The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 // ============================================================================
4 /* @file GaudiTuples.h
5  *
6  * Header file for class : GaudiTuples
7  *
8  * @author Chris Jones
9  * @author Vanya BELYAEV
10  * @date 2005-08-08
11  */
12 // ============================================================================
13 // Include files
14 // ============================================================================
15 #include "boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp"
16 // ============================================================================
17 // GaudiKernel
18 // ============================================================================
19 #include "GaudiKernel/ClassID.h"
20 // ============================================================================
21 // GaudiAlg
22 // ============================================================================
23 #include "GaudiAlg/GaudiHistoAlg.h"
25 #include "GaudiAlg/Maps.h"
26 #include "GaudiAlg/Tuple.h"
27 #include "GaudiAlg/TupleObj.h"
28 // ============================================================================
37 // ============================================================================
38 template <class PBASE>
39 class GAUDI_API GaudiTuples : public PBASE
40 {
41 public:
42  // ==========================================================================
53  // ==========================================================================
54 public:
55  // ==========================================================================
87  Tuple nTuple( const std::string& title, const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple ) const;
127  Tuple nTuple( const TupleID& ID, const std::string& title, const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple ) const;
159  Tuple evtCol( const std::string& title, const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple ) const;
199  Tuple evtCol( const TupleID& ID, const std::string& title, const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple ) const;
200  // ==========================================================================
201 public: // trivial accessors
202  // ==========================================================================
204  bool produceNTuples() const { return m_produceNTuples; }
206  bool splitNTupleDir() const { return m_splitNTupleDir; }
208  const std::string& nTupleLUN() const { return m_nTupleLUN; }
210  const std::string& nTupleTopDir() const { return m_nTupleTopDir; }
212  const std::string& nTupleDir() const { return m_nTupleDir; }
214  TupleID::NumericID nTupleOffSet() const { return m_nTupleOffSet; }
216  std::string nTuplePath() const;
218  bool produceEvtCols() const { return m_produceEvtCols; }
220  bool splitEvtColDir() const { return m_splitEvtColDir; }
222  const std::string& evtColLUN() const { return m_evtColLUN; }
224  const std::string& evtColTopDir() const { return m_evtColTopDir; }
226  const std::string& evtColDir() const { return m_evtColDir; }
228  TupleID::NumericID evtColOffSet() const { return m_evtColOffSet; }
230  std::string evtColPath() const;
232  bool tuplesPrint() const { return m_tuplesPrint; }
234  bool evtColsPrint() const { return m_evtColsPrint; }
235  // ==========================================================================
236 public:
237  // ==========================================================================
241  long printTuples() const;
245  long printEvtCols() const;
246  // ==========================================================================
247 public:
248  // ==========================================================================
250  bool nTupleExists( const TupleID& ID ) const;
252  bool evtColExists( const TupleID& ID ) const;
253  // ==========================================================================
254 protected:
255  // ==========================================================================
257  const TupleMapTitle& nTupleMapTitle() const { return m_nTupleMapTitle; }
259  const TupleMapTitle& evtColMapTitle() const { return m_evtColMapTitle; }
261  const TupleMapID& nTupleMapID() const { return m_nTupleMapID; }
263  const TupleMapID& evtColMapID() const { return m_evtColMapID; }
264  // ==========================================================================
265 protected:
266  // ==========================================================================
274  virtual Tuples::TupleObj* createNTuple( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple, const CLID& clid ) const;
282  virtual Tuples::TupleObj* createEvtCol( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple, const CLID& clid ) const;
283  // ==========================================================================
284 public:
285  // ==========================================================================
288  template <typename U = PBASE, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<GaudiHistoAlg, PBASE>::value, U>::type>
