The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //====================================================================
2 // RegistryEntry.cpp
3 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //
5 // Package : DataSvc ( The LHCb Offline System)
6 //
7 // Description: implementation of the Transient data store
8 //
9 // Author : M.Frank
10 // History :
11 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+---------
12 // | Date | Comment | Who
13 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+---------
14 // | 29/10/98| Initial version | MF
15 // | 03/02/99| Protect dynamic_cast with try-catch clauses | MF
16 // +---------+----------------------------------------------+---------
17 //
18 //====================================================================
21 // STL include files
22 #include <algorithm>
24 // Interfaces
28 // Framework include files
29 #include "GaudiKernel/DataObject.h"
32 // If you absolutely need optimization: switch off dynamic_cast.
33 // This improves access to the data store roughly by more than 10 %
34 // for balanced trees.
35 //
36 // M.Frank
37 //
38 #define CAST_REGENTRY( x, y ) dynamic_cast<x>( y )
39 //#define CAST_REGENTRY(x,y) (x)(y)
40 constexpr char SEPARATOR{'/'};
44  : m_path( std::move( path ) ), m_pParent( parent )
45 {
46  std::string::size_type sep = m_path.rfind( SEPARATOR );
47  if ( m_path.front() != SEPARATOR ) m_path.insert( 0, 1, SEPARATOR );
48  if ( sep != std::string::npos ) m_path.erase( 0, sep );
50  addRef();
51 }
55 {
57  if ( m_pObject ) {
58  if ( !m_isSoft ) m_pObject->setRegistry( nullptr );
59  m_pObject->release();
60  }
61  if ( m_pAddress ) {
62  if ( !m_isSoft ) m_pAddress->setRegistry( nullptr );
64  }
65 }
69 {
70  unsigned long cnt = --m_refCount;
71  if ( !m_refCount ) delete this;
72  return cnt;
73 }
77 {
78  m_pParent = pParent;
79  m_fullpath.clear();
81 }
85 {
86  m_isSoft = true;
87  setObject( pObject );
88  // if ( 0 != m_pObject ) { // Useless: This justs sets my own address again...
89  // setAddress(m_pObject->address());
90  // }
91 }
95 {
96  m_isSoft = true;
97  setAddress( pAddress );
98 }
102 {
103  makeSoft( pObject );
104  m_isSoft = false;
105  if ( m_pObject ) m_pObject->setRegistry( this );
106  if ( m_pAddress ) m_pAddress->setRegistry( this );
107 }
111 {
112  m_isSoft = false;
113  setAddress( pAddress );
114 }
118 {
119  if ( pAddress ) {
120  pAddress->addRef();
121  pAddress->setRegistry( this );
122  }
123  if ( m_pAddress ) m_pAddress->release();
124  m_pAddress = pAddress;
125 }
129 {
130  if ( pObject ) {
131  pObject->addRef();
132  if ( !isSoft() ) pObject->setRegistry( this );
133  }
134  if ( m_pObject ) m_pObject->release();
135  m_pObject = pObject;
136 }
140 {
141  try {
142  RegistryEntry* pEntry = dynamic_cast<RegistryEntry*>( obj );
143  auto i = std::remove( std::begin( m_store ), std::end( m_store ), pEntry );
144  if ( i != std::end( m_store ) ) {
145  pEntry->release();
146  m_store.erase( i, std::end( m_store ) );
147  }
148  } catch ( ... ) {
149  }
150  return m_store.size();
151 }
155 {
156  if ( nam.front() != SEPARATOR ) return remove( SEPARATOR + nam );
157  // if this object is already present, this is an error....
158  for ( auto& i : m_store ) {
159  if ( nam == i->name() ) {
160  remove( i );
161  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
162  }
163  }
164  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
165 }
169 {
170  if ( nam.front() != SEPARATOR ) nam.insert( 0, 1, SEPARATOR );
171  // if this object is already present, this is an error....
172  auto not_present =
173  std::none_of( std::begin( m_store ), std::end( m_store ), [&]( IRegistry* i ) { return nam == i->name(); } );
174  return not_present ? new RegistryEntry( std::move( nam ), this ) : nullptr;
175 }
179 {
180  RegistryEntry* pEntry = CAST_REGENTRY( RegistryEntry*, obj );
181  return i_add( pEntry );
182 }
186 {
187  // TODO: if this is the sole place where items are added to m_store,
188  // and we know here that they must be RegisteryEntry, can we
189  // drop the dynamic_cast every where else???
