject *&pObj)
Load object.
static int compression()
Access to global compression level.
Clients m_clients
Client list.
int length
The length of the section.
TTree * getSection(const std::string §, bool create=false)
Access TTree section from section name. The section is created if required.
int start
The start entry of the section.
size_t removeClient(const IInterface *client)
Remove client from this data source.
bool isActive() const
Accessor: is MsgStream active.
GAUDI_API void fill(AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const double value, const double weight=1.0)
simple function to fill AIDA::IHistogram1D objects
RootDataConnection(const IInterface *own, const std::string &nam, std::shared_ptr< RootConnectionSetup > setup)
Standard constructor.
virtual const name_type & name() const =0
Name of the directory (or key)
void setMessageSvc(MsgStream *m)
Set message service reference.
StatusCode connectWrite(IoType typ) override
Open data stream in write mode.
virtual const std::string * par() const =0
Retrieve String parameters.
const std::string & pfn() const
Access physical file name.
int loadRefs(const std::string §ion, const std::string &cnt, unsigned long entry, RootObjectRefs &refs)
Load references object.
Persistent reference object containing all leafs and links corresponding to a Gaudi DataObject...
StringVec m_links
Map containing internal links names.
ParamMap m_params
Parameter map for file parameters.
const long POOL_ROOTKEY_StorageType
StringVec m_mergeFIDs
Map containing merge FIDs.
std::string m_pfn
Physical file name of the connection.
int dbase
Data members to define object location in the persistent world.
Persistent reference object.
virtual void fireIncident(const Incident &incident)=0
Fire an Incident.
virtual const CLID & clID() const
Retrieve reference to class definition structure.
const std::string & name() const
Connection name.
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
void clear(STATE_TYPE _i=std::ios_base::failbit)
Definition of the basic interface.
TBranch * getBranch(const std::string §ion, const std::string &branch_name)
Access data branch by name: Get existing branch in read only mode.
void makeRef(IRegistry *pA, RootRef &ref)
Create reference object from registry entry.
StringVec m_conts
Map containing external container names.
const std::string & empty() const
Empty string reference.
Sections m_sections
Tree sections in TFile.
std::pair< const RootRef *, const ContainerSection * > getMergeSection(const std::string &container, int entry) const
Access link section for single container and entry.
The IRegistry represents the entry door to the environment any data object residing in a transient da...
const long ROOT_StorageType
virtual long svcType() const =0
Retrieve service type.
const long POOL_ROOT_StorageType
Tool * makeTool()
Create file access tool to encapsulate POOL compatibiliy.
std::pair< int, unsigned long > save(const std::string §ion, const std::string &cnt, TClass *cl, void *pObj, int buff_siz, int split_lvl, bool fill_missing=false)
Save object of a given class to section and container.
StatusCode connectRead() override
Open data stream in read mode.
ABC describing basic data connection.
int makeLink(const std::string &p)
Convert path string to path index.
const long POOL_ROOTTREE_StorageType
std::shared_ptr< RootConnectionSetup > m_setup
Reference to the setup structure.
LinkSections m_linkSects
Database link sections.
void resetAge()
Reset age.
Base class for all Incidents (computing events).
MsgStream & msgSvc() const
Allow access to printer service.
static long setCompression(const std::string &compression)
Set the global compression level.
std::unique_ptr< TFile > m_file
Reference to ROOT file.
Opaque address interface definition.
StringVec m_dbs
Map containing external database file names (fids)
StatusCode disconnect() override
Release data stream and release implementation dependent resources.
void setIncidentSvc(IIncidentSvc *m)
Set incident service reference.
void enableStatistics(const std::string §ion)
Enable TTreePerStats.
virtual IOpaqueAddress * address() const =0
Retrieve opaque storage address.
A DataObject is the base class of any identifiable object on any data store.
TTree * m_refs
Pointer to the reference tree.
Helper functions to set/get the application return code.
Internal helper class, which described a TBranch section in a ROOT file.
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
The interface implemented by the IncidentSvc service.
void badWriteError(const std::string &msg) const
Error handler when bad write statements occur.