289  GaudiTuples( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator ) : PBASE( name, pSvcLocator )
290  {
291  initGaudiTuplesConstructor();
292  }
295  template <typename U = PBASE, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<GaudiHistoTool, PBASE>::value, U>::type>
296  GaudiTuples( const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent )
297  : PBASE( type, name, parent )
298  {
299  initGaudiTuplesConstructor();
300  }
302  ~GaudiTuples() override = default;
303  // ==========================================================================
304 protected:
305  // ==========================================================================
309  StatusCode initialize() override
310 #ifdef __ICC
311  {
312  return i_gtInitialize();
313  }
314  StatusCode i_gtInitialize()
315 #endif
316  ;
320  StatusCode finalize() override
321 #ifdef __ICC
322  {
323  return i_gtFinalize();
324  }
325  StatusCode i_gtFinalize()
326 #endif
327  ;
328  // ==========================================================================
329 private:
330  // ==========================================================================
333  {
334  m_tuplesPrint.declareUpdateHandler( &GaudiTuples<PBASE>::printNTupleHandler, this );
335  m_evtColsPrint.declareUpdateHandler( &GaudiTuples<PBASE>::printEvtColHandler, this );
336  }
337  // ==========================================================================
338 private:
339  // ==========================================================================
341  void printNTupleHandler( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& /* theProp */ ); // "NTuplePrint"
343  void printEvtColHandler( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& /* theProp */ ); // "EvtcolsPrint"
344  // ==========================================================================
345 private:
346  // ==========================================================================
347  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_produceNTuples{this, "NTupleProduce", true, "general switch to enable/disable N-tuples"};
348  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_tuplesPrint{this, "NTuplePrint", true, "print N-tuple statistics"};
349  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitNTupleDir{this, "NTupleSplitDir", false,
350  "split long directory names into short pieces (suitable for HBOOK)"};
351  Gaudi::Property<TupleID::NumericID> m_nTupleOffSet{this, "NTupleOffSet", 0, "offset for numerical N-tuple ID"};
352  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_nTupleLUN{this, "NTupleLUN", "FILE1", "Logical File Unit for N-tuples"};
353  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_nTupleTopDir{this, "NTupleTopDir", "", "top-level directory for N-Tuples"};
355  this, "NTupleDir", boost::algorithm::replace_all_copy( this->name(), ":", "_" ), "subdirectory for N-Tuples"};
357  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_produceEvtCols{this, "EvtColsProduce", false,
358  "general switch to enable/disable Event Tag Collections"};
359  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_evtColsPrint{this, "EvtColsPrint", false, "print statistics for Event Tag Collections "};
360  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitEvtColDir{this, "EvtColSplitDir", false, "split long directory names into short pieces"};
361  Gaudi::Property<TupleID::NumericID> m_evtColOffSet{this, "EvtColOffSet", 0, "offset for numerical N-tuple ID"};
362  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_evtColLUN{this, "EvtColLUN", "EVTCOL", "Logical File Unit for Event Tag Collections"};
363  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_evtColTopDir{this, "EvtColTopDir", "",
364  "Top-level directory for Event Tag Collections"};
365  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_evtColDir{this, "EvtColDir",
366  boost::algorithm::replace_all_copy( this->name(), ":", "_" ),
367  "Subdirectory for Event Tag Collections"};
368  // ==========================================================================
370  mutable TupleMapTitle m_nTupleMapTitle;
372  mutable TupleMapID m_nTupleMapID;
373  // ==========================================================================
375  mutable TupleMapTitle m_evtColMapTitle;
377  mutable TupleMapID m_evtColMapID;
378  // ==========================================================================
379 };
380 // ============================================================================
381 // The END
382 // ============================================================================
384 // ============================================================================
The ISvcLocator is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to loc...
Definition: ISvcLocator.h:25
TupleMapTitle m_nTupleMapTitle
the actual storage of ntuples by title
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:370
Implementation of property with value of concrete type.
Definition: Property.h:319
Templated base class providing common &#39;ntupling&#39; methods.