190  // TODO: if so, can we also change m_store to be std::vector<RegistryEntry*>
191  // instead
192  // TODO: if so, can we not make it std::vector<RegistryEntry> instead?
193  // TODO: if so, should make sure that a RegistryEntry can be std::move'ed
194  try {
195  pEntry->setDataSvc( m_pDataProviderSvc );
196  m_store.push_back( pEntry );
197  pEntry->setParent( this );
198  if ( !pEntry->isSoft() && pEntry->address() ) {
199  pEntry->address()->setRegistry( pEntry );
200  }
201  } catch ( ... ) {
202  }
203  return m_store.size();
204 }
207 long DataSvcHelpers::RegistryEntry::add( const std::string& name, DataObject* pObject, bool is_soft )
208 {
209  RegistryEntry* entry = i_create( name );
210  if ( !entry ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
211  ( is_soft ) ? entry->makeSoft( pObject ) : entry->makeHard( pObject );
212  i_add( entry );
213  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
214 }
217 long DataSvcHelpers::RegistryEntry::add( const std::string& name, IOpaqueAddress* pAddress, bool is_soft )
218 {
219  RegistryEntry* entry = i_create( name );
220  if ( !entry ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
221  ( is_soft ) ? entry->makeSoft( pAddress ) : entry->makeHard( pAddress );
222  i_add( entry );
223  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
224 }
228 {
229  for ( auto& i : m_store ) {
230  RegistryEntry* entry = CAST_REGENTRY( RegistryEntry*, i );
231  if ( entry ) {
232  entry->deleteElements();
233  entry->release();
234  }
235  }
236  m_store.erase( m_store.begin(), m_store.end() );
237  return 0;
238 }
242 {
243  auto i = std::find( m_store.begin(), m_store.end(), obj );
244  return ( i != m_store.end() ) ? ( *i ) : nullptr;
245 }
249 {
250  if ( path.front() == SEPARATOR ) path.remove_prefix( 1 ); // strip leading '/', if present
251  while ( !path.empty() ) {
252  // check that the chars of path prior to / are the same as regEnt->name()
253  // (i.e. match { nam:"/Ab" path:"/Ab/C"}
254  // but not { nam:"/Abc" path:"/Ab/C"})
255  auto loc1 = path.find( SEPARATOR );
256  auto cpath = path.substr( 0, loc1 );
257  if ( loc1 != boost::string_ref::npos ) {
258  path.remove_prefix( loc1 + 1 );
259  } else {
260  path.clear();
261  }
262  auto i = std::find_if( std::begin( m_store ), std::end( m_store ), [&]( decltype( m_store )::const_reference reg ) {
263  return cpath == boost::string_ref{reg->name()}.substr( 1 );
264  } );
265  if ( i != std::end( m_store ) ) {
266  RegistryEntry* regEnt = CAST_REGENTRY( RegistryEntry*, *i );
267  return path.empty() ? regEnt : regEnt->i_find( path );
268  }
269  // If this node is "/NodeA", this part allows to find "/NodeA/NodeB" as
270  // our "/NodeB" child.
271  if ( cpath != boost::string_ref{m_path}.substr( 1 ) ) break;
272  }
273  return nullptr;
274 }
278 {
279  if ( key ) {
280  if ( key == m_pObject ) {
281  return const_cast<RegistryEntry*>( this );
282  }
283  // Look in the immediate level:
284  RegistryEntry* result = CAST_REGENTRY( RegistryEntry*, i_find( key->registry() ) );
285  if ( result ) return result;
286  // Go levels down
287  for ( const auto& i : m_store ) {
288  try {
289  const RegistryEntry* entry = CAST_REGENTRY( RegistryEntry*, i );
290  result = entry->i_find( key );
291  if ( result ) return result;
292  } catch ( ... ) {
293  }
294  }
295  }
296  return nullptr;
297 }
299 // Traverse registry tree
301 {
302  bool go_down = pAgent->analyse( this, level );
303  long status = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
304  if ( go_down ) {
305  for ( auto& i : m_store ) {
306  try {
307  RegistryEntry* entry = CAST_REGENTRY( RegistryEntry*, i );
308  entry->traverseTree( pAgent, level + 1 );
309  } catch ( ... ) {
310  status = StatusCode::FAILURE;
311  }
312  }
313  }
314  return status;
315 }
317 // Recursive helper to assemble the full path name of the entry
319 {
320  if ( m_pParent ) m_pParent->assemblePath( buffer );
321  buffer += m_path;
322 }
virtual long deleteElements()
Delete all contained elements.
