The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
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1 // ====================================================================
2 // StoreSnifferAlg.cpp
3 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //
5 // Author : Markus Frank
6 //
7 // ====================================================================
12 #include "GaudiKernel/IRegistry.h"
15 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartIF.h"
17 using namespace std;
27 class StoreSnifferAlg : public Algorithm
28 {
29 public:
32  struct LeafInfo final {
33  int count;
34  int id;
36  };
40  SniffInfo m_info, m_curr;
41  Correlations m_corr, m_links;
44  StoreSnifferAlg( const string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc ) : Algorithm( name, pSvc ) {}
46  ~StoreSnifferAlg() override = default;
48  size_t explore( IRegistry* pObj )
49  {
50  if ( pObj ) {
51  auto mgr = eventSvc().as<IDataManagerSvc>();
52  if ( mgr ) {
53  vector<IRegistry*> leaves;
54  StatusCode sc = m_mgr->objectLeaves( pObj, leaves );
55  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
56  for ( auto& pReg : leaves ) {
58  if ( !pReg->address() || !pReg->object() ) continue;
59  const string& id = pReg->identifier();
60  auto j = m_info.find( id );
61  if ( j == m_info.end() ) {
62  m_info[id] = LeafInfo();
63  j = m_info.find( id );
64  j->second.count = 0;
65  j-> = m_info.size();
66  j->second.clid = pReg->object()->clID();
67  }
68  m_curr[id].id = m_info[id].id;
69  m_curr[id].count = explore( pReg );
70  }
71  return leaves.size();
72  }
73  }
74  }
75  return 0;
76  }
80  {
81  m_info.clear();
82  m_mgr = eventSvc();
83  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
84  }
87  StatusCode finalize() override
88  {
89  auto& log = always();
90  log << "== BEGIN ============= Access list content:" << m_info.size() << endmsg;
91  for ( const auto& i : m_info ) {
92  const LeafInfo& info = i.second;
93  log << "== ITEM == " << right << setw( 4 ) << dec << << " clid:" << right << setw( 8 ) << hex << info.clid
94  << " Count:" << right << setw( 6 ) << dec << info.count << " " << i.first + ":" << endmsg;
95  auto c = m_corr.find( i.first );
96  if ( c != m_corr.end() ) {
97  int cnt = 0;
98  log << "== CORRELATIONS:" << ( *c ).second.size() << endmsg;
99  for ( const auto& k : c->second ) {
100  if ( k.second > 0 ) {
101  log << dec << k.first << ":" << k.second << " ";
102  if ( ++cnt == 10 ) {
103  cnt = 0;
104  log << endmsg;
105  }
106  }
107  }
108  if ( cnt > 0 ) log << endmsg;
109  }
110  auto l = m_links.find( i.first );
111  if ( l != m_links.end() ) {
112  int cnt = 0;
113  log << "== LINKS:" << l->second.size() << endmsg;
114  for ( const auto& k : l->second ) {
115  if ( k.second > 0 ) {
116  log << dec << k.first << ":" << k.second << " ";
117  if ( ++cnt == 10 ) {
118  cnt = 0;
119  log << endmsg;
120  }
121  }
122  }
123  if ( cnt > 0 ) log << endmsg;
124  }
125  }
126  always() << "== END =============== Access list content:" << m_info.size() << endmsg;
127  m_info.clear();
128  m_mgr = nullptr;
129  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
130  }
133  StatusCode execute() override
134  {
135  SmartDataPtr<DataObject> root( eventSvc(), "/Event" );
136  if ( root ) {
137  m_curr.clear();
138  auto& evnt = m_curr["/Event"];
139  evnt.count = explore( root->registry() );
140  evnt.clid = root->clID();
141 = m_curr.size();
142  for ( const auto& i : m_curr ) m_info[i.first].count++;
143  for ( const auto& i : m_info ) {
144  const string& nam = i.first;
145  // const LeafInfo& leaf = (*i).second;
146  auto c = m_corr.find( nam );
147  if ( c == m_corr.end() ) {
148  m_corr[nam] = {};
149  c = m_corr.find( nam );
150  }
151  for ( const auto& l : m_curr ) {
152  const auto& id =;
153  auto k = c->second.find( id );
154  if ( k == c->second.end() ) k = c->second.emplace( id, 0 ).first;
155  ++( k->second );
156  }
158  c = m_links.find( nam );
159  if ( c == m_links.end() ) c = m_links.emplace( nam, std::map<int, int>{} ).first;
160  if ( m_curr.find( nam ) == m_curr.end() ) continue;
162  SmartDataPtr<DataObject> obj( eventSvc(), nam );
163  if ( !obj ) continue;
165  LinkManager* m = obj->linkMgr();
166  for ( long l = 0; l < m->size(); ++l ) {
167  auto* lnk = m->link( l );
168  auto il = m_curr.find( lnk->path() );
169  // cout << "Link:" << lnk->path() << " " << (char*)(il != m_curr.end() ? "Found" : "Not there") << endl;
170  if ( il == m_curr.end() ) continue;
171  if ( !lnk->object() ) continue;
172  const auto& id = il->;
173  auto k = c->second.find( id );
174  if ( k == c->second.end() ) k = c->second.emplace( id, 0 ).first;
175  ++( k->second );
176  }
177  }
178  }
179  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
180  }
181 };
The ISvcLocator is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to loc...
Definition: ISvcLocator.h:25
bool isSuccess() const
Test for a status code of SUCCESS.
Definition: StatusCode.h:75
T log(T...args)
Small algorithm, which traverses the data store and prints a summary of the leafs accessed during the...
T right(T...args)
STL namespace.
T end(T...args)
IRegistry * registry() const
Get pointer to Registry.
Definition: DataObject.h:72
LinkManager * linkMgr() const
Retrieve Link manager.
Definition: DataObject.h:74
Definition: PluginService.h:33
T setw(T...args)
SmartIF< IDataManagerSvc > m_mgr
Correlations m_links
map< string, map< int, int > > Correlations
virtual const CLID & clID() const
Retrieve reference to class definition structure.
Definition: DataObject.cpp:62
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
constexpr double m
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:94
void clear(STATE_TYPE _i=std::ios_base::failbit)
Definition: MsgStream.h:187
StatusCode finalize() override
The IRegistry represents the entry door to the environment any data object residing in a transient da...
Definition: IRegistry.h:22
StatusCode execute() override
Execute procedure.
unsigned int CLID
Class ID definition.
Definition: ClassID.h:8
T clear(T...args)
map< string, LeafInfo > SniffInfo
T count(T...args)
dictionary l
virtual StatusCode objectLeaves(const DataObject *pObject, std::vector< IRegistry * > &refLeaves)=0
Explore the object store: retrieve all leaves attached to the object The object is identified by its ...
Base class from which all concrete algorithm classes should be derived.
Definition: Algorithm.h:78
T find(T...args)
T size(T...args)
T emplace(T...args)
A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores...
Definition: SmartDataPtr.h:47
T dec(T...args)
size_t explore(IRegistry *pObj)
StatusCode initialize() override
StoreSnifferAlg(const string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvc)
Standard algorithm constructor.
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209