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:39
bool splitEvtColDir() const
get the flag for Event Tag Collection path split (property "EvtColsSplitDir")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:220
const std::string & evtColDir() const
get the Event Tag Collection directory (property "EvtColsDir")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:226
Header file for class TupleObj.
TupleMapTitle m_evtColMapTitle
the actual storage of event collections by title
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:375
const std::string & nTupleLUN() const
get the logical unit for N-Tuples (property "NTupleLUN")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:208
Tuples::Tuple Tuple
the actual type of the tuple
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:46
Header file for class : GaudiHistoTool.
int NumericID
type for internal numeric ID
Definition: GaudiHistoID.h:49
GaudiAlg::TupleMapTitle TupleMapTitle
the actual type of (title) -> (tuple) mappping
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:50
const std::string & evtColTopDir() const
get the top-level Event Tag Collection directory (property "EvtColsTopDir")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:224
const std::string & nTupleTopDir() const
get the top-level N-Tuple directory (property "NTupleTopDir")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:210
bool evtColsPrint() const
print event collections at finalization
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:234
GaudiTuples(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
Tool constructor - SFINAE-ed to insure this constructor is only defined if PBASE derives from AlgTool...
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:296
STL class.
TupleMapID m_evtColMapID
the actual storage of event collections by ID
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:377
A simple wrapper class over standard Gaudi NTuple::Tuple facility.
Definition: Tuple.h:117
const TupleMapTitle & nTupleMapTitle() const
access to the all ntuples by title
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:257
GaudiAlg::TupleID TupleID
the actual type of N-tuple ID
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:48
const TupleMapTitle & evtColMapTitle() const
access to the all evet tag collections by title
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:259
A simple wrapper class over standard Gaudi NTuple::Tuple facility.
Definition: TupleObj.h:199
GaudiAlg::TupleMapID TupleMapID
the actual type of (Numeric ID) -> (tuple) mappping
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:52
TupleID::NumericID nTupleOffSet() const
get the value for N-Tuple offset (property "NTupleOffSet")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:214
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
Definition of the basic interface.
Definition: IInterface.h:277
GaudiAlg::HistoID HistoID
the actual type for histogram identifier
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:44
PropertyBase base class allowing PropertyBase* collections to be "homogeneous".
Definition: Property.h:32
GaudiTuples(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
Algorithm constructor - the SFINAE constraint below ensures that this is constructor is only defined ...
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:289
unsigned int CLID
Class ID definition.
Definition: ClassID.h:8
bool tuplesPrint() const
print tuples at finalization
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:232
Abstract base class which allows the user to interact with the actual N tuple implementation.
Definition: NTuple.h:412
void initGaudiTuplesConstructor()
Constructor initialization and job options.
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:332
const TupleMapID & nTupleMapID() const
access to the all ntuples by numeric ID
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:261
TupleMapID m_nTupleMapID
the actual storage of ntuples by ID
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:372
const std::string & evtColLUN() const
get the logical unit for Event Tag Collections (property "EvtColsLUN")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:222
const std::string & nTupleDir() const
get the N-Tuple directory (property "NTupleDir")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:212
Common class providing an architecture-independent hash map.
Definition: HashMap.h:74
bool produceEvtCols() const
get the flag for Event Tag Collection production (property "EvtColsProduce")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:218
TupleID::NumericID evtColOffSet() const
get the value for Event Tag Collection offset (property "EvtColsOffSet")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:228
bool splitNTupleDir() const
get the flag for N-Tuple path split (property "NTupleSplitDir")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:206
bool produceNTuples() const
get the flag for N-Tuple production (property "NTupleProduce")
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:204
#define GAUDI_API
Definition: Kernel.h:110
ID class for Histogram and Ntuples.
Definition: GaudiHistoID.h:44
Header file for class : Tuple.
const TupleMapID & evtColMapID() const
access to the all evet tag collections by numeric ID
Definition: GaudiTuples.h:263