constexpr char SEPARATOR
const std::string & name() const override
Retrieve name of the entry.
T front(T...args)
virtual bool analyse(IRegistry *pObject, int level)=0
Analyse the data object.
unsigned long addRef() override
IInterface implementation: Dereference the object.
virtual long add(const std::string &name, DataObject *pObject, bool is_soft=false)
Add entry to data store.
T rfind(T...args)
RegistryEntry * m_pParent
Pointer to parent.
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:59
virtual long traverseTree(IDataStoreAgent *pAgent, int level=0)
traverse data tree
~RegistryEntry() override
Standard Destructor.
STL namespace.
void setRegistry(IRegistry *pRegistry)
Set pointer to Registry.
Definition: DataObject.h:70
unsigned long release() override
IInterface implementation: Reference the object.
#define CAST_REGENTRY(x, y)
virtual const name_type & name() const =0
Name of the directory (or key)
T end(T...args)
virtual unsigned long release()=0
release reference to object
virtual long remove(const std::string &name)
Remove an entry from the store.
T remove(T...args)
void setAddress(IOpaqueAddress *pAddress) override
Set/Update Opaque address.
IRegistry * registry() const
Get pointer to Registry.
Definition: DataObject.h:72
long i_add(RegistryEntry *entry)
Internal method to add entries.
STL class.
std::string m_fullpath
String containing full path of the object (volatile)
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:55
void assemblePath(std::string &buffer) const
The following entries serve two aspects: 1) They are faster for recursive calls, because they are non...
virtual bool isSoft() const
Is the link soft or hard.
T push_back(T...args)
void setParent(RegistryEntry *pParent)
Set new parent pointer.
virtual unsigned long addRef()
Add reference to object.
Definition: DataObject.cpp:59
void setObject(DataObject *obj)
Set/Update object address.
T erase(T...args)
IDataProviderSvc * m_pDataProviderSvc
Pointer to hosting transient store.
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:65
void setDataSvc(IDataProviderSvc *s)
Set the transient data store.
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:90
The IRegistry represents the entry door to the environment any data object residing in a transient da...
Definition: IRegistry.h:22
T clear(T...args)
IOpaqueAddress * address() const override
Retrieve opaque storage address.
IOpaqueAddress * m_pAddress
Pointer to opaque address (load info)
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:61
void makeSoft(DataObject *pObject)
Initialize link as soft link.
RegistryEntry * i_create(std::string name)
Internal method to create entries.
T move(T...args)
bool m_isSoft
Is the link soft or hard?
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:53
Definition of an entry in the transient data store.
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:36
virtual unsigned long release()
release reference to object
Definition: DataObject.cpp:51
T insert(T...args)
DataObject * m_pObject
Pointer to object.
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:63
T find(T...args)
unsigned long m_refCount
Reference counter.
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:51
T size(T...args)
Generic data agent interface.
T begin(T...args)
T none_of(T...args)
Store m_store
Store of leaves.
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:67
RegistryEntry(std::string path, RegistryEntry *parent=nullptr)
Standard Constructor.
std::string m_path
Path name.
Definition: RegistryEntry.h:57
T substr(T...args)
virtual void setRegistry(IRegistry *r)=0
Update directory pointer.
Opaque address interface definition.
A DataObject is the base class of any identifiable object on any data store.
Definition: DataObject.h:29
IRegistry * i_find(const IRegistry *pDirectory) const
Internal method to retrieve data directory.
virtual unsigned long addRef()=0
Add reference to object.
void makeHard(DataObject *pObject)
Initialize link as hard link.